The Good Incubus

Chapter 45 The One Not Tasted

Chapter 45

The One Not Tasted

Xie Jie and Zhou Tu felt movement below them; pulling back from each other’s lips they looked down and saw little Hao Kong rise again. 

Their gaze met and amusement danced in their eyes, then they looked up at their blushing man.

“Don’t look at me like that, it’s not my fault, you’re just too sexy together.” Said Hao Kong, his lips pursed together. 

Xie Jie laughed, “you have got a lot more honest.” Seeing Hao Kong’s little pout he added, “I like your honesty my love.” 

Xie Jie gently squeezed his lover’s delightfully familiar waist with his tail and resisted teasing him more. 

“I want to be honest with you, your my men after all.” Replied Hao Kong while looking up at the ceiling. He wanted to be honest, he wanted to say these things, but he was still struggling with how embarrassing it all was.

Zhou Tu smiled while he thought, ‘Hao Kong is so adorable, how did I never see it before?’ With this realisation the tent in his robes grew even bigger.

Hao Kong completely missed the movement while looking at the ceiling. 

On the other hand, Xie Jie’s eyes met Zhou Tu’s, and while they both smiled at their cute man, he said, “I feel like we should do something with your rather active lower half.” And he nodded to Zhou Tu’s tent, “but you’re supposed to be resting.” 

Zhou Tu was touched by Xie Jie’s concern, and thought, ‘he really is the kindest incubus, I’m so glad it was him that saved me.’ 

Then out loud he said, “Other than being with you the other day, I’ve done with out for the last 56 years, one more day won’t hurt.”

Hao Kong raised an eye brow at that, “what did you two do last time?”

Xie Jie felt the curiosity laced with a touch of jealousy through their mark, and thought, ‘so that is how mother always knew when there was going to be an argument between her spouses.’ 

Then the rest of what Zhou Tu said registered properly and he exclaimed, “Your 56?!”

“I did tell you cultivators age differently.” Replied Hao Kong with a forced calmness, and repeated, “what did you two do last time?”

“But how am I supposed to be head of a harem if all the people in it are older and wiser than me?” Asked Xie Jie, fear creped into his mind that he would let his men down.

“What did you two do last time?” Asked Hao Kong again, his forced calm vanishing as he got a little flustered.

Xie Jie laughed, “I pleasured him with my mouth. Our cute Tu tastes delicious, you should taste him too.” 

Zhou Tu blushed deeply at this strange compliment, and the idea of Hao Kong imitating Xie Jie. 

While Hao Kong sighed happily, ‘of course I was Xie Jie’s first, why am I getting jealous?’

Pouting Xie Jie noticed a serious oversight, “Hao Kong I haven’t got to taste all of you yet.” 

Not sure how he felt being talked about like a tasty treat, Hao Kong’s expression turned pensive. 

His body on the other hand was far more honest, his brown nipples went hard and his man hood raised up further, serving itself up for tasting.

Xie Jie licked his lips, his mouth watered at the sight of his lover’s large member, he wanted to taste it. But they were supposed to be helping Zhou Tu rest, and being aroused watching him taste his Master would not help. 

“I guess I could,” Xie Jie swallowed hard, “wait till tomorrow.”

Seeing Xie Jie struggling, Zhou Tu figured it would be best to change the topic, “What does the head of an incubus’s harem do? Do you have to be the one to make all the decisions?” 

Xie Jie latched onto this new life line, “No, I just link every one together and mark those that are true spouses. Other than that it is up to the incubus or succubus, I think.” 

Xie Jie was not entirely sure on the specifics either. 

“My mother said, “mark those that you truly love and want to be with forever, and keep the rest together as best you can.”” 

Hao Kong’s arm tightened around Xie Jie’s shoulder; his heart wouldn’t quieten down after hearing those simply said sweet words. 

Smiling up at the man he loved and had marked, Xie Jie continued with the advice his mother had given him, ““You’ll figure out your own style when you get to the age of having a harem, everyone’s is different.” I don’t think anyone expected me to meet someone I would want to mark, let alone get a harem, before I got to at least 50.”

His eyes going wide, Zhou Tu asked tentatively, “Xie Jie how old are you?” 

Xie Jie looked down, which didn’t help because he looked straight at Hao Kong’s hard shaft, he had never been bothered about things like age before, but now he was a little uncomfortable being so young. 

“I’m 21.”

Zhou Tu coughed, “21!?”

Hao Kong tightened his grip round Xie Jie’s shoulders comfortingly, “I guessed when you said you were in heat. I know its selfish, but I’m glad I met you now, so I could help you get safely through your first time, and grow your beautiful horns.” 

Hao Kong wanted to caress those horns, but stopped himself after what happened last time he touched them.

Snuggling into Hao Kong’s shoulder, Xie Jie’s smile was full of love, “I’m eternally grateful I met you when I did, to have my first time with the man I love was a wonderful gift.”

Zhou Tu smiled and thought, ‘they are totally smitten with each other, yet they still want me too, Xie Jie really has opened Hao Kong’s heart.’ He thanked the heaven’s for Xie Jie. 

To the young incubus Zhou Tu said, “you seem so much wiser than your years.” Blushing at his forwardness he added, “Don’t worry about being young, you can always ask us if you need guidance.” 

A wide smile bloomed on Xie Jie’s face as he leaned across Hao Kong’s broad chest and kissed Zhou Tu’s tender lips. 

He was amazed to feel how much the disciple’s feelings had grown for them in even the last few minutes, and how drained he was, pulling back he looked up.

“Hao Kong can you give our man a little energy. Then we need to go get cleaned and we all need to get some rest.”

Not fully understanding why, Hao Kong was really enjoying being told what to do by his lover. Between his thumb and forefinger he gently held Zhou Tu’s chin and tilted it up, leaning down he kissed him deeply and pushed a small amount of his energy into his disciple. 

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