The Grand Catrastophe

Chapter 2: Introductions, part one (5)

Chapter 2: Introductions

          As the two kept arguing, Momonga felt a chill go down her spine. She looked up from the somewhat nostalgic bickering, and spotted Cocytus. The large insectoid walked with near absolute power. He was the guardian of the 5th floor of the tomb.

          He slammed his halberd against the ground and ice ran across the ground towards the two arguing women. They kept fighting even then, ignoring the Vermin Lord. This drew a slight sigh from Momonga that went unnoticed.

          “Stop. Fighting. In. Front. Of. The. Supreme. One!” he shouted out in his unique speech pattern at the two bickering floor guardians.

          The two of them stopped and looked over to the Vermin Lord. Behind him was actually the guardian of the 7th floor, Demiurge, and behind even him was Albedo. The demon Demiurge wore a suit and tie. His eyes were literally gemstones as well.

          “It is the upmost pleasure to see you again, Lady Momonga,” Demiurge said as he stepped forward and knelt.

          Albedo, Cocytus, as well as Aura and Mare knelt in a line beside the 7th guardian. Albedo lifted her head and spoke in a rather subservient, yet Authoritative voice. Her face was the picture of a servant proclaiming absolute subservience to their leader. That was exactly what she did.

          “I, Albedo the Guardian Overseer of The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, as well as the rest of us guardians, here by swear our undying loyalty to the last of the supreme beings, Lady Momonga!” she stated.

          It was at this point that Momonga was panicking on the inside. She didn’t know what to say or what to do. In her panic, she accidentally activated her, “aura of despair,” skill. This skill spread fear and negative energy throughout the environment she stood in.

          A dark miasma leaked out of her, the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown buffing it to ridicules levels. The power leaking off of her was enough to make all the NPCs shiver in slight fear and awe.

She didn’t realize this though; she was still panicking slightly in her head as her emotional suppression kicked in. It was then that she finally realized what to say. She spoke in a voice that was both elegant and enchanting. Such a voice would charm any lesser or greater man, even women.

          “I am very glad to hear that, Guardians. But it seems that the Tomb finds itself in a rather precarious situation,” it was then the Sebas walked into the scene and knelt as well, “Outside, to which Sebas will explain.” She finished and sighed internally.

          “Very well, My Lady,” he stood up and turned to the rest of the guardians, “The outside marshes of the Helheim appear to have been replaced by flat grasslands. There is also a forest to the west,” he said.

          Demiurge looked on with a slightly quizzical look on his face. Albedo seemed deep in thought as well. Shalltear, Aura and Mare were just confused. Cocytus didn’t really seem to care, at least to Momonga’s eyes.

          Then, in the guild leader’s head, many ideas on what might be happening were flowing. She thought that they might have been teleported to another realm, like Midgard. Then that idea went out the window. This felt like a new world altogether.

          Ideas that this was still all a game came now and again but was quickly snuffed out with the evidence of her lady bits feeling good earlier. In fact, the idea that this was a totally new world came now and again. She then decided to ask some questions.

          “Was there anything magical about the grass? Did it cut you when you stood upon it? what was the combat effectiveness of any of the animals that you encountered?” she asked in quick succession.

          Sebas shook his head at both of the questions and spoke in a rather polite tone of voice one would naturally use with their superior. It made Momonga feel less nervous about this whole thing. That the NPCs were acting as they were supposed to.

          “No, My Lady. The grass seemed to be normal, and the animals in the forest were completely normal, if not a little bit weak,” he explained, further confusing the overlord.

          Momonga nodded at that and went back to thinking. She put a hand to her chin and scrunched up her brow. This action of her face, of course, was rather diluted as her face barely moved. However, the NPCs could tell that she was deep in thought, and needed some time to think.

An idea came to her mind about how to hide the Tomb. After all, the people of this world, if there were people, would probably not take kindly to a tomb appearing out of nowhere.

          “Well, it seems to me that we are in a new land. That means we have no information on this place. We know that magic and skills work. But we do not know what the people of this world think, or their basic power level,” she explained out loud, and the NPCs nodded.

          “I think we should hide first and scout out the land itself with magic. We need to make sure that we aren’t found. Mare,” Momonga said, and looked at the young dark elf.

          He seemed rather nervous, being put on the spot like this. He nervously looked up and then began to twiddle with his staff. The way Momonga was acting now was completely different from when she was simply with the two dark elves.

          Momonga spoke in a slightly warmer tone after seeing the nervousness of the young dark elf. This slightly shocked the NPCs that hadn’t seen her in a while, and were now just meeting her since the last time before the shutdown they had seen her.

          “Mare, do you think you could pile up some dirt along the sides of the tomb to make it look like a hill? Then after you do that, could you make some little hills to it wouldn’t look like the tomb hill itself hadn’t just popped up?” she asked, and Mare nodded his head with an “Yes My Lady!”

           Momonga nodded her head and looked at all the NPCs. She smiled thinking about the time it took for her friends and herself to make, model, and design them and their personalities. Then, the happiness that was bubbling up in her died down when her emotional suppression activated.

          The happiness that had been there was replaced with worry. What if she herself wasn’t good enough for them and they acted on it?

          She then decided to ask a question that would better help her be the boss they seemingly thought she was, after all, if she messed up poorly, then she might lose their trust. Then she would have the entire tomb after her and she most definitely didn’t want that.

          “Now, one last thing everyone, after I ask you all this you can go back to your normal duties and those I have just assigned to you,” She said with elegance, “what do you all think of me?”

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