The Guardian Chef

Vol. 2 – Chapter 22

***(Lilith's POV)***

When I regained consciousness, I could feel a soft sensation beneath me and the singing of the birds.

Yawning, I sat on the bed and scratched my eyes. I was still wearing the evening dress and I was on our bed. Wondering when I came back, I remembered the tears I had shed before I fainted... What an embarrassment!! I thought taking my face. I have never cried in front of him! Despite that feeling, I started looking for Graeval, but it didn't take long: he was sitting on the ground cross-legged with his hands folded.

He was in meditation and usually he does this when he wants to train his powers, but the fact that he was doing it even now... there was probably another reason. Getting out of bed, I stood by his side, kissed him on the cheek, and then rested my head on his shoulder

“Good morning Lilith. Do you feel better?" he asked me affectionately

"Good morning. Yes, I'm fine."

I felt Graeval's arm as he held me against him and then I felt the feel of his lips on my forehead.

"Forgive me for what happened last night." he apologized "I hadn't taken into account the consequences of my actions."

"The important thing is that you managed to stop."

“It's all your doing. If you hadn't stopped me..."

"Shh..." I silenced him placing my index finger on his lips "the important thing is that everything is resolved."

Smiling at me, he kissed me on the lips

"Anyway, even if I stopped..." he began and then looked away "it's not completely over yet."

Where he was looking, bound and unconscious, were the Hero and his group wrapped in a golden barrier. Seeing them, I understood that that was why he was meditating.

For the barrier to activate and be stable over time, Graeval must be aware of himself and of everything around him; which he would not be able to do if he was sleeping. For this reason, he used meditation to rest the body but not the spirit and consequently remain 'conscious'.

"Yeah..." I sighed "your real battle is about to start."

"Not mine..." he began, gently taking my hand, "but ours."

I barely had time to change my clothes, when the Hero and his wives woke up with a start. They were agitated and confused as they did not know where they were. I noticed that Jack, Ishgat, and Emilyn had a pained expression when they moved. The body was still recovering from the rapid healing and regenerative process Graeval used on them. After all, they had also suffered very serious injuries, and to heal them all, Graeval used a quick but unorthodox method of healing.

Based on what he explained to me and what I understood, the world we live in is in itself as alive as we are and consequently has its energy. When he healed and regenerated my wounds for the first time, he transferred his life energy to me and stimulated mine to give me a momentary ultra-fast regenerative ability. With them, however, he used the energy of the world but is different from us, it can often and willingly cause negative effects on the body such as numbness and/or pain for a short period as the body must assimilate this new type of power. For this reason, he prefers to use this method only in extreme cases or at the end of a fight.

Note: for a better understanding, the process is similar to when doing blood transfusions or organ transplants: for it not to be rejected by the body (made an exceptional case for the blood), the organ or blood group must be compatible with those of the receiving. In the case of Lilith, an "organic" type of life energy (that of Graeval) was used. Lilith's body accepted the transfusion without any particular problems. In the case of the Hero and his group, a "non-organic" type of energy was used and therefore the body must get used to the unknown life energy.

"Good morning" I greeted them

Seeing me, their surprise and concern immediately turned into expressions of hatred and caution... in particular, it could be seen on Sarity

"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH GRAEVAL?!!!" she screamed throwing herself at me but was repelled by my husband's golden barrier.

“I'm here. And how many more times do you want to continue with this story?" Graeval asked appearing behind me "And you should be grateful to Lilith."

"Grateful?" Emilyn asked

"If it weren't for her, by now you'd be as good as dead and gone."

At that statement, all the heroes seemed hesitant and although someone like Jack showed a somewhat arrogant expression, you could still notice the sweat running down their cheeks or the body shaking. Last night's clash is still very vivid in them.

"Sadly though, I see that you are still too full of energies directed in the wrong way." he said with a sigh and then creaked his fingers "I have to repeat last night's lesson maybe?"

His cold tone and the minimum of bloodlust released at that moment were enough to make them flinch and shake their heads frantically. It was clear as sunshine that once was enough though... the dragonkin seemed for some reason... happy? I do not like it.

