The Farm

Chapter 3: To be or not to be a Horse rider, that is Equestrian.

(10 Months Ago)


Jaune quietly sipped on his mug of coco as he relaxed after a hard day of work, his body was still trying to adjust to his new schedule. Reaching one hand back he started to rub his shoulders to hopefully bring some relief, but to his dismay it wasn’t working.


There was a scraping sound along the floor boards entering the house as the door opened; the tell-tale clop of his new house mate quickly informed Jaune who it was. Not that there was anyone else remotely in the area.


Jaune let his head fall back as he looked at the new entrant. A bit of sweat had gathered on her brow and her breath was ragged from the physical exertion of pulling the plow over the land they had been working on. Even though the weather outside was cold and Pyrrha was exceptionally strong because of her heritage, she still would quickly work up a sweat after hours of work.


A smile slowly made its way onto his face as he looked at the Alpha he had come to know, it had been tough after that fateful night where he left the door open and she almost got hypothermia, but since then they had been working together.


Jaune’s first order of business had been to fix her up some clothes. He was no expert and the anatomy of a centaur was nothing like a human but he had made due, quickly ordering some cloth he could cut to fit over her lower half to keep her warm, while at the same time doing something he never thought he would, buying women’s clothes online!


Well it was mainly shirts as Pyrrha’s upper half was still a woman, but Jaune could only imagine the embarrassment he would have had to deal with if someone actually asked why a single guy in the middle of nowhere was ordering women’s clothes seemingly for himself.


At least they still delivered out in the middle of nowhere and Jaune just had a feeling that living out here he would be doing more things he had never thought possible. Well it was a thought.


Along with that he had also gotten rid of her restraints, it was a nerve racking experience, Jaune was definitely sure of that as he had let her go. The chains had dropped to the ground, Pyrrha’s eyes had locked onto his the whole time as they finally hit the floor, it was only as she was sure he wasn’t going to try anything that she stretched her atrophied legs and stood to her full height, towering over him in the barn.


Jaune knew at that moment she could have easily taken him out with a front kick or something along those lines. There had been a tense moment there, when he gave her a small smile of reassurance and comfort, while she stared intently back at him. She studied him as if he were a strange creature she had never seen before.


Nothing was said in the moment as Jaune invited her outside of the barn for the first time and showed her around the farm.


Jaune cut his reminiscence short as he pushed a small mug over to the spot next to him. Pyrrha flashed him a smile as she slowly buckled her legs and rested next to him. She of course couldn’t use a normal chair so Jaune had left a specific spot for her to rest her legs at the dining table while they ate or talked.


“Thanks for the hard work Pyr.” Some would call it a bit too fast to be using such a nick name, but Pyrrha didn’t seem to mind so after Jaune used it the first time he continued to do so. As she rested her body and drank the warm coco in the mug before her, Pyrrha gave Jaune a brilliant smile as she waved off his thanks.


“It was nothing Jaune, if we’re going to live here for a long time we’ll have to work together.” Jaune gave a nod back at her words but couldn’t help feel like a bit of dead weight, Pyrrha was doing most of the heavy lifting with her extra strength and stamina, while he constantly had to take breaks after working for a few hours.


A small sigh escaped his lips as he placed a hand on her shoulder giving an appreciative look. “Don’t sell what you’ve done short Pyrrha, without you I wouldn’t even be close to ploughing the field in this unforgiving weather.”


They both shared another smile, before Jaune looked down cast once again. “Until we do though I’m afraid I’ll have to keep ‘Milking’ you.” Jaune was sad about this development, but there was nothing that he could do, he still couldn’t call the act anything other than ‘milking’.


Looking back up to see how Pyrrha reacted to his words he saw her cheeks redden in what he assumed was embarrassment, which was close to right. ‘I don’t mind if it’s you.’ The thought ran through Pyrrha’s mind as she started to reply, but she changed her words as the last second as her cheeks turned an atomic red.


“We’ll need more help around here if we actually want to start planting the harvest.” Jaune gave her another nod as he took his hand from her shoulder. Reaching down to the ground he quickly scooped up the laptop sitting there, he had been expecting her to say something about it soon.


