The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 560: Vali Lucifer VS Sona Sitri (2nd Round) END...

[Rating Game Field]

Gogmagog, Saji, and Momo were teleported to an empty crossing. Saji and Momo looked around and found nobody around them. The whole street seemed to be completely empty except for the two of them and Gogmagog. Well… Gogmagog wasn't technically alive, so it could be counted as no-living.

"Now that everything is ready… Let the Match begin!!" Serafall's voice rang throughout the Rating Game Field and moments later, Gogmagog let out a weird sound as it started to approach Saji and Momo.

'It might have been a battle cry…' Saji guessed. "Can I fight that? I mean on my own" Saji asked and after he saw the look of confusion on Momo's face, he decided to elaborate. Momo thought for a moment and she simply gave him a sharp nod.

"You owe me lunch" Momo demanded with a serious look on her face. Saji hesitated for a moment, but he still ended up agreeing with her demand. Gogmagog was so slow, that he was yet to reach Saji and Momo.

Momo beamed at him after he finally agreed to her demand. She wasn't overly enthusiastic to fight that thick-head, pun intended as Gogmagog's head was way too thick, but if she could get herself a free lunch out of it then she wasn't going to complain. She had only decided to accompany Saji because Kaichou had asked her to. She would have preferred a Magical opponent.

"Promotion, Rook!" Saji exclaimed as he activated the Promotion ability and at the same time, he decided to activate his Sacred Gear. As soon as Saji was done with his preparations, he lunged toward Gogmagog who was still running toward Saji and Momo, but it took Gogmagog a second to take a step, so the approach was kind of slow. Momo simply decided to stand near the sidelines and watch the fight…

'Since Gogmagog isn't alive, how are we going to eliminate it?' Momo wondered internally, but she decided not to worry Saji with useless stuff. He just needed to smash the thing so hard, that it couldn't move any longer.

(A/N: Gogmagog isn't alive and there is no indication if Gogmagog is male or female, but I have decided to portray Gogmagog as a 'him' to make it easier for me to write).

Gogmagog noticed Saji's lunge and he slowly raised one of his arms to protect himself. Saji pulled back his fist and punched at Gogmagog's arm. A loud bang sound rang throughout the street along with a minor shockwave from the collision. Saji couldn't help but grin when Gogmagog was pushed back a few meters.

Saji realized that Gogmagog was extremely heavy… he felt his fist tremble due to the collision, but he simply grinned and clenched his fists tightly. He liked the challenge. Saji landed on his feet and once again he lunged towards Gogmagog, not wanting to give him any time to get his bearings in order, once again pun intended. Gogmagog raised his other arm to cover his face and chest, Saji found it odd, but he decided not to think much of it…

Saji slammed his fist on Gogmagog's arm, creating another small shockwave along with a loud banging sound. This time, Gogmagog wasn't pushed back, instead, he decided to step back on his own to decrease the force of Saji's blow. Saji scowled and used Gogmagog's arm as a platform and turned around his body to land a round-house kick on Gogmagog.

This time, Gogmagog was pushed back several feet. "Saji!!" Saji was about to continue attacking, but Momo called him out loudly. Saji didn't know what Momo wanted, but he decided to listen to her. Saji landed on his feet and jumped back…

"What?" Saji asked in a slightly irritated tone. He wanted to continue attacking the Golem, but since Momo called him out, he had to back away.

Momo decided to ignore Saji's irritated tone. "Saji, even though he is being pushed back, you aren't dealing any damage. We need to try something else" Momo pointed out and Saji's shoulders sagged as he admitted that he wasn't able to deal any damage to the Golem.

"You need to absorb his Magic using your Absorption Line. He is running on stored Magic and if runs out on Magic, then he will shut down" Momo explained, and once again Saji had to admit that Momo's idea did have merit.

