The Farm

Waking up Late

Yesterday (11/6/21) – Me: Ohh that was a really nice review, I did have another idea or two. I'll sleep on it.

Today (12/6/21) – Me: Ok let's do this. 3pm…..6pm….. Ok lets just get the editing done….10Pm….I've spent way too long on this.

Chapter 2: Waking up late

(11 Months ago)

Jaune huddled under his nice warm blanket as he cupped a small cup of coco between his hands. Some would call it a bit of a childish drink and he did sometimes think he should switch to coffee, to at least wake himself up in the morning, but damn it he didn't like the taste, and hot coco was just so good.

He was trying desperately to warm himself up as the temperature in the room continued to drop. The Kingdoms government may have given him some basic technology such as a scroll, to keep in contact with people, a TV, to watch some ongoing news and other little small things like a fridge and a boiler, which took way too long to heat water in his opinion.

But the signal out in the middle of nowhere was unsurprisingly not that good and the antenna receiver that he had been given hadn't held up well against the poor weather, supposedly the weather would get better next season or in other words, a few months.

He tried to resist giving out a sigh as he sat there waiting for his water to heat. The night before hadn't been good, temperatures dropping to below freezing before he even knew it. Honestly this wasn't how he pictured his first 2 weeks going, not even close to started with his ploughing of the field and actually starting to farm.

Hell he hadn't even gotten used to getting up early as he should, getting up late once again today and then there was the other way of making money here, 'Milking', he hadn't been able to bring himself to try again after the first time 1 weeks ago, of course he still kept her fed.

The kingdom wanted him to give her some of that animal feed that was in the barn office, but he had taken one look at that bag and not done that. Jaune knew she was a 'prisoner of war' or an 'enemy' but he was also a decent person that had been raised by a loving mother, you shouldn't treat a person like an animal, even a Faunus with their features.

It didn't help that Pyrrha, as he'd been informed, was the same age as him. That put her on the same level as his sisters in his books and they too were off fighting on the front lines. Brothers forbid anything ever happened to them, or worse they were captured the same as Pyrrha had. Hopefully the Empire would treat their prisoners of war the same, with a little common dignity or those were his thoughts on the matter.

He wouldn't…couldn't be that cruel. So taking the skills he had learned living at home, mainly cooking to help support the family he had started to give her some proper meals, though he wasn't stupid, still keeping her locked and tied in place, only allowing one hand to be released when eating.

Not that her going to the toilet hadn't been one of the most mortifying moments for them both, well Jaune assumed it had been awkward after the atomic blush she sported as he had to clean up after her.

Taking another sip of his hot coco, he looked over towards the temperature gauge telling him how long it would take before he could take a proper hot shower. It still wasn't high enough much to his dismay and his thoughts had brought up another point to his mind.

He had to go and feed Pyrrha. Somehow forcing his body to move, even though it did protest, he finished off his mug and put it at the sink before grabbing some leftovers from the fridge. It wasn't the most extravagant meal for breakfast but it was too cold to give them both something proper.

Grabbing the thickest jacket he could find, he quickly grabbed the plate of food, as well as a fork before starting towards the door. It would be another month before the inspector/Collector came to see how he was doing and he wasn't sure what he was going to tell him.

The prospect of 'Milking' was just something he didn't think he could do and until he stated to farm properly, which he wasn't even sure was possible with his lanky frame and large plot of land he wouldn't be able to afford the necessities needed to keep going. Even with the government funding most of his expenses, if he couldn't be profitable for them, why would they even bother giving him supplies and money?

Trudging his way towards the barn Jaune's tracks stopped suddenly as his eyes lifted from the frosted over dirt, his eyes widened in shock and horror as he realized the door to the barn was open! His heart began to pound in his chest as he quickly ran towards it, thoughts going a hundred miles an hour.

The possibility that Pyrrha might have escaped didn't even enter his mind as he made it into the barn. No the only thoughts going through his head was the fact that the cold temperature last night would have turned this place into a damn freezer for anyone left inside.

Especially someone that couldn't leave, or that had any clothing! Yes Pyrrha had arrived with no clothing, another awkward moment for Jaune when he had first been introduced.

Pushing that thought to the back of his mind he scrambled past the office and all the other stables before finally making it to Pyrrha's. What he saw when he went inside wasn't confidence inspiring. Her body was trembling even as some frost was still built up on the wood around her.

