The Farm

Chapter 4: Royal Treatment

(8 Months ago)


Jaune had a stiff smile as he watched Cardin slowly drift away in his truck. You would think that as the only human that he interacted with over the last 4 months he would enjoy his company, but there was just something about the inspector that rubbed him the wrong way.


That smile became a bit more genuine as he continued to stare out at the road to his farm for another 20 minutes. Cardin wasn't only here to collect today; he was also here to drop off the extra help.


Though Ruby and Yang had been a massive help, he still needed more people around to help everything run. Once again, he had approached Pyrrha with his worries and asked for help. She had pointed out two names, a Blake and Weiss, people that she had knew before she was captured.


Jaune didn’t ask any more questions when she showed a difficult face while reminiscing and quickly sent in his order. He did feel a little bad that it almost felt like grocery shopping, picking people to come do ‘hard labour’, could ‘milking’ be considered torture?


He hoped not, or at least he didn’t want them to feel like that.


But Jaune was getting side tracked, his smile was growing wider, as Cardin had let slip that he was one of their best farmers, easily outstripping all the others that had taken up the job, he was truly helping the front lines by taking on and supplying more ‘milk’ for whatever it was for.


‘Not that many had become farmers, most were fighting in the war like real men....’


Giving out a sigh in resignation at that thought Jaune quickly moved off back towards the barn. Now that no one was scheduled to come for another 2 months Jaune could unlock the girls.


It was a necessary evil, locking them up in the barn for every collection, one that the girls were surprisingly understanding about, though it did make Jaune feel bad.


Moving over to Pyrrha’s stall first, he undid her binds and helped her up. She gave a small thanks as she rubbed her legs, to bring a little blood back to them as Jaune hung up the restraints to the side.


Turning back to look at Pyrrha, Jaune was distracted as she stretched her hands up, her impressive bust perking forward as she groaned in pleasure.


Havin had to strip her for the inspection, everything was on display as Jaune felt a little stiffness in his pants.


Being the gentleman that he was, he quickly excused himself, his face turning red.


“I’ll go unlock one of the others, while you get dressed.”


Bolting out of the room, Jaune let out a sigh of relief as he moved towards the closest door on the right. He couldn’t remember who was in this stall, but with every stall being in use, it didn’t matter who was up next.


Well, that was what Jaune was thinking until the door slid open and he caught sight of the leopard Alpha before him. Freezing in place, Jaune swallowed nervously as he took in the sight of the new alpha on the farm, Weiss, if his memory served him right.


His throat turned dry as he began to ogle her in his opinion divine form. There was a small light hanging in the stable illuminating the glistening white and soft fur that spread over her body. Like Ruby and Yang, she was a mix between human and Faunus, her pelt seamlessly blending with her skin, almost strategically meant to draw one’s eye.


With skin that was just as white as her fur, Jaune felt the slowly wilting in his pants become rock hard. Though he didn’t want to admit it, she was the most beautiful Fuanus he had seen so far, even more than Yang or Pyrrha.


There was just something about the pureness of her body that drew him in. A type of pureness that he knew he shouldn’t sully.


But he would have to when he ‘milked’ her....


That thought quickly snapped jaune out of his daze as he looked at his new tenant.


There was a little indecision behind his eyes as he took in her restrained form. Pyrrha had been the one to unlock and talk to both Ruby and Yang when they had first arrived. Pyrrha had specifically mentioned that she just didn’t want them to freak out with their situation, showing them a friendly face when they could see again.


Like all others that were delivered, there was a gag over their mouth, all limbs locked in a static position and a blindfold over their eyes.


The only thing not covered were their bodies, everything being on display, including their genitals and their ears. Jaune wasn't certain why it was set up that way. Was it too hard to give them clothes?


Though, then, the kingdom did treat them as cattle, why would they need clothes.


Jaune felt another wave of guilt build up inside as he slowly moved closer. The more he interacted with these POW’s the sorrier he felt for them sometimes. Even with his own family in the war, he was starting to wonder why a peace couldn't be found between them.


‘It should be fine. I’ll try not to startle her.’


Slowly walking over to her prone form, Jaune slowly got down to a knee and began to loosen her restraints, not fully getting rid of them as he went. Gently, as gently as he could he removed the ball gag from her mouth and threw it to the side as he reached for the blindfold.


Sparkling blue eyes dazzled him once more as he finally caught sight of them, letting the piece of fabric drop to the ground. The only thing that broke him out of his new stupor the chilling glare that was being sent his way from his captive.


Trying to put on a smile that reassured her Jaune began to talk, also trying to help his case as he slowly got rid of the restraints on her limbs.


“Hey, hey. There’s no need to worry.”


“I'm just going to slowly, release these restraints.”


“I don’t want to hurt you.”


First the restrains on her legs dropped off and just as he undid the ones around her hands...


“Don’t worry I'll get Pyr...”




“Unhand me you filthy Human!”


The force of the blow was disorientating as his body went to the side. A ringing was already blearing through his ear, as he watched on in trepidation as Weiss slowly got to her feet, her eyes spitting death.


Her nails seemed to grow as she stalked forwards; they gleam from the only source of light in the room showing how sharp the were.


Jaune began to back away in fear as he tried to explain.


“Wait, no! I’m trying to help you! This is a misunderstanding!”


His shouting didn’t seem to work as she lunged forth, tearing towards his body. Jaune rolled to the side, but it didn’t seem like he was fast enough as he felt a tearing pain in his left shoulder.


Springing to his feet and backing away even faster, fear began to build inside as caught sight of blood slowly begin to drip from the 5 marks now running along his skin.


He watched wearily as Weiss’s savage nature was shown, her once graceful and mesmerising figure turned to one of utter terror as she stalked forwards, ready to pounce at a moments notice. THe muscles in her body tight and coiled and ready for any offense he may produce.


With her boots off he could make out her sharpened nails that dug into the ground, another deadly natural weapon of her body.


Before anything else could happen, the stable door banged open and Pyrrha rushed in. Both occupants of the room froze when they caught sight of the centaur. Jaune was the first to try and move towards her, but quickly stopped.


Something froze his body from moving forward, maybe a mounting horror of the situation that he could find himself in, with so many Alphas’ roaming free.


Pushing that dark thought down into the depths of his mind, Jaune still didn’t make his way forward. As he contemplated a few things in his mind, Pyrrha looked around the room, first making eye contact with Weiss, something passing between the two, before Weiss’s claws began to retract and her tense body relaxing marginally.


Jaune figured it was a reasonable response, to see another faunus walking around free, but he was still apprehensive. Turning towards Jaune, Pyrrha frowned as she caught sight of the blood slowly making its way down his left shoulder.


Shooting a menacing glare towards Weiss, she started to move towards Jaune, only to stop as he unconsciously flinched back a little.


