The Flip Side

Chapter 08: Welcome!

Chapter 14 is available for Patreons

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After discussing it amongst themselves, they decided we should go to Romano’s Pizza. With that decided, Mia asks, “Who has a car?” Victoria, Brittany and I hold up our hands. “Good, three cars it means we won’t be sitting in each others laps. I’ll ride with Brittany.”

Alla says, “I’ll ride with Andie.”

Alexis, Savannah, and Hailey elect to ride with Victoria. Hannah and Zoey with me and Alla. Emma and Olivia are left to ride with Brittany and Mia. Exiting the gym, we walk out the parking lot.

As we walk up to my car, Zoey gasps and asks, “This is yours?”


Hannah says, “Damn girl, your parents must be rich!”

I shake my head. “Not really. I would more say comfortable. Anyway, they didn’t buy this for me.” I unlock the car. Alla opens the door and flips the seat forward. Zoey and Hannah climb in back and then Alla and I get in. Glancing back, I tell them, “Put on your seatbelts, please.”

Hannah asks, “If your parents didn’t buy it for you, how did you get it?”

“It was a present.”

Zoey says, “Someone gave you a $70,000 car as a present?!”

I nod as I look at her in the rearview. “Of course. It’s from a family member who felt they owed me.” I suppose I can say that.

“Wow! I wish I had a family member like that!”

I start the car, set the navigation for Romano’s Pizza, shift into first and pull out. 15 minutes later, we arrive. Inside, we slide 3 tables together off in a corner. The waitress comes over to take our drink orders and heads off to get them as we discuss what type of pizza to get. She comes back with our drinks and we order two large combination pizzas.

Mia picks up her drink, stands up, holds out her drink to me and says, “Well ladies, thanks to Andie, we finally have a complete squad. Welcome to the Cheer Squad!”

Everyone stands and says, “Welcome, Andie!”

Smiling, I touch everyone’s glass with mine and we take a drink.

Alla leans over and whispers, “I told you that you’d do fine. You need to talk to everyone and get to know them.”

I nod and spend the next half hour talking to everyone. I suppose I ought to tell you a little about them.

Mia Warren is our cheer captain. She’s 16, around 5’7", and maybe 120 lbs with blonde hair and green eyes.

Victoria Stone is our vice-captain. She’s 18, around 5’8" with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Oliva Reynolds is 17. She’s around 5’7" with black hair and brown eyes.

Emma Lawrence is 17. Around 5’8" and has brown hair and blue eyes.

Brittany Lange is 17. About 5’7" with brown hair and brown eyes.

Zoey Thompson is 16. Around 5’6" with blonde hair and green eyes.

Hannah Davis is 16. Around 5’5" with red hair and brown eyes.

Alexis Watson is 16. Roughly 5’6" with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

Hailey Adams is 16. About 5’5" with black hair and blue eyes.

Savannah Foster is 16. Around 5’6" with brown hair and hazel eyes.

As we’re talking, the pizza arrives and we take a break to eat.

After a few bites, Savannah asks, “Andie, what do you like to do?”

“Well, until recently, I pretty much kept to myself.” I see several of the girls nod. “So, I like to read, watch anime and things like that. I also discovered I like to cosplay.”

Hailey giggles and says, “There you go Alla! Now you have someone to cosplay with.”

Alla nods and says, “I know. We’re going to the Supercon this weekend.”

As we continue to eat and talk, Mia and Brittany excuse themselves. After I’ve finished my third piece of pizza, I’m completely stuffed. I find it amazing that this little fills me up. When I was still a boy, I could have finished one of the pizzas we ordered by myself. I sit back and take a drink.

I lean over and whisper to Alla, “I need to use the bathroom.”

“I’ll go with you.” We stand and Alla says, “We’ll be right back.”

We head to the bathroom, enter and I walk over to the last stall and open the door. I stop dead in my tracks. I’m stupefied when I see Mia and Brittany in it making out. They break their kiss, looking at me with a frightened expression.

I back up until I hit the sink counter and say, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was occupied.”

Alla asks, “What’s wrong, Andie?” She walks over, looks in the stall, and says, “Oh.”

Mia snaps out of it a moment later and begs us, “Please! Don’t tell anyone!”

Alla looks at me questioningly and I nod. I am pretty sure what she wants. She steps over to me, takes me in her arms, and kisses me. I slip my arms around her, pull her closer and deepen our kiss. A short time later, she pulls away, but honestly, all I want is to continue.

