The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 559: Vali Lucifer VS Sona Sitri (2nd Round) Part IX...

[Rating Game Field]

Tsubasa Yura and Bikou appeared near a waterfall, both were standing in extremely shallow water, it was completely impossible to be hindered by the water. Bikou pulled out his staff and twirled it around with his hands while Tsubasa simply shifted her position to get into a fighting stance.

"Bikou from Team Vali Lucifer will be facing the only Rook of Sona Sitri, Tsubasa Yura! I wonder who is going to win the Match, the Descendant of Sun Wukong or a Reincarnated Devil?" Serafall's cheerful voice rang throughout the whole arena including the spectators' area. Immediately murmurs broke throughout the Youkai section of the spectators' area.

It wasn't a well-known fact that Bikou was a descendant of the Monkey King. So, everyone was taken by surprise after hearing the announcement. Yes, some of the leaders like Azazel and Yasaka already knew the fact, but they never advertised it. Now, the Youkai Faction in the spectators' started to make a lot of noise, it was a moment of celebration for them.

Bikou clicked his tongue in annoyance, he never liked compared to his ancestor and he had run away from his home since he didn't want to take his ancestor's position as the Monkey King. Now, it seemed that his past was about to catch up to him, and he wasn't happy with this development. Well… there was nothing he could do for now…

"Now, I am not going to waste any more time… Let's Start!!" Serafall exclaimed. As soon as Serafall finished her announcement, Bikou pointed the edge of his staff towards Tsubasa, and the end of the staff shot out towards Tsubasa.

Bikou's staff was called Ruyi Jingu Bang and just like the staff of his ancestor, his staff could also extend and retract in size and length. Tsubasa smacked away the edge of the staff with the back of her hand. Bikou was already expecting a reaction like that, so he used the momentum produced by Tsubasa, and then he quickly shortened the staff as he swung it over his head, and as soon as the staff passed over his head, he increased both length and size of his staff.

Tsubasa didn't falter in the least and she simply crouched down and launched toward Bikou, creating a massive crater beneath her feet. Bikou's eyes grew wide in surprise, he seriously wasn't expecting this much power from the girl, but he couldn't understand why the girl decided to lunge toward him in her situation. His staff was hit her before she could even reach halfway, but Bikou was once again present by a surprise…

Just before the staff slammed into Tsubasa's body, she twisted her body mid-air and the staff passed right below her. Bikou could only stare with a dumbfounded look as Tsubasa's fist slammed into his face, earning a sick crushing sound. Bikou subconsciously let go of his staff as he was blasted away at a break-neck speed. As soon as the staff was out of Bikou's hand, it returned to its previous state.

Bikou collided against the trunk of a tree, but the tree wasn't strong enough to stop his momentum. He continued to drift away breaking trees in the process, he finally came to a stop when his back slammed against the trunk of a massive tree. Bikou slowly slid down and collapsed against on the ground.

'Damn… she packs quite a punch…' Bikou reached a painful conclusion inside his mind. He slowly raised his head only to find that Tsubasa was approaching him slowly with a calm look on her face. He could no longer feel his face and back. He knew that his spine was completely pulverized along with some of the ribs and he didn't need to be a genius to know that his nose was broken too.

'Why am I not eliminated?' Bikou questioned himself, his vision started to become blurry. He realized that he was probably about to lose his consciousness.

"You are still conscious, I am surprised. Up for another round?" Tsubasa asked with a grin on her face as she stopped a few feet away from Bikou. Bikou could no longer decipher if Tsubasa was mocking him or was she being honest with him, but for whatever reason, he decided to go with the latter.

Bikou tried to chuckle, but he only ended up spitting out a lot of blood. "I couldn't even feel my upper body…" Bikou spoke out with a lot of difficulties. Tsubasa also had a lot of difficulty understanding his words, apparently, she had broken a couple of his teeth too when she had smashed her fist on his face.