Jaune didn’t notice his own movement, but the other two in the room did. Weiss looked smug for but a moment, before Pyrrha sent her a death glare and quickly stomped towards her, getting between her and Jaune.


Quickly grabbing her by the arm, she dragged Weiss out of the room, sending an apologetic look towards, Jaune who had finally started to relax as he watched them leave.


“I’m so sorry about this Jaune, Weiss isn’t usually like this, she led a very sheltered life, and hasn’t interacted with humans outside of the war. If I'd known you were going to unlock her, I would have done it myself.”


Her face of apology snapped Jaune’s thoughts out of whatever direction they had been heading towards, as he gave an apologetic look back towards the woman, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. A bad habit he couldn’t get rid of.


“Sorry Pyr, I just wanted to help more.”


Seeing the sad form of Jaune and how apologetic he was, Pyrrha’s eyes locked onto the blood once more, her grip tightening on Weiss as she grit her teeth lightly. Trying not to show her inner turmoil she spoke softly.


“No, it’s my fault. You shouldn’t have been in danger at all Jaune, I appreciate the thought. Though I'll have to give Weiss a talking to about manners around here.”


Sending a small death glare again at the leopard Alpha she left a few more words before disappearing.


“I’ll talk to Blake and Weiss and explain the situation, and then get Blake to come through, I know we keep some gauze and bandages around in the house. She’s amazing with her work. You’ll not feel a thing as she patches you up.”


Jaune gave a small nod as he watched Pyrrha and Weiss round the corner. The noise from their discussion was muted as Jaune quickly made his way out of the barn.


Ruby gave a small wave, as well as Yang as he went by, but he barely responded as he made it back to the house.


Moving up to his room, he closed and locked the door, needing to be alone for a few moments as he finally felt safe again.


Starring out the small window in the blue sky above, Jaune began to truly think about the situation he now found himself in. And even though he had gotten along well with Pyrrha, Yang and Ruby...


He realised...


He still had to remember that they were all POW’s and Alpha’s.


Was he truly safe letting them roam free?


When there was a small knock on the door, 30 minutes later, Jaune only slightly hesitated before going to open it.


(1 week later)


Jaune rubbed his eyes slowly as he meandered down the stairs, if there was one thing he would never get used to it was waking up before the crack of dawn. Thank the brothers he had an alarm clock or it would be impossible.


He only just stifled a yawn as he got everything ready to cook, a normal breakfast of bacon and eggs. Pyrrha and Yang both liked a hearty breakfast so he made sure to put on a few extra rashes of bacon, especially after all the help they had provided ploughing the land.


Looking at the time quickly, he realised they would be down soon, so he quickly started to shuffle around in the fridge for the rest of what he needed in the morning. Milk, coco, some sugar or possibly honey if he was feeling adventurous. Nothing started his day better than a hot coco in the morning.


A love he had also gotten Pyrrha and Yang to share, Jaune was sure Ruby already had such a love and he had no clue about Blake or Weiss. He was still a bit jittery around them, especially after last week.


There were now 5 small scars that ran along his left shoulder. He could still feel the scratch and the ferocious glint in her eyes. It sent a shudder down his spine each time he thought back to the moment. Jaune had been spending a little less time around all of his guests over the last week.


He was still pondering the question that had come to him when he had found the safety of his room, they were still soldier in the end. They already outnumbered him and could overpower him easily....


Jaune shook his head to disperse those thoughts, that was fear talking. ‘No wonder I couldn’t get into the army’. With that depressing thought Jaune set about boiling the kettle and scrambling the eggs.


Guilt started to build within as he let his thougths wander, it wasn’t right to label them as dangerouse, not after all the help they had provided, all the fun they had had over the last 4 months. One bad experience shouldn’t ruin it for everyone.


Jaune had noticed that Pyrrha had been especially sad when she noticed he had been avoiding her, he just had to suck it up and not let his fears rule him. Give Weiss a bit more time and she would settle like the rest. Or atleast he hoped.


The bacon had finally reached peak crispyness as Jaune plated up 3 plates, 1 for him, Pyrrha and Yang. The others wouldn’t be up untill much later so there was no point letting their food get cold. He could come back later to prepare it.


Though it seemed Blake also had a nack for cooking and had been helping out over the last few days. With the plates done, Jaune looked back to the muggs before him, the coco was set, the water boiled.


Poring in the right amount and then stirring a few times he reached for the carton of milk to the side. Jaune stopped for a moment as he felt the weight of the carton, he could have sworn it was only around half full just the previouse night, but today it was filled to the brim.


Quirking an eyebrow Jaune quickly eyed the date just to make sure it wasn’t newly opened, meaning Ruby might have snuck down for a late-night drink, but it wasn’t. The date listed matched yesterday which meant it was the same carton from last night, the other cartons were set to go off in 4 days and he had wanted to use most of it yesterday before it went off.


Jaune furrowed his brows for a second. It was possible he missed one, which meant he would have to use the whole carton today, though to be safe he should probably check the smell. If it smelt funny, he would have to throw it out.


He didn’t like to waste it, but he didn’t want to get sick either. Just as Jaune was pulling it up to check a small noise from behind shifted his attention. There standing behind him was Weiss, the leopard Alpha starring intently at him.


Jaune stopped what he was doing instantly and almost jumped out of his skin. He had not been expecting her there!


His heart rate picked up for a second in fear before he quickyl controlled it. He would conquer his fear and show that Weiss had nothing to fear from himself either.


“Hey Weiss, weird seeing you up so early.”


Weiss continued to stare at him for a few seconds, their stand off stretching awkwardly before she finally replied.


“I just thought I would get started a bit early today.”


Jaune gave a bit of a stiff nod as he turned back to the 3 muggs before him, finally breaking eye contact.


“Ahh, would you like something to eat.”


With his back turned Jaune couldn’t see what Weiss was doing, he looked back at the milk still in his hands before giving a small shrug. The awkward moment had distracted him enough that he hadn’t checked the milk, he was a bit too embarrassed to give it another try though so he slowly started pouring it in the cups.


The worst that could happen is a small upset stomach notyhing to worry about. Though Jaune was a little concearned as he noticed that the milk seemed a bit thicker than usual as he poured it out. Wanting to play it on the safe side Jaune stopped pouring in the milk after one cup and set it to the side.


“No I'll be fine thank you.”


Jaune almost wanted to turn around at those words, it was the most the alpha had said to him all week, and if Jaune wasn’t wrong she sounded a little happy at the same time. Not wanting to upset her in any way Jaune didn’t push to feed her and instead continued with the new plan.


With 1 mug already filled he quickly opened the fridge again and brought out a new carton, opening and pouring the milk into the last two glasses. He could just hear the clop of Pyrrha as she closed in on the kitchen so quickly started to stir each coco, hopefully they would keep their heat by the time Yang arrived.


