The Flip Side

Chapter 32: Moving In

Chapter 34 is available for Patreons. 

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As I expected, lunch turned into a lot of questions being thrown at me, not that I minded it in the least. After we eat, we head out to our normal bench to enjoy the weather and hang out.

The rest of the day more or less flies by. As has become normal, Dan meets us at our last class and walks us to my car. Today is a little different since he is going to be following us home so I can help him study. Honestly, I have no idea if Dan and I will work out, but I have hopes that it will.

So, with that in mind, I want him to be able to attend Trinity’s college with me and the requirements to get in are fairly high. A minimum of a 3.0 grade average and a SAT score of no less than 1400. As you can tell, they have fairly high entrance standards, but they are one of the better colleges in the area. One of the other things I like about them is that they are rather conservative, so you won’t see any of the liberal idiocy you see at so many other colleges.

They deal swiftly and harshly with any of that nonsense. An example of that: a few years back, the Young American Foundation chapter announced that they were bringing in Gabrielle Bosché to speak and several of the more liberal groups not only protested, but attacked several students that organized her visit and caused damage to the campus. Trinity’s campus police arrested and expelled everyone who took part in damaging the campus or hurting someone. Then they turned them over to the Miami police for prosecution.

Don’t misunderstand, free speech of almost any type is encouraged, but you are expected to respect others and their right to voice their opinion, even if you don’t agree with it. Of course, no rallies in support of LGBTQ or abortion is allowed on campus, but otherwise, groups are free to bring in any speakers they wish or hold rallies as long as they inform the administration ahead of time.

Sorry, I got a little side tracked there, but you can see why I want to attend there. This also means that I have a lot of work ahead of me to get and keep Dan’s grades up.

Back at my house, we go inside and I have him take a seat while we go up to change into something more comfortable. Well, in my case, cute and comfortable.

One the way up the stairs, Alla quietly tells me, “I’ll give you two some alone time.”

I give her a hug and murmur, “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

In my room, I delve through my outfits, finally deciding on a cobalt blue halter top that shows off a good amount of cleavage and a dark grey mini skirt.

Yes, Alla and I went shopping after Dad was arrested and we bought several fairly sexy blouses, mini skirts and dresses for me. She was right, I look fantastic in them because they really show off my long legs. Of course, I still like and wear the more conserative blouses along with the longer skirts and dresses that Mom originally bought me as well.

I check myself over in the mirror and go back downstairs to the dining room. His reaction is everything I could have hoped for when I enter the room. Smiling happily, I sit down on his lap and kiss him. Pulling me close, he deepens our kiss as I relax into his arms. Sometime later, I break our kiss.

I quietly say, “Alright, time to study,” give him one last kiss, stand up and then sit down beside him. Continuing, I ask, “What are your worst subjects?”

It ends up that he’s not so good in Algebra II, Physics, Spanish and US History. At least, in English and Biology he carries at least a B average.

Now, I just have to find out where he’s having problems in those courses and make a study plan to get him up to speed.

It takes a while, but at least I have places to start. We just have to work at it, which we do until 5:00 when he has to go home for dinner. I walk him to the door and he gives me a long goodnight kiss and tells me that he’ll see me in the morning.

[Tuesday, May 7th]

My alarm wakes me and as I stretch, Alla knocks on my door and comes in. We shower, she blow dries and brushes out our hair and then helps me dress. That done, she slips my sling on me and places my arm in it.

I give her a hug and tell her, “Thank you.”

She smiles at me, says, “You’re welcome,” and then heads off to her room to dress while I grab my purse and school bag.

I won’t even go into our school day because nothing out of the ordinary happens. After the final bell rings, Dan and Brian show up at our classroom and walk us to the gym for practice. They go to sit down on the bleachers as we enter the dressing room to change.

Once we change, we practice for a little over an hour. This time with me trying some of the easier one handed tumbles. I wasn’t sure if I could do them with my cast throwing me off balance, but I keep my arm close to my chest and try anyway. I was definitely ready to protect my arm if I failed, but thankfully, I performed them easily.

