The Grimoire’s Chosen (Worm AU/Celestial Grimoire)

Chapter 12: Jason’s First Threesome

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

The Queen of Escalation strikes.


It was definitely greedy and a little impatient of him, but Jason wanted that staff as soon as possible. And that meant giving up Way of Wrath so he would only be two pulls away from buying Staff of Magnus.

Letting the four hundred point perk fall away from his Banked Slot without buying it, Jason instead puts Staff of Magnus in its place. Then, he turns his attention back to Taylor and Vicky, knowing full well that taking his eyes off of them for even a second was probably a bad idea.

“This is what you want, isn’t it?”

Considering Taylor reaches down and grabs his cock through the crotch of his pants the moment he focuses back on the pair of women… yeah, he definitely missed something there, didn’t he? What the hell had the two said to each other while he was distracted?! He figured they would snipe at each other, sure, but this was a clear escalation of the situation!

Vicky looks just as shocked as he feels though at least. The blonde’s jaw is dropped open as Taylor stares her down, and despite her previous words, Vicky is clearly unprepared for Taylor’s aggressive actions. To be fair, Jason isn’t prepared either, but he at least manages to keep his jaw off the floor.

“I-I… I…”

Stroking his cock as Vicky stammers, Taylor smirks.

“You don’t have to pretend. Jason told me all about your antics. Having him spank you? Really? Probably the least subtle way you could be without just asking for it. But still too subtle. So just cut the bullshit and ask, Ms. Dallon.”

… He was starting to think he’d created a monster. Where the fuck was this coming from? The only possible answer Jason could come up with was that Taylor was putting on an act. This, all of this, had to be a façade of positively biblical proportions. She was playing up her self-confidence way beyond what was really there, effectively pulling the ‘fake it till you make it’ card.

It was just… well, there was no way it was going to work on Vicky, right? Jason wasn’t about to blow up Taylor’s spot or anything, but Vicky would definitely see through it. This was Glory Girl, for fuck’s sake. She might have decided to play along with Jason’s own confidence play, but she wasn’t going to let herself be browbeaten into submission a second time right?

“… Please… I-I want it…”

… What the fuck. Jason stares, owlishly, as Victoria ducks her head but quietly admits that Taylor is right. Beside him, Taylor freezes up for a moment, a telltale sign that she’s thinking the same thing as him at this moment. ‘That actually worked?’. Fortunately for her, Vicky isn’t looking up and doesn’t see the freeze.

“… What do you want exactly, Ms. Dallon? You have to tell us, or we can’t give it to you.”

Vicky squirms for a moment, fidgeting under their gazes. She chances a glance up at them both once or twice, but upon seeing how intensely they’re staring at her, she quickly lowers her gaze again. The whole situation is somewhat surreal, and it’s not made any less so by the words that finally drop from Vicky’s mouth.

“I want… Jason to fuck me. I want him to… dominate me.”

Taylor is breathing a little heavily now, while Jason… well, he’s fully erect by this point. Taylor HAS been groping him through his pants for the entire length of this conversation, after all. Still, did Jason believe it? He hadn’t believed it before. Surely this was still an act on Vicky’s part, as much as it was an act on Taylor’s. She was just trying to get out of tutoring…

Frowning, Jason finally speaks up.


Both girls jolt as his voice cuts through the sexual tension built in the air. Taylor jerks her hand away, thinking he’s talking to her. To be fair, he’s talking to both of them really. Wide eyes look at him from his side and across the way, and it’s obvious Taylor is afraid he’s going to take her to task, while Vicky isn’t sure what’s about to happen.

“Before this goes any further, I’m going to make myself perfectly clear. I’m your tutor, Ms. Dallon. That doesn’t change, no matter what happens between us. I’ve been paid a large sum of money to tutor you until the end of the month and that’s what I’m going to do. You aren’t going to stop me, you aren’t going to distract me, you aren’t going to persuade me otherwise. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

Eyes wide, Vicky nods her head slowly.

“Y-Yes sir… I… crystal, sir.”

It takes him a half a second to realize she’s not talking about Crystal there. But once he does, Jason sighs. He’s still not convinced that Vicky doesn’t have some ulterior motive in trying to seduce him, but with Taylor having taken this path and Vicky having confessed her desires… well, he was only a man in the end. A tall, lithe, dark-haired young woman sitting beside him. A busty, preppy blonde sitting across from him. How was he supposed to resist?