Though he wanted to only have Pyrrha as help, he had quickly figured it wasn’t quite possible. Opening the laptop, he quickly logged into the government website he had been told about, that he thought might fix their issue.


“Look, I thought you might mention that and I think I have a solution. The government gave me this laptop and a site that I could log into and look through if I ever...ahem... needed more livestock.” Jaune winced slightly as he said the word and looked at Pyrrha for a reaction.


She didn’t say anything and only the raise of an eyebrow told him that he should continue. He knew the subject could be sensitive, but it was the only option he could think of which would allow Pyrrha to still roam freely.


As mentioned when he started he wouldn’t be getting help from the empire after he started in such matters, only when it came to his ‘livestock’ did they need to step in and keep a close eye. It was almost like they wanted him to take more prisoners of war to be ‘milked’ and kept locked away.


“Ok, so I logged in and went searching, there’s a list of all the prisoners of war I can choose from, all I need to do is pick whoever I want and tell the inspector when he comes in 2 days, I think they said a week later they’ll deliver.”


Again Pyrrha said nothing, so Jaune knew he was in the clear, she wasn’t going to react badly it seemed. “I wanted to tell you before i did anything and...” He hesitated one last time before just saying it as he saw it. “...The reason I can’t decide if this is a good thing, is because i don’t know if any of the Alpha’s I choose will react like you did. I can’t just let them go for them to suddenly attack me.”


Jaune wasn’t as afraid of Faunus as he used to be, but he wasn’t stupid, what he had done with Pyrrha wouldn’t be how all of them reacted and he couldn’t take risks with things like this, the decision was chewing him up a little inside, but he knew the farm needed the extra muscle.


Pyrrha looked at Jaune for another few seconds before finally smiling, this caught Jaune of guard for a second as he had just basically admitted to thinking her race was dangerous and the fact he still didn’t fully trust them.  


Seeing the look on his face she just shook her head in amusement. “No i get what you mean Jaune, not everyone will react like I did, um...” She paused for a second, thinking on something before moving a little closer to look at the list sitting before Jaune.


“How about this, i’ll have a look through the list and help you pick, if I know them I could possibly explain the situation to them and help everything move along.” Jaune thought about her words for a second and almost face palmed at the suggestion.


It was such a simple solution!


Seeing the look in his eyes Pyrrha let out another chuckle and started to look through the list with Jaune, her eyes were sharp as she looked through all the names like a hawk. It was a few minutes later before she had highlighted two specific names.


Jaune looked at them and read them out loud. “Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao long. Why them?” Pyrrha just nodded along as she motioned towards Yang’s name. “I know both of them so that’s a plus, but the main thing is Yang’s a Dragon Alpha, their strong, their stamina is ridiculous and I know she’ll be able to get along with you once I explain everything.”


Jaune nodded his head along, there was no picture on the website and only their names on the list so he didn’t know that she was a Dragon Alpha. The help they needed around the farm would require someone that could do a lot of heavy lifting with Pyrrha and long hours out on the field while the set stuff up so it made complete sense.


“Ok what about Ruby?” Pyrrha smiled again. “Well Ruby is a Wolf Alpha, I also know her, we don’t really need her compared to Yang, but their sisters, Yang won’t want to go anywhere without her little sister. She’d be mighty pissed if you suddenly picked her and didn’t also grab Ruby.”


“OK that makes sen...” Jaune stopped as the words ‘sister’ registers. “But they arn’t the same...” Pyrrha couldn’t help but laugh at his confusion as she gave a small explanation. “Both their mothers liked a man so much they fought over him, they both couldn’t beat one another so they had to share, it’s a tradition.”


Jaune only had one word to say to that as he thought on the subject, selecting their names to give to the Inspector. “Ohhh....”




(1 and a half weeks later)

Jaune waved off the cart as it pulled out of the farm, making sure they disappeared and then waiting another 15 minutes before making his way to the barn. It was a relatively easy process for the small crew that transported his new tenants.