The mugg with the weird milk was slightly to the side and Jaune would drink that himself, he was a little worried after pouring the first glass so had decided that the other 2 would be for Pyrrha and Yang.


If someone was going to have a sore stomach, it would only be him.


As if on que, just as he finisehd stirring the drink Pyrrha stepped into the room.


“Morning Jaune.”


Tuirnnig around with a smile Jaune gave Pyrrha a small wave as he replied.


“Morning Pyrrha, ready for another day of hard work.”


Pyrrha, smiled a blinding white back as she slowly lowered herself down to the table height, resting on her laurels.


“Hello to you as well Weiss, what are you doing up so early?”


Jaune gave a small chuckle as he turned back to grab the plate.


“Thats the same thing I asked her, I haven’t seen her up this early before.”


“I just decided I wanted to get up early today.”


Jaune thought it was a bit weird Weiss kept such a monotone voice when she reply, but chalked it up to her not being a morning person. Rolling his eyes at the reply, he ploped Pyrrha’s plate down for her to eat as well as a mugg of coco.


As Jaune turned back to grab his own portion and mugg, Yang would be down soon for her own, he just caught sight of Pyrrha, giving Weiss a weird look as she started to eat her food.


Pushing that out of his mind Jaune tried to relax and start his brain, digging in. As he began he could see out of the corner of his eyes Weiss eyeing him still, though she had moved towards the fridge and was grabbing her own drink.


Thinknig over the last few moments Jaune gave out a quick warning as he reached for his mugg.


“Hey Weiss, if your thinknig of having a coffee or just using the milk, make sure to use the one dated for the 16th. I think I found some out of date milk in their this morning.”


Pyrrha shot him a look, her face setting just a little as her eyes turned back to Weiss a new expression in her eyes.


“Out of date milk?”


Jaune nodded to himself as he took a small sipp of his coco as he replied.


“I’ll tell you if it’s good to drink in a few seconds...”


Jaune stopped as his eyes shifted down to his drink. It tasted different. It wasn't bad per say, or at least it didn’t taste like the milk was off, but he could tell it was different. Almost didn’t taste like milk at all.


“Yeah... I don’t think its good to drink, something doesn’t taste right...”


Having said that Jaune took another swig from the mugg, trying to determine what was different. Which he would admit in hindsight probably wasn’t the smartest idea.


“Jaune what...”


Pyrrha finally looked away from Weiss as Jaune started to become dizzy.


His throat started to close in what he could only describe as an allergic reaction and he started to cough.




The mugg fell to the floor shattering as Jaune tried to stand up in panic. That only caused him to trip and fall onto the floor.




Pyrrha sprung to her hooves and quickly moved over to him as he started to weez and cough, his chest constricting. With the headache and dizziness he could barely tell what was going on.


Just as everything became to blruy for him to follow he caught the shocked look of Weiss as she starred at him from the sink.


The next few moments went by in a blurr for Jaune, only a few piece comnig through to his addeled mind.


“Tell me...... you didn’t!”




“....Only supposed..........docile........control.”


As Jaune continued to struggle he felt the presence of more people in the room, it seemed like everyone had come down from upstairs.






He could feel the soft mounds of Yang resting at his back as he drifted in and out.


Jaune thought it felt warm, even as his consciousness was slipping.




“First time......affects................sometimes deadly.”


There was some water being poured down his thorate that was helping but he was still spluttering.




Jaune’s eyes fell heavily, as the constricted feeling in his chest lessed. As his mind drifted off, he could see Pyrrha, madly manhandeling Weiss out of the room.






‘Much has changed over the last 8 months.’


Jaune thought that as he kept his hands over Weiss eyes to blind her as he led them to their destination. It had been a very rocky road since their first interaction, but it had smoothed out over time.


Jaune wasn’t sure if she had, as Pyrrha noted, been shy at the time. Or maybe it was the fact she had been very sheltered, something that had changed over the last 8 months. After the spoilt milk incident which had kept him bedridden for 2 days, Jaune had come to find out that Pyrrha had for some reason forced Weiss to learn a lot about humans.


Human culture, beliefs, biology, sports, and much more. Something Jaune had seen Blake helping her with. She was almost like an encyclopaedia, and with a book in her hand all the time Jaune wasn’t very surprised. The only time one of them had more knowledge than Blake was when she and ruby started talking about engineering, mechanics, ammunition and anything DIY.


Jaune had even caught them once having a prolonged discussion about the intricacies of the CCT and how it connects to the kingdom. Jaune hadn’t stuck around long, as the conversation went completely over his head and he had other work to focus on.


What Blake couldn’t cover; Weiss had turned to Jaune’s own scroll. He hadn’t found much use for it, with all the work he had to complete, but for Weiss it was a god send.


She oversaw their finances; expenses and spending, as well as management of harvest and other such administrative tasks. She had a knack for logistics that went completely over Jaune’s head, making sure they were stocked at all times, ordering in whatever they needed, stuff like replacement parts for the broken fridge or tv’s, replacement antennas after a certain nasty storm, as well as the number of groceries they would need over the long lapses in supply.


Jaune had scrapped through in the first 4 months, but after Weiss arrived and got used to everything, she was a god send that they couldn’t live without.


Though Jaune would have to admit, he was a bit annoyed by how much she used his scroll, he never got to use it at night, she always stole it away to do some “human research” as she called it. Surprisingly she had gotten quite into said research, Jaune wasn't sure what about them was so interesting, but something had caught her interest.


But she must have been having a few of Ruby’s desserts while she was researching, Jaune quickly found that the screen was stained more, from spilt cream or other frosting and now it was sticky all the time, no matter how much he cleaned it.


Having such thoughts Jaune couldn’t help but release a smile as he caught sight of the stall door they needed, it was open just a crack, the inside brightly lit. He had over the day while no one was looking move everything inside for the surprise.


Though things had started out rocky, Weiss was now at the point where Jaune could execute a plan that would have been unthinkable before. Hell, just being able to convince Weiss to let him cover her eyes and lead her somewhere unknown was a miracle for most.


But that was how far their relationship had grown.


“Jaune, I hope this is not some elaborate trick”


Her voice was haughty as always, and almost demanded that he tell her right now where they were going, but he was used to that already. Rolling his eyes playfully and seeing that he was almost at the door, Jaune replied slowly, opening the stall door awkwardly with his legs as he shuffled them inside.


The inside was warm, hot even. Though the barn could retain heat quite well, the area was quite a bit hotter than that. Jaune had not only set up multiple candles around the room lighting it up, he had also brought and placed two of the portable heaters on either side of the room.


With them going full blast, the room wasn't at the temperature of a sauna, but it was comfortable enough that one could easily fall asleep.


“Well actually, Ruby may have let it slip the other day that....”