“Alright then. We’ll start with tutoring and then, if you do a good enough job… I might allow for something more to happen. Sound good?”

Vicky nods rapidly, eyes alight with excitement. Beside him, Taylor is more subdued and quiet, clearly fearing she’s overstepped in some way. While he probably should be angry that she’d escalated like she had, Jason can’t bring himself to be too upset with the poor girl. Instead, he turns to her and smiles.

"I’ll be relying on your assistance, Taylor.”

Straightening up and puffing out her nonexistent chest, Taylor nods just as quickly as Vicky.

“O-Of course!”

What follows is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, their best tutoring session yet, much to Jason’s bemusement. Vicky is more attentive and on track than she’s ever been before, and doesn’t even flirt with him, neither verbally nor physically. She proves to be shockingly studious when she wants to be.

Meanwhile, Taylor is actually a huge help. Admittedly, making her his tutoring assistant was a last minute decision based on Vicky referring to her as ‘competition’ on their phone call earlier, and Jason wanting to head that dynamic off at the pass. But in actuality, Taylor would be a perfect TA over at the University, to be honest. She’s never too intrusive or obstructive, she’s always there to help him with any task he needs from her, and she’s even able to remind him when he forgets this or that.

It’s rather funny, because by the time Jason decides to call the tutoring session to a close, he’s honestly feeling rather good about this whole thing. Sure, they’d gotten off to a somewhat rocky start, but if every tutoring session went as well as this one for the rest of the month, Jason really believed Vicky could pass the Entrance Exam her mother had arranged for her with flying colors.

Of course, then he remembers that’s never going to happen, no matter how good a job he does. Vicky has no intention of going to University, and while he’s still going to tutor her every night until the exam purely because of his own principles and convictions, there’s still the fact that all of this is just a little pointless.

That said, as things wrap up, Vicky begins to positively vibrate with anticipation, and from the look of things… she’s literally floating a bit off of the couch in excitement. Jason, meanwhile, knows he can’t just renege on his side of their deal, especially not on day one. Still, he’s not going to let either girl walk all over him. Luckily, neither seems inclined to.

Rising to his feet, Jason watches as both Vicky and Taylor tense up. Reaching down, he unbuttons and unzips his pants, and pulls out his cock. The tutoring session has had his full focus for the past couple hours, so he’s not fully erect anymore from Taylor’s earlier ministrations. At the same time, he’s also never gone completely soft, not while he’s in the presence of two beautiful gals and knows what’s coming before the end of the night.

Vicky’s eyes zero in on his cock, her lips parting slightly as she breathes a bit unevenly. Taking charge, Jason steps around the coffee table and reaches out, taking hold of Vicky by her hair and guiding her in.

“Suck it.”

That’s all he says. Calmly, decisively. In control. That’s the image he’s projecting. That of a domineering man who knows he will not be disobeyed. Of course, it would be very easy for Vicky to disobey him. Very easy for her to deny him. She doesn’t even know he has powers, but to be fair, Jason would never force himself on her anyways.

In the end, it matters little. Vicky barely hesitates before opening wide and leaning the last bit in, taking his cock in her mouth where it quickly begins to harden as she dutifully sucks at his length. Eyes staring up at him the entire time, Vicky’s lips suction down, her tongue swirling this way and that around his shaft.

Jason stares down into her eyes, his twitching cock growing bigger and bigger by the second, until her jaw is stretched a little from his fully erect mast. He groans in pleasure as her activity only redoubles at that point, her head bobbing up and down on him like there’s no tomorrow. He’s still holding her by the hair, but he’s not the one guiding her anymore… Vicky is doing all the work, worshipping his cock with her mouth and submissively pleasuring him with her tongue.

A soft moan from the side distracts Jason for a moment, causing the young man to look over and see Taylor hasn’t been idle while this is happening. The dark-haired young woman has pulled up her top and yanked down her pants and has one hand on a tit and the other down between her legs.

She freezes for half a moment when they make eye contact, but then quickly returns to pinching at her nipple and fingering her sex, staring him down as if daring, or maybe asking him to come have his way with her as well.

But Jason can only be one place at a time, and Vicky was the one he made a deal with. Taylor is just going to have to sit on the sidelines and watch for now, he supposes.

