The Grimoire’s Chosen (Worm AU/Celestial Grimoire)

Chapter 11: Forces Colliding

A/N: This wasn't how I originally intended to end this chapter, but the last roll in the Grimoire legitimately left me at a crossroads.


Part of him wants to say yes, right off the rip. The thought of having Taylor there to help him out with Vicky does sound appealing, in more ways than one. Though at the same time, he has to wonder if that might be because of the sexually charged nature of his relationship to both women at this point. Between bending Vicky over his lap and spanking her, and fucking Taylor multiple times at this point on top of being sat across from her with her nipples poking through her top… yeah, it could just be that he was horny and jonesing for a threesome.

But this was the real world. Threesomes didn’t just fall into your lap every day. It was far from likely that bringing Taylor along with him tonight would result in a threesome between him, her, and Vicky. Rather, it was much more likely that instead, Vicky would get upset that he’d randomly brought some other girl over to her place without her permission.

Sure, he was the tutor. Sure, she’d submitted rather happily to him spanking her. But that didn’t change the fact that they met in Vicky’s apartment, not his. That was her home, her humble abode, her safe space. He wasn’t going to just let Taylor invade it to make himself feel better. At least… not without permission.

“… I’ll call her and ask.”

Taylor blinks at that and then frowns as he stands up, his dick still very much out.

“You sure that’s a good idea, Jason?”

Retrieving his phone and sitting back down at the dining table, Jason gives Taylor a heavy look.

“I’m sure that it’s a better idea than just springing your presence on her without any word of warning. How would you like it if I showed up to your place with Vicky in tow and told you we were all studying together without letting you know first?”

Taylor pouts and then shrugs as Jason brings up Vicky’s contact and places the call.

“I wouldn’t mind.”

Bringing the phone to his ear and listening to it ring, Jason peers at the tall, dark-haired young woman sat across from him for a moment. She… actually seems like she means that. But frankly, that said more about Taylor’s rock bottom self-esteem than anything else. Just because she wouldn’t mind it, doesn’t mean Vicky wouldn’t either.

A click sounds as Vicky picks up on the third ring.

“Jason? What’s up!”

It sounds like she’s in a tunnel, causing Jason to blink for a moment and hesitate… which is when Taylor strikes. Getting an unreadable look on her face, she suddenly ducks under the table, even as Jason rallies.

“Uh, hey Vicky. Are you busy?”

He hears Taylor crawling under the table, so he’s not TOO surprised when her hands suddenly fall upon his knees. It still causes him to jolt a bit though, especially as she wraps a hand around his cock a moment later and captures the tip of his erection in between her lips.

“Not that busy, no. Honestly, don’t have much going on most days, so I’m just doing some patrolling.”

Trying to ignore the woman under his dining table fellating him, Jason parses those words for a moment before being reminded of what Crystal had said about Vicky basically propping New Wave up entirely on her own with how much patrolling she’d been doing the last year.

Well, he supposed she had to be doing something when they weren’t meeting up for their tutoring sessions together.

“Anyways, why’d you call, exactly?”

Right. Putting everything else aside, Jason gets down to business.

“I have a friend… she’s my junior at the University, and she was my junior at my old coffee shop job as well. I told her when I quit that job that we’d still find time to spend time together, as well as study. I wanted to know if you might be okay with me bringing her over sometime for a three-way study session… maybe even as early as tonight.”

Could Jason have made this a request from Taylor herself? Maybe. But he’s not going to throw Taylor under the bus like that. Instead, he’s all too happy to make it clear this is coming from him directly. Though for some reason there’s both a long pause on the other end of the phone call AND a long pause under the table.

… Was it something he said?

“Hmm… what’s this friend of yours look like? Is she a cutie?”

Jason blinks at that, trying not to focus too much on the fact that Taylor is giving him a blowjob as Vicky asks how cute she is. Seriously, what even was his life?

“She’s attractive, yes. But I don’t know why that would be relevant…”

Down under the table, Taylor bobs up and down his cock a little faster. He’s not sure why she picks up speed like that, but it does make it all the harder for him to contain his voice and not groan right into Vicky’s ear. He doesn’t want to give the game away though, so he holds it in.

“Just wondering, no big deal. Hm, and if I say no, you’re going to make time to ‘study’ with this friend of yours anyways, aren’t you?”

