The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 39 – The Future Can Wait

Takei's future had become quite busy compared to his past. Even though it wouldn't be a couple more weeks until they actually happened, the goddess's birthday and the visit to a familiar school were steadily approaching.

With all of these events surrounding him, Takei surprisingly didn't feel overwhelmed or annoyed. He thought it was actually going to be enjoyable, for the most part...

Besides those minor worries, Takei still carried about his normal life. Going to school and spending time with Akari were constant staples in his life that didn't change. Change wasn't that bad, but he still liked a calm and normal life.

"Ah, this is perfect..." Takei mumbled.

"Did you say something?"


A moderately interested voice responded to Takei's muttering. The voice belonged to Akari, of course. She currently was nose-deep in a slice-of-life light novel since both of them were relaxing in the library during lunch.

While Akari read her light novels that she had brought with her, Takei was just lazing around doing nothing. The most productive thing he had done today was counting how many birds flew past the window. A truly inconsequential action, but fun and engaging nonetheless.

Time went on slowly as the two lazed about with nothing significant to do.

School passed and ended without any trouble and the duo went home to Takei's house.

Even though they were at a new location now, the general theme of the day didn't change.

As soon as they reached his room, they both settled into their own little spaces and continued their lazy day.

It seemed that this day of doing absolutely nothing would continue forever.

"Hey, Takei."

Well, it was supposed to continue forever, at least until the goddess spoke up about something.

"What is it?" Takei responded.

"This is nice every one in a while, isn't it?" Akari murmured.

"Mhm, I guess so," Takei bluntly answered.

Even though Takei answered like that, he was definitely in fact a tsundere who couldn't be honest with himself.

Akari smiled at Takei's dishonesty. "Well, I think that's enough lazing around for today. Do you want to go on a walk?"

Also agreeing with her sentiments, Takei agreed to go on a stroll with Akari.

"I'm leaving!" Takei yelled, as he was putting on his shoes at the front door.

"Have a good time!" Airi yelled back.

Flora and Yuuto were currently on a date night together in the city, so they weren't here to bid him farewell.

"You ready?" Takei asked.

Akari nodded back in response. "Yep, let's go!"

Closing the door behind them, Takei and Akari embarked to the local park.

The winter season was reaching its end as evident by the hotter nights and longer days. All of the trees and plants looked ready to bloom, as spring was just around the corner. Many people welcomed the change in season as a new chapter on their life, while other people disliked the changes that were happening around them.

It went without words that Takei was a part of the latter group.

The idea that "change is scary'' is a human instinct that everyone has. Some people agree more so than others, but everyone has the idea implanted inside them on an anatomical level.

Takei used to be a part of the group of people that refused change until their very last breath. However after meeting a certain girl, he had changed his views just a teensy bit. He still hated change, don't get that wrong. Now though, Takei realized that not all change is bad.

Without him even knowing it, that realization was the key for him to start moving forward again. No longer would he be bound by the chains of his past. Now, Takei would focus on walking forward without any hesitation or indecisiveness.

That is his resolve.

"Those are some complicated expressions you're making."

As he was thinking hard about the future, Akari poked fun at his weird facial expressions.

Coming back to reality, Takei realized that they had already reached the park without him even realizing.

Both of them sat down at a bench and looked into the night sky.

Several moments of silence passed until Takei cleared his thoughts enough to be able to focus on a conversation with Akari.

"Sorry... I was thinking about something," Takei apologized.

Akari eyed him suspiciously. "I've seen that lost-in-thought look several times this week so far..."

The goddess is too observative, I can't win against her...

Takei sighed and decided to be honest with her. "I've been worrying about the future a lot. There's just a bunch of stuff that I have to do my best in, and I don't know if the result is going to be what I want..."

After learning about Takei's troubles, Akari gently smiled and moved his head to her lap.

"W-w-what?!" Takei stuttered.

Akari started to stroke his hair. "You're doing great. That's what I like about you. Your persistence and passion to improve is dazzling to me."

At such a declaration, Takei began to get overloaded with emotions. It was mostly embarrassment though.

Continuing the conversation, Akari closed her eyes for a second and gave him another radiant smile. "That's why... you should focus on what's in front of you. Leave the future to your future self. Let the present Takei enjoy his life first."

Hearing the goddess's affirmation of his efforts and her advice to enjoy his life, Takei unconsciously let out a wry smile.

It's almost as if all of my worries and doubts are obsolete. Akari truly is a good person at heart, isn't she? Okay me, let's do my best to stay at her side!

As a show of his appreciation, Takei poured all of his emotions of gratitude into a few words.

"Thanks for uplifting me," Takei said, with immense happiness surging throughout his body.

"No problem," Akari smiled back at him, which ended up causing a strawberry aura to form around them.

Deciding to get rid of the strange mood that was building, he decided to make a joke. "Mind if I borrow this lap for a little bit more?"

"Of course, this lap is only exclusive to you," Akari devilishly grinned.


In the end, Takei went to bed that night slightly happier than usual.


Akari's True Affection Meter: 34 -> 40%

Akari has gotten addicted to spoiling Takei. As the author, I'm proud of them. As a fellow male, I wish they would blow up.

Sugar-san: YES! YES! YES!

Serious-san: Geh... Sugar-san is too strong for the current me...

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