Heading back into the dressing room, we shower, change back into our uniforms and find Dan and Brian waiting for us outside the dressing room door. I take the hand he holds out to me and the four of us head out to the parking lot.

Loading up into our vehicles, we head to Alla’s and the four of us pack up her room. Well, it was really more the three of them, but I helped as much as I could. Once everything is packed and loaded into Brian’s truck, we drive the short distance over to my house and everything is carried up to her room. We decide to leave the unpacking for later and send the boys downstairs to get something to drink while we change clothes.

Back downstairs, Alla takes Brian up to her room for some alone time while Dan and I move to the table to study. We spend the next hour working through his homework. I explain whenever he doesn’t understand something. I know he isn’t dumb, far from it actually, so he catches on rather quickly. I’m betting that his teachers’ explanations don’t make much sense to him. Some people merely require a different way of explaining or showing them how it’s done to understand things properly. You know, as well as I do, that not everyone learns in the same way.

After we finish his homework, we still have over an hour before Mom comes home, so I take him up to my room and we lay down on my bed. Turning on the TV, I randomly pick an anime for some background noise since I seriously doubt we’ll even watch more than a moment or two of it.

As I’d hoped, a moment later, he leans over and kisses me. Slipping my arms around him, I pull him down on top of me. Happily yielding myself, I revel in the feel of him against me as we make out.

At least, until I accidently bump his head with my cast. He raises up and looks at me with an indignant expression, which makes me giggle.

When I can stop, I murmur, “Sorry.”

He still looks a little annoyed, not that I blame him since that had to hurt. He says, “I’ll be glad when you get that taken off.”

“Mhmm. Me too. I see my doctor about it on the 24th. Hopefully, it’ll be healed enough by then and she’ll remove it.”

“It can’t come soon enough for me. I really don’t want to explain to the guys that you gave me a concussion when we were making out.”

I laugh uncontrollably at the thought of him doing that. When I’m finally able to control my laughter, I move my casted arm down to his lower back and my other arm up to his neck to pull him down to me for some more kisses. I don’t know if he wants me to okay him touching my privates or if he’s just being a gentleman, but he never tries to touch me inappropriately while we make out. In my opinion, and that’s the one that matters, it’s a bit too soon for that anyway. Of course, that’s not to say he doesn’t do anything for me. After all, he’s very good looking and has a damn fine body. Let’s just say that my panties are a little damp from making out with him. There’s not much else I can say, other than he flips my switch.

So, we make out until a few minutes before Mom should get home and head downstairs. We find Alla and Brian watching TV in the living room and join them.

A few minutes later, Mom comes in and announces, “I’m home.”

Alla and I call out, “Welcome home.”

A moment later, she walks into the living room and asks, “Brian and Dan I assume.”

We nod as Brian and Dan stand and introduce themselves to her.

She replies, “Just call me Mariam. Everyone, please continue to relax, Nadia should be home in a few minutes and I ordered dinner already, so it should be here soon.”

Mom sits down and chats with them to get to know them a bit better. While she is, Nadia comes home, sits with us and joins the conversation. A few minutes later, the doorbell rings and Mom goes to answer it. She comes back with the food and places it on the table. Then Alla and Mom set the table as we all seat ourselves. Yes, Mom invited Dan and Brian to eat with us.

We continue talking as we eat and afterward, Nadia and Mom tell us that they’ll clean up. Alla and I walk them out to their vehicles where I give Dan a kiss and tell him goodnight.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

AcPz, Andrew Meyers, Blaze8901, Christiine Govinden-Loh, ClamyCupcakes, CoffeeCat, eeleater, GAbO1254, George, Glader, Issue Master, Jessica Clark, Johnie Kirk, Jordon Gotthold, kirindas, Kuroko, Lord Lucifer, Lunas, Matthew Tiffany, Mika Wayne Rogall, Miles, MisoTsu, Necrotyr, Nikolas Zane, Patrick Frake, Rene Gropp, Spencer Huston, Steven Yao, Terry Carter, TiwN222, William Dawson

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