Jason furrows his brow and frowns at the strange question.

“Yes? I promised her I would, I’m not going to abandon her just because we don’t work together anymore.”

Ugh, seriously Taylor! Why does she keep going harder?! Jason grunts as Taylor’s pace redoubles, her lips sliding further and further down his cock by the second. It was like she was trying to make him slip up and reveal something was happening to Vicky.

“Then I’m fine with it!”

For a second though, even with how enthusiastically Taylor is sucking his dick, Jason forgets that it’s happening as he stares off into space for a moment at Vicky’s sudden acquiescence. It really did feel like it was kind of coming out of nowhere, right?

“Really? You’re fine with it?”

Even Taylor, when she hears him repeat Vicky’s words out loud, pauses for a moment before continuing to fellate him. Vicky, meanwhile, just giggles.

“Sure! Better to know my competition and all that!”

Wha-? Competition? Jason opens his mouth to reply, but before he can, Vicky unknowingly cuts him off.

“Oh! See something I need to investigate Jason, so I have to let you go. But I’ll see you and your 'friend' later tonight!”

And with a simple click, the phone call ends and Jason can’t do much beyond pull the phone away from his ear and stare at it in disbelief. Seriously? What just happened? He can’t even really think too hard about all of it, because even though the phone call is over, Taylor isn’t stopping. Setting his phone down on the table, Jason leans back in his chair enough that he can look down under the table’s edge into Taylor’s eyes.

She gazes up at him, bobbing up and down on his cock as Jason sighs at her.

“Fuck Taylor… what am I going to do with you?”

She just keeps sucking… and all things considered, she’s getting more experienced quite fast, because he’s ready to cum soon enough. He warns her, but Taylor doesn’t let that stop her from swallowing his seed… again.

Only after she’s drained his balls does she climb up from under the table and give him a light grin.

“Well, I already said you could spank me whenever you felt like it, didn’t I?”

Jason narrows his eyes at those words. Honestly, it was kind of crazy how fast Taylor had escalated things. She’d been a lot less confident mere days ago, but ever since they’d become friends with benefits, she’d become a lot more aggressive. That said, as he studies her for a long moment… he thinks he can see some small cracks in the façade.

She’s still rife with insecurities, isn’t she? It’s just that she’s made a conscious decision to try and control those insecurities, to try and conquer them and be better, at least where he’s concerned.

He’s still tempted to take her up on her offer and spank her, but in the end he just shakes his head with a sigh.

“Look, just so we’re on the same page… Vicky was fine with me bringing you along tonight. But she also asked some weird questions, like confirming that I planned to study with you separately either way. And she also called you ‘competition’. Just wanted you to know that I honestly have no clue what’s going through her mind or what we’re getting ourselves into here.”

Taylor’s eyes narrow at that, but after a moment she slowly nods.

“… I understand. Thanks for the heads up.”

Then, she pulls out her phone and he gets to watch her call out from the coffee shop, telling corporate that she wouldn’t be showing up to her shift that evening for a ‘family emergency’. He’s not exactly going to judge her for lying to the soulless leeches to be honest, even if the small nature of the coffee place they both worked at means that it might not open at all in her absence this evening.

After that phone call is finished, Taylor turns to him… and suddenly gets this rather intense look in her eye. For a moment, Jason thinks she’s about to jump him, but then she just plans her hands on the table and leans over.

“Before, you said I could be your assistant.”

Jason pauses.

“Uh… yeah? Though I didn’t exactly frame it that way to Vicky…”

“That’s fine. She’s okay with me being there, so the capacity in which I’m present doesn’t matter. Still, if I’m going to be your assistant for the evening, I need you to share all of your notes from your previous tutoring sessions and let me know exactly where you and Ms. Dallon are at so far. I can’t exactly assist with all of the relevant data, now can I?”

Hesitating, Jason tilts his head to the side in consideration. No, he supposed Taylor was right about that. She couldn’t very well ‘assist’ properly. Nor could she truly jump into things and even study alongside Vicky if she didn’t know the subjects that he and the blonde were in the midst of covering.

“Come on. We only have a couple of hours before we have to head over, right? Best get started.”