He had to deal with talking to his inspector while they did up everything, the inspector giving him a few warning about Dragon Alpha’s as they were stronger than the regular Faunus. He didn’t even get a glimpse at them before they were moved in, so he would soon get his first look at them.


Pyrrha of course had to be locked up before they arrived and that’s exactly where Jaune was heading. He would first set her free, before she would go and let the others loose while also talking to them.


Jaune would go out and wait in the house for them to finish so not to spook them. Jaune was a bit nervous on the outcome, but put his trust in Pyrrha as he walked over and set her free. Giving a small nod in assurance he let her get to it as he made his way back to the house, making a mug of coco to calm his nerves.





Blake was reading to the side, something Jaune had realised over time was her favourite pastime, maybe second; her….’Milking’ time might be the only other thing she enjoyed even more, Yang’s eyes locked onto Jaune as he made his way into the room, a bead of sweat rolled down from her forehead after a long time at work outside.


Wiping it away with the cloth on her shoulder she leaned down in a conspiritory manner next to Jaune. “What is a well-read cat’s favorite book?” Jaune rolled his eyes in good nature at Yang’s obvious set up for a pun. The others might not have like them, hell Jaune didn’t like all of them, but some he did find pretty good.


“Of mice and Men.” Jaune gave a small laugh at the joke as Blake rolled her own eyes staring at the two for a few seconds before turning back to her read. Yang gave a brilliant smile as she hooked her arm around Jaune’s shoulder and pulled him into a half hug as he made his way towards the fridge.


A bit of the sweat that had built up transferred from the close hug but jaune pretended not to notice, he also pretended he didn’t hear the small sound of sniffing that came from above, or the brush of the bulge that skimmed his leg. Yang was… the more physical one of the girls, liking to show any and all affection with body language, hugs, head pats, you name it Yang would do it if she was happy.


Having spent so many months with her already Jaune was numb to her antics, though he would admit he was a bit flustered when she first arrived. He figured it was a way Yang learned to deal with Ruby, seeing as she was much the same, though slightly different in her wolf like habits.


“I hope you been treating my baby sister like a princess up stairs.” Yang had started calling Jaune that only 2 months or so after she first arrived, and though it had first surprised and embarrassed Jaune, by now he had already gotten used to it.


But once again Jaune rolled his eyes in aspiration she called Ruby a princess, it was one of her weird puns that she wouldn’t let go of. He knew that she treated Ruby special as she was her little sister, but she made so many puns about ‘princess’s and ‘royalty’; not only that her voice would always sound like there was an in joke going on that he didn’t get. Nether the less Jaune nodded his head in affirmative, not that Yang even doubted him treatment, but it was how she showed affection. Well he hoped she didn’t.


Finally getting out from her grip after a solid minute and a little bit of grinding, that Jaune once again ignored, he moved over to the Fridge and started to rummage through it, placing everything that he needed out on the counter before getting started.


After a few minutes Jaune was done and moved over to the table, sitting down heavily 5 plates in front of him. 1 contained his own sandwich, while he pushed 1 towards Yang. “Ohh lover boy you shouldn’t have.” Snatching the food off the plate Yang demolished it within seconds, Jaune just shook his head in fondness as he bit slowly into his own as he pushed a second one towards her, this one she started to eat slowly.


Seeing as he had skipped out on the morning work to ‘play’ with Ruby, Jaune thought it was only prudent that he made food for Yang and Pyrrha. Though it would be getting into the cold months soon, it was still quite hot outside. Yang and Pyrrha had both worked up a sweat and deserved not having to worry about making their own food.


As he bit into his own left overs he also slowly pushed a plate over for Blake. Getting back to his own food he didn’t notice the look Blake sent his way as she looked up from her book and gently picked up her portion, a tuna sandwich her favourite. Her gaze lingered on him for a while as she slowly bit into the food her eyes never leaving his form, before finally drifting back to her book.


Jaune wasn’t sure if Yang had enough time to sit down and have a chat, but quickly found the answer as she wiped off the rest of her nape and shoulders with her towel before swinging it over her shoulder and moving towards the door.