Though he wasn't an expert with horse hides, the shade of her skin didn't look healthy and her human upper torso was bone white. Her eyes were a red and droopy but still instantly snapped in his direction as he rushed in.

There was a quiet pleading behind her eyes as he quickly moved closer, her ears twitching even though they looked blue. Quickly ripping the gag from her mouth that was supposed to stay on at all times outside of eating his hand hesitantly came to scan her body.

"Damn, Damn, Damn. Hey Pyrrha can you hear me? I'm so Sorry! I didn't mean to leave the door open last night, are you ok?!" The words quickly spilled out of his mouth as his hand recoiled at her slightly damp and cold skin.

Panic began to seep in as Pyrrha had trouble responding, her body barely moving as her head slumped down. "Damn it. Damnit! Just wait a second I'll quickly help, just stay awake and stay with me."

Quickly remembering one time when something similar happened to his sister while they were out camping he quickly rushed out of the barn and went back to the house. He mentally berated himself for forgetting to check that the barn was secure before going to sleep the night before.

He wouldn't forgive himself if he killed someone in such a way.

Rushing to his bedroom and going into the closet, he quickly pulled out all the spare bedding he had, making 2 trips back to the barn carrying the heavy load, checking on Pyrrha and how she was doing each time. After grabbing that and a few towels he also got some extra hay he had been given and put it around her hooves and lower horse body, hopefully warming her up.

With that done he quickly grabbed 4 buckets and filled them up with nice warm water before coming back. Putting them off to the side and also reducing the bindings just a little so her hands could move a little more, he talked quietly as he dipped his hand in the water to test it.

"Now I'm going to warm you up with the water before rubbing you down with the towels, that'll make sure you don't get cold when the water cools off. After that I'm going to put all these blankets over you to get your body temperature back to normal."

His voice was soft all thoughts about his own shower and needs completely gone from his mind as he took care of her, fixing his mistake. Pyrrha who had still been shivering, even with the extra hay at her feet slowly looked his way a flickering of light in her eye as she heard him.

She gave him a small nod as he got to work slowly pouring the water on her body. Her eyes continued to track him as her body heat returned and he started to rub down her body to warm her up, beginning with her shoulders and working his way down.

Jaune kept his head lowered and eyes on his task as he spoke to her, regret clear in his voice. "This is all my fault." A sigh escaped his lips as he threw another towel away and started rubbing her torso and moving on to her horse hide. "This should have never happened"

Those seemed to be the last words from Jaune as he diligently rubbed down the rest of her body, throwing away towels when he needed to and chucking blankets on her dried parts. Neither said a word the whole time; though if Jaune had looked up even once he would have seen a small smile begin to spread on Pyrrha's lips as she looked at him.

Chucking on the last blanket covering her body, he finally looked into her green eyes and quickly noted the red tint to her cheeks signifying the return of body heat. Slowly standing up he started to gather everything he had to before leaving.

Chucking the used towels in the 4 buckets he said his final piece as he left. "Once again I'm sorry about what happened, I'm responsible for you, even if you are a Prisoner of War. I should have made sure you were fine in here with the weather last night."

Arms straining a little as he made it to the stable door, he turned back one last time. "I'll make sure to check up on you in an hour, after I've put all this away, and I'll make some food to warm up your belly."

He gave her a weak smile as he made his way out. He wasn't sure at the time as he was leaving, but Jaune was sure later on he heard her voice as he walked away. A small, "Thank you", carried on the wind as he left.


Jaune woke groggily as his mind returned from that time seemingly so long ago. After that he had quickly changed a few things in his handling of Pyrrha, making sure he cared for her properly, such as giving her clothes, checking in on her more, etc.

This had of course lead to so many other things over time.

Turning over slowly he peeked the sun already in the sky from his window and racked his brain for what happened last night after he 'Milked' Pyrrha. He had been so tired after the hour long experience that he had gotten to bed early, Pyrrha and the others helping him in his weakened state.

'Wait the sun was already so high!' The thought crossed Jaune's mind as he realised he had slept in once again!

His body sprang up quickly trying to get ready, not having that luxury anymore, before his muscles protested. A small groan left his lips as he continued to get up, before the door was unceremoniously kicked open.

Ok it wasn't kicked open, but it was flung. Before he could even process the door banging wide open a black and red blur came through the door and tackled him down once again. The air left Jaune's lungs as the human projectile took him down.

