The Flip Side

Chapter 07: Try Out

Chapter 10 is available for Patreons

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[Tuesday, Apr 9th]

I wake up to Alla kissing me. Slipping my arms around her, I pull her against me and return her kiss.

When she breaks the kiss, she says, “Good morning.”

Smiling, I reply, “Good morning. What time is it?”

“Around 5:30.”

“Why are you awake? We don’t have to be up for another hour.”

She slides her hand along me, up to my breast and plays with my nipple. She grins at me and says, “Take a guess.”

I grin back and say, “Oh my, someone’s energetic this morning.” She giggles and I tell her, “I’m more than willing, but we need a towel if we do.” She smiles and nods. Pulling her down to me, I roll over on top of her, and we share a very long, deep, and sensuous kiss while I play with her nipples. Once I break our kiss, I stand up and walk to the bathroom.

“Andie, you have a very cute ass!”

Giggling, I look over my shoulder, and tell her, “Thank you. I’m glad you like it.” I wink at her and blow her a kiss. Continuing on to the bathroom, I grab a towel and return to the bed. I slide the towel under her as she raises her hips. I kiss and lick my way up her. She gasps as I suckle and lick a nipple in passing, and continue until I reach her luscious lips. I take them, kissing her deeply and fervently as I lightly trace up and down her body with my fingertips. It isn’t long until she’s squirming and whimpering.

When I move to her neck to kiss, lick and nip, she lets out a hot sigh and murmurs, “Oh God Andie, that feels so good. Please, don’t stop.”

I whisper back, “As if I would.”

I continue to kiss, lick, nibble and tease her until she begs me, “Please Andie, stop teasing me!”

Grinning wickedly, I lean in and give her a soft kiss. Tracing my lips along her cheek, I then whisper in her ear, “Who do you belong to, me or Brian?”

She takes my cheeks between her hands and makes me look at her. Smiling, she says, “That a no-brainer. Of course, I’m yours alone. I’ll never allow Brian to touch me this way.”

I kiss her neck and whisper, “Good answer. Here’s your reward.”

I slide down her, kissing and licking as I do. Pausing at her breasts, I roll one of her nipples while I suckle and nibble on the other. She mewls and gasps until I move down between her legs, I kiss and lick the insides of her thighs, close to, but never touching her vagina until she whimpers, “Please, Andie, enough teasing me.”

I look up at her with a malicious grin and begin to slowly stroke her clit. She closes her eyes, surrendering herself to the tempest of sensations surging through her. When I finally plunge my tongue inside her. She gasps loudly and arches her back, squirming and moaning. She’s flooded with love nectar and I eagerly lap it up. It isn’t very much longer before she gasps loudly as her orgasm takes her, breathing roughly and shuddering as the sensations rampage through her body.

As I’m moving up to cuddle with her, I glance at the clock and notice it’s only been around 20 minutes since she woke me. She suddenly grabs me by my hair to drag me up her. Forcefully pushing her tongue in my mouth, she sucks and licks my tongue, greedily devouring it. Rolling on top of me, she continues to kiss me while she slides her hands down to play with my nipples.

When she finally breaks our kiss, she moves off of me, has me raise my hips and slides the towel under me. She leans back in to kiss me again as she lightly traces her fingers along my stomach and around my areolas. Kissing her way down me until she reaches my breasts, she suckles, licks and nibbles one of my nipples while rolling and kneading the other.

She moves further down, sliding in between my legs. Spreading the folds of my vagina, she licks my clit. I ball the quilt in my hands and gasp as I immediately lightly cum. She begins to stroke my clit with her finger as she licks me. With every stroke and lick, the flames of my passion rise higher and higher until finally, everything go white as I orgasm. Gasping for breath as every muscle quivers, I lose myself to the explosion of ecstasy. She climbs up to cuddle as the echo of my orgasm resonates through me.

Once I settle down, I kiss her, then smile and tell her, “OMG that was phenomenal!”

Grinning she says, “Mine was too. Andie, can I ask you something kinda personal?”

I shrug. “You can ask me anything.”

“Why don’t you have any hair? I mean, you don’t have any hair on your legs, your crotch, or under your arms, nor do you have any stubble. I didn’t even see a razor or anything in your bathroom.”

I’m at a loss for how to respond until I hear Eris tell me, “I did that for you.” Thinking about what I can say to her that will sound plausible, I finally tell her, “My doctor says it’s a genetic abnormality. I’ll never have hair grow anywhere other than my scalp and eyebrows.”

“You’re lucky. Shaving sucks and depilatory creams can be painful in sensitive places.”

