The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 38 – Moving Forward

A huge thanks to RedOctoBear once again for supporting me on Ko-Fi


How did it end up like this...

There was currently a singing battle between the two great world powers. Akari and Rikka were giving their all in putting their voices out there. Although it was merely karaoke, they sang as if their lives depended on it.

You might ask though, how did this happen?

The truth is that a little birdy named Eiji leaked the information to a certain goddess which resulted in a dispute between her and Takei. Akari refused to be the one left alone while he went out and had fun with another girl. She was also especially wary of Rikka, since it was her rival in love.

After some arguing between the three of them, everyone finally decided to go on a group expedition together to the karaoke place.

However, the result of that choice was not something that Takei would've liked. He was currently sitting on one of the couches in the room with a deadpan expression looking at the two girls duking it out.

To be fully honest, he didn't want to be a part of their little scramble. At his core, Takei was very hard set on non-interference and didn't like troublesome things.

I'm surprised Akari is acting like this with another girl. She's slowly letting go of the goddess facade and showing her true colors. It's a welcome change though.

As they were arguing over who sang the last song better, Takei stealthily exited the room without them knowing.

He wanted to get a refreshment from the drink bar without interrupting their arguing. Of course, the drink bar was only limited to soft drinks since most people who came to these places were underaged students.

Looking through all of the selections that the drink bar had to offer, Takei finally decided to go for the heavenly nectar.

The "heavenly nectar" actually being grape soda. Ever since he was a little kid, Takei had adored grape cola so much that he even made up a nickname that stuck to this day.

As he was filling up his cup, a female employee passed by him and let out a shocked gasp.

"Eh? You..."

Takei turned around and let out a similar gasp. "You're... Mai, if I'm correct?"

Indeed, he was correct. Standing in front of Takei was the short statured and brown haired, Mai Kawashima.

By coincidence, it seemed that Takei had accidentally found her workplace.

Looking up and down at her uniform, Takei nodded to himself. "Didn't think you would work at a karaoke place. You don't seem the type of person."

"What kind of impression do you have of me?!" Mai retorted.

Of course, this was just friendly banter. They were able to grasp each other's personalities decently well enough to be able to make jokes like this.

"So, what brings you here?" Mai asked.

Takei laughed at his own unfortunate predicament. "Some troublesome people."

"If they're troublesome, why do you hang out with them?" Mai inevitably asked.

Takei shrugged at her blatantly straight forward question. "Who knows?"

As a result of his abstract answer, they both ended up laughing for a solid moment due to the absurdity of his response.

"Well, I've been meaning to repay the debt I owe you. Any needs or wants you have?" Mai stated.

Takei thought to himself for a second, before reaching an answer. "Actually, there is one thing."

"Ask away," Mai coolly said.

Takei was mentally pumping his fist as he finally found someone who could help him with his troubles.

"Do you know what a girl would like for a birthday present?"


"What's with the choking and surprised expression?!"

As soon as Takei revealed his intentions, Mai began to choke on seemingly nothing. Apparently his question was extremely unexpected, since she was still recovering from her lack of air due to the copious amounts of laughter that she just let out.

After a few more moments of heavy breathing, Mai finally managed to calm down enough to hold a conversation. "Sorry, it was really funny."

"It's not my fault that I'm not popular... Okay, maybe it kind of is..." Takei mumbled, as he realized what kind of vibes he had been giving off for the past year or so.

Mai clapped her cheeks twice and put on her game face. "Alright, I'm fully composed now."

"Please teach me sensei," Takei bowed.

Mai laughed at the teacher and disciple act that Takei was doing. "If it were me, I would want a necklace or a bracelet. However, it's the thought that counts so the actual present shouldn't matter that much unless you get her a gag present."

That sounds like something Akari would say as well. Why are there so many well put together high school girls nowadays?!

Due to Mai's straightforward advice, Takei understood everything he needed to know.

"This gives me an idea on what to get her, thank you so much," Takei gracefully bowed.

Mai looked a little displeased though. "This doesn't feel like it's enough to repay the debt."

"No, no, no. It's more than enough, you've been a big help."

Even with Takei's firm approval that Mai did more than enough, she still didn't feel satisfied. Several moments of silence passed until a figurative lightbulb shone above her head.

"Hm... I have a great idea," Mai grinned, as she found the perfect thing to give to Takei.

Mai then reached into her pockets and pulled out two tickets.

"The clubs at my school are having different fundraisers to help support club activity costs, you could call it a mini festival of some sorts." Mai explained that there were going to be food stands and games to be played, along with prizes to be won. "These special tickets let you enter and buy anything with a 10% discount off the original price."

After a small pause in the explanation in order to take a breather, Mai asked Takei one last thing.

"...So, would you like to go?" Mai continued.


—I don't want to go.

That place is where she's at. 

I refuse. 

I can't go. 

I'm sorry.

"...I will go."

Even so... I can't always be standing still. Everyone else is moving forward. They're working so hard to not be left behind. I don't want to be left behind again. I'll keep moving forward to reach my dreams. I'll keep improving myself everyday. I'll give it my all.

Maybe then one day, I'll be able to stand next to you.

Wait for me...



Sugar-san: Where is the sugar?! This is unacceptable!

Serious-san: Your turn will be soon...

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