And there was that aggression again. Even if Jason knows it’s a façade though, he can’t bring himself to pop Taylor’s bubble. This is probably the most socialization she’s gotten to have in ages if what he’d observed between her and that bully was any indication. He’ll just have to try and do his best to temper Taylor without discouraging her…

But really, it’s not like she’s going to pick a fight with Victoria Dallon, aka Glory Girl right? And Jason is sure Vicky isn’t about to punch down either! She’s a parahuman and Taylor isn’t! So… it would probably be fine.

“Right. Let’s get started.


Hours later, having gotten Taylor up to speed, he and she arrive outside of Vicky’s apartment door. The blonde must have been waiting and listening for their approach, because Jason’s fist doesn’t even make contact with the door before it suddenly opens and Vicky stands in the doorway.

Her eyes immediately zero in on Taylor, looking her up and down consideringly for a moment as Taylor quietly stiffens under the heroine’s gaze. After a handful of surprisingly tense seconds, Vicky just smirks.

“Huh, you were right, she IS attractive.”

Jason sighs as Taylor bristles. It’s a compliment he’s pretty sure, but Taylor doesn’t take it as one. Still… even if they’re all adults here, he’s pretty sure he’s the only one who can be counted on to act like it.

“Vicky, this is Taylor Hebert, my tutoring assistant. She’ll be helping me out for the evening, while learning a bit about how to be a tutor.”

Seizing that opportunity, Taylor pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Dallon. I look forward to helping Jason in getting you up to speed.”

Vicky narrows her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest.

“Oh you do, do you? How nice. A tutoring assistant… heh, didn’t know it took two people just to teach little ole me some new tricks.”

Before Jason can say anything to that, Taylor quickly responds.

“I’ve been told some clients can be… special cases.”

Vicky looks surprised by Taylor’s cattiness for a moment before barking out a laugh and finally stepping aside so they can enter the apartment. However, even as she closes the door behind them, she keeps talking with Taylor.

“Is that right? I’m a special case, am I?”

Whatever Taylor says in reply, Jason doesn’t hear it. Mostly because his power takes that inopportune time to suddenly spin up a new pull.


Staff of Magnus – Source – 600 Points

The weapon of the Father of Magic himself, Magnus' staff is a potent weapon. It can drain vast quantities of magicka from people and magical objects, storing them until its user calls upon it to power whatever spell they are using. Should people run out of magicka to drain, it will instead drain their lifeforce before converting it into magicka.

You now have 400 Points saved up!

Oh well damn. Jason was almost grateful for the distraction, given the tense atmosphere in Vicky’s apartment at the moment. The roll though… fuck, that was a tough call. On the one hand, he now had enough points saved up to buy Way of Wrath. On the other hand, he now had what might be an even better pull to save up for. The weapon of some Father of Magic himself… this ‘Staff of Magnus’ sounded like it was a massive Force Multiplier. With it, he could make use of all of the knowledge he’d gained from Blood, Death, and Demons as well.

However, that didn’t make this decision easy. The simplest solution would be to buy Way of Wrath now and then lock Staff of Magnus into his bank slot. But that would put him back to zero points, leaving him waiting until he’d saved up six hundred again before being able to buy it. Six hundred points and six pulls that might have other cool stuff he would want.

Suddenly, he wasn’t sure if Way of Wrath was something he actually needed. If he dropped that power and banked the staff instead, it would be just two more pulls until he would have the perfect spellcasting implement. And looking back at the other powers he’d bought so far, perhaps that was better than the savage, untrained martial combat style that Way of Wrath was offering.

Either way, he needed to make a decision soon and then get back to keeping Vicky and Taylor from engaging in a full blown cat fight!

The Vote:
[ ] Buy Way of Wrath and bank Staff of Magnus (six pulls until you can purchase Staff) - 33%
[X] Pass on Way of Wrath and bank Staff of Magnus (two pulls until you can purchase Staff) - 67%


A/N: Will try to keep this up to date at the end of every chapter, get on me if I forget please. Though if it gets too out of hand, might have to change it at some point.

Jason's current banked points:

400 Celestial Points

Jason's current banked power:

  • Way of Wrath (400 Point Cost)

Jason's current powers:

  • Flash Air (Gained in Chapter 1)

  • Transformation Pendant (Gained in Chapter 4)

  • Keen Eye (Gained in Chapter 4)

  • Blood, Death, and Demons (Gained in Chapter 6)

  • Alchemical Prodigy (Gained in Chapter 8)

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