The Grand Catrastophe

Chapter one: Awakening, part two (3)

          As Momonga walked along the sandy ground of the 6th floor of the tomb, she noticed someone up in the stands. She looked up at them and they jumped down. It was one of the twin floor guardians of the 6th floor of the tomb. The little dark elf made twin Vs with her hands and ran toward her at seemingly full force but stopped just in front of the last guild member.

          This was Aura Bella Fiora. She, as stated, was one of the two twin floor guardians of the sixth floor of the great underground tomb of Nazarick. She herself was dressed up like a boy, in a nice pair of pants and a rather dashing vest.

          “Hello Aura, sorry I’m late. I came here to test some of my magic. I hope I’m not a bother,” Momonga spoke in a rather regal and mature tone of voice, as if she had always been a queen of undeath.

          Aura’s eyes widened at that remark. To the rather young elf, she wasn’t a bother at all. In all honesty, it was Aura and her brother Mare who were being a bother to their lady. But at the thought of her brother, Aura’s face slightly scrunched up.

          “But also, where is your brother? Is he somewhere else? I came to tell the two of you something. It is rather important,” Momonga continued, ignorant of the slight plight of the floor guardian.

          The dark elf visibly winced now. It seemed to the overlord that this absence of her brother was making her nervous for some reason. The dark elf turned to the VIP box in the top of the stands. She cupped her hands to her face and yelled out to her brother.

          “Mare! Lady Momonga is here to visit us! Don’t be so nervous and come down here!” the twin sister yelled out.

          Momonga then heard a nearly imperceptible, “ok,” from the VIP box in the stands. After a couple of seconds, she saw the other elf twin jump down from the box. A slight dust cloud emanated from where Mare now stood. Now that Momonga could see Mare, she grimaced on the inside.

          Mare Bello Fiore was also a dark elf, the same as his twin sister. There, he stood, in a rather short skirt and a blue what could best be described as a blazer type getup. His hair was short and flat. Instead of the red theme that Aura had going on, Mare had blue.

          He jogged over toward the two of them in the middle of the field of the Colosseum. Well, jogging was an awfully liberal term. He kept having to pull down the skirt that was too short for him for Momonga’s liking. But now that she thought about it, what would Bukubukuchagama think of her NPCs?

          She would probably be rather embarrassed, just like little Mare here. But now that she was thinking about NPCs, wasn’t Pandora’s acter here? wasn’t he alive now? That line of thought sent a river of embarrassment and slight panic in her mind. It soon was shut down though.

          She soon shook herself from her thoughts and looked down on the two little floor guardians. She then opened her mouth to speak. Yet again, her new, deep and regal voice echoed out of her mouth. She was starting to get used to it.

          “Hello Mare, its nice to see you again. I simply came here to test out some of my spells and magic. Also, the rest of the floor guardians are coming here to discuss something that’s happened,” she explained to the two of them.

          Aura pouted at that, and Mare side stepped away from his sister after she did so. Then the girl asked a question.

          “Will Shalltear be here as well?” She asked with yet another pout.

          “Yes, is that a problem?” Momonga asked.

          Just as Aura was about to answer that question, Mare decided to avoid the rant after he had noticed the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown in his lady’s hand. How could he have missed it in the first place though? The staff was the definition of eye catching.

          “Lady Momonga, is that the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown?” he asked.

          Momonga turned to him with a rather mature, yet happy expression. She rather liked the fact that the young boy had asked her that question. Because she had a gut feeling that Aura would have started a rant like Bukubukuchagama used to about her brother.

          Of course, the thought of one of their rants at each other would have sent a rather pleasant shiver of nostalgia to her mind. She didn’t have the time, though, for such things right now. If she did, she would have let the young girl rant her mind out to her.

          “Why yes, it is Mare,” she lifted the staff up and into the air, “this is the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. Each orb held in each serpent’s mouth is a divine level item. The staff itself is made of the highest quality level Prismatic metal in all the nine realms. The power it contains rivals, and even surpasses that of some world level items,” she spewed the knowledge out of her mouth.

          The two twins looked on in awe, completely forgetting the argument that sent this fountain of new knowledge forth. Then, Momonga noticed their gazes on the staff and lowered it. She coughed into her hand and smiled slightly.

          “Now you two, could you have some of your subordinates set up some targets for me to fire at,” she asked of them.

          “Of course, my lady!” Aura saluted and yet another small smile spawned on the overlord’s lips.

          Through Aura’s mental commands she told two dragonoids to set up some straw men for Momonga to shoot at. While they did so, Momonga looked at the two dark elves and sighed in slight contentedness. These two children were real. They obviously weren’t in the game world anymore, not when these kids acted the way that they acted.

          “After I test some spells, how would you kids like to fight a flame elemental?” she asked with slight curiosity.

          The two floor guardians looked at her with two different reactions. Aura seemed to want to take Momonga up on her offer, the other seemingly wanted nothing to do with that idea but was too nervous to say such things out loud.

          “Yeah, sure thing Lady Momonga!” Aura spoke then turned to Mare, “right Mare?”

          The only thing the nervous crossdresser could do was nod his head like a bobblehead. While he was having the most nervous and stressful day to date, Momonga was turning her attention to the now set up straw men.

          “Now that they have been set up, I’m going to test several spells,” she spoke to the floor guardians, “starting with “fireball!” she finished her line as she pointed one of her fingers at one of the straw men.

          A ball of flame appeared at the tip of her elegant finger and grew in size. Because of the passive bonuses from Grand Catastrophe, the fireball was slightly bigger, and much more powerful than the norm.

          It launched at the target, impacting it and making a rather large cloud of smoke and dust rise into the air. This confirmed the ideas and theories that had bubbled up in Momonga’s head. She had an instinctive knowledge of all of her spells. It was a rather strange feeling. It was like figuring out you had a arm sprouting from your back, and you had only just noticed it.

          “Summon middle undead,” she spoke next, and a black ooze conjured forth from only God knows where in front of the overlord. The black slime then moved as it hit the floor. It shifted and warped into what could only be described as a person-like shape. Then it became more defined and shifted once more into what could only be described as a death knight.

          It stood rather tall, with a form that one could say used to be human but wasn’t anymore. It wore black plate armor with spikes and red traces. The face underneath the helm seemed misshapen, old, and rotted. In one hand, it held a flamberge as if it were but a toothpick. In the other hand, it held a rather massive tower shield.

          This was a death knight. One would think that a monster so terrifying would be a rather powerful beast, but no. It was only what one would call a mid-tier undead. There were many more powerful than it. But this undead specialized defense and had a rather high defense stat for its level.

          That was why Momonga, and many more players liked to use this undead for defending themselves, or even just meat shields. Well, it was rotted and feted flesh, not really meat but you get the point.

          “Attack that target,” Momonga called out to the undead and she felt it confirm her instructions in her own mind.

          The death knight did as she said and ran forward to one of the straw men. It then swung its massive sword at the target and the straw man cut it to bits and, well, straw. Momonga smiled a slight smirk as she thought about how her magic and abilities seemed to work just fine.

          She then deactivated the death knight and it vanished into thin air, leaving behind its sword for some odd reason. She then turned to the two dark elves with a rather happy small smile on her face.

          “So, do you two actually want to fight the fire elemental?” she asked.

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