Quickly standing up to follow her, the last plate of food ready in his hand for Pyrrha, Yang quickly put her hand up to stop him and grabbed the plate from his hand. “Well I have to get back out there and no Jaune, after last night Pyrrha wants you in the house all day, us girls will deal with the fields. I’ll be seeing you for training later!”


Giving a lavacious wink at her last statement yang strode out of the room with the grace that came naturally and commanded his eyes as they trailed after her. He had bene planning to go out and help the two with the fields, but he knew by now how stubborn Pyrrha could be. If he went out now, he was pretty sure she would man handle him back inside, then go back out to finish the job, getting Ruby, Blake or Weiss to make sure he didn’t come out again.


Letting out a quiet smile, he just caught the small smile Blake was sending his way. ‘Well I guess a rest day might be good. I wonder what Blake is actually reading? Training huh…” Thinking on his new plans for the day Jaune’s mind wandered off.




The sound of crickets and other bugs appeared outside the barn as night settled in, the only light in the pitch black coming from the small house that governed the farm as well as the Barn that was off to the side.


There were two small puffs of air as two people rotated around each other. One was a woman, the other a man. Yang stood opposite Jaune in the small area of the barn that had become Yang’s personal space.


There was copious amounts of hay scattered about the ground of their impromptu  training ring. It had become like this 4 months ago when Yang was starting to get bored, sure she was out working the field most of the day, but with her strength and endurance it wasn’t too much of a problem for her to do the work and still have some left over energy.


She and Jaune had just been talking like any other day, somewhat having got closer when he mentioned how he never got accepted into the Vale Kingdoms army. A lightbulb seemed to go off in her mind as a mischievous smirk made its way onto her lips.


It was only 2 days later that she had dragged him off to the barn and forced him into wrestling with her. Of course she hadn’t put it that way, her words were more along the lines of ‘putting some muscle on his scrawny bones’ and ‘teaching him some proper fighting techniques’.


Jaune wasn’t too sure about it at the start, but had quickly come around. Yang had been a prisoner of war, meaning she was trained, albeit by the Empire, in fighting other grown adults. It was something Jaune didn’t want to lose out on, there may have also been a slight desperate glint of hope that welled within him that he could still fight for his country and protect those he loved.


So here he was 4 months later still ‘training’ with Yang. He didn’t or rather couldn’t do it every day Yang was still an Alpha, physically stronger than him in just about every way. Though he had been putting on some muscle working on the farm, Yang could effortlessly pick him up and toss him around if she wanted.


But Jaune was getting better; Yang was a good teacher, if a bit rough and too excitable in the midst of fighting. The first time he had actually used what she taught to flip her to the ground was the same day Pyrrha had to drag Yang off him before he lost his virginity!


Thank god she was close by when it happened; she was about the only one that could actually pull Yang off, though he did add an extra fact to Yang’s list of gifts.


Two: Whenever Yang gets excited her eyes turn red in colour, additional loss of reasoning, her body heat spikes.


What was one you ask?


One: Yang’s hair literally catches on fire when she is extremely pissed off.


Jaune had only noted this down as he once saw her go off at Weiss one day when he was really sick. The sight had stuck with him. 


But back to the present, Yang was rotating opposite Jaune who himself was wearing minimal clothes. It seemed her body heat not only went up when she was angry, it also went up when she was excited, ‘milking’ her taught Jaune that quickly.


Because of this, when training, where things could get a little heated and Yang was no doubt going to get excited, (Jaune was starting to believe she had some type of fetish around skin contact), he didn’t ware much in the way of clothes. Going in with no shirt, showing off the progress he had made over the months, a six pack already having formed and his muscles clearly defined, he only wore a pair of shorts to cover his lower body. The both wore no shoes.


Of course, Yang wouldn’t be Yang if she didn’t do things a bit more…boisterously. Yang stood facing Jaune in her Birthday suit, it had been that way since they started and no matter what Jaune tried he couldn’t get her to cover up one inch of her skin.


