The Grand Catrastophe

Chapter 2: Introductions, part three (7)

          Momonga looked at the Mirror of remote viewing in front of her and sighed. she had been trying for days to actually use the damn thing. Yet, how it functioned was still a mystery to her.

          She had spent a while trying to get the dang POV to change other than just up and down. but what she tried didn’t work. Verbal commands didn’t work, neither did her touching the surface of it.

          She waved her hands into the air with another sigh, yet the mirror changed. The image zoomed in on a rather suspicious piece of grass, at least that was what a silly thought in her mind said. In reality, she just realized that it worked on touch screen rules.

          She felt like an utter fool, even more so with Sebas clapping in the background. A self-deprecating smile graced the young overlord’s face. She really wasn’t the goddess they thought she was, wasn’t she? Thoughts like this one had plagued her for a while now, and she needed to get it out of her system.

          She then zoomed out and moved the camera view further north. For about fifteen minutes she zipped past the ground, or at least the view of the mirror did. At that time, she asked Sebas to go get some drinks for her. Because she wasn’t a skeletal undead like most overlords, she could eat.

          She had also found a joy in eating. In her last life as Suzuki Satoru, she didn’t really find all too much enjoyment in the act itself. After all, she saved money most of the time by buying and eating nutrient paste.

          She peered at the mirror as she gazed into what it showed. It was a village, the people of the village seemed to be moving around a lot, like they were rooting and getting busy for a festival. She frowned at that thought. She didn’t actually know what a festival looked like.

          She could be completely wrong. She could be right. She decided to zoom in on what was happening. There she saw it. People in armor, running around on horse back and on their own two legs. Ok then, most definitely not a festival.

          These men in armor appeared to be killing the villagers. At first, she thought they were simply being attacked. Then she thought that there might be another reason for this killing, like maybe they were clearing out a rather deceased village.

However, anybody who has ever seen someone sick or had gotten sick would know that you wouldn’t want to get dirty like they were getting. So, she took that idea out of her mind. Maybe these people who were being killed were political dissidents?

The killing such people made her black blood boil. That thought had reminded her of how her friend, Bellriver, had died. Well, it was said that he had died due to an overdose, but everyone knew the real reason.

          Then, her emotions mellowed out. Her mind became clear as a lake in winter. Why was she reacting like this? Before she had become her avatar, she would have lost the lunch she had just had at this sight. Yet now, there was no feeling of disgust, only a cold and cynical feeling left behind.

          This new finding didn’t really change her outlook on what was happening. What she felt, and what she saw didn't change in her mind. All there was that had changed was a feeling of revelation. Like she had just figured out a rather unique plot point in a new movie she finished watching, if that made any sense.

          She then propped her legs onto her chair and pulled her blanket she brought from her room around herself. When she found out how soft her blankets and pillows are, she decided to never leave them behind. Well, her robes were just as comfy, but they didn’t have the right emotional feel to them as a blanket did.

          Of course, the emotions that bubbled up from wrapping herself in her blankets were mixed. Firstly, her emotions from doing girly stuff like this were mixed in and of themselves, but they were mild, so they weren’t tamped down by her emotional suppression. Secondly, the difference between what was happening to the viewer and her current appearance gave this whole thing a rather surreal feeling as well.

          Then, Sebas returned with a platter and a bottle of wine and an empty glass on it. She looked at him and raised her hand in a pleading way, and Sebas obliged. He sat down the plate, grabbed the bottle and poured her a glass of Asgardian honey wine.

          Well, it was mead. But the official name for it was Asgardian honey wine so that was what she called it. Anyway, as she peered at the viewer, she thought back to Sebas for the briefest of moments and looked at him. then at the screen once more.

          A thought crossed her mind, and she looked at him again. The resemblance was uncanny, in all reasoning. He looked like how her god friend and first ever true friend looked like on earth. In fact, his Sebas’s maker, “Touch me if you can,” was that friend.

          He had saved her when she needed him most, she had been about be to be killed, and subsequently quit the game, when he had saved her. That was when her whole life had turned around, and she found herself smiling ever so slightly at the memory.