***(Jack's POV)***

We are sitting at the table. A plate in front of us. A breakfast of eggs, bacon, and vegetables was served, with a cup of hot milk alongside. The ropes that were previously used to bind us have been untied with a simple snap of the fingers by Graeval, but despite everything, this golden barrier continues to be maintained. My wife's childhood friend is no fool at all and even now while he's eating, he's keeping an eye on us ready to intervene in case we make a wrong move.

......... Last night we were annihilated. That was my only thought as I stared at the plate in front of me.

I had gained incredible strength by coming to this world, met my current wives, and could live a happy life. All thanks to the powers that the lady Aphy gave me when she sent me here... To think that in reality there was someone so powerful...

"Eat or it will get cold." Graeval stated pointing to the plates placed in front of us and that none of us touched “If I had wanted to kill you I would have done it already. You can eat, it's not poisoned."

"...... Graeval..." Sarity called him attracting his attention."What are you? What happened to you?"

"I'm human," he said, eating another bite, "I've been like this since birth, you know?"

“So I rephrase…” I began “what are you? A normal human being is not that powerful."

"That's rich, coming from you." he began with a sarcastic tone and then put down the cutlery "We can say that I'm like you... and at the same time, I'm not."

"It's not an answer."

"You're right... then we'll get straight to the point: I'm a person who has been reincarnated by a certain idiot."

"A reincarnated?!" I asked surprised

No. This is no reason to be surprised I should have suspected it for some time. After all, his way of thinking and acting is completely different from what I have seen in this world.

“What about that magic? How can it be so powerful?" Ridel asked

“Because it's not magic. Simple isn't it?"

""""ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!"""" I yelled along with my wives

“But it is. Jack..." he began turning to me "what does the word psyker remind you of?"

If I had to be honest at first it wouldn't say anything to me. After all, it is not a word that is used every day and even in various contexts, it is practically unused. I could also say unknown. However, a certain bell rang in my mind. I was reminded of a certain friend of mine who is a fan of both board and video games.

"It's not the first time I've heard it, but it doesn't tell me anything..."

"Hou... apparently they have not appeared from you or have another name..." he began rubbing his chin "even if it's not correct, does the term psychic mean anything to you?"

"They are people who, according to them, have developed particular skills such as talking to spirits or seeing them."

"Sigh... as I thought, that's not the right term." Graeval stated slightly disappointed "O well... put simply, a psyker is a person who can manipulate and change their body and even objects, through simple will."

""""............ HUH?!""""

As if he wanted to demonstrate this, some objects on the table began to move, fireballs generated around him, and lightning began to sizzle on the palm of his hand.

But one thing was immediately noticeable: the irises, usually almost ice-gray, seemed dyed gold.

“Biomancy, Pyromancy, Divination, Telekinesis, and Telepathy... I master all the psychic disciplines of my original world with ease. If I only wanted to, I could pulp your flesh and break your bones in less than a second, without even lifting a finger."

"If only... you wanted it?" Ishgat asked strangely interested

"I am NEVER serious when I fight." he began looking indifferently at Ishgat."The last time I fought with an iota of seriousness it was in my old world and I ended up leveling and destroying an area big enough to build a populous city."

A man who with just the thought he can interfere with the laws of nature... I can't believe it. To me, it seems an exaggeration. But if what he just said... if he wasn't putting in a bit of effort last night when he fought us, then I can be lucky to be here to find that out.

"Now, changing the subject..." he began putting down the cutlery and looking at us seriously, "let's go back to the topic of my wife and the fact that she is a demon."


“Last night you did not want to listen and you attacked without even giving us time to explain. Since you have calmed down now, know that Lilith has no intention of harming humanity and especially this village. So, how about turning a blind eye? Or if you prefer... you could return the favor she's done you by preventing me from killing you or trading the lives that Sarity and Cordelia owe me for hers. They are fair exchanges in the end, don't you think?"

Even if he said it as if it were the most natural thing to do, and I can only agree, there is still an underlying problem. As a demon, she is capable of the meanest and most horrible deeds, so she may have been... 'good' these years, but who says she won't get back to her old habits.

“Even if what you say is true…” my teacher began calmly “a demon is a demon. She might be okay now but who knows when she might go back to slaughtering humans for revenge."

"Never gonna happen." Graeval answered calmly, leaning his back against the chair

"How can you tell?" Emilyn asked

"...... Because I am here," he whispered something I couldn't hear before he started speaking "I mean, do you think I couldn't make her come to her senses if that happened?"

