The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 60

“Oh, it’s rare to see you chatting so happily with other people.” After leaving them, Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting with some novelty: “Ms. Sprengel also said to introduce her granddaughter to you, I dare Said she had never admired a young man so much.”

“They are all great old people.” Ye Ting said happily, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “Their knowledge is very profound, and I have benefited a lot from communicating with them.”

Chapter 0083 Fleur Delacour and two consecutive rounds

At the game site, Ye Ting and Dumbledore met an unexpected “acquaintance”.

That was a big woman, she was so big that Ye Ting had never seen her in his life. Among the people he knew, only Hagrid could compare with her.

She has a very handsome olive face, black and big watery eyes, and a very pointed nose. Her hair was combed behind her head and twisted into a shiny bun at the base of her neck. She was wrapped in a black forged dress from head to toe, and there were many luxurious opals shining on her neck and thick fingers.

When she saw Dumbledore, she smiled gracefully, stretched out a gleaming hand, and walked towards Dumbledore. Although Dumbledore was also tall, he barely bent over when kissing this hand.

“Hello, dear Mrs. Maxim,” he said, “Long time no see.”

“Hello, Dumbledore,” Mrs. Maxim said in a low voice, “It’s been a long time…I mean, in this arena, it’s been a long time since no one of you Hogwarts has come to the game.”

“Yes, I am really ashamed.” Dumbledore smiled indifferently, pushed Ye Ting, and introduced: “This is the student I brought to participate in the competition, Ting Ye. Although he is young, he is in the wizard In terms of chess technology, even old guys like us have to bow down.”

Then, he said to Ye Ting: “This is Mrs. Olim Maxim. She is the principal of Boothbaton School of Magic in France. In addition, the witches of Boothbaton are outstanding. They are beautiful and outstanding. .”

After that, he raised an eyebrow at Ye Ting?

It’s an old man.

After listening to Dumbledore’s introduction, Mrs. Maxim looked at Ye Ting up and down: “This is your proud protégé? I have heard his name in France. I have to say, Dumbledore, you guys. There is always such a genius at Hogwarts.”

After speaking, she pulled out another girl from behind herself—she was so tall that the girl was completely blocked by her, and Ye Ting didn’t even notice her.

“Florence Delacour, a fourth-grade student at Busbarton, the best girl in our college.” She proudly introduced them: “In the wizarding game, she is even better than Ms. Delraduch four years ago. , I believe she will definitely get better results.”

In fact, Furong Delacour is the most beautiful girl Ye Ting has ever seen. She is tall, with big azure blue eyes, neat white teeth, and long, waterfall-like silver hair. It hung down to her waist.

However, in addition to her appearance, this girl also has a different kind of attraction. This strange attraction made Ye Ting a little unable to control himself. He found that he could not help but want to do some weird things to attract The girl’s attention in front of her.

But immediately, he used his own will to get rid of this feeling of being attracted, and everything became normal.

He had to sigh that Fleur’s ability to fascinate others is really hard to guard against. She deserves to be a girl of Veeva descent. In the original book, she was also selected by the Goblet of Fire to represent Boothbarton in the Triwizard Tournament.

You must know that although Ye Ting can easily get rid of this charm, it is due to his infinite progress and the powerful willpower shaped by him.

Ordinary people can’t compare with him, so if they face the girl in front of them, their hearts will be completely out of control. Ye Ting can imagine what happens if Furong uses this ability in the Muggle world. —It is definitely a disaster.

Ye Ting stared at the girl in front of him indifferently and reminded: “Ms. Delacour, don’t you think it is impolite to use Veeva’s ability to others?”

The boy in front of her was completely unaffected by her ability, which surprised Furong, because even her peers, no one could resist her charm.

Even Mrs. Maxim looked at Ye Ting high.

“I’m sorry,” Furong curtseyed gracefully to Ye Ting. Her voice was quite pleasant: “I didn’t mean to do this on purpose. I was just curious about you. In the past two days, Mrs. Maxim always You can forgive me for mentioning you to me, right?”

“Well, I forgive you, girls always have some privileges.” Ye Ting smiled and said to her: “But, I want a piece of your hair, can I?”

“My hair?” The girl was a little surprised when she heard this request. No one made such a request as soon as they met.

“Of course you can, but you have to tell me what you are doing?”

“For research,” Ye Ting replied solemnly, “I have never seen Veeva. I am very curious about the charm of this creature. I want to know the source of this ability.”

This answer made Furong a big hit, and she felt a little bit affectionate. So she glared at Ye Ting, and said fiercely: “Well, you research mad.”

Soon, the organizer sent a staff member, and he asked the players to enter the corresponding game room immediately, so Ye Ting waved goodbye to her.

The rule of the game is a knockout system. There are 64 players participating in the competition. Each player is a player recommended by various famous magic schools or the most famous wizard chess club.

There will be a total of five rounds in the competition, and the last two players will stand out to determine the champion and runner-up.

The first two rounds of the game are determined to win in one battle, the last three rounds are two wins in three sets, and the final is a five-game three-win system.

In the first game, Ye Ting’s opponent was a middle-aged man in his thirties. His clothes were gorgeous and his demeanor was elegant.

When he discovered that his opponent was just a twelve-year-old kid, the player immediately relaxed a little, and his eyes looked at Ye Ting with contempt.

But soon, Ye Ting gave him a good fight on the chessboard.

This time, instead of using extreme multi-line manipulation, he played chess at a speed similar to that of his opponent.

However, Ye Ting’s brain calculation speed is much faster than his opponent.

With his intelligence level, if he participates in a chess game, he can easily win the world championship, and only a supercomputer can defeat him.

However, as long as he can devote enough time to study, as he continues to improve, I believe that even a supercomputer will not be his opponent.

And in the face of such an enemy, how could this middle-aged man have the power to fight back? In just ten minutes, he was slain.

The second round of competition started in the afternoon.

In this round, Ye Ting’s opponent was a dry old man. His chess speed was not fast, but his methods were very sophisticated and he was good at intrigue.

In the last game, the trap he set completely confuses his opponent. As a result, his opponent and his own chess pieces have a disagreement. They quarreled on the spot and eventually lost the game.

In this game, he repeated his old tricks. The opponent in front of him was younger than the one in the previous game. He felt that his strategy would be more effective this time.

But this time, he found that this trick was completely useless.

Although his opponent is young, he is very talented in dominating chess pieces. No matter how he sets traps and places bait, the opponent chess player will not be moved, and the opponent’s chess pieces have completely obeyed the chess player’s orders. , Not just because the players are young.

Facing such an opponent, he was helpless. After several decoy tactics failed, it was his own **** that was the first to rebel, and his opponent immediately seized the flaw and took him away in a wave.

Item 0084

At nine o’clock the next morning, the third round of the game officially began.

In this round, there were only 16 players left to participate in the competition, and the game became a best-of-three system.

This time, Ye Ting’s opponent is a rare wizard from India, his name is Viswanathan Babu.

He has a dark complexion, wears glasses, and a confident look. According to his self-introduction, he was also the champion of the last international wizard chess competition, known as the “Madras Tiger”.

When he discovered that his opponent was a child, he immediately assumed the posture of a senior master and started a conversation with Ye Ting.

“Oh boy, is it your first time to participate in an international wizard chess game?”

“You must be very happy to see me as the last champion here.”

“Don’t worry, I will be merciful. I hope you can learn something by playing against me.”

“Do you want my autograph? Don’t be shy, just say it boldly if you want it.”

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