The Grand Catrastophe

Chapter 5: Adventure Awaits! part one (14)

Chapter 5: Adventure Awaits!

          “No Albedo, I don’t think I want a relationship like that yet. Maybe we can simply go out together first a see where we go from there?” she offered the guardian overseer.

          The virgin succubus smiled and nodded her head at this. but then a question entered her mind that she simply couldn’t shake.

          “Well then my lady. May I sleep in your bed tonight? I do not have a room, as my creator didn’t make a room for me to sleep or stay in,” she looked at the supreme overlord of Nazarick with puppy dog eyes once again.

          “Ok, but this isn’t going to be romantic; and you can’t do anything lewd tonight either,” Momonga warned, and the succubus nodded her head.

The bar was rather loud. That was until a group of women walked in. two of them seemed to be in decent garb, while the other was in a stunning plate. Everyone stopped what they were doing to gawk and stare at them.

          The silence was deafening for a couple of seconds. That was till the woman in plate looked from side to side of the bar, and walked in. the was when the sound in the building resumed. No one had noticed the simple copper plate around the necks of the women.

          After all, it wasn’t everyday that you saw something like this. The women walked forward to the barkeep. The head of their group, for what else could such a powerful looking personage be, spoke. Her voice was that of an average person.

          There was nothing distinguishing her tone of voice or its tilt from the average girl one would hear. Though, why would it be any different? After all, this person wasn’t anything special at the end of the day.

          “I would like to book a room for the night for myself and my two traveling companions,” she said.

          The barkeep was about to say something along the lines of a price, but then he saw the plate around her neck. He scoffed internally at that. This group of girls seemed to just be another gaggle of people trying to imitate the Blue Roses.

          “Tsk, since you’re a group of lowly copper plates you won’t be able to afford this place,” he spoke in a confident tone, hoping to brush them off from the dangerous job that surely lay ahead.

          The woman at the head of the group spoke up. She spoke with a gentle confidence that made the man seem to doubt his own words. It was weird to hear such a tone in this world.

          “I assure you my good sir, we have enough coinage to pay for three people this night. Now, may I ask how much it is?” she asked in stride.

          The people around them tried not to make it obvious that they themselves were listening to this. Though, they were failing miserably. One of the girls, the only one with her hair uncovered, was glaring at the other patrons of the bar.

          The stare she leveled at them could freeze hell over if she so desired. The people there stood no chance and shrunk in their seats. She then smiled at her own handy work and turned back to the exchange.

          “Seven coppers a night,” he said with defiance.

          “No problem,” she responded with easily.

          She then laid out the money needed. The man took it and placed in in the locked draw in the bar itself. He then gave them a key and told them what room they had. The main girl nodded her head in understanding.

As the three of them turned to the stairs to go their newly paid for room, a man stuck out his foot to catch their own feet. Why? It didn’t matter right now. As the three of them walked on by, his foot bumped into the front lady’s armored boot and a crack was heard.

          A rather loud yelp was heard as the man pulled his leg back and rubbed his ankle. He didn’t even have the mind to glare before he yelled at her. She stopped her walk to the stairs and looked at him.

          “Watch where you’re going to bitch! You just busted my ankle!” he screamed, and she looked down at him.

          Then, a sudden pressure came from the third girl. The woman hadn’t seemingly done anything yet, yet all the people in the room were looking at her with worried eyes. It was like a storm had suddenly rolled into the building itself. She spoke one simple phrase, that froze the whole room.

          “Then don’t get in the way of her,” she said.

          The rest of the bar looked on at the interaction with extrema stress and anxiety. This man had simply been the one to pull the shortest straw to test any newbies today. Now, he had a broken leg and a powerful person glaring down at him.

          That was what everyone could see now. This group was imply being polite earlier. The tall woman, after all the one in plate was around seven feet tall, had spoke quite softly and not at all confidently. Though this girl, she was speaking with power.

          The one in plate seemingly flinched and looked at what was now happening. She then raised her hands, but just as she was about to speak in a way that would defuse the situation, one of the man’s allies got up with a grim look on his face with fists clenched.

          “Don’t you dare try anything girly. We outnumber you!” the dimwit said.

          The woman seemed fed up with this, and let her hands just fall to her sides as she took in a sharp breath. A deep-seated sigh could be heard from the armor, and everyone watched with baited breaths on what would happen next.

          She then simply put a hand to her brow, and then looked at the man after a second of thinking. Then she simply shrugged.

          Everything went belly up right then and there. She grabbed the man’s collar and spoke simply. The words that came out of her mouth were short, yet powerful. They seemingly burned themselves into the minds of the people that watched and listened.

          “Two can play at that game. But you are worthless and helpless here!” she said and tossed him aside.

          She then turned to the now utterly terrified people. Just as she was about to speak, a screech was heard. Everyone turned to look at the person to ruin the atmosphere.

          The red-haired woman that had been sitting at a now smashed table stalked over with a furious expression on her face.

          “You just ruined my potion! Do you have any idea on how long it took me to afford something like that? The number of drinks I had to miss out on!” she yelled at the massive woman.

          “Potion?” she mumbled back, “all right, I can give you one as recompence, here,” she said and handed over a red vial she took from her back pouch on her belt.

          The other woman took it and looked it over. Just as she was about to tell them off for giving her something worthless. After all, she had never seen anything like it before, she looked up to see them gone.

          They had seemingly snuck off the upper level of the building, the sounds of their footsteps heard from her position. She looked down at the potion in her hands in wonderment and nervousness.

OK, so first off, I want to say that I'm tired. Second, I forgot to add the ending to the last chapter to this one, so now it looks rushed; sorry. Third off, I'm tired. Goodnight.

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