Taking a deep breath and moving his hands away from her face, he shouted with excitement that he hoped she would share.




Jaune couldn’t see her face as she looked around the room but he could see her body stiffen for a moment when she took it all in.


Gently taking her hand Jaune led her into the room, the candles lighting up the table in the centre of the room, another smaller table off to the side, with a smattering of towels and a few small bottles of oils.


“Jaune what is this?”


Weiss’s small voice sounded from Jaune’s left as he led her to the table. In her voice, Jaune could hear something he hadn’t before, complete and utter confusion. That brought a smile to his lips.


“Like I said, Ruby may have let it slip that it was your birthday today....”


Weiss was still too shocked by the room to respond and not getting an answer Jaune continued.


“...and I was thinking, I wanted to make it special for you.”


Still seeing Weiss not say anything, Jaune thought for a moment that he may have messed up and quickly said the first thing that came to mind.


“Even though there is the inspection tomorrow, there is only one day when you are born, so I thought I could spoil you a little, and you looked really stressed the other day, and I had this spare massage table and had to help my sisters in the past and thought you would enjoy some stress relief that isn’t *Cough* ‘milking’ or anything like that. Though I know that sometimes massages can have happy endings if that’ll also make you relax, it would be like a special ‘milking’ session more than anything else.....”


Realizing that he was rambling Jaune’s words quickly trailed off and he had to resists facepalming at his awkwardness.


Finally turning around to look at Weiss, his mind glazed over as he caught the gentle look that was being sent his way. In his haze he thought he caught sight of a small bit of water in her right eye before her hand came up and wiped at both her eyes.


Like a mirage her normal regal look composed itself and she was back to normal, her voice not giving anything away as she started to take off her clothes, moving closer to the massage table.


“As it should be, my day of birth should be recognised and celebrated by all.”


A bit of force entered her voice as she moved forward shedding more clothes, a regale feeling spread from her being, or that was what she was trying to project. Jaune said nothing back but nodded his head as he turned his back and walked over to the towels that were warming up on the heater.


Wasting a small amount of time Jaune made sure the towels were at the right temperature before turning back around. Jaune had expected her to already be laying down, her form gently resting on the soft sheet that lay over the massage table. What he wasn't expecting was her form turned his way, her perfect body on display porudly, arrogantly.


Cascading silver hair framed her seductive face, her normal pony tail undone so it cascaded down her back. There was a small smirk on her lips as her eyes locked onto his own. Jaune entered a trace once more as he took in her form.


After that day, all those months ago it was hard to admit over the months, the fear in his being finally disappearing just recently. And as it disappeared he could admit to himself once more than he found her the most beautiful of his tenants.


Her striking blue eyes could captivate a soul with how bright they glowed in the room, her porcelain skin accenting her red lips and button nose. The nape of her neck was still skin, but Jaune found it hard to distinguish when it turned into the perfectly soft and silk like fur that draped her shoulders and ran down her arms.


The fur skirted her centre mass, her full back being covered as well as her sides and waist, while her chest and midriff somehow turned back into her perfectly pale skin, the stiff nubs on her chest, eye catching, as they stood out.


Though her chest wasn’t as impressive as the other tenants he now housed, they were perky in nature and stood firm, perfectly cupable as they sat above her toned stomach.


As the fur drifted lower and ran down her legs her perfectly petite ass, Jaune knew, was tight and inviting, his own pants tightening slightly at the thought of what he couldn’t see as she stood in front of him.


Her silver fur retracted as it reached her nether regions as Jaunes eyes finally stopped roaming her body; his gaze resting on one of her most eye catching features. She was already erect, her member sitting at 7 inches, just beating Ruby out, being the second smallest of the group.


‘Though Ruby is still growing up.’


7 inches was nothing to scoff at but Jaune knew it was one of her sore spots so he knew better than to ever bring it up.


Her balls were the only fur covered part of her nether regions, the silver fur glistening as they snuggly sat below her cock sheath. Their size rivalled Yang, as they produced an ungodly amount, Weiss being ‘super fertile as Yang put it.


Already Jaune could see white starting to leak from her tip as she stood there, starring at Jaune, something that was quick to happen when she got excited, and unlikely to stop untill everything was said and done. 


Weiss was somehow a mishmash of all the other Alpha’s that Jaune had met over his time at the farm. Her girth was in the normal range, her member shaped like a regular humans. But that was where normality ended.


Her ‘little cub’ much like Ruby and Pyrrha sprang from a cock sheath, the size of which was 2 inches, offering great warmth and protection before she was aroused. This sheath was slightly stretch, a bunching of muscles grouped around the base denoting a small knot like Ruby, but not nearly as big or explosive.


Jaune had seen it many times engorge as she was ‘milked’ so he knew it wasn’t as aggressive or long lasting as Ruby, but there was even more. Littered around her shaft were small spines that jutted out in the opposite direction.


This matched Blake, herself a Cat Faunus. Such small penile spines are a normal occurrence in their species, or shared family species. Sharing these same traits Blake had confirmed that though the penile spines may look and act soft, they were intensely sensitive and could make sure their ‘prey’ couldn’t escape.


Jaune wasn’t naive enough to not understand what Blake was referencing when she spoke about that, but that was beside the point.


Hidden behind her balls was a soft slit that almost disappeared, sounded by such gentle fur. Unlike Ruby, Weiss didn’t care much for vaginal play, she was actually almost the opposite of Ruby. Where she liked play with her slit, Weiss loved ball play.


Though over her time at the farm Jaune had seen her gradually open up and start to enjoy his ministration during their ‘milking’ time.


‘Must have been her sheltered up bringing.’


Snapping himself out of that thought, Jaune quickly looked back up and caught the provocative smirk Weiss was sending his way.


The other trait opposite of Ruby, Weiss was very much dominate when she became horny.


It was smug in a way, Jaune had seen many times. There were certain things you learned about someone's preferences when you had to ‘milk’ them every now and then, so jaune knew exactly what she was thinking.


“So.... Jaune..... on my front or back first?”


Her tone was seductive, and one that she didn’t show to others. She was always cold, calm or detached when she was in front of the others. But she had opened up to Jaune when they were alone, becoming more aggressive and dominate with each passing session. She could give Yang a run for her money, though she had never almost lost it like her.


Her inner sadistic tenancies flaring.


Jaune schooled his features as he motioned towards the table.


“On your front first, please.”


Weiss didn’t move at his words, waiting for him. Jaune resisted rolling his eyes as it was her birthday.

“On your front please, mistress.”


Weiss gave a small smile at the word as she turned around and got comfortable.


“Just this once, pet.”


Jaune didn’t comment on her verbiage as he moved behind her. With her dominate personality and feelings, it wasn’t unusual for her to be a bit demanding. Wanting Jaune to call her mistress, Alpha or her most vaunted call, Goddess.