Jaune at that moment wished he could go back to sleep, he just wasn't prepared for the day, but he couldn't do that, he had a lot of work around the farm to do, not to mention he was worried about the inspector arriving in two days.

He had to get everything ready before he came down, which included making it look like the girls hadn't been out of their stables and living in the house, while also chaining them all back up just before he arrived.

Some of them, well he was mainly thinking off Weiss and Yang wouldn't like that much, but they had been doing the same song and dance every 2 months when the inspector arrived, he couldn't let it slip how well he was treating his supposed prisoners, but that same treatment was what had given him gallons of their 'Milk' which always put a smile on the 'Collectors' face whenever they came down.

The guy even said he was one of the best farmers in this area, obviously trying to get him take on even more 'livestock' while he was at it. Something Jaune was a bit iffy about still as things had stabilized around here after he 'acquired' Blake and Weiss.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

The smaller petite body, bristling tail swishing side to side just inside his vision, as well as the slightly padded and clawed feet that tangled with his own quickly wizened him in on who was currently clinging to his body and slightly sniffing the crook of his neck.

Eyes looking down for a moment he quickly caught sight of the black with red tipped hair that was lying just under his chin with two small wolf-like ears that twitched from side to side, tickling the side of his cheek.

The Faunus currently snuggling with him and sniffing his scent, while keeping him pinned to the bed was a one Ruby Rose. Like all the other 'tenants' he had gained she was also an Alpha Faunus, specifically a Wolf Alpha Faunus.

Starting from her face, she had wide expressive eyes, with the deepest and only shade of silver he had ever seen, something he had found out from one of their many talks was that this was a trait only her Wolf clan held.

Her lips were a deep shade of red, with 2 small canines just peeking out from her closed and smiling face. Ruby's hair was messy and growing a bit out of control but beautiful like the rest of her. Like with most Faunus her skin was a mix of both fur and normal smooth skin.

Her normal skin was a healthy shade that glowed in the sun, making her face that much more expressive. It flowed down her neck before narrowing and slipping in between the valley of her breasts, later coming out to wrap her stomach leading to her lower parts, but fading into her pelvis.

At the same time she had a soft and thin fur that also wrapped her body in certain areas like a pattern on her body. The fur was a deep mix of black with hints of red, like her hair, that was almost as smooth as skin, or more a velvety carpet that kept certain parts of her warm and protected. This included areas like her C-cup breasts, the sides of her stomach or hips and certain parts of her arms and legs.

Right in the middle of her chest just before her valley, as well as on her wrists and ankles were bigger tuffs of fur that centered more heat and protection. In Jaune's honest opinion the scheme that worked her body brought her natural beauty out.

Finally her legs were slightly padded like an actual wolfs, small filed claws on her feet belaying how deadly they actually were, Jaune accidentally scratching himself on them one time. At the same time it provided better purchase and power on the ground for running and jumping. Those same claws appearing on her hands minus the padding of her feet, but those were retractable, something Ruby showed Jaune all the time.

Most of this Jaune noticed the first time he met her, this was of course before he could grab her a proper set of clothes that she liked. For some reason she went with a bit of a gothic look, wearing a white blouse under an overbust corset and skirt which followed the same pattern as her hair, a black and red combination. In the end Jaune didn't question it, she like anyone else had her preferences.

Of course he was noticing these fact now because she was currently laying Naked on top of him, something she had done more than Jaune wanted to admit and having had that experience he knew Ruby was horny right now, not that the bulge pressing into his stomach wasn't a giveaway.

Not something unexpected as she was an Alpha, but still he started to move her off himself. Jaune could 'milk' her latter, he was late to start today and didn't have time, knowing this he quickly spoke up as Ruby moved back a little.

"Ruby I can't do this right now, I have to get out and start work on the fields, it's already so late." The words didn't seem to deter her though as she wrapped her arms around him tighter. Taking one final sniff oh his nape, something she adored doing, she finally moved back, though she continued to straddle his waist, her cock bobbing on his stomach.

She shook her head slowly as her silver eyes pierced him. "Pyrrha and Yang went out with Blake to start while you slept, after last night Pyrrha thought you could use some extra rest." There was a small swelling of happiness inside Jaune as he thought of how thoughtful Pyrrha was towards him.

Relaxing slightly knowing that no matter what he did this morning he wouldn't be helping on the field, not with how stubborn Pyrrha could be, he started to think of how he could repay them later. 'Maybe a big meal tonight before the Collector arrives?'