“Mhmm. I never considered that. I suppose I am lucky.” I glance at the clock to see the alarm is about to go off. Reaching over, I turn it off, look back at Alla and pull her down to me for another kiss. Savoring the feel of her soft, warm body and lips against mine, I deepen our kiss. Several minutes later, I break it and whisper, “I think I’m going to really enjoy having you as my best friend.”

She smiles and says, “Me too,” and then giggles. “However, you mean BFWB, don’t you?”

I look at her with a confused expression and ask, “What does that mean?”

She grins at me mischievously as she says, “Best Friends with Benefits.”

I chuckle and hug her a little tighter. “Mhmm and I love those benefits. I have to say, this was a wonderful way to start off our day… Come on, we need to shower and get ready for school.”

“Ugh, I’d much rather spend the day in bed with you.”

“That does sound like a lot of fun, but you know we can’t do that.”

Sighing, she gets up and helps me up too. I grab the towel off the bed and we head into the bathroom. I drop the towel in the hamper and go turn on the shower to let it warm up. We wash each other, and then we wash and condition our hair, adding playful kisses and caresses here and there. After we dry off, we blow dry and brush out each others’ hair. Heading back into the bedroom, we dress and head downstairs.

Mom is in the kitchen making breakfast when we enter. She turns and smiles at us, saying, “Good morning.”

We tell her, “Good morning.”

I make each of us a cup of coffee and we sit down at the table. A few minutes later, Mom brings us each a plate. Once she has hers, she sits down. As we’re eating, Mom look at us and clears her throat. “Andrea, I don’t mind you two’s relationship.” She smiles at my shocked expression. “It was easy to see. Just remember to keep it strictly to friendship level when your father is around, alright?”


“Good, we don’t need any problems and you know how he is. If he found out he would fly off the handle.”

Alla grins and shakes her head. “You’re so cool Miriam. I can’t see my Mom being this accepting.”

Mom smiles at her. “Alla, all I care about is that Andie is happy. However, I’d love to have some grandchildren at some point in the future.”

Embarrassed beyond belief, I cry out, “MOM!”

She laughs and winks at me. I think, ’Geez, she loves to tease me.’

“I’ll put you two’s hair up after breakfast.”

We tell her, “Thank you.”

After we eat and clean up, she has us follow her to her bathroom so she can style our hair in an updo. A reverse dutch braid bun for Alla, and for me she does a 5-strand french braid and makes a bun in the back.

I grab a new toothbrush for Alla to use out of the supply closet and we go to my bathroom and brush our teeth. In my bedroom, Alla packs up her clothes while I grab my purse, drop my phone in it and we head downstairs.

Walking over to Mom, I give her a hug and say, “I’ll see you after work. Love you.”

“I love you too. Have a great day at school. Alla, it was nice to meet you. Please, take care of my Andie.”

Alla grins and says, “Of course. I’d do that anyway.”

“Bye Mom.”

Alla and I grab our bookbags and head out to my car. After we get in, buckle up and I start the car, she says, “Andie?” I turn to look at her and she kisses me. I slip my hand behind her neck and deepen our kiss. She breaks it a minute later and tells me, “I’m so glad we’re friends. We’re going to have so much fun together.”

I grin and tell her, “You can bet that cute ass of yours we will.”

She giggles as I put it in first gear and take off for school. A few minutes later, she says, “Andie?”


“Have you ever thought of being a cheerleader?”

“Not even for a moment.”

“Would you consider it for me?”

“Can I ask you why you want me to be one?”

“Mmm, well, for one, it’ll expand your circle of friends. It’ll also allow us to be together more. No one ever questions when cheerleaders always hang out together.”

I glance at her. “Do you really think I can do it?”

“I do and I’d like you to be a cheerleader with me.”

“So, how am I supposed to do that?”

“Mia is the cheer captain, so we’d have to talk to her, and you would need to try out.”

I silently sigh. “Alla, I’ve never done anything like that, but I suppose, if you really want me to, I can at least try.”

She reaches over and pats my thigh. “Thank you, Andie. It’s just that I enjoy being with you.”

“Same here, but we also have time after school as well.”

“I know, but I’m a believer in the saying ‘more is better,’ and I want to spend more time with you.”

I smile and shake my head. “I don’t even begin to understand how all this happened in less than 24 hours.”

“It’s fate.”

“I don’t believe in fate. I believe in God and freewill. I even believe that everyone has a soulmate, but I don’t believe our lives are predetermined.”

“Well, I do believe in it. How else can you explain us?”

I shrug. “You started talking to me and we have a lot in common. Alla, I like you a lot and I’m comfortable with you, that should be obvious by now. I‘d have never had sex with you otherwise, but I really don’t believe it was fate.”