He will admit it had helped him get over being embarrassed in her presence, but damnit it had distracted him a lot to start off with.


Her glorious bust swayed in front of him going up and down as she breathed in. They had already been training for close to an hour, which meant Yang’s motor was really going, and her chest was going up and down…up and down…. Up and down.


No Jaune head in the game!


Jaune couldn’t help but have his eyes glued to them for a short few seconds before he noticed Yang’s eyes looking in his direction and the smirk on her face.


He only now just noticed she was once again propping them up with her arms to grab his attention. Jaune quickly focused his attention, watching for any lunges or take downs. Feeling his body start to get ready for any attack his eyes couldn’t help but to wander once again and they just so happened to wander south.


Jaune almost wanted to roll his eyes as he caught sight of her stiff member already erect and ram rod straight from the excitement. The wrestling always got her like this. She was almost on a hair trigger, and there had been a few instances where when they had been grappling she had accidentally exploded on his back or front or… everywhere. Jaune’s eyes linger just a bit too long as his mind wandered.


Yang was different from everyone else though when it came to her cock, all the alpha’s Jaune had met well…there was no better way of saying it; they had a cock and balls. But not Yang, she only had the penis. Placed about a centimetre above her just visible clit it had a round shape but not like usual, something Jaune had to chalk up to her dragon heritage though it didn’t have a flat head like Pyrrha’s horse cock.


No it was just different. The base started out like usual, before widening in the middle before finally rounding off to a smaller point at the tip. Contrary to the rest of her tanned skin her ‘weapon of choice’ as Yang would put it actually had a light purple colour, hot magenta if Jaune’s tutelage from his sisters was still accurate.

Yang stood at 4 inches flaccid, which counted as a sort of base for the rest of her member. That small amount was lightly armoured by thin scales for protection, thought she always pointed out that ‘they are smother than silk and slide like ice’; but that was only flaccid. When erect she stood at an impressive 10 inches and was the biggest girl on the ranch. As with her impressive bust Yang did always like to flaunt this fact, especially in the presence of Jaune.


Along with the magenta colour and slightly different shape, there were also small bumps that ran around certain sections of the rod, meant to ‘rock your world even harder’ as once again Yang would intole.


Jaune had heard the words a few times over and over in the bouts’ of wrestling as she propositioned him over and over, not to mention when she was getting milked. She made sure she had his full attention on how nice her long shaft would feel when properly ‘used and abused’.


Lying below her weapon sat her cave, like any other there was nothing special about her second set of genitals compared to her first other than the same hot magenta outlining its spot on her body. Her thin slit was showing small signs of leaking, preparing itself for a ‘worthy mate’ and as she told Jaune once; if there was no worthy mate in the future it wouldn’t ever be used.


Well the exact words as Jaune rembered them were, “Dragon’s love to horde and plunder treasure lover boy…” At the same time she pulled Jaune closer rubbing her member on his toned stomach while squeezing his ass. “…and I’ll gladly plunder that booty whenever you’re ready.”


She took a deep breath of his scent as she pulled him closer before finally letting him go and sauntering off, swaying her hips as she went, leaving her final remark. “I’ll only ever let my knight in shining armour plunder my own treasure cave.” She gave him one final wink as she made her way out.


Jaune would admit at the time he was stunned and turned on in equal measure as he watched her go. Of course he reminded himself he couldn’t ever do ‘that’ before moving back into the house. That was 2 months ago and here he was once again about to tempt fate.


As Jaune’s mind wandered Yang didn’t let this chance slip her by. Light on her feet and exploding with power, she sprung forth into a grapple, quickly trying to lock down one of his legs, while pulling him to the ground. Their bodies almost mushed together as Jaune woke up and started to move about.

It couldn’t be helped that as they were doing so certain parts of their bodies rubbed over each other. In his own aroused state from training Jaune was also sporting a half chub as he rolled over, trying to arm bar Yang.


The ploy almost seemed to work as his legs locked around Yang’s opposite arm and he rested his but on her bust, trying to leverage his body to force a submission. Yang’s breath became erratic as her face pressed against his lower glute as her eyes started to turn a slight shade of red.