          She then looked back to the slaughter and stood up. She then spoke in a manner befitting a goddess of life and death. Her voice as always was perfect, and she kept her glass in her hands.

          “I am going down there to save those people, if only because I feel like it and need to test my metal here,” she spoke with a regality that seemed to come from somewhere in her non-beating heart, “Tell Albedo to watch over the tomb while I’m away, after that, you can come with me,” she finished speaking.

          Sebas put a hand to his heart and bowed his head slightly in recognition. He seemed put at ease with this idea of him coming along. His voice was tinged with enough acceptance for Momonga to see this.

          “Of course, my Lady,” he said with his deep voice.

          The Emmot sisters were not having a good day, to say the least. The two of them had begun the day as normal, doing the daily chores. But today, today everything was different. The air tasted different, the water had a strange aftertaste that morning, and the animals seemed put on edge.

          All of these strange omens had come to ahead when they had seen and heard strange noises from the outskirts of the village. Then the men came. They came with burning torches and loud horses. They came with ill will and harmful actions. It took all of Enri’s courage to not simply assume the fetal position and bawl her eyes out.

          So, when her father told her to run, she simply did so. After all, Nemu was with her, and she didn’t want her to die. She didn’t want her to perish. Though, that line of thinking didn’t seem to matter to the two knights running after her.

          She was now outside of what could be considered the village. Though, she wasn’t in the forest, she couldn’t lose the men trailing her like this. she was panting now, sweat slicked her young body, and the jeers coming from the beast’s wearing the skin of men started to pick up a notch.

          Then, her sister tripped. It was a simple accident, but now it would mean their deaths, or rather her sister’s death. Enri would surely be raped, like the jeers had insinuated.

          She kneeled next to her sister, so she could help her get up. Yet her mind ran cold when she felt a sword cut into her back. She, of course, had never been cut into by a sword before. But her mind quickly decided that she was. Her mind’s idea was confirmed when she huddled of her little sister and looked behind herself to see the two men laughing.

          However, they stopped. Why, she didn’t know right away. After all, who was she to guess that a goddess would bring herself near a simple village. Although, that wasn’t where her mind was, at least not yet.

          She then heard them mumble something. They began to shake soon after the mumbling started. She was so confused by these events that she wanted to rectify this right away. She then did so and turned her head to look behind herself, or rather in front of herself.

          There, stood death in the form of a woman. Beauty incarnate was the form death took, not a skeleton, but of a queen in black and royal purple. Enri would have hung her mouth open, if not for the fact that her mind seemingly found that idea disrespectful to this queen of death and beauty.

          “My, my, you two aren’t even going to act. Do fools like you not even understand what fighting one your own size relates to?” she asked with a royal and pure and utterly sovereign tone of voice.

          She held a glass of liquid gold in one hand, as if she had just walked away from a dinner with the gods to come here. Enri was speechless. She raised her other hand and spoke a simple phrase.

          “Grasp heart,” she said and the man behind Enri died, “Hm, that is disappointing,” she spoke once more after she ended the man.

          Her words shook the other man to his very core, and he fell on his rear end as he began to run away from death itself. Death seemed to find this amusing as she then changed her gripped fist to an open fingered hand. Her face held no emotion as she acted, yet Enri and her sister could tell that she was enjoying ending these men.

          She pointed one of these perfect fingers at her chosen mortal and spoke once more. Her voice was the end, and the end was lightning. Enri swore she could feel the raw magical power come from the woman.

          “Chain Dragon Lightning,” she said the words, and the magic obeyed the queen of end.

          Lightning came from her hand and arced to the man now running away from her. He fell over dead soon after. Enri looked on at the sovereign of death as she came over and knelt next to the two girls. She spoke with a voice that commanded death itself.

          “Are you two alright? I was wondering how that display would affect you, but you two seem alright,” she said in a deep and powerful, yet strong and gentle voice.

          Enri’s brain stopped there and then. In other words, she fainted.

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