"Pyrrha said as long as I checked on all the electrics and fixed the microwave I could have some 'alone time' with you this morning." The eagerness in her eyes and twitching of the rod before him clued Jaune into how much she was looking forward to this.

Even though Jaune had no doubt Ruby rushed through her jobs to get here even faster he wasn't worried. Although she was the youngest of his tenants at 19 years old, 2 years younger than everyone else, she was also the best mechanic Jaune had ever seen. Fixing what seemed unfixable with only the smallest and mundane items.

One time the antenna set up so he could use his scroll and get TV had been knocked out unexpectedly and Ruby had been able to fix it in a short few hours, while Jaune stressed on what he was going to do.

Jaune had only originally requested for Ruby because she was the sister of Yang, their resident Dragon Alpha, someone he needed desperately 10 months ago, and he wasn't such a bad guy as to split up the pair. Though it did have to be explained to him how a Wolf Faunus and Dragon Faunus were related.

Though even as those thoughts ran through his mind and she started to grind herself against his stomach… and he had the time, he didn't make it easier for her.

"But I'm supposed to 'milk' you later Ruby, not to mention we have nothing to catch your seed. We shouldn't waste it." The words instantly stopped her movements as a pout was sent his way, her face becoming downcast at the mention of 'Milking'.

Out of all the others she was the most fearful and apprehensive of 'milking'. Jaune felt a small pang of guilt well up at the look as her eyes moved around the room quickly looking for any excuses she could use.

"But…But… we only have to do it once…no twice…no Three times! I'll still be good for later, I promise!" Her voice was frantic as she looked at you her sadness disappearing, her cheerful personality quickly coming back. Jaune tried his hardest to keep his laugh in as she had a mini panic attack, the guilt inside from before slowly flowing away.

Though she may be bold when she was horny like she is now, when put on the spot she was also just as awkward as he usually was or shy. That had been something they had bonded over quickly after she arrived, not to mention the fact they both liked gaming and messing around. Something he was extremely grateful for on the farm where there wasn't always much to do other than work.

Finally he couldn't help it anymore as she floundered about looking for more reasons to get her 'alone time' and he started to laugh. Yes they were good friends, but Ruby was also an Alpha and had to be 'Milked' like the rest regularly.

Every now and then he couldn't help but tease her like this. A sudden realization came over Ruby as she looked down at Jaune and his smiling face, her pout growing as she knew she had been had. The pout only set off Jaune even more as he laughed for another few seconds.

Finally after a bit he quietened down and looked up in to her unhappy face and flashed her a lop sided grin, before meeting her eyes with a soft voice. "You always know I'll help you Ruby." The words seemed to throw her for a small loop of embarrassment as her face turned a deep shade of red.

Her voice almost came out as a squeak as she looked to the side, a smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks Jaune." With the words said she quickly unsaddled from him and flipped her body to the side, rotating her body around to show off her ohh soo pinchable ass. Swishing it back and forth for a moment knowing she had his attention, she positioned herself in the classic doggy style position.

Fully woken up after their small talk Jaune couldn't help but be amused by Ruby enthusiasm, even now he could see her small tail swish back and forth waiting for him to begin, her body bouncing slightly on the mattress, her smooth pussy already wet and ready.

Shifting onto his own knees on the bed Jaune slowly made his way over taking slight amusement that Ruby as a Wolf Faunus was in the 'Doggy style' position, the wording ironic considering the heritage between the two animals. He gazed at her perfect form, from her slender back, to her beautiful curves, finally landing on her perky butt. Taking in the sight he finally moved closer, flipping onto his back and positioning his face right below her ass.

Technically Jaune shouldn't be helping to get Ruby off in his bedroom, she wasn't connected to a 'milking' machine and anything she spurted out would be wasted. But after spending so much time with the others these last few months Jaune had found more and more instances of where they needed his help outside of the Barn.

Sure at the start he had gotten buckets to help in any area they needed to at least in some way try and catch their seed and collect it for the machine, but with how much he usually got in their 'milking' sessions he stopped worrying as long as they kept going strong, that's why he teased Ruby just before, to make sure she could still perform later.

But it looked like she wouldn't or maybe couldn't wait for later even if that was the case. Finally underneath her raised body, Jaune came face to face with her aroused slit. Smooth silky fur covered her lower section, going from around the top of her pelvis, wrapping around her booty, down to her mid thighs like a type of short, emphasizing her ass in all the best ways. The fur was so smooth that it was hard to tell that it was actually fur unless you touched it.

