The Good Incubus

Chapter 46 Providing A Service

Chapter 46

Providing A Service 

Zhou Tu skilfully accepted the offered energy, impressing Hao Kong with his control, as they enjoyed the feel of each others tongues. 

Surprised, Zhou Tu pulled back suddenly and said, “Master Hao, what happened to your energy? It feels like.” His mouth dropping open he turned to Xie Jie, “It feels like your energy, what did you do?”

A little embarrassed Xie Jie looked at his hands, “I found out that while I was bound I marked Hao Kong, and just now I marked him properly.”

Stunned, Zhou Tu’s eyes went wide, then he blinked and tilted his head, “what do you mean you marked him?”

Laughing and hugging Xie Jie into his chest, Hao Kong said, “he marked me as his, it’s an energy infused brand.”

The more Hao Kong spoke the more Xie Jie blushed; Zhou Tu stared at the young incubus and said incredulously, “you branded him!”

Looking up at Hao Kong, Xie Jie wondered if he was trying to purposely miss lead Zhou Tu. As he thought about it, through his mark he felt that Hao Kong actually found it arousing being ‘branded’. 

Smiling at his man, Xie Jie gave a little shake of his head, then said, “it’s not just a brand, it’s more like a pact, it’s the equivalent of an incubus marriage. I took Hao Kong as my first husband tonight.”

Hao Kong’s heart thundered in his ears, Xie Jie just called him husband!

His mind going blank Zhou Tu stared, Hao Kong married Xie Jie?! Then he thought about the kisses they had just shared, did their ‘marriage’ really change anything? Snapping back to his senses, Zhou Tu said to Xie Jie, “congratulations your first husband is a wonderful man,” turning to his Master he said, “congratulations your husband is a delight.”

Hao Kong was thrilled with their first congratulations and kissed Zhou Tu passionately. 

Surprised to have his lips captured so suddenly by the man he thought was no longer available, Zhou Tu froze for half a heart beat, then melted into Hao Kong’s strong arms around him and kissed his Master back with equal passion.

Xie Jie felt warm inside watching his husband kissing their lover, he hadn’t wanted a big harem until he met the men of Snow Mist Peak, but these charming men had quickly changed his mind.

All too soon Hao Kong pulled back licking his lips, he now understood why Xie Jie always did it, to savour the taste.

A thought struck him, “Zhou Tu have you chosen your next Master yet?”

Zhou Tu’s heart sped up, “I’m to choose again this year, I was thinking of choosing Master Gu, Why do you ask?” He said trying to keep his excitement off of his face, then thought, ‘please be thinking what I think you are.’

Nervously Hao Kong asked, “would it be too strange if you became my disciple?”

“No!” Zhou Tu said as soon as he heard, he was so excited.

Putting his fingers through his hair, Hao Kong thought, ‘I guess I’m not qualified.’

Seeing Hao Kong’s misinterpretation Zhou Tu clarified, “no it wouldn’t be strange, I would love to be your disciple.”

Straightening back up with a huge smile, Hao Kong asked shyly, “really? Do you think anyone else would want to be my disciple? I don’t think I’m allowed to have a direct disciple yet.”

“You would have to turn people away, Master Hao you are very popular among the disciples.”

“Please call me Hao Kong,” then thinking again he said, “in private anyway.”

Both of them blushed again, and Xie Jie laughed internally, ‘there they go again blushing over a name, they are so cute.’ His desire for the two men threatened to overwhelm him. 

Trying and failing to keep a straight face, Xie Jie said, “alright Master and Disciple, its time to get some rest,” looking at Hao Kong he continued, “we have training to get a love demon tomorrow.” 

Then turning to Zhou Tu added, “and you need to rest, so we can all enjoy ourselves when we get home.” 

Xie Jie’s heart raced, ‘their home,’ now who is being cute?

A horrifying idea struck Xie Jie and his heart stoppeddead for a second, he asked nervously, “Am I allowed to live here with you? I can’t learn to cultivate.” He clung tightly to Hao Kong and Zhou Tu.