Those terms really got Weiss excited, more so her usage of the word, pet, subject, human or any other term that came to her mind to refer to him. Though lately she had just been calling him Jaune, which had surprised him a little.


Jaune was already use to her words, her milking sessions bringing forth all types of fantasies Weiss kept bottled up, most which Jaune indulged, though not as much as he planning tonight.


Grabbing a few of the warm towels he had left near the heaters, Jaune moved back over to Weiss and slowly draped her feet and lower body with them to keep her warm. Grabbing a bottle of oil Jaune started to warm up his hands and gently drip a few spots on her back.


Weiss felt a shiver go down her spine as the cool feeling of oil began to spread over her back, the hot hands of Jaune soon following as he began to lather her up.


“Just relax.”


Jaune’s voice was soothing as his hands started his ministrations. He began with her neck, slowly kneading and gripping her delts and traps as he pressed into her muscles. Using his body weight for leverage he started to work on her muscles. Slowly moving down her arms, he spent minutes agonisingly slow as he went from one part to the other before finally reaching her lower back.


Weiss had her head down and resting on her forearms as her mind began to melt. As Jaune’s hands reached her tail bone a jolt of pleasure spiked through her body, her ‘little cub’ twitching below the table.


A deep guttural moan escaped Weiss at the jolt in pleasure, one she didn’t even try to hide.


A steady stream began to leak under the table as warm puffs of arm caressed her member and her balls. A small addition had been made to the massage table before today, one that Jaune had racked his brain over and spent much time perfecting.


In the lower section of the table there was a small padded hole that allowed the lower body of whoever was resting on it through. It easily handled Weiss’s member as she lay in bliss on the table, it was also slightly curved so one could rest their hips more comfortably.


The hole was cut out and added by Ruby the only person that knew about the massage table and had tried it out to make sure it worked perfectly. The hole led to the other side of the table and was completely cut from view by the sheet that covered the table and spilled over the edges.


Jaune knew exactly what reaction his massage would cause Weiss so had prepared specifically for such an instance. The other girls could also use it if he ever gave another massage later. Though it would be completely different for Pyrrha and her centaur body.


Below the table was the weakest outdoors heater Jaune had, it’s power set to minimal as it blowed small tuffs of warm air on Weiss’s unsuspecting member.




More moans were elicited from Weiss as he continued to make small circles around her lower back, his magical fingers circling her tail bone, a very sensitive faunus trait. A puddle had already started to form below, the musk released drifting out to fill the room, her fertile sacs preparing for release.


Continuing his circles Jaune moved one hand away to slowly pick up the warm towel laid on her ass, the white skin glistening as he began to squeeze and rub her rear.


He spent minutes each fondling her cheeks, the left, then the right and going back to the start, never stopping his other hand doing circles around her tail bone. Weiss had stopped moaning already ragged gasps of arousal stopping her from catching her breath.


Below the table her member continued to twitch, her knot already started to inflate as she reached her peak. Much like Ruby, Weiss had a kink for praise, or rather.




Knowing she was close, Jaune slowly lowered his body down, pressing his warmth above her, his hands never stopping.


With his mouth just centimetres away from her ear, he whispered huskily.


“Cum for me mistress, show me your divine fertile seed~”


Her body locked up, an electric jolt going through her body as Jaune firmly placed his index finger on her tail bone at the same time his other hand that had been rubbing her cheeks stealthily slipping between her cracks and running along her sensitive back door all the way to her untouched slit.


His words fell as his finger brushed just a bit under her depths and scraped her clit.


Her form started to shudder uncontrollably as her hips bucked into his touch and forwards. Her back arching as she distinctly felt the presence of his finger pressing on her tail bone, making it even better.


Below the table a geyser of white was released from her cub as it shook back and forth. Her mouth opened wide as a long and low moan escaped her lips.




Jaune went back to rubbing circles around her lower back as his other hand slipped back to caress her behind. He continued to that as Weiss rod out the waves of her orgasm. It continued or a solid 2 minutes before her body went limp, her mind blurring in content.


“mmmm, good pet. Treat me moooooorrrreeee.~”


Those words slipped out of her slurred lips as her mind drifted away in the pleasure. It was almost like an out of body experience for her.


Finally taking his hand of her lower back Jaune continued where he left off as he started to work on her legs. Going down to her calves Jaune made sure to periodically return back to her rump, his hands skilfully slipping between her crack, brushing over her back entrance and slit repeatedly.


The continued pleasure didn’t register for Weiss as she continued to ebb with the pleasure. She wasn't sure how much time past as Jaune finally reached her feet.


Looking down at the dainty toes Jaune gently started to work on them, his hands gliding softly between her sharp nails.


Starting the next part of his plan Jaune began to talk as he slowly raised one of her legs high.


“Weiss, your body... it’s so beautiful.”


Weiss’s mind was going blank as the warmth surrounded her, the feeling of hands gliding over her legs ebbing and flowing like water over her skin.


“The white of your fur so pure and perfect.”


Another moan was released as Weiss finally came back to her body, the feelings of pleasure only intensifying.


“I can’t resist, your divine attraction.”


She began to leak profusely again, a shiver running down her sine as she became hyper aware of the leg Jaune was currently holding. Without being able to see him, she could only feel a hole burning in her back from his intense gaze. 


“It’s like an addiction.”


Weiss suddenly felt a hot breath on the souls of her feet.


“I can’t stop myself.”


Her breath started to heat up as Jaune’s voice turned lower, her ear straining to hear him.


“Your perfect body”


A cool and slick feeling that could only be associated with a tongue slowly licked down her ankle causing her body to lock up once more in pleasure. She wanted to look over her shoulder at the sight but stopped herself, instead losing herself in fantasy, her only tether Jaunes voice.


“The sound of your voice”


Another lick climber back up, followed closely by a kiss.


“Your smell.”




Jaune over played it as took a deep breath for Weiss to hear. This was the second of her kinks, Musk play. Combining it with body worship, Jaune new would get her over the edge. As was proven with his next action. 


“Your taste.”


Stelling himself and having accustomed him mouth with such body play with Weiss over the last few months, Jaune had no hesitation as his mouth sealed over one of her toes. Swirling his tongue back and forth, making sure not to cut himself on her nail, Jaune continued to let one hand roam down her leg and back up.


Drool started to leak from Weiss’s mouth as she could resist no longer and her head turned to the side, locking eyes with Jaune. Her slit started to gush profusely clenching in want, below the table was not much better as her member started to shake in pure delight.


Keeping eye contact, Jaune made a show of going toe by toe, gently licking and savouring each as he went. As he finished one foot and then moved to the next Weiss only reached new heights, moans escaping her lips, a twinkle of obsession in her eyes as she watched on.