Dripping in anticipation her small nub was ready and waiting at the top of her slit for Jaune's ministrations, her red lips anticipating his tongue in the way it already started to drip. Sitting just above her slit and slightly shading it from sight 2 round balls hung connecting to her bulging cock.

Because she was already aroused Jaune could already make out how stiff she was, standing at 6.5 inches erect, relatively the smallest of the girls of the group it was no less magnificent as it throbbed a deep blood red, it having slide out of her cock sheath like Pyrrha's did when she was aroused.

Unlike Pyrrha's though as Jaune always noted, Ruby's was slightly different. Because she was part of the canine mammal family sitting just above her balls and apart of the greater rod where two small bulges preparing to swell.

These were Ruby's bulbus glands, a muscle like the rest of her cock, when Jaune finally brought her to climax her glands would swell, sometimes even larger than her actual balls as she let loose. This was supposed to 'knot' whoever Ruby was mating with or 'tie' them so everything released was kept inside as well as bring copious amounts of pleasure.

The first time Jaune had 'Milked' Ruby he would admit that had surprised him, but as he hadn't started yet they were still only seamy swelled. 'Well', Jaune thought to himself, 'Better let her enjoy this.'

Jaune had 'milked' and spent a lot of time with Ruby, it was the reason he was currently situated under her, unlike nearly all the other girls, Ruby's Kink was very much tied to her Pussy, stimulate that and you were sure to get her going really quick.

Jaune found it a nice change of pace when he found out, especially later when he started to deal with Weiss. But another kink she was into was Praise, something he would, as Yang would put it, 'milk' for all it was worth, pun intended.

"You're Beautiful." He meant those two words with his whole heart and Ruby knew that instantly sending a shiver down her spine, her rod twitching. Moving his hands up to grip her waist Jaune pulled down.

He met no resistance from her legs as she almost immediately sat on his face, like a dog awaiting its treat. Her balls rested on his forehead, as his nose tickled her clit and mouth got to work. Jaune's skills with his tongue had 'levelled up' as he would put it over the last few months especially with Ruby.

Diving into her red folds in a second, Jaune began lapping side to side and making small circles as he started up. Ruby's tail that was near his two hands started to go crazy as Ruby rocked forwards searching for pleasure.

A moan left her lips as her back arched, putting even more wait on Jaune's face, but he wasn't deterred, switching it up a little as he was swishing his tongue he also started to suck every now and then, going in on the side of her thighs before releasing her skin with a small pop.


Continuing on he also started to pepper in a few kisses, focusing around her nub as it got ever harder.

"Yesssss Jauuuuuunnnnnnneeeeee."

Wanting to give her a quick surprise, his right hand let go for a second before searching above for her swishing tail. As he found out, pretty quickly actually, nearly all Faunus tails were a bit sensitive. With a quick hard grip at the base of her tail Jaune pulled down hard towards himself, running his hand through her full brush as he went.


Ruby's body stiffened in an instant as she splashed his face with her fluids, a few small drops of something else sprinkling on his hair from above.

*Gasp* *gasp*

Ruby breathed in lungfuls of air as her body shuddered while Jaune continued. He continued to play with Ruby's tail, letting his hand go back and forth in it as he moved his other hand to gently prod at her ass.

The sensation always made Ruby's pussy clench, something she loved when his tongue was at work.

*Pant* *Pant*

Jaune knew by now Ruby's tongue would be hanging out as she panted her body temperature almost blindingly hot above him as he felt it below her. Her hands had already tightly clenched into Jaune's tuff of blond hair and she was trying to push him even deeper, though that wasn't possible.

At that moment the door suddenly opened, Jaune wasn't sure who it was for a second as all movement stopped, Ruby Freezing like a deer in headlights, even though Jaune knew for a fact she was sort of into exhibitionist, not as much as Blake though, case in point, Ruby's pussy suddenly gushing a lot more and her beginning to rock back and forth again.

Jaune quickly pulled his head back to look at who intruded and caught sight of Weiss standing at the door. The Leopard Alpha looked at the two who were still sort of going at it, Ruby moaning every other second as her eyes seemed to bore into her.

