The Grand Catrastophe

Chapter 2: Introductions, part two (6)

          Momonga teleported into her room and pushed her back to the wall. A million thoughts were running through her head at once. First, was that they thought of her as some form of Goddess, second was that she couldn’t really do anything about it.

          “What am I supposed to do?! Be a god?! Who do they think I am?!” she asked herself with a panicking voice, “Why do they even think that of me?!” she asked herself that again and again.

          She wanted to hide, right now, to hide away from this new responsibility. But she couldn’t. After all, where could she hide? Bask in her room? back in Japan? No, that was a bad idea.

          Right now, this was the safest place she could be, so she couldn’t run away. She hadn’t the faintest idea on what to do right now. Like stated, she couldn’t run away. That would make the NPCs search for her for sure. She couldn’t hide away in her room all the time, then she would lose their trust quickly. After all, no one likes a boss that doesn’t actually do anything.

          She put a hand to her mouth and groaned into it. She felt the panic rise and she decided to just let her bum slide to the floor. Yet, after all her panic rose, her emotional suppression kicked in and tamped down on her panic. That let her think with a clear head.

          She pulled her hand from her mouth, and put it to her chin. She thought about what she could do and should do now that she had a clear head, and a tomb full of righteously loyal servants. Then, an idea came to mind.

          “A good boss would lead by example, right? So, all I have to do is be this goddess they think I am,” she concluded with her clear mind, then spoke again.

          “But that is easier said than done. I haven’t the faintest idea of what it takes to actually lead an organization. After all, being a guild leader and being the leader of whatever this will be is rather different,” she said to herself, “what was the line again? If they say that I’m a god, that’s what I am?”

          More and more thoughts began to pop up in her head as she continued to think later on and into the night. First, was that she should probably test if her levels affected her more than what she thought they did in this world. Second, was that she should probably see this outside world for herself.

          She decided to do the second idea, first. But then yet another idea came to her head, and she groaned. She would be trailed by guards, no doubt. After all, her new subordinates were just the type to overreact when she wanted to take a walk outside.

          She stood up and walked to the front door of her room, and peeked outside. Right there, at the doorway was Sebas. He was her butler after all, and it wouldn’t do to have his charge alone. She closed the door after that and sat back down on her bed and thought of how to sneak out.

          She then had a brain fart and face palmed. She let her back fall onto her bed and sighed in exasperation. How could she be so dumb? She had a guard there, why didn’t she just take him outside with her? After all, he had been outside the tomb before, and knew the dangers the most.

          She smiled at her own smarts, and sat back and walked to the door. She opened it and Sebas turned his head to her and bowed it in deference. He then spoke in a calm and measured tone.

          “How may I serve you, my lady?” he asked in his stiff, yet stoic voice.

          Momonga then spoke in her rather sublime and measured voice. Hearing it would send any man or woman’s heart aflutter. It was a miracle that the Author didn’t cringe after writing that line, dear god.

          “I’m going to take a walk outside. You will be my guard,” she said and reached into her inventory and pulled out a ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, “use this to follow me to the top floor. I don’t want to waste any time,” she said to the slightly flabbergasted Sebas.

          “My Lady, thank you for this gift,” he said and took it with a bow.

          Momonga internally cringed at such behavior and sighed when he raised himself from the position. She then turned to herself and looked at her own hand. She thought about which floor she wished to go to, and then vanished from sight. Sebas followed suit.

          Momonga and Sebas appeared on the top floor of the great underground tomb of Nazarick. The sky that Momonga could see through the doorway blew her breath away, yet someone was standing in the way. There, the summoned demons of Demiurge.

          They parted the way for him as he made his way to Momonga and kneeled on the ground. He then spoke in a voice that told of his utter shock at seeing her there.

          “My Lady, if you would let be so bold as to ask, what are you doing here?” he asked, and Momonga didn’t really know how to answer.

          After all, she simply wanted to take a walk outside, but she was supposed to be playing the part of an evil overlord, at least try too anyway. She couldn’t tell him the truth. Then he smiled.

          “Of course, my Lady, I didn’t even think of that. To know you are so merciful warms my heart,” he said and Momonga panicked on the inside.

          Then, he stood up and began to speak once more. But his smile became tight when he saw Sebas walk to the side of Momonga. It seems like he didn’t even notice the dragonoid. Then he began to speak again, yet with a slightly stiffer voice.

          “My Lady, I am afraid that I cannot let you go out there without at least two or more guards, if I am to be so blunt,” he said, and bowed once more.

          Momonga sighed internally. This was going to be rather difficult to just get a look outside, wasn’t it. Then she decided on what she was going to do now. Demiurge might refuse, and then they would run circle around each other with words; she could feel it now.

          “Then you, and only you along with Sebas can guard me. Is that alright with you, Sebas and Demiurge?” she asked, hoping for them to agree.

          “I would not dream of going against the words of the supreme one,” Demiurge said, which surprised her, and Sebas simply nodded his head.

          “Alright then, let’s go and get some fresh air,” she said as she stepped outside, and saw the sky for the first time.

          Her mind blanked upon seeing it. It took several minutes for her mind to sink back up with what she was seeing. The night sky was pure and utter beauty. Words could not and would not be able to describe what the night sky was to Momonga in this moment.

          It was pure, unpolluted by the folly of man, and clear, like a glass of filtered water. She cast fly upon herself so she could see into the sky without the clouds blocking some of the view, but then remembered that Sebas didn’t know fly, and cast mass fly on the three of them.

          She flew into and up into the sky. Her breath hitched as she popped above the clouds. It was even more gorgeous up close like this, however silly that wording was. She reached out a hand to try and grab the stars, yet they were too far away.

          “Their gorgeous, like jewels that glitter in a jewelry box. What I wouldn’t give to share this moment with the rest of the guild,” she whispered just enough so that the two behind her could hear her speak.

          “It is my belief that these jewels are meant to adorn you, my lady. So that the rest of this world may know even a taste of your divinity,” Demiurge said, and surprisingly Sebas nodded his head in agreement.

          Momonga chuckled a little bit at that. She then spoke with her head tilted to the side while still bathing in the light of the stars. Her voice and silhouette in that moment could cause the hearts of even gods to skip a beat.

          “That would be the height of selfishness. I would much rather share this utter stunning sky with the rest of the tomb, maybe even the world. After all, I’m not a greedy Goddess,” she giggled at the end of her own joke, yet she missed the shocked faces of the two NPCs behind her.

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