The Flip Side

Chapter 33: Megacon

Chapter 34 is available for Patreons. 

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Not much goes on for the rest of this week until this weekend, so I’ll give you the highlights.

[Wednesday, May 7th]

Typical morning for us, shower, dress, and eat.

During breakfast Mom tells us, “Girls, you need to go shopping sometime this week.”


“Nothing all that big. I made dinner reservations for you when I reserved your room. You will need something a little dressier than what you have since this is a 4-star venue.”

Shrugging, I say, “Okay.” I look at Alla and ask, “After school?”

“Sure, but what about Dan?”

I shrug again. “Missing one day won’t make that much difference. I’m more concerned with our Junior and Senior years anyway. I’m mostly using now to get him into the habit of studying and asking for help when he doesn’t understand something.”

“Okay, after school then.”

We finish eating, Mom does our hair and we head off to school. Dan meets us in the parking lot, helps me out of the car and gives me a good morning kiss. While Dan and I talk and snuggle, I tell him that Alla and I have to go shopping today so we won’t be studying this afternoon. The rest of the day is the usual. At the end of the day, Dan walks us to the car and we go shopping.

[Thursday, May 8th]

Another typical morning for us, shower, dress, and eat.

We finish eating, Mom does our hair and we head off to school. Dan meets us in the parking lot, helps me out of the car and gives me a good morning kiss. The rest of the day is the usual. At the end of the day, Dan walks us to practice. After we clean up, we head to my house to study and then make out until 5:00 when he has to go home.

[Friday, May 9th]

Today’s game day, so we have to wear our cheer uniforms. As is now normal, Dan is waiting for me when we pull into the parking lot at school. We talk until the warning bell rings and he walks me to class. Once the final bell rings for the day, he picks me up at my classroom, takes my bag from me and we head to my car. Today is going to be a little different because Brian is joining us as well. We head to a nearby cafe to eat and kill some time again before we have to be at the field houses to board the buses.

We arrive at school shortly before 5:30 since today’s game is an away game. Dan gives me a kiss and the heads off to meet the rest of the team, while we head into the field house to meet the rest of the squad.

Mom along with Nadia this time are in the stands when we come out and we wave to them.

Alla murmurs, “This is the first game she’s ever come to. They really cut back her hours a lot.”

The game ends a little after 9:00 with our team winning 2-1. Not a wide margin, but a win is a win. Back at our school, I give Dan a goodnight kiss and tell him to be at my house before 4:30.

[Saturday, May 10th]

We set our alarms to wake us early today because it’s a fairly long drive to Orlando and we want to make it there before they open today. So, after we shower, brush out and dry our hair, Alla dresses me and then heads off to her room to dress.

It’s almost a four hour drive to Orlando, so we have to leave here by 4:30 to give us time to check in, change into our cosplay outfits and make it to the Megacon before it opens.

We arrive at the hotel a little after 8:30. Dan helps me out of the truck, he grabs our bags out of the bed of the pickup, takes my hand and we make our way inside. Walking into the spacious, if somewhat ostentatious in my opinion, lobby, we head over to the desk and are greeted by a young man who smiles pleasantly and asks, “Good evening. How may I help you today?”

Returning his smile, I tell him, “My mother reserved a room for us.”

“Of course. May I ask her name?”

“Miriam Williams.”

He looks at his computer and types in Mom’s name. Looking back up, he says, “I’m sorry, but there doesn’t seem to be a reservation under that name. Could it be under another?”

Frowning slightly as I think for a moment, I reply, “Umm, she might have put it under mine, Andrea.”

He looks down for a moment, types in my name and looks back up at me. “That’s it. We have a 2 bedroom suite for you. It’s on the twelfth floor, suite 1205.”

Thinking, ‘This is going to be a bit more expensive than I thought it would be,’ I turn to Dan and say, “Dan, I need my purse, so I can pay for this.”

The clerk clears his throat and I look back to him. “I apologize. It seems there’s been a misunderstanding. The suite and your dinner are already paid for.”

He smiles at my expression as I quietly mutter, “Oh. Okay.”