As she reached her peak once more, Jaune let his hand snake down, his eyes never breaking with Weiss as he slipped a single digit into her tight back door.


Her body locked up instantly, Jaune removing the last toe in his mouth for but a second to utter one word.




The word was almost purred from his lips as Weiss felt another shattering orgasm rip through her.




Bucking her hips, they still didn’t break eye contact as Jaune went back to sucking her toes and Weiss began to unload shot after white shot below. The warm air of the heater was quickly smothered as it was soaked in her seed.


Again, her divine seed continued to flow for 2 minutes before Weiss finally broke eye contact, her neck no longer able to support its weird angle.


Turning back to rest her head on her arms Weiss let out a soft sigh as she took pleasure in her post nut pleasure.


Jaune continued to suck her toes for another minute or two, making that pleasure even better, before finally lathering kisses as he made his way down her leg all the way to her rump. Giving each cheek a small kiss, jaune continued his way up, leaving a strong and pleasurable kiss right on her tail bone as he worked his way up to her nape.


As he finished and reached her ear, his breathy voice drifted by.


“You’re simply irresistible, I can’t stop myself from wanting more.”


As he moved away, he continued.


“Could you please turn over, Mistress.”


In her blissful state Weiss said nothing as she slowly turned over, her member slightly soft after 2 eruptions but raring for more. With her neck resting skyward, As Jaune turned he quickly locked eyes with Weiss. He couldn’t tell what was going on her mind, but her gaze never left him as he moved closer and began to drop small amounts of oil over her body.


AS he started to lather her up again, starting with her neck, Weiss slowly raised a hand, causing him to stop. Ever so slowly her hand reached out and cupped his cheek, there gaze matching once more.


Weiss seemed to want to gaze into his should as she stared at him unblinkingly.


Finally, she spoke.


“My human... my”


Jaune gave a soft smile as he moved her hand back down and continued to give her a massage.


His hands ran down her arms first, moving back and forth before moving to skitter down the sides of her body. Rounding back, he circled around her breasts as he went, slowly getting closer and closer to the stiff nubs in the middle as he tugged and buffed her firm mounds.


The massage had already been going on for brothers know how long, both losing track of time in the barn. But they still had more time before they had to get ready for tomorrow and Jaune was going to make Weiss's birthday even better.


Circling around her bust a few more times, Jaune firmly gave both peeks a firm squeeze, his fingers lingering for but a moment to pinch the tips before moving down to her waist and lower half. Spending copious amount of time on her waist, Juane then moved onto her quads, spending agonizing minutes working her muscles once more before making it down her legs again.


He tickled her feet ever so slightly but didn't do a repeat performance, even though the ‘little cub’ reaching towards the sky wanted ever much for that to happen as it quickly regained its full length and started to jump back and forth.


More pre started to build up and overflow as Jaune went, starting to pool in the slick fur of Weiss's balls and sheath.


But still Jaune didn’t make a move.


As he went, he continued to avoid the more sensitive areas, slightly filtering by again and again. A small flick here or there on her nubs or a squeeze of her slightly sweaty sack.


Pleasure began to build once more for Weiss as she felt her body start to float away, her rod once more reaching it’s limit. Smal gasp of breath escaped her but she continued to stare directly at Jaune as he went, her words muffeled by her shaky breath.








Her beath came in stuttering, her eye lids half closed. Jaune started to lather in words of praise and worship as he worked, any words that came to mind were spoken as he worked.

“You’re divine.”


“Other woman could never compare.”


“Thank you for gracing me with this sight.”


As Jaune finally tipped the balance of his steady work and fully went to massage her breasts a solid 40 minutes had passed, but for Weiss she couldn’t tell such mundane things as time as she felt the pleasure of the fleshy mounds that she always hated, but right that second thought were a gift from the goddess.


As he worked her boobs moulding and kneading them over and over, Jaune drifted lower down her body, slowly lowering himself so that his head was hovering over Weiss’s little panther.


He only stopped for a moment as he went closer.


‘Its for her birthday....’


Weiss curled her toes and tried to keep still as a small puff of air tickled her balls. Any relaxation flew away as she became hyper focused on the boy currently between her legs. Jaune felt her body stiffen, her legs going still as he let a warm breath flow over the two round balls before him.


Making sure to keep his hands going with her bust, Jaune eyes the sack before him, the final kink he would be exploiting today coming to mind as he spoke up.




“So, this is where your superior Alpha seeds rests....”


He stopped for a moment to raise his head and lock eyes with Weiss.


“...Its intoxicating.”


Weiss gripped the sides of the massage table a growl of want and need escaping her lips as Jaune dipped his head down once more. He knew that every instinct in her body was screaming at her to bree him, nothing made her more excited that faunus superiority play.


The idea of a human falling into his instincts to submit and serve their faunus superior.


Jaune was sure it wasn't always like that, but it is what she had shown more and mor interest in as she lived on the farm, and Jaune would indulge her today.


He continued to whisper, his body pressing closer, his breath hot against her sack as she continued to grit her teeth.


“I need you to breed me~”


Finally losing a bit of her contained Alpha, Weiss’s hands clamped up and gripped tightly onto the two hands working her chest. Guttural growls continued to sound interspaced between moans, as she forcefully applied pressure to her nips, searching for pleasure.


Drool fell, with large gasps of air as her wide eyes starred fixed into the blond mop of hair resting at her groin. Her head half raised to watch, more breaths of air brushing against her baby making factory.


All her focus centred on the pleasure from her chest and the feeling of air below. Everything else disappeared. The only image in her mind that she could picture right now was the one of Jaune’s face millimetres away from her nether region.


*sniff sniff*


The puffs of air became irregular for a moment as Weiss heard the tell-tale sign of sniffing from below. The pre that was beginning to leak turned into a faucet at the sound and the hands gripped his became painful.


As her arousal peaked so to did her sadistic side, her wants and needs bursting forth.


“Can your instincsts tell?”


“That your body needs... craves me.”


“Can it feel the pheromones.”


“The instinct, to be bred!”


“The superiority of my genes!”


“Worship your queen!”


Weiss had worked herself almost into a frenzy by this point, her hips bucking into the air, her balls swaying before Jaune’s eyes as he firmed his determination and opened his mouth....


‘It’s for her birthday...’


“Worship your goooooooooooo......”


… and clamped his mouth on her velvety smooth left nut.


Whatever Weiss was about to say cut off as the wet and hot feeling transmitted to her brain made it short circuit.


A fountain of white appeared as it shot towards the sky, her legs shooting out as if shocked by lightning, quickly then curving and locking around the back of Jaune’s head and keeping it in place.


Her body convulsed as a whining noise came from her throat her mind completely blank, as it tried to memorise every sensation she was currently feeling.