Finally her eyes trailed down to Jaune who looked back, before she slowly rolled her eyes at the situation. "God you are as bad as a Rabbit Alpha. I'll talk to you guys later." Though she was projecting a look of exasperation and her voice was cold as she spoke, Jaune easily spotted the growing bulge lifting up her skirt and dusty cheeks before she left.

With a soft click the door was closed again and quiet returned. Ruby and Jaune shared a look with each other, teasing smiles on their faces as they knew Weiss was aroused. Going back to only the two of them, Jaune got his hand to work slowly gliding into Ruby folds as he nuzzled Ruby's balls for a second.

A shiver went through her body as he got to work, slowly building the pleasure for her once more; he himself was starting to stiffen at all the action. Ruby began to pant more and her cock continued to twitch as they held their eyes lock, one of her hands playing with her breast while the other joined Jaune's own fingers in her warm hole.

They both put up a steady pace at working her, Jaune's finger curling every now and then to scratch on her G spot until finally she seemed close again. Jaune spoke up in those few seconds finally sending her over the edge as they locked eyes.

"You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen."


Ruby let loose her loudest and longest moan yet as she started to gush all over Jaune. With his face a bit further back, a bit of her seed also splashed onto his face. Jaune didn't mind though, slowly pulling his fingers out from her honey pot, curling the last one as he went, before wiping it off.

Ruby shuddered as her eyes laid half lidded, her legs giving out as her body flopped backwards over Jaune's legs. Her cock was an angry red as it continued to swell and stutter, pushing stream after stream into the air, only to fall back onto her own stomach. Jaune gave a small smile at her blissful state as he moved himself out from under her.

Though she had just had a shattering orgasm Jaune could still see her stiff member pointing to the sky. It seemed Ruby was right, it would probably take another release before she settled down until 'milking' time later.

Having moved out from under Ruby, Jaune positioned himself besides her once again, resting his head on one of the pillows at the head of the bed taking a moment to catch his breath. There was a strain on his boxers that was beginning to get unbearable, something that didn't go unnoticed by the still out of it Ruby.

Reaching towards his groin she didn't say any words as her claws popped out and quickly shredded his pair of briefs. Jaune wanted to face palm at the move, he could have taken them off himself or something, anything but destroying them!

But that was the least of his worries, he could see the predatory look in her eyes, she wanted his little junior.

There was an almost unspoken rule on the farm, something that everyone followed. Jaune didn't stick his thing down below, and they didn't do the same to him. Though he would admit at moments like these when they looked so desperate, especially Ruby or Pyrrha he was tempted, but he never crossed that line.

Fingers, tongues, hell even feet one time, almost anything for getting them off was allowed, but not intercourse. Jaune had no problem with this as the line was something he wasn't willing to cross, but it was hard for the girls some times.

Being Alpha's sometimes their instincts got the better of them, like the one time Pyrrha had to drag Yang off Jaune after she got a little too excited. Something she had apologized for later, thankfully Pyrrha had been around at the time.

There was a trust between all of them that, that one rule would not be broken, but it seemed Ruby was really out of it and like Yang was a bit too excited.

He could already see her making for it, wanting to position her snatch right over his rod. Quickly putting a stop to this, Jaune used what strength he had to position Ruby's body on top of his, back facing him, his own rod pressed between her thighs far away enough that their couldn't be an accident.

Ruby struggled for a second as Jaune held her, one arm around her waist, the other clasping a boob.

"No Ruby."

Jaune's voice was like steel as he spoke, her body finally settling down. A small whine left her lips and he knew if she were looking at him, she would give the best pouting face she could muster, something incredibly affective. But he wouldn't do it, he wouldn't cross that line.

After a few seconds Ruby's body finally relaxed and he knew he had won this battle, she wouldn't try anything, that didn't mean she wasn't still raring for her last orgasm. Jaune would admit it was hard to concentrate on Ruby as she started to rub her thighs back and forth bringing to him his own pleasure, but he got on.

Jaune's left hand snaked down from Ruby's waist as it made its way to her slit. Still gushing and wet from her last explosion, his wrist sat firmly next to and half covering her raging red rod. Three fingers went in without a moment's notice as Jaune also rubbed his wrist over her bulge bringing her pleasure to the extreme as a little pre started to leak again. Jaune started to rain kisses up and down her nape as her thighs rubbed his own small head back and forth, his words flowing, pushing her further and further.

"You're cute Ruby."

Her tail slowly started to caress Jaune's Stomach.

"You're body feels so nice in my hands."