He hands the key card to me. “As I said, your dinner reservation is at 7:00 and it’s at Fiorella’s. The restaurant is directly behind you on the opposite side of the lobby.” He pauses and gestures to a hallway beside the desk. “The elevators are around the corner to the right. Room service is available until 10:00 and we hope you enjoy your stay with us.”

I thank him and we take the elevator to our room. Unlocking and opening the door, I see a huge suite. The kitchen is to our right and the living room is directly in front of us. On each side of the living room is a door, which I assume leads to our room.

Taking Alla’s arm, I pull her into the living room for a more private conversation. I had no idea Mom was going to do this for us, but since she has, I want a room for Dan and myself, unless Alla objects.

Before I can even say a word, she asks, “Can Brian and I have a room for us?”

Grinning, I reply, “Was just going to ask you the same thing, so of course you can. I want to have one for Dan and me as well.”

We walk back to the boys, pull Dan down to me and whisper, “You’ll be staying with me in one room. Alla and Brian are taking the other.”

Pulling back enough to look at me, he quietly asks, “Are you sure?”

I nod. “Of course I’m sure.” I pause and look him in the eye. “Dan, I want you to listen to me. The only things we will be doing is sleeping together, cuddling and making out a bit, but no sex, understood?”

“I understand.”

“Please, don’t misunderstand me. I have my urges where you are concerned as well, but I believe sex should be between two loving and committed people. It’s still too early for us to know where we really stand.”

He leans in and softly kisses me for a moment. “Andie, I told you before that I’d never knowingly do anything to hurt you. Trying to push you into sex when you aren’t ready is one of those things.” He pauses and grins at me. “Just so you know, I feel the same way you do about sex. Why else would I still be a virgin?”

How surprised I am at his admission must have shown in my expression because he suddenly laughs and hugs me. “Andie, I’ve had offers. I can’t deny that and you, well, you could pick any guy you want out and they’d happily strip right then and there. You’re worth the wait, however long that is.”

I murmur, “Good,” stand on my tiptoes and offer my lips for another kiss.

I know that was a hell of a conversation for us to be having when we haven’t even been together for a week yet. I never believed for one moment that he would try to do something, but I needed to be clear about where our boundaries lay. I am a virgin and I plan to stay one until I’m sure about us. I know that may sound more than a little odd considering that society today seems to sexualize everything.

Mom sat me down and had a long talk with me about all of this a while back. Trust me, I know all too well just how pretty I am, how well I am built and how desirable I am to most men in this world. It’s not just about sex either. She also explained how some men see a beautiful woman on his arm as a status symbol or ego boost. So, here I am, following her advice and taking things slow. So, please, ignore that we will be sleeping together because it won’t lead to more than I want it to. Like I said, I trust Dan and I don’t believe he would do anything to hurt me.

I am not, nor will I likely be a feminist at any point in my life. I’ve seen just how crazy most of them act. I’ve seen men get berated for holding a door open for a woman when her arms were full. Me? I like having doors held for me, I like the way I am treated for being the fairer sex and I’ll take all that and add my brains in on top of it to get where I want to go in life. There’s no need to put men down to attempt to raise myself up.

Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now. More kissing and less… Shit! We still need to get dressed or we’ll be late!

Breaking our kiss, I hurriedly push Dan into the living room and yell, “Alla! Come on! We need to get dressed or we’ll be late!”

Alla and Brian come out quickly and Alla drags me into the room. In my room, we quickly undress me and then Alla dresses me in my cosplay outfit. I’ll be going as Sora Kasugano from the anime Yosuga no Sora. I’m looking forward to cosplaying as her because I always thought she was extremely cute, even if she did have a ‘thing’ for her brother.

How am I dressed as Sora? A tightly fitting white blouse with lace on each side and a silver cross hanging from a chain strung between the collar. Honestly, if she hadn’t made this outfit I’d never be able to wear it with my cast since the left sleeve has a hidden zipper allowing my cast to fit through. A rather short, pleated, black and white checkered skirt with black thigh stockings, which only serves to draw attention to the goodly amount of my exposed fair skin below my skirt and above the stockings. Instead of buying shoes to go along with it, I’m wearing my kitten heel school shoes. Next she ties my hair up in twin-tails with black ribbons. Once she finishes dressing me, she places the grey contacts we bought me in my eyes and then she puts on my makeup.