"I like your plan, but there is a glaring hole in it. How are we going to immobilize that hulking monster?" Saji asked as he jerked his thumb toward the Gogmagog, who was once again approaching them… very slowly. "I don't think he is going to let me absorb his Magic if we ask him nicely…" Saji pointed out and Momo threw him a baleful glare, completely unamused at his stupid joke…

"I was going to explain that" Momo snarked and Saji simply gestured her to continue. "I am going to cave in the street with Magic, with a heavy and large body like that, I am sure that he won't be able to crawl out" Momo said and Saji was immediately impressed with the plan.

True, he wanted to fight and defeat Gogmagog on his own, but winning was more important than personal enjoyment. "Okay… I am going to keep him occupied, you work your Magic" Saji said with a grin and he flashed Momo a huge smile and lunged toward Gogmagog.

As soon as Saji was gone, Momo kneeled down and started to make preparations to collapse the ground beneath Gogmagog. Momo knew that she needed to be extremely careful or Gogmagog might break through the ground before she could even finish all the preparation due to his weight. Meanwhile, Saji, without wasting any time, engaged in combat with Gogmagog. Well, it couldn't be called combat when only one party was attacking and the other was defending…

A few minutes passed away just like that. Saji had been extremely careful not wanting to use his full power as he didn't want to push around Gogmagog. He needed to keep the Golem in a single place or it would become harder for Momo to create the hole beneath Gogmagog's feet.

"Saji!!" Momo finally called out his name and Saji realized that it must be the signal. Saji immediately jumped back and moments later, the ground beneath Gogmagog collapsed. Unable to hold his footing, Gogmagog slid inside the hole, Momo had made the hole like a cone, so that Gogmagog gets stuck inside the hole. Saji without wasting any more time activated the Absorption Line and wrapped the Line around Gogmagog's neck.

Gogmagog made a weird noise as he started to struggle to get out of the hole, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't get a grip. He was stuck. Saji continued to absorb the Magic from Gogmagog. The process continued for another 10 minutes until Gogmagog's eyes went completely dim and he also stopped moving.

"Gogmagog is unable to move. Genshirou Saji and Momo Hanakai wins the Eighth Round" Grayfia's monotone voice rang throughout the Game Field and moments later, Saji and Momo were teleported back to their dugout.

After just a minute, Sona and Vali found themselves standing on the other sides of the elevated platform. Vali wasn't looking happy, while Sona had a satisfied grin on her face. The two of them picked up the dice from the platform and moments later, they tossed them back. Vali was taken aback when the sum of the dice came out to be 12. The number came out too late and Vali couldn't help but grimace…

Vali and Sona returned to the respective dugouts. Sona entered her dugout and she was immediately bombarded with Tsubaki's question. "What are we going to do now?" Tsubaki questioned hurriedly. Sona wasn't too proud to admit that she would lose if she decide to face Vali Lucifer like a fool. She was strong, but she wasn't that strong…

She slowly turned toward Ibis. "I need you to Forfeit the Match. There is no way that we can defeat Vali Lucifer in direct combat" Sona said, looking slightly embarrassed. Then she inclined her head and a soft smile appeared on her face. "We were lucky that we were facing each other in a Dice Figure Game" Sona mused with a sly smile on her face…

The 5-minute break was finally over. Vali and Ibis were teleported inside an abandoned parking lot. Vali wasn't surprised in the least when Ibis decided to Forfeit the Match as soon as the Match was officiated. Vali was returned to his dugout, while Ibis was sent back to the Devil Faction Waiting Room. Ibis was the only member who had decided to Forfeit the Match without getting injured.

Once again Vali and Sona rolled the dice, but as expected the sum of the dice didn't come out to be 12. Last time, Vali had been lucky, but he wasn't so lucky this time…

"Vali Lucifer has lost Three Rounds by default, so he also loses the Game by Default" Grayfia announced in her usual stoic tone. Sona simply returned to her dugout with a satisfied smile on her face…


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