His hand moved up and down Ruby skin, swirling his fingers every now and then causing more shivers to spike up her spine.

"You're a good girl."

He quietly whisper in her ear as his hand brushed along her full length, giving it a small pump before letting go, moving back towards her boobs.

"Your breasts are so firm and squishy I could play with them all day."

His voice lowered even more as he whispered his words right into her fluffy ears. Her body bucking up in need, forcing his hand a little deeper into her divine cave, water gushing out like a waterfall.

"Your tail feels so nice filtering over my skin"

*Whine* *Whine*

Jaune's voice dropped just that bit lower, almost a rumbling growl in her ears.

"Your skin is so Smoooooth"

High pitched whines echoed from her mouth as all words seemed lost to her, only a primal begging being able to makes its way through her haze of pleasure as Jaune brought his hand up to fondle her ears.

"I can't get enough of your Ears, I love them."

Her breath escaped her as she went ridged, her pussy preparing to become a vice grip, her cock standing at attention, Jaune's own explosion about to happen. Making sure to give her the best finish he also stopped for a second.

There was a beat of lost time as Jaune's hand moved down from her ears and positioned itself right above her bulbus glands, gripping the muscles as tightly as he could, something he knew brought her extreme pleasure.

At the same time the thumb of his left hand wiggled up and pressed firmly onto her clit vigorously attacking it back and forth as fast as possible. Taking a deep breath in of her scent, making sure that she knew, one of her biggest kinks as a wolf Faunus…

"*Sniff* You smell soooo nice. I love you."

The reaction was instant as her legs shot out and an almost howl left her lips. Her waist bucked up and down as her cave clamped down as hard as it could, water gushing rapidly forth, while her glands swelled in Jaune's hands tensing as if to fight his tight grip, her seed exploded all over herself.

Jaune's own release came as her legs shot forth and brushed against his own erection, shooting his seed up onto her leg and stomach as well.

Both their bodies shuddered in pleasure as Jaune continued to grip tightly to her glands, his fingers working up a storm as she shot rope after rope out, her body shuddering uncontrollable, drool coming dripping out of the corner out of her mouth, a howl only going to a higher pitch of pleasure.

Jaune's hand was absolutely drenched as Ruby finally came down from her high, body still shuddering and twitching in pleasure as Jaune slowly removed his hand from her slit and let go of her glands.

Her glands stayed an angry red as if she was knotting her mate, already swelling to more than the size of her own balls. Jaune knew when that happened she had truly had a good climax. Coming down slightly from his own release, he let his arms fall to his side exhaustion coming once more.

His eyes felt heavy as he thought to keep them open. But in the end he couldn't.

As Dreams started to take him he was only half conscious of Ruby moving her body so she could snuggle with him as they drifted off. She took the position of little spoon, her ass resting against his shrinking member as darkness took him.

He would be waking up late today.

So here is the second chapter, didn't think I would actually do it, but I did. I also didn't ever think I would have to look up some of the stuff I had to. Canine bulbus gland…yeap no.

So as I'm sure most of you are wondering, each starting chapter will basically focus on one of the girls of RWBY and Pyrrha, as whatever Faunus they are, as well as what kinks they have in a one on one situation.

At the same time at the start of each of them (If I actually get to them) I will have a flash back on how things got to such a point. (I'm sure some of you have picked up the sub plot I got going in the background and what it could mean, once again inspiration from 'The ranch', by Desu vault (hint) But you know completely different in approach and all that)

After the one on ones, it'll be the 'collector' coming over and a few chapters about what happened after that, with yes Jaune finally having actual Sex with them. No penetration until Kinks are done. Everything else on the table really.

I am trying to keep this a short story, so chapter wise I don't want many, word wise no clue. This one already got big enough.

I do hope my lemons/smut was better than last time. I'm finding it a bit hard to figure out if the Sound effects/noises actually help or if it's better to just describe what happening. You know moaning and stuff in the background that I keep putting in.

I had to think really hard about what type of Faunus look I was going to Give Ruby. There are many Furry Wolf Girl pictures out there all with different looks. I basically picked an amalgamation of them, going from the heavier fur on certain areas like the chest and wrists (Mainly Female Hell Hound Pictures) to the parts that are covered by fur but look so smooth as if it's skin. I hope everyone could get a good mental image I'm not always the best at description.

Ohh yeah if I do another, Next up Yang!

Hope You Enjoyed

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