The Flip Side

Chapter 34: More

Chapter 36 is available for Patreons. 

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[Sunday, May 11th]

Have you ever woken up smiling, even before you opened your eyes? I did today. I found it rather nice to wake up snuggled against Dan with his arms wrapped around me, holding me close.

I still find it amazing how much he excites me and how much I enjoy being with him. How good he makes me feel when holding and kissing me, well, we’ll just chalk those up to big bonuses for me. Who would have thought that just a short time ago I had myself convinced that I was a boy who liked girls?

I have to confess that Mother did me a huge favor by changing me and making me face who I truly am. I’m still a little shocked that my mother is a Goddess and that makes me a demi-Goddess. Whatever though, I truly enjoy my life as a girl. I love having friends and a wonderful boyfriend who treasure me. I could never have imagined a life like this when I was a boy. What really matters is that I consider myself to be rather fortunate to have them.

Moving slightly, I softly kiss his neck and then murmur in his ear, “Good morning.” Tracing my lips along his cheek to his lips, I kiss him again. A moment later, he returns my kiss and teases my lips. Eagerly, I part my lips and wrap my good arm around his neck. Rolling over onto my back, I pull him on top of me as he moves between my legs. A few minutes of this reiterates just how much he listens to me when I ask something of him. Why do I say that? I can feel how hard he is and yet, he makes no move to touch me inappropriately. Notwithstanding what I told him, there are times when we make out that I wish he would.

We continue to make out until Alla taps on the door and quietly asks, “Andie, are you up yet?”

Breaking our kiss, I sigh heavily and reply, “Yes, we’re up.” Glancing at the clock, I see it’s already after 9:00, so we need to clean up and get dressed because it’s almost time for check out. Looking back to Dan, I murmur, “Sorry, I’d love nothing more than to continue this, but we need to get moving.”

Dan gives me one final kiss, stands up and then helps me stand. He then collects his clothes and heads over to Alla and Brian’s room to get dressed, while Alla and I clean up and dress in mine.

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On the ride home, I snuggle with Dan and relax as we listen to music and chat. At one point, Alla changes the channel to a K-pop station. Brian looks a little irked, but doesn’t say anything. A few minutes later, one of my favorite songs from Twice, Fake and True, comes on and I begin to sing to it. Dan just smiles at me as I sing, but Brian looks astonished. I suppose it’s not all that surprising since I’ve never sang around him before. After it finishes, another song I really like comes on and I continue to sing. I like a lot of the groups in K-pop, so I know many of the songs by heart. You should know me well enough by now to know how much I love to sing.

When I finally take a break many songs later, Brian says, “I never knew you sang so well.”

I merely shrug and reply, “I’m okay at it, but I love to sing, so I do it a lot.”

Alla turns to me and admonishes me, “Andie, stop being so modest! You could be the lead singer in a band and you know it!”

Brian chimes in with, “She’s right. You rival any singer I’ve ever heard. Although I have to say, I’m surprised you aren’t in choir.”

Honestly, I had thought about it before, but that was back when I was still Andy. If I’m honest, while he loved to sing as well, he wasn’t nearly as good at it as I am. There were other issues for him as well, as if I need to say that.

“That does sound like a lot of fun, but honestly, being a cheerleader with my friends makes me happy and too busy to even consider it. Plus, it would even further reduce the amount of time I could spend with Dan and I don’t want that.”

Dan kisses my hair and murmurs, “Me neither.”

Lifting my chin with two fingers to make me look at him, he kisses me tenderly. When he breaks our kiss, I quietly urge, “More,” as I again offer my lips for another kiss.

He grins at me for a moment and then kisses me deeply. Melting against him, I pull him tighter against me as I savor every single moment of it. I can’t help it, I love the way he makes me feel when he holds me. In case you are wondering, he makes me feel safe, warm and wanted. I don’t just mean wanted in a sexual sense either. Kissing? Well, that’s another matter, but I still love it.