Alla caresses my cheek and smiles, then looks at them and says, “Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone.”

Their relieved expression makes Alla giggle. Brittany says, “Thank you. We appreciate it.”

I shrug. “We’re in the same boat. We know about you and you know about us. Personally, I think you two make a cute couple. You are a couple, aren’t you?”

Mia nods. “Since the first of the year.”

“Alla and I just got together yesterday.”

Brittany says, “Umm… Can we not talk about this here? I don’t want anyone to overhear us. How about we get together after school tomorrow and we can talk then.”

Alla and I nod and I say, “Sure. We can do that, but right now I need to pee, badly. Excuse me.”

They giggle as I hurriedly step into a stall and close the door. Sliding down my pantyhose and panties, I take care of my business and wipe. Sliding my panties and pantyhose back on, I settle my skirt back down and walk out to wash my hands.

Turning to look at them, I ask, “So, what now? Where do you want to talk tomorrow?

Alla says, “For right now, we should go back to the party. How about we meet up at my house since nobody will be home until after 8:00?”

Mia nods and Brittany says, “Sounds good. It’s private and no one will be around to overhear or bother us.”

Alla says. “Well, if nothing else, we have something in common and I think the four of us can have a lot of fun together.” When Mia’s eyes widen, Alla giggles and says, “No, not that way. I meant hanging out and stuff.”

Mia relaxes and blows out her breath. “Oh. Good. It’s just that’s what it sounded like when you invited us to your house and said we could have a lot of fun together.”

Alla and I chuckle. I tell her, “No worries there. The only girl I look at in that way is Alla.”

Alla chimes in, “Same here with Andie… Okay, you two go on ahead since you came in here first. We’ll follow in a few minutes.”

Brittany tells us, “Okay, see you out there.”

Alla looks at me and I suddenly begin giggling. I couldn’t tell you why I did, but I giggle so hard that tears begin falling. Apparently, they are contagious because she starts giggling as well. It takes a bit, but we finally get ourselves back under control, which was rather hard since every time she would look at me, I’d start giggling again.

“Andie, do you want to come over after this?”

Brushing away my tears, I reply, “Of course. You didn’t even have to ask.”

“I was hoping you’d want to… Ready to go back out?” I nod. “We’ll stay a little while longer and then tell them we have to leave.”

“Mmm, sounds good.”

We go back out and rejoin the party. I sip my drink and talk to several of them for another 15 minutes and then announce, “I’m sorry, but I need to go.”

Alla says, “Me too, since you’re my ride.”

I look at Hannah and Zoey questioningly.

Zoey says, “I live close to Victoria, so I’ll catch a ride with her.”

Hannah shrugs and asks, “Where do you live?”

“Key Largo.”

“Okay, can you drop me at my house? My house in that direction.”

“Sure, not a problem…” I look up and say, “Thanks for the welcome party. I had a great time. I look forward to getting to know all of you much better. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

They all wave and say, “Bye.” The three of us make our way out to my car. I unlock it and we get in. After I start it, I ask, “What’s your address?” She tells me and I type it into the navigation system. A few moments later the route pops up. I put it in gear and take off.

Hannah says, “I love your car, Andie.”

“Me too. I’ve always wanted this car and now I have it. If you don’t mind me asking, where are you originally from?” She has a fairly heavy accent, which I find lyrical and adorable.

“Ireland. My family moved here when I was 10.”

“I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland. It’s so beautiful there.”

“It’s not a lot different than here in the US. There are a lot of gorgeous places here.”

We continue talking on the drive to her house. I find out she’s got a boyfriend that she’s been dating since she was 13. He doesn’t attend our school. Surprisingly, she described him as a programming genius. He’s 17, but already graduated high school when he was 16. He attends Florida International University. She asks about my boyfriend. She looks surprised when I tell her I’ve never had one. She asks me why and I tell her that I’ve been asked, but none of them interested me.

Once we arrive at her house, Alla gets out and flips the seat forward for her to get out. She tells me, “Thanks for the ride. I’m glad you joined the squad. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I reply, “You’re welcome. Have a good night.”

Alla climbs back in while I reset the navigation to her house. I have no idea where we are, so it’s kind of needed. Following the directions, we soon get on Highway 1 south. Alla turns on the radio, turns it to a J-Pop station, takes my hand and intertwines her fingers with mine as we silently make our way to her house. She releases my hand as I take the exit ramp. At the stop light, I pull her to me for a short, tender kiss.