Jaune wasn’t one to stop, even when he felt the extra pressure on his neck. His tongue stuck out and began to slather back and forth, swirling every few seconds, bringing Weiss even more pleasure as her hips bucked, her velvety right ball gently slapping him in the cheek in excitement.


This wasn’t the first time he had given a ball job, but it was a rare occurrence, especially after the first time Pyrrha had convinced him to try. He just didn’t like how it left his jaw, or how uncontrollable some of the girls got when he indulged them.


It was something that got all the alphas close to bursting at all times of the day, didn’t matter how many times they had exploded. You could expect a quick ‘milking’ if Jaune ever had to break this skill out, and for Weiss, especially on her birthday, it was deserved.




Weiss couldn’t stop the noise even if she wanted to, as her pleasure reach the highest she had felt all day. Her hands went limp and Jaune took advantage of them to free one of his hands and move it down to her pulsing member just above his head.


He could already feel the sloppy cool feeling of seed drip down the back of his neck and knew that there was even more matted into his blond locks. He would have a long shower when he got back to the house.


Gripping her member firmly; Weiss took a deep gulp of air as ‘her Jaune’, began to slowly move up and down. The small knot engorged to its full length at his ministrations and fought against his hand, but was quickly suppressed and kneaded much like the rest of her body had just been.


With many nerves cantered in said knot, Weiss began to thrash about, her mind going blank with pleasure. Weiss didn’t want it to end, her legs continuing to tighten around jaunes neck, keeping him in place, trying to make it last forever. 


Jaune fought hard to make sure he didn’t bite down with his teeth and continued to swirl his tongue even though it was starting to get tired. At the same time, he twitched his hand every now and then as he rubbed up and down.


Moving over her penile spines expertly, he stopped for moments, twitching his fingers to curl around a few spines before flicking them. Jaune felt her body shake with every flick, her nerves centres frying as they tried to keep up with the pleasure he was producing.  


“Yes...... feel my curves~…. My flawless pelt and skin......My fur feels better than any human harlot.... feel my length~... no Human women can compare to the pleasure I can give you~…... submit to me~…...”


The words were slurred out unbidden, her deepest desires laid bare.






Her body almost shot up, as the finale spine tingling bolt of pleasure wrecked her body, her form only kept down by Jaunes single hand gripping and kneading her breast.


A scream was torn from her throat even as she pulled Jaune deeper into her balls and seed burst forth covering his form.




Weiss turned blind from pleasure for a moment as Jaune also tensed being squeezed so hard from behind.


Jaune stopped jerking his hand back and forth but remebered to rub small circles around her spines near the tip as she continued to gush.


The cool feeling of splashes on his chin clued Jaune into how explosive Weiss’s slit had been at the end.


Weiss herself was blank, her mind not working as the pleasure never seemed to end.


Weiss continued to buck for another few minutes her legs continued to be locked around Jaunes neck never letting up, even when she turned soft and her pleasure subsided.


In her blissed-out state, she was out of it for a solid 10 minutes before she started to regain her bearings.


Picking her head up for a moment, Weiss finally noticed that Jaune was still between her legs as well as the fact that her legs were wrapped around his neck.


In her state she didn’t think, she couldn’t.


With the most gentle smile she had ever worn her hands moved towards the blond mop below and started to ruffle it.


Mattered with her own seed Weiss didn’t care as she took contentment in the mop of blonde hair, her hands moving slowly through it,  savouring it, feeling the warmth of the room and basking in the adoration of ‘her human’.


Without thinking she grabbed the small tufts of Jaunes hair and slowly raised it, their eyes meeting. Jaune’s smile was a little strained, his tiered from barely hanging on from all the exertion he had just put himself through.


He could feel a tickle in the back of his throat as his eyes shifted for a moment to the side where his inhaler sat, making sure he had brought it with him, just encase. Which he was glad for.  Going to say something, he stopped for a moment as he caught sight of the content and happy smile Weiss was currently wearing.


In his mind, words that had always sat there since the first moment they had met, blurted out unbidden. Her beauty captivating.


“Snow Angel.”


These words were a mistake though as a glint came to Wiss’s eyes. Her mind too far gone, those words a tipping point for what happened next.


Weiss contracted her legs slightly and moved Jaune up a little.


Her member that was softening, instantly becoming rock hard,


Her instincts to breed....


To dominate....


To be an alpha....


It all came forth, a guttural, possessive growl escaped her lips. Sending a shiver down Jaunes spine.


Before he could move, her body had already finished its preparations, its natural superiority being ready to breed their mate at any given moment.  


Jaune’s face was suddenly mashed into her cock and in his surprise, he opened his mouth.


His final mistake of the night.


The warm and wet feeling returned to Weiss and she threw her head back in pleasure as she started to buck back and forth, her mind working on autopilot.


Jaune began to panic as something became hard and thick in his throat.


Jaune tried to tap her legs to let him out, but Weiss was too far gone at this point, using her hand holds on his hair to buck his mouth back and forth.


A seal formed over her member as his lips started to suction at her base and slowly rise up, before being moved down.


Weiss started to leak again as her member became as hard as it could, the divine blow job destroying her last rationality.


“Mine. Mine. Mine. My Human. Mine. My husband. My Human. Mine. My mate”


The word started off soft and continued to be mumbled as her pleasure built once more. Jaune’s taps and gags ignored as she rushed towards her ultimate goal.


Marking her territory.


All her spines were being stimulated at the same time; it was something that had never happened before!


‘It was a divine experience only meant for one such as herself.’


*Glug* *Glop* *Gurk*


“Feel my seed, ready to make you a father.”


Owning her property.


“Yes, take it. Worship me. Mring me more PLEASURE!!!!~”


‘He had given his mouth for her pleasure, only her pleasure! His Queen!’


Using what’s hers!


“Take it like the human you are! Please your alpha!”


“Tase my divine seed.”


“You can’t resist the taste.”


“Jaune, Jaune, Jaune, Jaune, Jaune.”


Finally, she reached her peak, her knot filling his mouth and locking it into place, Weiss screamed out as she finished.


“You can’t keep your hands off me!”


“You’ve embraced me as your goddess as you should!”


“Like all other pathetic humans, you’ve learned your place worshipping every part of me!”


“From my hands to my feet!”




Buckets of seed started to fill Jaune’s mouth, trapped by her natural plug and forced down his throat for both their pleasure.


Weiss let go of her leg lock, her lower body numb from pleasure as she continued to unload load after load. Her legs fell limply onto Jaune’s back as he tried to keep up right and stop himself from choaking.


The only thing stopping her from popping out of his mouth the knot keeping them connected.


‘As it always should be. Humans need Alpha’s. Jaune needs me.’


That final thought entered Weiss’s mind as she came down from her high.


Struggling to stand with all the extra weight on his neck, Jaune kneeled and let his head rest between Weiss’s thighs as she continued to slowly unload inside. He knew this would continue for another few minutes, but he wasn't sure if he could survive that long.


