The Grand Catrastophe

Chapter one: Awakening, part three (4)

          Momonga looked over at the two children that had just fought a primal fire elemental. They panted as they seemed to have been out of practice and were sweating. She thought to herself about how they had acted today.

          It was rather strange for her. They treated the ground that she walked on as if it was hallowed. Each word she had said was treated with the greatest reverence. Every time she tried to do something herself any of the NPCs tried to stop her and serve her.

          They acted as if she was a god amongst men, or maybe just celebrity walking amongst the common man. It was an awfully strange and nervous feeling to have in all honesty. It also unnerved her now that she had the time to think about it. The fact that she was fine with being called “My Lady.”

          Momonga was a man IRL, or at least what used to be considered IRL. Sure, NPCs and the occasional player called her a woman or girl or something to that effect. But she never really cared all too much about it.

          Most players knew that she was he, IRL. After all, if one were to go to her Profile, one would see her gender, or at least preferred pronouns. So, most people called her, a guy back in Yggdrasill.

This, this she decided, was a thought process for another day. It was too early to think about things like that and have an existential crisis. After all, she didn’t want the NPCs to see her like that. They seemingly saw her as their leader, and she would hate to break that faith and trust. Sure, she had never been in any true leadership position before, but she could at least try for them.

          She then retracted herself from the inner folds of her mind and smiled at the twins. They looked awfully thirsty in all honesty, and she felt kind of bad now that they were probably all tired from fighting the summons.

          “You two look thirsty, would you both like something to drink?” she asked the twins and pulled out a pitcher of infinite water from her inventory.

          They looked shocked at her question, like God himself had just asked you if you wanted a sandwich, that he himself made. It was an awfully strange experience for the two floor guardians. Meanwhile, Momonga was simply holding the pitcher and a cup of water.

          The overlord had a rather serene expression on her face. Well, the expression was about as serene as her face muscles let her be. Her face since becoming her avatar had barely changed at all. Sure, she could frown, she could smile, and she could look embarrassed.

          But her emotional suppression seemed to affect her body as well. The evidence for this was her scene with herself in her room. She was feeling incredibly lewd at that moment, but her emotional suppression suppressed it. At that time, she was more exasperated than anything.

          But back to the scene at hand, she was feeling rather nice. She enjoyed the presence of these kids. That might sound a bit iffy. But she didn’t mind right now. Right now, she wanted these thirsty kids to drink something. Was this feeling like that of what a mother would feel when their kids were done playing? Maybe, probably, ok it was most definitely what it felt like.

          “We couldn’t bother the supreme one with that, right mare?” Aura said and looked at her brother.

          But he was looking at the cup of water with a rather thirsty gaze. He most likely wanted a drink after all. But he seemed too nervous to ask for a cup. He simply looked at the pitcher in the end.

          Momonga noticed this and decided to answer for him. She poured out a glass of water and handed it to the young boy. Mare thanked the supreme being and looked at the water swirling in the glass.

          “Here you go, Mare, drink up,” Momonga said as she looked at him marvel at the water itself.

          He then put the glass to his lips and gulped the whole thing down after a second. Normally, he would drink this rather gingerly. He was a rather polite child, after all. But he had been out of practice and needed that drink of water.

          Aura looked on at the interaction with slight shock and slight jealousy. She was really thirsty after all, and she really wanted a cup. But she had been thinking along the lines of, “I don’t want to inconvenience our Lady,” so she didn’t ask for one.

          Momonga looked at this with an ever-so-slight smile on her face. It was truly a treat to watch the inactions of these two siblings, who were starting to remind her of the two siblings’ of Ainz Ooal Gown.

          “Aura, here you go, drink this,” Momonga said as she poured yet another glass of water into a cup she had in her inventory.

          Aura took the glass like her brother and gulped it down quickly as well. Momonga looked on at her and smiled. She was rather happy right now. But that happiness soon was tamped down by her emotional suppression.

          Momonga let out a little scowl on her rather mature face and sighed. The two floor guardians noticed this, but before they could say anything, a portal opened up in the Colosseum.

          Out of it stepped Shalltear Bloodfallen. She was the guardian of the first three floors of the great underground tomb of Nazarick. As soon as she stepped all the way through the portal it vanished behind her.

          She stepped forward and put a hand to her chest, as if in shock. Yet a slight smirk played across her face. She then spoke in a rather sultry voice. Like that of woman of the night. Yet her stature was short, her looked portraying that of a teenager.

          “My, my, am I the first to arrive?” she asked the other female floor guardian.

          As she said so, her eyes locked onto Momonga. They glistened with a barely contained lust in an instant and she rushed forward, faster than anyone could see. Well, anyone being the average man. Everyone here could see her rush to the last supreme being of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown.

          “oh! My Lady, how beautiful you are today!” Shalltear swooned.

          Momonga’s eye’s widened at such a sudden state of affairs. Not that Shalltear could even tell, even so close to Lady Momonga, she still could barely tell the difference in her facial expressions. Shalltear seemed to be content with hanging off of Momonga’s neck, that was until Aura spoke up.

Aura looked on at the True Vampire like she was the bane of her own existence. She then smirked. Shalltear scowled a rather unladylike scowl and growled slightly.

          “Oh, I think I figured out your little trick. You used, “Gate,” to get down here so your fake chest wouldn’t shift!” Aura claimed with a rather loud voice.

          “What!?” Shalltear exclaimed after getting off Momonga, “what are you talking about!” she demanded.

          “Your chest, it wasn’t like that before. You just wanted to impress Lady Momonga. After all, everyone knows that you are as flat as a board,” Aura kept digging in.

          “Oh, like you’re one to talk, little miss bug bites!” The floor guardian of the first three floors yelled out.

          “But I’m only seventy-six years old. I still have time to grow!” Aura retorted with confidence.

          Shalltear seemed to have forgotten where she was, as she turned fully to glare and argue with the dark elf girl. She ran over to her and began to speak even louder. Aura met all of these retorts, blow for blow.

Hello guys, I want to know where you guys would like the Tomb to show up at.

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