Zhou Tu looked worriedly at Xie Jie, he had no idea on the rules, they both looked up to Hao Kong for reassurance.

Hao Kong said confidently, “you are my husband now, and spouses are allowed to live on the mountain, plus there is no way the Leaders would kick you out.”

Thinking of the feel of the Leaders bodies from earlier, all three of their lower half’s swelled as they sighed happily.

Thinking about their scholarly Leader with the lovely delicate hands, and how open he had gotten since Xie Jie had arrived, Zhou Tu said, “I think the Leaders would be happy for you to stay, it’s said ‘the older a cultivator gets the less they feel,’ you have already opened their hearts,” with a blush he added, “and ours.”

Hao Kong tightened his hold on his men.

“So that’s why the Leaders never did anything about their love for each other.” Said Xie Jie, he had a growing desire to understand everything he could about the charming men. 

“The Leaders aren’t even that old.” Said Hao Kong thoughtfully, “When a cultivator gets to a certain age or strength, they either ascend or retire from sect life because they are so withdrawn, then they go into secluded cultivation.” Sadness tinged his voice and he held his men a little tighter. 

Feeling his man’s deep sadness about someone he didn’t know, Xie Jie said, “I wonder if I could help them?”

Hao Kong’s lips lifted at the idea. 

“What is your plan? Seduce all the elders?” Zhou Tu asked jokingly. 

Xie Jie brightened at the suggestion and Zhou Tu laughed then shook his head, “you really are incorrigible.”

Pouting Xie Jie said pointedly, “well apparently I like older men.” 

Hao Kong laughed, “I’m but a spring chicken compared to the Elders.”

“Is there anything wrong with them? Are they horrible people? Or do they become repulsive in some way as they get repressed?” Inquired Xie Jie.

Hao Kong raised an eye brow as he thought about a particular elder who had gone into seclusion, “actually there are a few that have a sort of ethereal beauty, and other than being as emotional as a rock, they are generally really good people.”

“Then I’m not discounting seducing them as a plan, especially if providing that service means I’m allowed to stay here with you.” Xie Jie said with a noble air, like his mouth wasn’t watering at the thought of trying to seduce an elder. 

“Well now you have decided to seduce the Elders, shall we wash and get you some sleep?” Said Hao Kong.

Raising a questioning brow Xie Jie asked, “You’re not going to sleep again?” 

“Apart from the other day with you, I’ve not slept for decades.” Replied Hao Kong.

Xie Jie felt warm inside, so he just wanted to be with me.

Getting up Xie Jie looked down at his men cuddled together and smiled contentedly, Zhou Tu raised his head and moved off his Master. 

“Do you need to wash too?” Hao Kong asked his cute disciple.

“I’m ok, unlike all of you I didn’t do very much today.”

“Do you want to come watch?” Asked Xie Jie, thinking how cute and sexy it would be to see his husband blushing and getting aroused by being watched by their cute man. 

Hao Kong blushed at even the idea, and Zhou Tu’s mouth went dry at the image that flashed into his mind, of Hao Kong’s and Xie Jie’s wet bodies glistening in the late afternoon sun. 

“I would love to, but I don’t think anything will help me relax if I see that.” Then as an afterthought Zhou Tu blushed a deep red again and added, “well one thing would help.”

Xie Jie swallowed his desire and said, “my dear please rest and heal well.”

Hao Kong kissed the top of Zhou Tu’s head and helped him lay down. “We’ll be right back Zhou Tu.” 

Zhou Tu’s heart raced, to hear Hao Kong’s deep sexy voice say his name made his insides tingle. 

“We’ll try to not wake you this time, sweet dreams.” 

With a cheeky smile Xie Jie said, “If you need a hand in the night, wake me up.”

Zhou Tu smiled up at the pair and watched the gorgeous sight of them leaving, his dreams were likely to be lively with that as his last view.

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