“You’re going to have to try harder than that lover boy!”


Her arm rested in his lap as she wiggled it about, her elbow grinding over his member as she curled her arm back. With her superior Alpha strength it wasn’t difficult for her to reverse the situation, but waited for another few seconds before lifting Jaune up with one arm and curling him back to the hay.


In a position over him Yang quickly flipped over and pressed into him from behind, one of his hands locked behind his back. With no clothes on Yang’s member rubbed between the cloth of Jaune’s pants as her breathing picked up again.


She almost nuzzled into his neck as she placed more weight on him, whispering into his ear as she went. “Isn’t the Knight supposed to defeat the dragon, before he gets the girl?” Jaune tried to struggle which only rubbed Yang’s member faster into his behind. He could feel it pressing into the small of his back as he tried to buck his body without breaking his arm, but he knew he was fighting a losing battle.


Yang only seemed to get more excited as the rubbing continued something that didn’t go over Jaune’s head. Jaune knew that Alpha’s couldn’t always control their libido, it was actually enhanced, something you couldn’t avoid living with 5 of them over the last few months.


He knew that Yang was losing touch with reality as her instincts took over above him. It was close to the end of their session and feeling what was happening above him, Jaune knew what he had to do. Seeing as the inspector was coming in 2 days it didn’t really matter if he ‘milked’ the girls or not. Which made what he did next easier, seeing as he didn’t have to go off and grab the milking machine.


He could treat it as reward for her hard work in the morning.


Still struggling, but obviously losing the heart of it, Yang didn’t seem to notice as she almost growled in his ear as he fought back. “Yield.” Jaune just shook his head as he kept going. Yang’s eyes lit up as she kept going her lower body starting to move back and forth in-between Jaune’s lower back and arse, her movements getting more and more forceful as he ‘tried’ to struggle. Finally when she pulled back one time Jaune made his move.


Rotating to not break his arm Jaune was able to rotate his whole body around so he was facing the dragon alpha before him. Though it didn’t get him out of the lock, they were now in a position where Yang was basically straddling Jaune, her breasts resting on his chest as her arms resting to the side of his head, his own wrapping her lower body to keep her in position.


At the same time as he moved over his legs opened up and her member suddenly slotted between his open thighs, scrapping across his balls and scrotum, coming out the other side, her ‘dragon’ now resting in his, in her opinion, ‘heavenly’ checks, the only barrier between it and ‘heaven’ the thin cloth of his shorts. 




Yang took in a deep breath as she felt her full length become clamped between two fleshy walls, a new ‘hole’ created and entered as she reached the other side. She stopped in surprise as Jaune finally spoke up, his voice slightly playful.


“Who said I wasn’t going to defeat the dragon? I was just showing it a Yang of a time.” Yang was only dazed for a moment as her eyes turned even redder, hear breath quicker. Jaune knew one of her biggest turn on’s was ‘punning’, not that he was any good at it. Noticing her pause, Jaune even had the gall to wiggle his ass creating some friction and an even more palpitating feeling to shoot up Yang’s ‘dragon’.




“What the little dragon can’t handle the heat?” Jaune spoke with bravado, which he knew got Yang going as she groaned out. Her hands clench into the hay that lay next to his head as her eyes locked onto his.


“Little huh? I’ll show you what this ‘little’ dragon can do.” Jaune knew he had hit a nerve there as Yang started to move back and forth her bumps were almost caressed as she slowly pulled back and slowly moved forwards again the tight pants leaving nothing to her imagination as she started to build up a rhythm.


Completely forgetting about the training Yang rolled her body over, taking Jaune with her as she faced the roof now, Jaune trapped between her bountiful chest as her arms crossed over his mid-section, her hands roaming over his more defined back muscles as she started to hump upwards, using his thighs as a pocket pussy.


Her ‘dragon’ faced the sky as it became red hot between Jaune’s legs, nudging and rubbing against his arse as it went, back and forth, back and forth, picking up speed as Jaune tightened his core and wiggeled his arse, making it feel even better for her.


