The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 59

The last step is to connect the fireplace at home to the Floo network of the Ministry of Magic. However, at this point, Ye Ting is in trouble—because he is a minor wizard, but has his own house, if he asks the Ministry of Magic If an application is issued, the staff who installed the Floo Network will soon discover this, and then he may be expelled from Hogwarts for illegally altering Muggle objects or using magic by underage wizards outside the school.

Fortunately, Ye Ting is not unrelated to the Ministry of Magic. In fact, among the people he knows, the one who can help him most in this matter is his principal, Dumbledore.

When Dumbledore arrived, he was immediately stunned by Ye Ting’s genius creativity and transformation results.

When visiting this bus—or this house, the old man was as curious as a child studying the magic items that Ye Ting personally transformed, including radios that can be connected to Muggle and Wizard Radio at the same time; not only can it act as a surveillance camera, See the outside scene of the bus, and can also connect to the full-length mirror of Muggle TV show; Muggle washing machine with water-making curse and drying curse, etc…

He studied very carefully, and he never got tired of it.

Finally, he reluctantly looked away and admired Ye Ting: “Your alchemy creation really opened my eyes. Professor Babling will definitely welcome you to his class. Now a wizard who understands this. There are too few.”

He happily agreed to Ye Ting to help him in the Ministry of Magic to help him connect to the Floo network.

“The Ministry of Magic has no such precedent for connecting such a mobile fireplace to the Floo network. Doing so may cause unknown accidents. Are you sure you want to do this?” Dumbledore warned worriedly before installing the Floo network. Ye Ting.

But Ye Ting proved with actions that his worries were purely redundant.

This is just a matter of spatial coordinates.

In just one day, Ye Ting remodeled the fireplace and reprocessed the Floo powder, so that the fireplace can be connected to the Floo network no matter how it moves, and is no longer disturbed by the movement of coordinates.

For this technology, Dumbledore commented:

“This is a cross-age invention of magical transportation. I dare say that as long as you publish this research, you will definitely get a Merlin Medal.”

“Of course, I’m happy to do this.” Ye Ting agreed happily.

So, he wrote the space magic theory of the moving fireplace overnight in the form of a paper, and Professor Dumbledore would help him publish this paper and win the honor he deserves.

Soon, Ye Ting got the news that his paper was published in the academic journal “The Curse Innovation”. Everyone admired his theory. The only drawback is that the writing of this paper is too boring. , It is simply a straightforward running account-of course, in Ye Ting’s view, academic papers should be written like this. If they are written like other wizards, what is the difference between them and literary works?

Moreover, according to internal information Dumbledore received, with this invention, he was able to get a Merlin Class III Medal.

At the same time, Feilubang Company also found Ye Ting.

This company is the only company in the UK that produces Floo powder.

After negotiation, Ye Ting decided to separate the mobile fireplace technology and let part of the function of this technology be realized by Floo fans, while he simplified the ancient magic text involved in the other part of the technology into a spell.

In this way, all wizards can learn this moving fireplace curse. They can transform it into a movable Floo net entrance by using the moving fireplace curse on their own fireplace, and then use a special Floo powder to rely on one The fireplace is connected to the Floo network anytime and anywhere.

Ye Ting announced the spell free of charge, and authorized the formula of the special Floo powder to Floobang Company. In this case, Floobang Company became the only company in the world that could produce this kind of special made for mobile fireplaces. The company of Floo fans.

The mission of Floobang company is to promote the mobile fireplace curse, and then sell special Floo powder to users of mobile fireplaces. With the continuous popularity of mobile fireplaces, Floobang company can monopolize the Floo powder market in the world.

Ye Ting designed this plan for the Floating Company, and it is also beneficial to himself. According to the agreement between him and the Floating Company, 30% of the profits of all special Floating powder belong to Ye Ting, although the price of each spoonful of Floating powder is only two. Xi Ke, but with small profits but quick turnover, he will soon be able to make a large sum of money with this Jin Jialong.

Just as Ye Ting was struggling with his money-making plan, Dumbledore brought him a new message.

He actually helped Ye Ting without permission to register in the International Wizard Chess Competition!

Item 0082

“Witcher chess game? Why do you want me to participate?” Facing Dumbledore with a smile in front of him, Ye Ting thought for the first time to hit someone.

Why did this old guy arrange such an inexplicable task for him?

He is very busy now, he still has a lot of things to do, and the timetable is full: the house that has just been renovated needs to be tidyed up, and various plants need to be prepared for the new garden. He didn’t start studying, and he still wanted to learn Agmanis during the summer vacation.

“I’ve heard of your record.” Dumbledore explained with a smile: “You played well when facing the wizard chess level. I have never seen such a combat strategy-by controlling more at the same time. To crush your opponent. I heard that it was the first time you played Wizard Chess, right?”

