The Grand Catrastophe

Chapter 5: Adventure Awaits! part three (16)

          Calvaria looked at the wall of text. While the enchant on her helmet was rather good, she still didn’t like using it. After all, it gave her a headache. That, in and of itself, didn’t stop her from reading them though. The only copper ranked jobs that she could see were odd chores, and she desperately wanted to not do those.

          Anna may wish to be her wife and take care of her, but the woman herself wasn’t the best at listening the whims and demands of others. Calvaria didn’t even need to think about what Nabe would think about such an agreement. she was a maid, but she was her maid. Not anyone else’s.

          “Hmmm,” Calvaria said as she put a hand to her plate covered chin and hummed.

          The other two looked at her with expectation in their eyes. She was very sorry to disappoint them though. After all, all the actual combat-oriented missions for copper plates had been taken. She took a deep breath and sighed, then turned to the two of them to speak. Though, before she could do so, a man called out to her.

          “Hey, I see you three are looking for a quest. Care to join us?” asked the man, and Calvaria looked him up and down.

          The man himself wore what could only be described as banded iron armor. His hair was blonde, and his eyes were blue. Just like everyone she had seen in this world, he was what one could call handsome.

          Calvaria then looked over the others in his group. They had what seemed to be a druid, a ranger, and another magic caster. She then turned back to the man in front of her.

          “May we talk about this first somewhere? I’d like to know the names of you all first before we agree on anything,” she said, and he nodded his head.

          “Sure thing,” he said then spoke right away after, “My name is Peter Muak. The guild has a special room for meetings like this. Should we go there to discuss this?” Peter asked, and Calvaria looked at the others in her group.

          She looked at Anna, and Anna looked back at her with a smile on her face that simply spoke of utter smugness. She then looked at Nabe and saw utter contempt on her face. She slightly flinched in her mind at that look.

          A million thoughts ran through her head. This was a rather important decision, if one looked at it from the perspective of Anna or Demiurge. Then there was Calvaria, who was wondering if Nabe could tolerate the looks the ranger was giving her.

          She sighed once more and nodded her head. Speaking, she voiced her decision on the matter. It was a basic one, one that anyone could make. Though, it was a monumental one.

          The only jobs she could take were chores, but with this, she had a chance to rise up into the ranks of this world. She smiled underneath the helmet, or at least what passed for a smile on her unmoving face.

          “Of course, lead the way,” she answered him, and he nodded his head in appreciation.

          As Calvaria sat on the chair by the table, she crossed her legs and leaned back into her chair. Anna did so as well, while Nabe simply sat down demurely. The other adventurer team sat down as well, on the opposite side of the table.

          “I am Calvaria. My class is that of a warrior,” she explained the fake information that they had discussed.

          She then gestured to Nabe who raised her won hand and introduced herself with a simple sentence. Her words were curt, but Calvaria couldn’t help but look at the ranger of the other group. He was staring at Nabe with a barely hid and giddy expression.

          In all honesty, this was probably what being a mother hen felt like. Though, to be honest, she didn’t know much about chickens. She pulled in her mind to see what was happening.

          “I am Nabe, I am an arcane magic caster of the 3rd tier,” she said, and the ranger made top speak.

          “And I am Anna, a fighter of some skill,” Anna interjected before the ranger could ask a question.

          The ranger of the other team seemed saddened by this. but he was silenced with a glare from Peter. The leader of the other group, Peter Muak gestured to the short and feminine looking young man beside him.

          “This is Ninya the spellcaster. He’s our backline mage,” he explained, causing the spellcaster to blush at the complement.

          “I told you to stop calling me that. It’s embarrassing!” he blushed, and Calvaria could have sworn she heard a crack in her speech.

          The person in question simply shook his head at Ninya’s reaction. Though he kept on going down the line of people. Ninya simply bowed his head in sadness and embarrassment.

          It reminded her of her old guild days back in Yggdrasil. Often times, Peroroncino would get into arguments with his sister Bukubukuchagama, and it would devolve into one of them getting embarrassed and blushing or sputtering.

          Of course, she could never see their faces underneath the avatars, but she liked to think that that was what they looked like back then. She smiled at the interaction just the same.

          “Next, we have Dyne Woodwonder. He’s our local druid,” Peter explained, and Dyne gave a simple hello in introduction; Calvaria smiled at that.

          He then moved onto the next person, the ranger that had eyed Nabe, and the ranger that seemingly didn’t notice the actual death glares sent his way. He had blonde hair and brown eyes.

          “This is Lukrut Volve. Our resident ranger,” he explained and Lukrut raised his hand and asked a question.

          “May I ask Nabe a question?” he asked.

          “Yes?” Nabe questioned in a somewhat confused and angry tone of voice.

          “Are you single?” he asked, and Calvaria had to hold her back from cracking his skull open.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm tired so I can't write anymore.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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