The Goddess Needs A Break!

SS – Battle Royale II

After Akari and I disposed of the two attackers' corpses, we both decided that there was an inherent need to leave the area as fast as possible. There was a good chance that whoever nearby heard the commotion and is on their way over here to hunt the weakened victors.

"Let's try and walk around the edge of the forest," I proposed. "That should be our best chance at avoiding a confrontation with another team while we're still recovering from the recent battle."

Akari nodded her head and unsummoned her photon blaster. "I believe that is the best choice of action that we can make. I'll follow your lead."

Although we were teammates, I don't know if I can trust her just yet. Just because I was partnered with her at the beginning of the game doesn't mean that I should just trust her unconditionally. There might be a time or situation in the future where it is beneficial to not rely on your teammate, so I'll keep a wall between us in the meantime.

"Alright, I'll lead the way."

I proceeded to hug the edge of the forest to make sure that we weren't going to accidentally encounter any enemies, but there were still problems nonetheless. The terrain at the edge of the forest was incredibly rough and hard to walk on, which is probably designed that way to discourage participants from hiding.

Due to my cursed katana revealing its true ability in the last fight, I managed to gain another ability. Using the compass skill, I found out that the nearest enemy team was about 20 meters away. They were pretty close to us and getting closer by the minute, which is probably due to them hearing the sounds of battle.

The enemy team will reach you in approximately five minutes. It is unknown at the current moment, but there is a highly likely chance that one of them has a tracking skill similar to the compass skill.

Oh, thank you so much. I really love it when the unknown voice in my head just talks out of nowhere... sike! It's really uncomfortable!

Nonetheless, I don't have any free time right now to figure out why I'm in this shitty game or why there's a random voice in my head, but when I find out...

I'm going to end the people who did this to me.

Now, what path should I take from here on? I could always just stay here and take on a frontal assault with Akari or I could just make a run for it. I'm pretty comfortable with running long distances in a short amount of time, so I could always just abandon her.

Abandoning her, huh? That sounds really easy and fun. Can you imagine the despair on her face when she finds out that her teammate ran away and left her to rot? I think that would be the easiest solution to my problem, but is it worth the consequences?

If I leave her right now to recover, that means I'm most likely going to have to tackle the rest of the game without a teammate. In a battle royale where there are mostly teams of two, I would be under a great deal of stress from having to take it solo. A 1v2 would not be favorable for me in the long run...

Alright, I won't abandon her. I won't do such an evil thing because I'm a good person. Aren't I so kind?

After crossing out that solution, I'm only left with one solution. Akari and I will have to take a 2v2 fight without any knowledge of the opponent's abilities or gear. At the current moment, the fight would most likely be a 50/50 chance that we win just because we don't have any concrete information about the other team.

Wait a minute... I have a foolproof idea!

"Hey, Akari?" Takei asked.


"Do you trust me?"

"Sure, we're partners aren't we?" Akari answered without a shred of hesitation.

As soon as she answered positively to his questions, a sinister smile appeared on Takei's smile as the gears in his brain completed the plan. "I think I know what to do..."


"Oh? What do we have here? Why is there a naked pretty girl just by herself in the forest?"

This... this guy! He told me to trust him and undress! Why did I even listen to him in the first place?! Now I'm cold and naked in the forest while these two old men are looking me up and down...

Where even is that idiot! He said such things and made me undress even though I didn't want to and just left without a trace. Haaah... I got duped, didn't I? Well, at least I still have my underwear on.

"My [Radar] skill said the enemy team should be right here, but I only see one person? She doesn't even look like she can put up a fight against me."

"If she can't put up a fight, why don't we just have some fun with her? I doubt there's anyone else nearby."

"That's a good idea, my old friend. Let's have some fun with her. Are you okay with that, little girl?"

Shit, I think I'm in quite a pickle. I think I might be able to surprise one with my photon blaster, but the other one will definitely be able to handle me. One of them still has a hidden ability, so I can't make any rash decisions. Is there any way out of this situation?

Okay, I got it. I'll shoot one with my photon blaster and use that opening to run away as fast as I can. Even if it most likely won't work, I have to try no matter what.

Let's wait for the perfect timing. Oh, both of them are approaching me with their guards down. This is the moment. 3...2...1... G-


Out of nowhere, Takei jumped out from the shrubbery that he was hiding in and swung his katana at a wide angle. The next moment, both of the heads of the attackers fell to the ground in one fell swoop.

"Did you miss me?"

The person known as Takei Tanaka ominously smiled as he offered me his hand. That expression... was not something that a normal person could make. I'm convinced now... this guy is the real deal. He's just not another normal teenager like everyone else, rather I think he's quite...


New abilities acquired:


Accurately track an enemy team's position for exactly 1 minute (Cooldown: 1 hour).


Ability that reveals the stats and abilities of other people. Does not pertain to revealing sub abilities.

A/N: If you're wondering, Takei was able to hide from the radar skill because it only tracks the position of the enemy "team" as a whole and not individually. So for the guy who used the skill, he could only see where the team roughly is and not the individual people. Also, the skill went on cooldown and he's an idiot for getting caught up in his lust. The skill shows the "enemy team" so it'll still count as an enemy team if only one person is alive, which is why the guy thought Akari was the only one alive on her team.

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