Cock rock hard and throbbing with need, Jason firms up his grip on Vicky’s hair and pulls her back off of his cock, watching her gasp as he does so. Slowly, he turns her around, bending her over and sliding a hand around to pull her back into him.

She doesn’t fight him, even as he pulls down her shorts and panties, exposing a glistening wet cunt. Bending her over her own coffee table, Jason growls as he places the tip of his cock against her slit.

“Is this what you want, Vicky?”

Vicky whimpers at first, not able to find her voice. So Jason does what feels naturally, based on everything he knows about her. He rears back his free hand and brings it down on her ass, confident that her Force Field will be down.


“Eep! Y-Yes! Please… fuck me!”

Jason doesn’t make her beg any more than that. With a grunt, he thrusts forward into Vicky from behind, and begins to fuck her right there over her own coffee table. Vicky gasps, moans, and shudders as her body begins to rock with the power of his thrusting. Her pussy is downright sopping wet, and it’s obvious that at least part of her attentiveness for the past two hours had to be an act, because she had clearly been hopelessly turned on the entire tutoring session.

Still, Jason wasn’t going to call her out on it. She’d done well tonight, and that… that earned a reward. With a lustful growl, he begins to fuck her even harder, letting go of her hair so he can grab her by the hips with both hands and give it to her good and hard.

Vicky squeals at the increased pace, her hands bracing on the coffee table in front of her now that he’s no longer holding her upper body up by her hair. The blonde bombshell, known far and wide as Glory Girl, a pretty strong and somewhat famous cape, can only squeal and shriek as she cums on his cock, explosively orgasming all over his shaft in no time at all.

Jason grunts as her pussy walls tighten around his dick even harder once she starts cumming for him. There’s a heavy energy in the air, and that’s not just a metaphor. Rather… his magical knowledge comes with a number of tantric rituals. Not for the Necromancy side of things, but when it comes to both Blood magic and Demon Summoning, there are numerous rituals that involve sex as a key component.

The part of him created by having five years of training in each of those magical disciplines shoved into his head bemoans the lost potential of the act. But while Jason might see himself doing a tantric ritual or two with Taylor, he’s not sure he wants to risk letting a cape like Vicky know he has powers. Especially when her own sister said he doesn’t have a Corona Pollentia, the source of parahuman abilities.

Instead, this particular sexual act will remain exactly what it seems to be… him dominating the fuck out of Victoria Dallon, and fucking her senseless right in front of his ‘tutoring assistant’.

Speaking of which, Taylor is clearly enjoying herself over on the couch, her lips parted as she moans while fingering herself in time with his thrusts into Vicky’s twat. And since Jason isn’t about to cum inside of Ms. Dallon and risk THAT can of worms… he pulls out at the last second, letting Vicky collapse to her coffee table in the midst of her last orgasm.

Stepping over to Taylor, Jason doesn’t hesitate. He knows, after all, that this is one of Taylor’s ‘favorite meals’. His hand finds her dark curls and he pulls her onto his cock just as he begins to cum. Her eyes widen in surprise, her moan cut off by the sudden intrusion, but to her credit, she doesn’t miss a beat.

As he cums in her mouth, Taylor swallows every last drop, drinking down his jizz without fail, her eyes fluttering a little in the process.

Jason grunts as he empties his balls into her mouth for the second time that day. Then, pulling back while she dutifully sucks and swirls her tongue along his length to clean him off, Jason sighs.

“Right… that was… certainly something. I suppose Taylor and I should get going now though…”

Vicky hops up at that, jolting as she lifts herself off the coffee table.

“W-Wait… you don’t have to go. You could… s-stay overnight? Both of you could!”

Jason blinks. He probably would have said no if she’d tried to make the offer to him and him alone, but both of them…

The Vote:
[X] Accept Vicky's offer, stay over night - 88%
[ ] Decline Vicky's offer, he needs to keep some distance as her tutor - 12%


A/N: Will try to keep this up to date at the end of every chapter, get on me if I forget please. Though if it gets too out of hand, might have to change it at some point.

Jason's current banked points:

400 Celestial Points

Jason's current banked power:

  • Staff of Magnus (600 Point Cost)

Jason's current powers:

  • Flash Air (Gained in Chapter 1)

  • Transformation Pendant (Gained in Chapter 4)

  • Keen Eye (Gained in Chapter 4)

  • Blood, Death, and Demons (Gained in Chapter 6)

  • Alchemical Prodigy (Gained in Chapter 8)

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