“Oh, your information is very well-informed.” Ye Ting rolled his eyes perfunctorily: “But I am very busy now, I still have a lot of books to read, and there are still many studies that have not been completed. I don’t have time to participate in that international wizard. Chess game.”

“You are the most gifted student I have ever met,” Dumbledore sighed and complimented: “I have seen many talented young people, but none of them works as hard as you. They spend a lot of energy on fun, comparison, love, and other trivial things. Sometimes, I even feel that you are not mature like a young man. However, I think you are pushing yourself too hard, why not be with the same age As a child, find a chance to relax?”

“Do you treat the international wizard chess game as relaxation?”

“Yes, I think it’s just relaxation for you,” Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting with a smile. “To be honest, Hogwarts hasn’t done anything in this game for many years. I still remember, whether it was in my time or Professor McGonagall’s time, Hogwarts always won a good place in the international wizard chess competition, but now, Hogwarts has not been for several years. People have participated in this competition, but in the magic schools in Europe, it is the students of Busbarton who show up in this competition.”

“Okay, I’ll consider it carefully.” Ye Ting was a little annoyed at hearing, so he had to perfunctorily.

“It won’t take you much time, only two or three days at most.” Dumbledore saw his attitude and continued to persuade him: “I heard that you are decorating your garden recently? If you are willing to participate in this competition, no matter what. I will call the shots in any ranking, let Professor Sprout, give you a copy of all the precious herbal seeds in the Hogwarts greenhouse, how about?”

“Are you serious?” Ye Ting was a little tempted. Collecting so many kinds of herbs is a very troublesome thing. If you can get all of this directly from Hogwarts, it would be much easier.

“Of course, I am the principal of Hogwarts, and I still have some power in my hand.” Dumbledore winked at him jokingly.

“No matter what rank?”

“Regardless of the ranking. But I believe you will not perfuse me as an old man in this respect, will you?”

At this time, Ye Ting felt that this old man was still quite annoying, because he really knew Ye Ting very well. Ye Ting always did things like this: either don’t do it, or do his best.

“Well, you won.” He sighed: “As you wish, I will go to this competition with you. I’ll take the championship.”

This international wizard chess tournament was held on a small island in the Mediterranean. The island was cast with an anti-ghosting spell, and the way to get here was through the door key.

After passing the door key, Ye Ting and Dumbledore appeared in a large square. There were many wizards coming and going around, and the scene of the game was in the old castle in the middle of the square.

Obviously, the status of the international wizard chess game among wizards is very high.

Most of them come from different countries, but they are mostly from Europe and the United States-of course, there are also many players and spectators from Central Asia, and the yellow race from Asia is the least.

However, compared with the past, the number of Asian players has made a zero breakthrough. For a long time, Asian wizards prefer to play a game of playing black and white chess pieces on an empty board. Wizard chess is still close. It only became popular there for a hundred years, but the wizards never recognized the importance of the changes in Muggle society.

Ye Ting found that Dumbledore was indeed very famous internationally. They had just arrived here for a while, and no less than ten wizards came to greet him. These wizards looked very old, but their magical powers were not weak. Just look at it, it’s not a simple character.

Of course, these old people are not here to compete. They are either wizard chess enthusiasts who bought expensive tickets and came to watch the game; or as guardians, they brought their juniors to participate in the game.

These old men enthusiastically introduced their descendants to Dumbledore-listen to the names, most of these young people are their grandchildren or granddaughters, so it seems that these people are from a big family in the wizarding world.

However, Ye Ting didn’t like these people, so he just barely managed to greet them.

Despite this, Dumbledore always introduced Ye Ting to them. When he heard that Ye Ting was the magical world, the inventor of the hottest mobile fireplace recently, each of them was surprised and admired at Ye Ting. To look at.

“Are all young people coming here to compete?” After bidding farewell to an old wizard from Denmark, Ye Ting asked Dumbledore softly.

“Oh, yes, although there are some elderly people who will participate, most of the contestants are young people.” Dumbledore nodded slightly: “You know, playing wizard chess is a very energy-consuming thing, I am young. I was able to spend three days and three nights with others in a row, but now…”

He laughed self-deprecatingly: “Although we old men have some advantages in magic and experience, you see, as long as the next one or two games, we will lose energy.”

Next, Dumbledore took Ye Ting to meet several other acquaintances. According to Dumbledore, they are all the most highly academic wizards in the wizarding world today. A frequent visitor to academic journals such as “Practical Potions”.

After learning about Ye Ting’s identity, these old people warmly welcomed the young man who was academically accomplished at a young age.

This time, Ye Ting finally didn’t look the same as just now. He just said hello. He chatted happily with these old people, and exchanged a lot of academic opinions on spells, metamorphosis, and so on. Exchanged mailing addresses with many of them and agreed to write letters to each other.

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