That complete, when Alla heads to her room to get dressed, and stand up to look myself over in the mirror. Now I see why Alla took so many measurements of me before she started work on this for me, it fits me really, really well. Almost too well in some ways because it highlights every curve I have. Plus, I have to say that this outfit accentuates my long legs. I shrug, smile and think, ‘Whatever, I look amazing in this and Dan will love to see me in it.’

Alla is dressing as Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. For those of you who might not know, Yoko’s outfit is a black, leather-like bikini top with a red fire pattern, which leaves very little to the imagination. Some black leather shorts that leave a lot of her butt cheeks exposed and a white studded belt. A pair of pink thigh-high socks and white mid-calf boots planned with red flames rising up out of the soles. A pair of open-knuckled half-gloves complete with round wrist pieces studded with circular yellow studs. Around her neck, is a white and pink scarf with thin red stripes. In her hair is a white split skull hair pin on the left side and two yellow chopsticks that keep her hair up.

Personally, I’d never wear it in public, in private for Dan at some point, maybe. Regardless of that, with her curves, hair and cuteness she pulls off a rather sexy and convincing portrayal of Yoko.

I’m not going to go into all of what we did, but we attended several panels, some performances, watched a couple of cosplay contests and somehow, don’t even ask, we managed to get the autographs of every cast member of Firefly. As much fun as we were having, it was easy to see how irritated Brian and Dan would get when people, read that as men, would ask to take our photographs. At least, until we explained that this is part of the fun of cosplaying and that nothing is meant by asking to take a picture of our costumes. It’s more of a compliment on how good they are than anything else. After that, they relaxed and seemed to have a lot more fun.

Unfortunately, 5:00 comes all too quickly and we have to leave so we can dress for dinner. At the hotel, we send the boys in to get changed for dinner in Alla’s room, while we get dressed in mine.

You might remember that Mom sent us shopping earlier this week for dresses. We got matching styles, just different colors. The style is an off the shoulder skater dress, azure blue for me to help hide the sling and amethyst for her, along with sheer nude stockings for both of us. Shoes took a while to find something that we liked, but we finally settled on open-toe strappy four inch heels, silver for me and gold for her.

She dresses us, slips my sling on me, places my arm in it and then she does our makeup. A couple of dabs of perfume finish us off and we double check ourselves over in the mirror. I think they’ll be pleased with how we look. That done, I drop my phone and key card into a dark grey clutch and we head out to join them in the living room. Dan’s smile as he looks me over from head to toe makes me smile in return.

Dinner was simply wonderful. Needless to say, Dan being with me made it even more enjoyable. I chose a cajun shrimp in pasta for dinner and snagged several bites of his NY Strip as well. Happily, he’s like me and if the meat is cooked more than med-rare, I won’t touch it. In our opinion, you might as well just dump some steak sauce on a shoe and chow down. The more I learn about him, the more I find we have in common.

Back in our room, I allow Dan to go change first. When he emerges from the bathroom, he’s just wearing some shorts. Thankfully, he’s not a walking carpet like some guys I’ve heard about. To me, it’s kinda gross. This is the first time I’ve seen him like this and he’s built better than I thought. He’s not one of those that spends all of his time at the gym, but you can see that his muscles are well defined from working out and playing sports, which only makes my stomach all fluttery and I have to repress an impulse to run my hand along his abs.

After I go into the bathroom to change into my nightgown and brush out my hair, I slip into bed next to Dan. Our initial make out session becomes even hotter and heavier when he rolls over on top of me and I wrap not only my arms, but my legs as well, around him so he can’t escape. When we finally come back up for air, I’m flushed and honestly, rather wound up, but true to his word, he never touches me inappropriately once during all of this.

After I release my hold on him, he rolls over onto his back and I curl up against him with my head on his shoulder. Let’s just say that our make out session was the icing on the cake for an extremely fun day.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons.

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