The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 211 – As The Days Pass

Summer came and passed with not many changes besides the insufferable heat. Takei had no qualms with a peaceful summer vacation, but he missed the hustle and bustle of normal everyday life.

Once school started again, Takei was happy to meet his friends and acquaintances after so long even though he wouldn't admit it openly. He was finally enjoying life again after so long.

"What to do today...?"

One day in September, Takei was lazing around his house during the weekend with nothing to do. There wasn't much to do around his house since he had already cleaned in the morning, so he just sat on the coach and watched television.

He managed to watch a whole episode of this anime he needed to catch up on before Akari rushed into the living room and showed him a flier.

"There's a buy one get one free frozen yogurt deal today!"

Akari excitedly shoved the poster into his face so that he could see clearly. He could tell that she was excited by the stars in her eyes and the slight shaking of the flyer.

Takei inwardly laughed at how cute she was and stood up from his seat. "Shall we go get some frozen yogurt then?"

Akari rapidly nodded and ran upstairs to grab her purse. "Let's go right this instant!"

Once the both of them were ready, the two embarked on their journey to go get some frozen yogurt. The frozen yogurt truck would be making its scheduled route throughout the neighborhood soon, so all they had to do was wait for it to come to Takei's house.

But that would be extremely boring. The two didn't just want to stand around and wait, so they went down the scheduled truck route to try and find it faster.

"Please stay on the inside part of the sidewalk," Takei said.

"What a gentleman," Akari giggled as she moved over to his right. After she moved, Takei was now on the left and was the closest to the road. "I'm surprised you weren't popular before you met me."

"Is that supposed to be a roast?"

"As always, your low self-esteem is showing itself again," Akari sighed before she turned and squished his cheeks. "Please apologize for saying such things."

"I-I'm showwy."

After he apologized, Akari let go of his cheeks and hummed a happy tune to herself. She never liked it when Takei belittled herself, so she would take every action possible to make himself realize that he was a good person.

Even taking into account about what she had said to him, Akari wasn't lying when she said that Takei could've been popular easily.

"You're very nice and gentle to girls, which is something that all girls love. If you just fixed up your appearance a bit, I think you could've become a player," Akari stated, pouting after the fact. "I would be happy if your confidence went up, but there might be some girls that try to get your attention..."

Akari was a bit conflicted about Takei increasing his self-confidence since there was a chance more girls would flock over to him when he became more attractive. Although she knew that he would never cheat on her, Akari's emotions were making her feel irrational.

"Haaah... I'll never leave you so you don't have to worry," Takei smiled as he locked hands with her. "Or do you need some proof right now?"

"I really would love for you to show me how much you love me right now, but we're in public..." Akari sighed but lightly smiled. "I'll settle for when we get back."

As they finished their conversation, a singular white truck could be seen in the distance. There was a mascot on the side of the truck that was essentially a walking and talking frozen yogurt cup, so there was no mistake that this was the correct truck.

Takei and Akari hurriedly rushed to where the truck was and flagged the driver down. Once the driver saw that they were trying to get his attention, he stopped the truck and opened up the little window on the side.

"What can I get for you two?" the young owner asked.

"A strawberry and cream frozen yogurt cup and a mint chocolate frozen yogurt in a cup as well," Takei listed off his order.

"Right away!"

Using his godly reflexes and years of experience, the owner of the frozen yogurt truck made both of their orders in a short amount of time.

"Enjoy!" The owner handed out the two orders to Takei and Akari.

The two of them found a nearby bench and sat down to eat their frozen yogurt. Today was surprisingly windy, which created a nice contrast to the scorching heat that was plaguing the nation.

Takei used the little plastic spoon that was given to him by the owner and scooped some frozen yogurt into his mouth. "Mmm... how delicious. It tastes even better knowing that we got one of them for free!"

"Your cheapness knows no bounds," Akari laughed.

He had gotten the mint chocolate flavor since that was a personal favorite of Takei's, which was a safe choice since there were a lot of different exotic flavors.

Akari had gotten the strawberries and cream flavor and was absolutely enjoying it, as evident by her face melting in pleasure. Takei could relate to her, he was almost completely entranced by the flavor of his delicious treat.

"Would you like to try mine?" Akari mischievously smiled as she offered a scoop of her frozen yogurt.

"Yes please!"

"Open wide~"


Takei accepted Akari's offer and ate the frozen yogurt that was on her spoon. "It's good, but really sweet for some reason."

"Is it cause I fed it to you?" Akari grinned.

"Who knows?"

As the days passed, Takei knew that he would continue to love and cherish this girl no matter what. There would not be a single day that he would not be thankful for her presence in his life.

That was something that he knew from the very bottom of his heart.

And so, the finale begins...

Serious-san: I'm not ready for it to end yet...

Sugar-chan: Waaaaaaaahhhhhh!

A/N: The first two chapters of this volume are just normal chapters. The finale chapters will begin on Chapter 213. There's a sneak peak for the titles of the remaining chapters on my discord, so join pls. I'll be releasing some more sneak peaks soon.

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