She smiles at me. “I love the way you kiss me.”

“Thank you.” I grin mischievously. “Wait until we get to your bedroom. I’ll do something else that you love.”

She giggles. “I was hoping you would.”

The light changes and I return my attention to driving. It isn’t long before we arrive at her house. Once I park, we get out and go inside. She grabs a towel out of the bathroom and we continue to her bedroom. As soon as the door is closed and locked, she pulls me against her.

I wrap my arms around her neck and smile. “I’ve wanted to do this with you ever since school let out, but someone made me try out to be a cheerleader.”

She grins at me. “Oh, don’t even try to tell me you didn’t enjoy yourself. I saw your smile as you were doing everything. By the way, you were simply amazing.”

“Thank you.” I look up at her through my eyelashes and coquettishly ask, “What’s my reward for making the squad?”

She leans in and gives me a long, deep and sensuous kiss. After she pulls back, she tells me, “Whatever you want. You just name it.”

Smiling happily, I tell her, “I want you.”

She giggles. “You already have me.”

“Mhmm. That’s true, but you have clothes on and we aren’t in bed.”

“Well, now that’s an easy fix.”

She kneels, unbuckles and slips off my shoes. Running her hands along my legs as she stands up, she begins to undress me, planting kisses here and there as she does so. Once I’m nude, I undress her. To me, it seems as if I’m unwrapping a present as I do so.

She takes my hand, leads me to the bed, picks up the towel and spreads it out. I lay down and we immerse ourselves in each other for the next two hours. Afterward, I glance at the clock to see that it’s a little before 7:00.

I lay back down on her and nuzzle against her neck. She traces her fingertips lightly along my back as I murmur, “This might very well be addictive.”


For the next half hour, we simply cuddle, enjoying the feel of each other as we do. At 7:30, we get out of bed, clean ourselves up and start dressing. When I pick up my pantyhose, I say “Ugh!”

“What is it Andie?”

“I hate pantyhose. I don’t mind stockings overall, but pantyhose are confining.”

“Andie, you do know they make mock stockings, right?”

“No. What are those?”

“Basically they are stockings that have a built in garter belt, but they come up higher than thigh stockings.”

“Oh, hell! I want some!” I look at my pantyhose in disgust. “I hate these things!”

“I can’t say that I blame you there. I don’t much care for them myself. I prefer just going without stockings or pantyhose.”

“My mom will never allow me to go without one or the other. She considers it unladylike to go without them.”

I finish dressing and stand up. I slip my arms around her waist. “I wish you could spend the night with me again, but I don’t think that it’d go over very well with your mother.”

“I'd like that as well, but you’re right, my mom wouldn’t like it. Hey, do you want to spend the night here on Saturday? My mom will be gone overnight then.”

“I’d have to ask my mom, but I don’t think I’ll be able to. I have to attend church on Sunday with my family. My dad is rather strict about that.” I lean in and give her a deep kiss. Once I break it, I tell her, “I should go before your family comes home.”

She sighs and nods. “I know, but I wish that you didn’t have to go.”

“Mhmm. Me too.” I kiss her again. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

She walks me to the front door. “Good night, Andie.”

“Night, Alla.”

She stands in the doorway, watching me. I wave to her and she waves back. I get in my car and head for home.

A few minutes later, I park and walk inside. I call out, “I’m home.”

“Welcome home.” I walk to the living room where she is. “How was the party?”

Smiling, I say, “It was great. Everyone’s so nice. I think I’m really going to like being a cheerleader.”

“I think so too. I know I did.”

“Umm, Alla wants me to spend the night on Saturday.”

“Sure, I don’t mind, but you know we have church services Sunday morning.”

“I know. I’ll be home by 7:30.”

“Okay, make sure you are, have fun. You really like her don’t you?”

I smile and nod. “I do. Regardless of anything else, we have a lot in common and we have fun together. Plus, I’m comfortable around her.”

“Like I said, I don’t mind you two being in a relationship. Keep it quiet though. You know how your father would react if he found out.”

“All too well… Alright, I’ve got some homework to do, then I’m going to take a hot bath and go to bed. Love you, Mom. Good night.”

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

Misti, Britney Fletcher. ClamyCupcakes. & CoffeeCat

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