He was having trouble breathing.


Things weren't supposed to go like this.


It was funny in a way that Weiss was always the one to remind him that Alphas were more dangerous than how things usually were.


In the past when she attacked him and now, when he was forced to give her a blow job.


He couldn’t stop her, he had tried, but Alpha’s were just naturally stronger than humans, not to mention him.


But Jaune was getting light headed and that wasn't good.


Tapping on her leg again, Weiss thankfully responded quickly by looking up from her bliss filled state.


Starring in confusion for a few seconds at what Jaune was doing, Weiss’s eyes quickly bugged out as she remembered the last 10 minutes or so.

Jaune had made it clear plenty of times that there were a few lines that he wouldn’t cross with the girls. One, was that he wouldn’t give them any blow jobs, the best Weiss had been able to get Pyrrha to convince Jaune to do was a ball job.


Weiss had been so glad and thankful when she finally convinced him, none more so than tonight.


‘His mouth was just divine. Not to mention the blow job! Was I his first?! It was perfect! I can’t believe he would go that far for me! Yang would be so jealous. But then how could he deny his goddess.’


A touched feeling began to well up inside Weiss as well as a sense of smugness as she thought of what Jaune had just done for her, when he decided to pleasure her with his mouth.


‘My Jaune.’


Those thoughts quickly turned to realisation and horror as her mind became clearer, and she remembered how he had looked so panicked, and was tapping her leg to get free.


‘What she had done to him after he had given her so much!’


‘She had used him roughly, gone beyond his comfort zone...’


Weiss felt disgust rise on the inside, but quickly pushed that and many other emotions down as she quickly positioned herself so she could remove her knot. She could easily tell Jaune was struggling to breath and knew he had an asthma problem.


Thankfully she wasn't like Ruby and could remove her knot without breaking his jaw.


Jaune was quick to splutter for air when it finally came loose, the guilty feelings inside Weiss rocketing upwards. Taking in gasp of air, more splutters of white were expelled as he went into a coughing fit.


Worried more now than ever, Weiss slowly got up from the massage table and almost fell over, her legs jelly from her recent experience.


Coughing and spluttering even more, Weiss forced herself up and quickly scanned the room for Jaune’s inhaler, quickly locating it off to the side and wobbling her way over.


Grabbing it quickly she moved back to Jaune and held it up to his mouth.


More guilt and shame came went jaune flinched away from the inhaler pressed against his mouth, most of the previous blissful joy scattered away from such actions. Them hurting more than Weiss would ever admit.


‘I'm an alpha, I'm better than this. I shouldn’t have forced him. He should want to suck me off, pleasure me. Be mine.’


Weiss started to admonish herself in her own mind as she watched Jaune quickly figure out what the inhaler was and quickly start to get his breathing back under control. As he did that her mind continued to spin.


‘Jaune will be ready in the future, I can’t let myself slip like that again. Once this is all over, we’ll have a lot of time, to perfect his worship.’


With those thoughts in mind, Weiss tried hard to not disturb him, while at the same time checking he was all right.


Finally, after a few moments when his coughing subsided did she speak.


“Are you ok Jaune. I’m so sorry. I lost myself there for a moment. You were just sooo.......”


Weiss stopped whatever she was about to say before finally settling on a few words with the most sincerity Jaune had ever heard from her.


“Thank you Jaune. This was the best birthday I have ever had.”


Even though Jaune was still reeling from what just happened, and regaining his breath, he gave out a small smile Weiss way. He had never heard her apologize before. It was a concept he didn’t think she subscribed to. But hearing her words, he knew how deeply sorry she truly was and though he had many thoughts about what had just happened.


That was enough for him.


Though he would make sure to more careful in the future or something even more intense could happen in a moment of lust.


Just like what happened with Yang all those months ago.


“Enjoyed your happy ending huh?”


Jaune voice was layered in sass as the words slipped out, but to Weiss it sounded more bitter in nature, her face turning down into a frown of self-deprecation.


Jaune was quick to note the change though as he shook his head and put on his best smile at that moment.


“Don’t worry Weiss, it’s your birthday, and I wanted you to have a good time, de-stress and all that. I’m happy as long as you enjoyed yourself.... But how about some warning next time.”


Jaune went with his old fall back and tried to play off what just happened, as he gave her a light punch to the arm. This did nothing to her, except bring a small smile to her face as she looked back.


Weiss gave Jaune a look, letting him know she knew exactly what he was doing, but appreciated it anyways.


Giving a small saucy smirk, regaining a little confidence, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder and pulled him up from his sitting position.


A few thoughts about cleaning up the room later filtered through Weiss’s mind, same as Jaune; but that could wait till tomorrow. Jaune knew he was too tired to do such a task until the morning. Heck even getting a shower right now would probably wipe him out.


Though he knew he needed one before he got in bed. He could still feel the splotches of cum on his neck, back and hair.


As Weiss helped him walks slowly back to the house, he felt her lean in close, enjoying the warmth his body brought. As they reached the door to the stall and opened it into the cold night air, he felt her breath tickle his ear.


“Don’t worry Jaune, next time you want to go to communion. Your goddess will tell you exactly what prayer is required in minute detail. Over and..... over again.”


Jaune rolled his eyes as Weiss ruffled his hair, before stopping. Jaune caught her pulling her hand back as she looked down at it. Covered in her own seed, she looked at it, then met his own eyes.

Making sure that he was looking she slowly stuck out her tongue and slowly licked her palm clean.


If anyone asked Jaune would tell them the tightness in his pants was caused by the sudden cold shrinking the fabric.


Weiss gave a brilliant smile, her birthday gift complete as they moved back towards the house, the sight of Pyrrha standing at the porch waiting for them brought a small to Jaunes lips.


Tomorrow would be a busy day; the inspector was coming.



Well I got another chapter out; I’m surprised I actually did it. But I hope you guys enjoyed.

Some may have noticed I slipped into using a few more perspectives from Weiss in this chapter, not just Jaune. That’s just because it was very hard to write this chapter without doing so. It just seemed to go on forever. Do you think it was too long, too detailed? Maybe make it shorter? Let me know.

I hope the sex scene was fine, wasn’t completely sure what Kinks I would give Weiss. I had a completely different set ready to go, but instead went with the ones in the chapter. Though I may change them in the future.

Only a little story elements in this chapter. Though they do reveal a few things, I wonder if you guys noticed.

And yeah, I think I had to at some point do something about Jaune realising just a bit on how dangerous it is what he is doing. I mean any of them could literally and figuratively fuck him up and at this point he couldn’t fight back.

Well until I do the next chapter. If that ever happens.


Yeah, don't expect updates, just making sure i actual post these chapters here. Completely forgot to over time.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.