She takes my hand off of the gear shift and holds it. “I don’t know why, but it simply feels like we were supposed to meet. I don’t want to sound like I’m a Yandere here, but that’s what it feels like.”

I giggle. “Alla, you’re so silly. Call it whatever you want. I don’t mind at all.” She keeps holding my hand until we take the exit ramp and I say, “Sorry, but I need my hand so I can shift.”

She lifts my hand, kisses my palm and releases it. At the stoplight, I look at her and say, “I promise that I’ll do my best to make it onto the cheer squad. Spending more time with you sounds wonderful and having more friends wouldn’t hurt either.”

The light changes and I make the turn. She says, “Andie, I’m not sure if you see it, but you’re gorgeous and have a great personality. I’m quite sure that if you just give people a chance you’ll be very popular. Just don’t forget me when it happens.”

“That’s never going to happen. Not only are you my first real friend since I was in 2nd grade, but you’re my best friend. Believe me when I say that I’d never do anything to hurt you.”


We arrive at school a few moments later. Gather our things and head to the entrance. Just like yesterday, there are a lot of boys staring at the two of us. I suppose that’s understandable, as Alla said I’m gorgeous and so is she, so us drawing attention is to be expected. Of course, we’re also a study in contrast since I have silver hair and she’s a redhead.

I smile and wave at Mia when I see her talking to a couple of girls. She smiles, waves back, and yells out asking, “You’re having lunch with us again today, aren't you?”

“Of course.”

“Good! See you in class.”

“Okay.” I look at Alla. “She’s always so nice. Even before I made these changes yesterday, she was nice to me.”

She nods. “I don’t think Mia has a mean bone in her body. I asked her about it last year and she said, ‘I treat people the way I want to be treated.’ I’ve never seen her talk down to, or bully, anyone. She can be hard on us cheerleaders because she wants us to be the best, but she’s not malicious about it like some captains I’ve had.”

I nod. “That sounds like Mia.”

Once we arrive at our classroom, she makes the guy that sits next to me move and takes his seat. Chris comes in a minute later and glances at me, but at least he doesn’t stare like yesterday. To me, the day seems to fly by until the bell rings for lunch. Alla and I make our way down to the canteen, get our lunch and join Mia at her table.

Gathering my courage, I get Mia’s attention and say, “Mia, I’d like to join the cheer squad.”

She smiles. “Really? That’s great! We’re short one member and we’ve been trying to find someone, but no one would try out.”

“I don’t know if I can do it or not, but I’d like to try at least.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine. Okay, meet me in the gym after school and you can try out.” She leans close to my ear and whispers, “I hope you do well because I think you’ll fit right in with us.”

“I promise I’ll do my best.”

She pats my thigh and says, “Good.”

Victoria, don’t call her Vicky, starts talking about a fashion article she read last night. I try to follow what they are saying because this something I think I’ll need to know about. Suffice it to say, I try, but I’m pretty much lost when it comes to this subject. It might behoove me to get Alla to help me learn more about fashion.

The rest of the day flies by as well, and soon enough, the final bell rings. Alla and I gather our things and make our way to the locker room in the gym.

As I’m undressing, Alla says, “Relax, Andie. You’ll do fine.”

Hang up my uniform, I tell her, “I hope so. I don’t want to let everyone down, so I can’t help but be nervous.”

I pull on my shorts and t-shirt, and then put on my sports shoes. Alla says, “Andie?” I look up and she pulls me to her to hug me. Slipping my arms around her as well, I rest my head against her shoulder. “Calm down and relax. You can do this. I believe in you.”

I lean back to look her in the eyes, caress her cheek, and give her a quick kiss. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

She lets me go, and we walk out into the gym to see the whole cheer squad there laying out mats. We head over to Mia.

She says, “Hi. I’m glad you decided to come.” She looks at the others and calls out, “Okay ladies, clear the floor and take a seat.” She takes my hand and leads me onto the mats. She turns to me. “Let’s start with something basic and see how flexible you are. Do a front to back split for me.”

I slide down with one leg in front of me and one behind until my crotch touches the floor.

“Wow, you’re limber as hell! Okay, now a side split.”

Standing up, I slide down with my legs out to each side until my crotch touches the floor.

“Wonderful. Okay, Now a backbend.” Standing up, I do it. “Can you go into a handstand from there?” Kicking my legs up and do a handstand.

“Have you ever done gymnastics before?”

I shake my head and say, “No.”

“Okay, well, cartwheel now.” Standing up, I perform three cartwheels in a row.

“Excellent. Front flip and then a backflip.”

