The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 65 – Relieved

"I'm sorry."

Takei gave her a curt response to the confession aimed at him.

"I see..."

Arisa looked crestfallen at Takei's answer, but she didn't look shocked in the slightest.

"I had a feeling this was going to happen."

She smiled through the tears that were flowing down her face and stated her true feelings.

Takei could only feel saddened by having to crush her poor heart.

He knew how hard rejection could be, so he tried to let her off in the most easiest way possible.

Deciding to be genuine about his feelings, Takei told her the reason why he couldn't accept her confession.

In a volume that only she could hear, Takei mumbled the answer to his heart.

"I have someone else I like..."

Even with this reveal, Arisa didn't look shocked that he had feelings for another person.

In fact, she had already known this even before confessing to him.

It was widespread knowledge that Takei had a good relationship going on with the goddess, so even Arisa knew this when she decided to tell him her feelings.

She had already expected to be rejected beforehand, but she still didn't want to keep her feelings a secret.

"Is that so..."

Even though Arisa knew beforehand about their relationship, she didn't reveal it to Takei and pretended not to know.

Arisa could tell that Takei and Akari's relationship was in a complicated spot at the moment, so she wanted to let them figure it out on their own.

With a little intervention, of course.

"Thanks for everything. I can finally let go of these feelings." Arisa tearfully said. "Do you want to be friends though?"

She outstretched her hand and asked to keep a platonic relationship, since she liked him as a person even if the love wasn't there.


Takei gently smiled and shook her hand.

"Goodbye, Takei."

After giving her farewell, Arisa promptly left without even turning around.

Oddly, Takei didn't even move a muscle.

He just stood there stock still and looked at the vast sky above him.


—I'm sorry.

—I didn't want to hurt you.

—There was no other choice.

Even though Takei didn't regret his decision, he still felt bad about hurting Arisa like that.

He tried to make as many excuses as possible, but in the end, it was just him trying to make himself feel better.

Bottom line, he had hurt Arisa.

It wasn't intentional, yet it still hurt just as bad.

Even though Takei hadn't known Arisa that well, it was still someone who had affection for him.

Crushing her wishes was not something Takei wanted to do.

However, love would not listen to what Takei wanted.

It was a beautiful yet ugly thing that was spontaneous in its arrival.

In the end, love was a double sided weapon.


Takei clicked his tongue to help clear his mind of the encroaching negative thoughts.

He had enough of the gloominess that he was drowning in.

It was his decision and his burden to bear.

Therefore, he shouldn't think about the past anymore.

The only thing that Takei can do is to keep moving forward with a smile on his face.

He truly believed that's what all of his loved ones would've wanted.

As he was pondering the duality of love, Akari finally walked up to him.

"Are you okay?"

She had given Takei some time to think about the current situation.

Akari knew that his feelings on the topic of confession were very complicated.

That's why she would never push the topic of his feelings, since she didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

Takei nodded and showed a relieved smile to Akari.

Seeing Takei's relieved expression, Akari felt her heart feel a bit lighter.

"It was hard... but, I managed to shut her down in the least hurtful way possible."

Takei nonchalantly told Akari that he had done the hardest task possible.

"That's... good."

She didn't look entirely convinced that he was okay, but Akari took his words at face value for now.

Takei noticed that Akari didn't truly believe that he was okay, so he decided to do something nice for her.

"Alright, let's go somewhere."


After a short train ride and a half an hour later, the duo finally arrived at their destination.

"This is..."

"An ice cream shop."

Takei had decided to take Akari to his favorite ice cream shop as a show of gratitude.

He knew she was being worried for his sake, so he wanted to assuage her fears and make her feel better.

They walked into the ice cream parlor and noticed that there was an old man working the counter.

"Ah, young Takei. I haven't seen you in a while."

The kindly old man seemed to have recognized that one of his beloved customers had finally came back.

"Nonetheless, you seemed to have gotten married while I wasn't looking."

The old man teased Takei and Akari, while chuckling to himself.

Instead of refuting his tease, Takei just briskly ignored his comments.

"It's been a while Mr. Sugimoto."

Kazuya Sugimoto was the sole owner of this small little ice cream parlor. This store had been operated by him and his wife for over thirty years. Currently, his wife was attending a women's club so she was off for the day.

When Takei used to live in this area, his parents would always take him to eat here as a treat every weekend.

In other words, he hadn't been here for at least a year.

"Indeed it has, young Takei." Kazuya laughed. "And, who would this young newlywed wife be?"

Ignoring the comment once again, Takei introduced the goddess he worshipped.

"This is Akari Akazawa, a classmate and friend of mine."

As Takei introduced her, Akari seemed displeased for some reason.

He was only stating the objective facts though, so he wasn't sure why she was feeling this way.

Kazuya Sugimoto definitely knew why though.

"Ah, you must be having a hard time."

Kazuya winked at Akari with acknowledgment in his eyes.

As a result, Akari could only wryly smile and nod her head.

Kazuya looked amused at the situation, but was finally returned to his senses after seeing Takei's glare.

Clearing his throat, Kazuya decided to change the subject.

"Young Takei, will that be the usual you're getting?"

"Yep. Seems like you still remember."

By the "usual," Kazuya meant the chocolate and vanilla swirl with sprinkles that Takei always got.

"Of course, I would've been out of business already if I couldn't remember what my regulars ordered."

Kazuya had been working for several decades, so it was only evident that he would have a great memory.

"So, what will Young Akari have?"

"Just vanilla ice cream please. On the cone as well."

As expected of the goddess, she went for something simple and refined.

After waiting a few moments, Kazuya finished making their ice cream and handed it over to them.

"In order to celebrate your lovely marriage, it's on the house today."

Once again, Takei ignored his provocation. It was an odd decision though, since Takei usually would've retorted. At least, that's why Akari thought.

"Thanks, I'll make sure to come back often."

Takei thanked the kind old man and left the shop after deeply bowing.

"It's good..."

Akari looked at the ice cream with stars in her eyes.

"Of course, that's why this is my favorite ice cream place."

He smiled as he patted the top of her head.

Instead of the usual embarrassed and flustered reaction, Akari just lazily smiled and accepted the head pats.

Seeing the difference between her usual behavior and her current behavior, Takei's smile grew wider.

"I'm sorry about worrying you."

"Don't be. It's my job to worry about you."

Takei wanted to apologize about his actions, but Akari cut him off before he could even get into it.

Seeing her refusal for him to accept the blame, the only thing he could do was to wryly smile and accept her good will.

"Then, will you keep on worrying about me for the foreseeable future?"

It was as if Takei had just proposed to her with that dreamy line.

Even with that heart throbbing question, Akari resiliently nodded and answered him resolutely.

"Of course, I'll forever be by your side."


Akari's Final Affection Meter: 8 -> 15%

Getting through thick and thin with each other is a surefire way to grow closer.

Serious-san: My power... It's going away...

Sugar-san: I told you so!

A/N: This two-chapter arc was meant to put Takei in the opposite position of a failed confession. I believe the only way to grow as a person is to gather different viewpoints on your experiences in life. It takes two to tango, just like how it takes two for a confession to happen.

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