*ha* *ha* *ha*


Yang’s breathing started to pick up as she went, it becoming deeper and deeper as her dragon instincts started to take over. The red in her eyes intensified as she started peppering kisses up and down his neck.




Jaune wasn’t idle either, he maneuverer his hands to start fondling her chest. If there was one thing Yang liked better than stimulation to her ‘dragon’ it was stimulation to the generous mounds on her chest. Tightly gripping her flesh Jaune started to pull and pinch in equal measure. Yang added small little nibbles as her speed picked up,




Jaune wet his lips slightly before leaning forward, his lips finding and clamping down on her right nipple, biting and sucking as he lathered it up. Her member engorged in her anticipation, her breathing almost hyperventilating as she reached the peak, her ‘dragon’ reaching 11 inches in her excitement.



Yang’s eyes turned completely red as she starred down at the blond head of hair nibbelnig on her chest, her focused eyes almost turning into slits in her concentration and adoration. Her hands stopped roaming Jaune’s body as she locked up, her voice screaming to the heavens as her body shuddered and spasmed in ecstasy; her breath stopping as.




The ‘dragon’ couldn’t hold on any longer as it let out a roar towards the heavens, its white breath of fire shooting towards the sky. Yang’s body bucked, her hips following only adding to the pleasure as it went back and forth between his thighs.


Her breasts provided a comfortable pillow as Jaune rode out her erratic spasms still sucking on her nipple while his other hand pinched the other. He could feel the rock hard member spasm and bounce off his ass as it continued to shoot back and forth between his legs. White slowly started to fall back to the ground as the ‘dragon’ calmed down, splashing over his legs and lower back.


As Yang moaned in the bliss of the moment, the heat from the body above all in her mind, Jaune’s shifted his legs, letting Yang’s ‘dragon’ stand on it’s own as his hand reached back, his face still lapping at her chest.


A spark of electricity shot through Yang as his hand gripped lightly on her member. Slippery from her previous explosion his hands slowly gripped the neck of her purple ‘dragon’ and slowly pumped up and down.




Yang shuddered again, her arms losing their strength as her head fall back into a small tuft of hay, the pleasure invading her, lulling her to ecstasy. It wasn’t another 10 seconds of such ministrations and slow agonizing pumps that her body shuddered again and another white breath of fire came from her ‘dragon’ coating his hand.


But Jaune didn’t stop; he knew she could keep going, especially when her purple dragon still stood tall. He kept going as Yang let herself be ebbed away in the waves of pleasure. When she came back, she wasn’t sure if it was seconds, minutes or hours later.


Jaune was hovering over her, concern in his eyes as she blurrily looked up at him. In his position he was straddled over her chest, his ass resting just above her waist. The purple’ dragon’ slumbering below in a pool of white, she could feel it. Her hazy eyes limpidly looked up at the treasure before her.


Her treasure.


Her mate.




“You ok Yang?”


Jaune’s concern only made the moment better as she refocused and quickly noticed the pulsing member resting on her chest still trapped behind his shorts.


‘Well we can’t have that.’


Leveraging her strength, what little she had, Yang practically ripped his pants off as Jaune could only sigh at another lost pair of pants. A small confident smirk appeared on her lips as she looked at his magnificent golden sceptre, though that smirk would have looked better if her own face wasn’t flush red in sweat and bliss.


“You took care of this dragon, time for me to take care of yours.” Jaune was going to come up with an excuse, but Yang wouldn’t let him. All the girls on the ranch knew that Jaune had a certain ‘rule’ that he wasn’t willing to cross. It was frustrating but also endearing. At the same time it meant that most of the time Jaune would only pleasure the girls and not let them do anything.


‘Well not this time!’


Yang quickly got to work propping his dragon into her soft pillow clouds of flesh. Jaune let out a small groan as he was smothered, her hands already squishing her chest together to create the best experience.


“Yanggggggg”. Yang’s sleeping dragon sprung back to life as Jaune moaned her name out, but she didn’t pay that any mind as she quickly grabbed Jaune’s hands and placed them on her still slightly slick breasts. Just the reminder of what he had done before had her ‘dragon’ reaching the heaven. A shiver of excitement went up her body as she felt the pleasure return.


