The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 65.5 – Airi’s Day Out

Waking up bright and early in the morning, I started my daily exercise routine.

I ran around the neighborhood block around three times and came home incredibly exhilarated.

Soon after coming home, I took a shower and got ready for the day.

It was a rest day today, so there wasn't any school.

Looking around the house, it was unusually quiet without a single sign of life.

It was most likely due to the fact that my brother had gotten up even earlier than everyone else in the house today.

There was something that he apparently had to do no matter what, so he woke up early and left the house.

Since I had nothing better to do (and due to my curiosity getting the better of me), I decided to ask a friend of mine to become my accomplice or rather partner-in-crime.

After receiving my text, the accomplice in question arrived at my house shortly after as if she was awaiting my very order.

"Good morning~"

Akari Akazawa showed up to the Tanaka residence, as usual.

This time however, she was here for me instead of my brother.

"Are you ready?"

I asked her if she was fully prepared to commence the mission.

"Yep! Operation Find-Out-What-Takei-Is-Doing is a go!"

We both left the house after going over the game plan for the day.

Akari and I would go to the local mall and find out what exactly my brother was doing.

He had told me where he was going the night before, but he didn't specify his actions.

Surprisingly enough, Akari was met with the same answer and wasn't allowed the truth to what he was really doing.

We took the shortest commute by train and promptly arrived after half an hour.

Akari and I then walked towards the farther side of the mall since we had an itching feeling that he was going to be over here.

As we were walking, I noticed that there were many men that were staring at us.

It was most likely due to the goddess's divine beauty though.

Then, we arrived at the arcade area in the mall.

My brother used to go here a lot back in middle school, but he hadn't gone as much when we entered high school.

He typically likes playing games, so this wasn't a bad spot to start.

We looked through the entire arcade, which wasn't that big actually, and didn't find him at all.

Giving up, we decided to ask the employee working there.

"Was there a black haired teenager a little bit taller than me with mediocre looks here earlier?"

Even though Akari's description of him was very broad, the employee seemed to know who she was talking about.

"Ah, he came in earlier in the morning and played some crane games. After winning some plushies, I heard him mumble that flowers were next."

Thanking the arcade employee, we embarked on an adventure to the flower shop located on the second floor of this mall.

When we got there, I noticed that there was an inconspicuous black haired boy leaving the shop with a bundle of flowers in his arm.

Of course, I knew that this was my brother instantly.

Not trying to be mean or anything, but his looks were very mediocre which made me not understand how we were related.

"That's him..."

Akari seemed to notice him as well.

"Let's trail him for now."

I wanted to see him do what he came here to do, so I suggested that we wait before confronting him.


Akari nodded and agreed with my sentiments.

Following Takei, we ended up at a ladies store next.

He entered with a complicated yet resolved look on his face.

We snuck around the corner and observed him through the glass of the shop.

It seemed that he was asking the female clerk for advice on the different types of perfumes.

I didn't know why he intended to buy perfume, but it was most likely for Akari.

Ever since he met her at school, it's just been a nonstop romcom development for those two.

They both enjoyed spoiling each other, which was a different problem in itself.

I was stuck in the crossfire of their battle of love, which greatly troubled me.

Please get a room, you normies.

As I was mulling over the relationship between the two lovebirds, Takei finished his purchase and left the establishment.

Next, it looks like he was going to go get a snack before he went home as evident by his yawning, stretching, and patting of his stomach.

Takei stopped by a pretzel shop and bought a small bag of mini pretzels to help reduce his hunger.

I could see Akari salivating through the corner of my eye, so I shook my head to tell her that it wasn't worth it to blow our cover.

She sadly nodded, albeit hesitantly.

We then managed to follow him home by taking the same train, but sitting in a different train car.

Akari and I waited a few minutes to enter the house after Takei entered the house.

We couldn't have him be suspicious of our whereabouts for the day, so that's why we delayed our entry.

"Welcome back. Did you two go out today?"

Takei greeted us when we entered the house and asked what we did today.

Deciding to tease him a bit, I pulled out the in-law card.

"Yeah, we did some sister bonding."


As expected, he choked on the pretzel that he was eating.

"That's nice..."

Takei replied ambiguously and kept on nonchalantly eating.

After a few moments passed, he finished the bag of mini pretzels that he was eating and addressed Akari.

"I got some stuff for you today."

He showed her the stuffed animals that he won, the flowers that he bought her, and the perfume that the female clerk recommended.

Akari looked elated that Takei had gotten her some gifts. So elated in fact, she jumped into his arms and began to hug him.



"Thank you so much!"

As expected, they started to cuddle and do newlywed things in front of another person.

Once again, I hope this lovey dovey couple blows up.


I would be mad too if I had to see my brother become a love-in-the-brains idiot.


This week specifically, I've been swamped with school work and actual work so I haven't had the time to think about a way to thank you guys and gals for 300 readers. I promise once I get caught up on everything, something will definitely happen.


Side note: I wrote this chapter while I was sick. So if you thought it was a little rough around the edges, then it definitely was.

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