"I see… then, why don't you Forfeit? I don't want to hit you anymore…" Tsubasa softly suggested, and once again Bikou tried to smile, but he could only wince in pain.

"I For… Forfeit…" Bikou breathed out and moments later, Bikou started to dissolve into white particles. While dissolving, Bikou started to wonder about the fight… No, he couldn't call it a fight. He never imagined that he would lose so easily and his opponent needed only one hit to defeat him. He didn't even get the chance to promote himself to a Rook, in the hindsight, he realized that he should have used Promotion from the start. He felt extremely humiliated, but once again, there was nothing he could do to change the past…

"Tsubasa Yura wins the Sixth Round of the Dice Figure Game by Forfeit" Grayfia's emotionless voice rang throughout the Game Field and Tsubasa was teleported back to her dugout…

After only a minute, Sona found herself standing in front of the elevated platform, and on the opposite side of the elevated platform, Vali was standing with a grim look on his face. He knew that he was probably going to lose the Game. Sona was yet to lose a single Round, which meant that she had all of her Pieces in the dugout. True, almost all of them had participated in a fight, so they might be slightly tired, but nothing more than that.

Whereas, he had lost all of his Pieces except for just one, Gogmagog. He didn't expect Bikou and Kuroka to lose so easily, they were swiftly beaten by their opponents. Vali had already lost one Round by default and if he lost two more Rounds because he couldn't send any Pieces, then he will lose the Game by default.

"Is there a way I can persuade you to a normal Game at this stage?" Vali asked with a thin smile on his face and Sona simply cracked an amused smile.

"Now why would I do that? I have already won the Game" Sona replied with a smirk.

"I presumed not" Vali deadpanned. He didn't expect Sona to accept his suggestion, if it was someone righteous like Sairaorg Bael, then there was a chance, but Sona was extremely smart and cunning. In the real world, righteousness meant nothing, he already knew that. His own Piece value was 12 and it was more than highly unlikely that the 12s would start coming out of nowhere.

Both Sona and Vali tossed the dice on the elevated platform at the same time… the dice landed with a clink and after a few seconds, the dice finally came to a stop. The sum of the dice came out to be 2…

"Vali Lucifer loses the Seventh Round by default since he can't send a Piece" Grayfia's expressionless voice rang throughout the Rating Game Field.

Vali grimaced, but without wasting any more time, he picked up one of the dice. Sona also followed his example and moments, later, the two of them tossed the dice over the elevated platform. After a couple of seconds, the dice finally came to a stop and the sum of the dice came out to be 7…

"Both Teams have 5 minutes to decide which Piece or Pieces to send for the next Round" Grayfia announced and both Sona and Vali returned to their respective dugouts.

As soon as Sona entered her dugout, she turned towards Saji. "Saji, will you be able to handle that Golem?" Sona asked and Saji nodded his head with a determined look on his face. Then she turned towards Momo Hanakai, she was yet to participate in any of the Matches, just like Maka. Against a melee fighter, long-range attacks will always come in handy. So, Sona decided to send Momo as a backup for the next Round.

It wasn't like she didn't trust Saji, but having another Piece in the Game would obviously bear her better results. "Momo, you will be accompanying Saji in the next Round. If he starts having trouble, only then you will intervene or if the two of you want to fight together then that is up to you" Sona explained with a shrug and both Saji and Momo nodded their heads in acknowledgement.

Sona had another reason for sending Momo along with Saji. Their next opponent was going to be a Golem, and Golems were artificial structures. She had no idea about the capabilities of the Gogmagog, that is why she decided to send Momo as a backup. Then Sona finally turned towards Maka, who seemed to be somewhat unhappy since she didn't get to participate.

"Sorry, Maka" Sona said in an apologetic tone as she rubbed the head of her Pawn. Maka nodded her head in understanding and relished the feeling of getting head pats.

Finally, the 5-minute break was over and as expected, Gogmagog stepped forward from Vali's dugout while Saji and Momo stepped forward from Sona's dugout for the Eighth Round…


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