When I finally allow him to break our kiss quite some time later, he quietly says, “You’re getting rather demanding, aren’t you?”

Looking up at him with a mock indignant expression, I lightly punch his chest as I state, “Weren’t you the one that said that I deserve some spoiling?” He nods and I continue, “So, don’t you think you should shut it and get to it?”

His laughter makes me smile in turn and giggle. He has an infectious laugh and it warms my heart every single time I hear it. Just like when he smiles at me, my heart flutters. While thinking all this, I suddenly pause and ask myself, ‘Does this mean I love him?’ I’m shaking my head slightly to clear away the random thought when Alla turns to look at us quizzically. Pasting a grin on my face, I look at her and slightly shake my head. She shrugs before turning back around. Glancing at Brian, I notice he’s grinning as well when he looks at us in the rearview mirror. I don’t mind them looking at us when we are like this, after all, Dan and I are a really cute couple. Plus, we hang out with Alla and Brian a lot as well, so we think the same thing about them. They are a great couple too. It’s obvious to me how much the two of them love each other. Now, that is not to say that I think they are as cute or good together as Dan and I. Then again, I might just be a tiny bit biased here.

I won’t make you suffer through what all we did on our four hour ride back home, but I did find it rather enjoyable since I spent the majority of it either singing or snuggling and making out with Dan.

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When we finally get home around 3:00, we see Mom and Nadia unloading her clothes from their cars.

One of the great things about Brian and Dan is we never had to ask them a thing. Nor did they say a word when we parked. They take our bags up to our rooms and then immediately begin helping unload everything for Nadia. Once that is done, they join Nadia when she heads back over to finish collecting what remains of her things. It goes much faster using Brian's truck and having them help to move everything.

After they have everything moved, Mom asks them if they’d like to eat dinner with us since they helped so much, which they accept. We chill out on the couch while Mom places a call to order dinner. Dinner was rather enjoyable as we spent the time eating, talking about what we did in Orlando, and telling them how much fun it was.

Although, I thought Dan was going to choke when Mom asked about our sleeping arrangements and I told her, “Dan and I slept in one room and Alla and Brian used the other one.”

Mom didn’t even bat an eye at me and just grinned at his reaction. Once his coughing died down, she tells him, “Dan, don’t worry. I’m not going to be mad at you over this. I trust Andie to make the right decisions, but I will tell you the same thing I told Andie. Make sure…”

My loud, “Mom!” interrupts her and then I continue, “I told you before that it’s far too early for us to be thinking about that! All we did is make out a little, cuddle and sleep, that’s it!”

She nods. “I know what you said, still, I want you two to be sure you use protection when the time comes, alright?”

Blushing furiously now, I merely nod as I hang my head in embarrassment and think, ‘I can’t believe she would do this to me right now! We’d already talked about it before, so there was no real need to bring it up now, except to embarrass me.’

Sighing, I raise my head and stare at Mom as I say, “We can talk about this later, alright?”

Mom either doesn’t get it or simply ignores me since she looks at Dan and asks, “Dan, is that understood?”

I glance at Dan and I wonder how he can be so composed in this situation where I feel like I want to crawl under a rock and die. Yet, there he is, not even blushing and looking straight at my mom with a serious expression as he says, “Of course. Mariam, I’d never do anything that Andie doesn’t want. She and I have the same ideas about sex, so I don’t believe that you need to worry about it, but I will promise that if or when we do have sex we will use protection.”

Mom nods and looks at Nadia, who says to Alla and Brian, “The same goes for you two as well. Mariam and I are far too young to be having grandchildren yet.”

Alla’s reaction is much like my own, blushing and looking like she wants to hide. Brian is blushing slightly, but he nods and replies, “I promise. Like Dan said, if or when we do we will use protection.”

I almost leap out of my seat when Mom claps her hands and acting as if she hadn't just about embarrassed me to death, energetically says, “Great! Now that that’s settled, who wants ice cream?”

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