Taking a deep breath, I squat down, jump up, pull my legs against my chest, flipping over and landing on my feet.

I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do this without cracking my head open, but it was no problem at all. I wonder if Eris made it to where I could do this. Suddenly, I hear her voice in my head, ‘Not only did I make you stronger and more athletic, but I increased your spatial awareness, flexibility, and gymnastic ability. This will be easy for you.’

I jump again and do the same thing, only backwards this time.

“Damn Andie! You should have tried out at the beginning of the year. Front handspring.”

I take a few running steps, jump forward on my hands into a handstand, kick my right leg over, push off the ground, and land on my feet. The other cheerleader clap and say, “Way to go!” “Great job!” “Whoo!” and several other things I don’t catch.

“Back handspring with a half twist.”

I squat down, and then jump up, throwing my arms over my head, while spinning to my left 90°. When my left hand touches the ground I continue until my right does, bending my arms, I push back up, spin to my left 90° again and land on my feet. I walk back over to her.

“Awesome Andie! I can see you’re innately good at gymnastics. Okay, now let’s do a cheer. I’m going to demonstrate a cheer and then you do the same thing, alright?”

I nod. “Okay.”

“I’ll take it slow the first time around and then do it again at normal speed. This ones really easy to remember and one we do all the time.”

She takes a couple of steps backwards. “Let’s go!” She shifts her left hip diagonally forward, extending her leg with her toe pointed and her arms at a 45° angle out from her body, stepping back with her legs together, she claps her hands twice.

“Let’s fight!” This time she shifts her right hip diagonally forward, extending her leg with her toe pointed and her arms at a 45° angle out from her body, stepping back with her legs together, she claps her hands twice again.

She draws her right leg up, and raises her fist above her head with her arm straight. “Let’s win tonight!” Then she returns to the start position and claps her hands twice.

She jumps up, spreading her legs and raising her arms in a ‘V,’, she chants, “Let’s go!” bringing her right arm down across her to her left hip. “Let’s fight!” bringing her left arm down across her to her right hip. “Let’s win tonight!” She raises her arms back into a ‘V,’ high kicks and calls out, “Whoo!” and then claps.

“Did you get that?”

I nod and say, “Yes.”

“Okay, normal speed this time.” She runs back through it again and then tells me, “Alright, your turn.” I run through the routine for her. “Perfect! You’re a natural, Andie. How do you feel about doing some jumps and stunts? You don’t have to do it. Not everyone is cut out to do them. If nothing else, you can be a thrower and catcher, but you’re the smallest girl here, so I’d like it if you would.”

I shrug. “I don’t mind at all.”

“Good. Olivia, Emma, Alla, Hannah, come help us here.”

They come over and we run through several jumps. A pike, right and left toe-touches, spread eagle, pike-out and hurdler. After that, we performed several lifts. All in all, I’m amazed at how good I am at this, of course, I did have some divine help.

“Excellent job, Andie! Why don’t you go get some water while I talk to the other members.”

“Sure.” I head over to the ice chest by the door, grab a bottle of water and sit down to drink it.

As I’m doing that she walks over to the other girls and they quietly talk for a few minutes. She then looks over at me and waves for me to come over. Getting up, I walk over to her.

Smiling, she says, “Welcome to the squad, Andie! We finally have all twelve members.” Everyone claps, and they come over to hug and welcome me. I’m all smiles as they do so.

After everyone settles down, Mia gets into her bag, takes out a notepad and tells me, “I’ll need your measurements so I can get your uniform.”

“34B, 22, 36.”

She writes them down and says, “I’ll have it for you on Monday. We have practice after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Games are Friday evenings at 7:00. For home games, we have to be here at 6:30. For away games the time depends on where they are since we have to take a bus to them. I’ll tell you what time to be here several days ahead of time.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Go get cleaned up. You might want to call your parents and tell them you’ll be late because we’re going to have a welcome party for you tonight.”

“Okay, sounds like fun.”

I head into the locker room to take a quick shower and dress.

I call Mom and tell her, “Guess what?”

“No idea, why don’t you just tell me.”

“I tried out to be a cheerleader today and I made it onto the squad.”

I can hear the smile in her voice as she says, “That’s wonderful sweety! I was a cheerleader in high school, and college too. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun.”

“I think so, too. All of the girls are so nice. Umm… They want to take me out tonight for a welcome party.”

“Sure. Have fun, just be home by 10:00.”

“Thanks, Mom. I love you. Bye.”

“Love you too. Bye, baby girl.”

I gather up my things, and walk back out to them with a huge smile plastered across my face.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

Dawn Fletcher & Mysti

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