Ha! I knew that Yang loved breast play.’ That thought appeared and disappeared in a flash of pleasure as Jaune lost his will to resist. Right now that didn’t matter.


Jaune’s own release couldn’t be stopped as he Yang began her ministrations, polling spit in her mouth and slowly releasing it into her cleavage, making the boob job all that much better. His ‘dragon’ was battered back and forth in the marshmallow goodness wrapping his member until finally…. groaning in pleasure he let out his own white milk that began to pool in between her valley, creating a small pool that Yang was quick to start sucking up.  


As Yang did that Jaune weakly moved off to the side, his breath ragged. Out of breath after so much ‘exercise’, Jaune almost flopped to the ground next to Yang as he slowly moved over to his inhaler. He didn’t forget it this time. Though he hated to admit it, most of the training sessions ended up like this.


Though he usually rolled it into Yang’s ‘Milking’ time, which saved a lot of trouble.


Yang let him go and regain his breath as she continued to suck the white substance on her chest until it was completely gone. Still raring to go, and licking her lips or the last white marks, she moved over towards Jaune. She was still raring to go and wasn’t ready to stop anytime soon. After Jaune finished recovering his breath he felt a strong hand clamp down on his shoulder, Yang’s red eyes begging for more.


Taking a look into those desperate eyes Jaune couldn’t find it in himself to say no. That being the case he gave a slow nod. Yang wasted no time pulling him back down to the ground in another scattered pile of hay, which was surprisingly comfortable. Or at least Jaune thought so at that moment. 


This time Yang positioned them so that Jaune was hovering over herself in the classic missionary position. Without his pants on stopping his own member from swinging forwards, with a slight movement and positioning it wasn’t hard for Jaune to as Yang would say, ‘enter the dragon cave’ or ‘plunder her treasure cave’.


As if Yang could read his thoughts her own excitement spiked, her ‘dragon’ rising to bump against his abdomen. She looked ready for him to take her, or the other way around. Jaune caught the hungry glint in Yang’s eyes as they entered this new position but only rolled his eyes. “You’re not raiding this tomb tonight.” Yang gave him a pout at his words before a mischievous look entered her eyes.


“And what’s stopping me captain crunch?” That pulled Jaune up short. Technically there was nothing stopping Yang from taking him now, she definitely had the strength, but… Jaune believed she wouldn’t do such a thing.


Seeing the ‘not impressed’ look in Jaune’s eyes Yang could only roll her eyes in exasperation as her body and mind relaxed after such a long day…. And long bliss and pleasure.


“Yeah, I don’t think the commander would like it if I took you here.” That pulled Jaune up short though. Confusion entered his eyes as he looked down at Yang. “Commander?” For a split second Yang’s face changed, her eyes widening fractionally, but it was so quick it was as if it never happened.


Giving a blinding smile Yang just pulled him down into a hug, smushing their bodies together again, her lower body once again rubbing against him, causing a new wave of pleasure to shoot through her. “Sorry I mean Pyrrha, she’s like the commander and chief around here, with you being the general helping us along”


Before Jaune could say anything else Yang continued. “Now General! I’ll need you to do 200 reps of pulling, biting and fondling each on these fun bags before I can let you rest for the night.” Yang grabbed Jaune’s hands and placed them over her two mounds and moved them up and down, anticipation in her eyes as Jaune mind drifted, wondering exactly what he had gotten himself into tonight.


Her prior words completely forgotten.   



Yeah so another chapter surprise. Wasn’t really planning on doing it, but here it is.

Why so long a break. Well after I wrote those other 2 chapters, I basically stopped writing for a long time. I started writing a little now and decided today that I would write this chapter out.

Hope you enjoy I guess. Don’t think it’s too bad.

This does not mean I am back, I still don’t know if I’ll continue.

The plot actually thickens right at the end OMG!


Completely forgot to update here. Haven't done it in a while.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.