Ah, indeed...

"My husband is right." the demon broke in looking at us coldly “I respect and love Graeval from the bottom of my heart. But at the same time... I fear him. After all, I would never want to face him in battle. Only a suicide or a madman would do that."

After last night's show of strength, despite being uttered by her, I can't deny her words. Tackling Graeval means securing a one-way ticket to the afterlife. Looking at the teacher and my wives, everyone had a sympathetic expression. They get the hint perfectly. But when I turned my gaze to Sarity...

"I do not believe you." she stated confidently. “I'm sure you're controlling him. Graeval would never betray humanity and especially me!"

"...... Sorry but what's that got to do with you? What are these arias?"

“You have become a puppet in the hands of this demon! She brainwashed you!!"

Graeval covered his face and looked at Sarity with eyes that said "Are you stupid or what?" I don't know what got into her, but now she's exaggerating. I don't understand why she is doing all this mess.

"Even among those of my race, there is no magic that-"

“Shut up! It's all your fault!!"

The demon was trying to explain something but was abruptly cut off by Sarity. I swear I've never seen her so angry.

"It's your fault if Graeval that day-"

"Look, Lilith and I met three days after our first reunion." this time it was Graeval who interrupted her "*Sigh* I didn't think you still have it for that." he concluded with a sigh

"It is not possible! The Graeval I know-"

"Unlike you, he has grown and matured." Graeval's gaze was stern “You're still holding on to the fact that I probably felt something for you in childhood. Since it's not clear to you, I'll tell you again: I don't know if I loved you but NOW I don't feel anything other than the mere feeling of friendship."

He said it like the first time: with cold and lucid calm, expressing the pure truth through his words and his eyes. I admit that I have respected him ever since then. But if my wife is still getting attached to that thing-

"It is not-"

"Don't try..." Graeval's already cold tone had gone colder "to instill in me feelings that aren't mine."

It couldn't be more clear and straightforward than that. Thanks to this brief quarrel and above all to Graeval's last sentence, I realized that deep down, Sarity still has feelings for Graeval. I don't know if she is aware of it or if she is looking away from it, but the fact that she is accusing the demo- Lilith of manipulating her childhood friend... is her way of venting her frustration at not being able to get what she wanted... probably? How cruel... I thought with a sigh.

Ultimately, Graeval would repeat the same things then and now... even if he was still a bachelor. His cold, straightforward and logical character is generated by profound wisdom derived from who knows what experiences. Regardless of what he's done... he's a man worthy of respect.

However, finding out that my wife still has feelings for her childhood friend... makes me sick. It still makes me feel bad even though Graeval is blatantly and sincerely rejecting her.

"Give yourself a wake-up Sarity..." Graeval resumed "you should have realized by now that the world doesn't turn according to your whims."

"ENOUGH! THAT'S ENOUGH!! STOP LET HIM TELL THOSE THINGS!!!" Sarity yelled as she stood up violently pointing at Lilith “GIVE HIM BACK!!! RETURN MY GRAEVAL TO ME!!!"

She looked crazy. She didn't want to face reality. I didn't know what to think anymore... and even Graeval seems to be on the edge... his eyes were golden again.

"Ok~ calm down everyone~!"

That female voice that was familiar and sensual at the same time, was perceived by all of us who immediately looked around to understand where it came from.

Suddenly, white light made its way through a window nearby and slowly descended a beautiful woman, with white skin and a sensual body, wavy hair that seemed made of gold, and eyes that looked like sapphires and gave off an aura reverential and divine.

I would recognize her anywhere. After all, she is the one who summoned me into this world by giving me that request. It was the divinity of this world revered by all. It was Aphy.

***(Graeval's POV)***

Holly crap... The irritation from a minute ago has turned into exasperation. All we have been missing is this idiot.

Aphy was entering throughout the window surrounded by white light to maintain her divine aspect, dressed in clothing similar to Roman tunics. But using the door?

Despite the surprised expressions of those present, everyone except me and Lilith bowed to her and paid homage to her.

“My lady Aphy! What brings you here to grace us with your divine presence?"

“Ara, Sarity~! How long~" she greeted, lengthening the finals "I'm here because I felt a certain tension~"

"My lady! Please!!"

"W-what~ my dear?" Aphy asked, taken aback by Sarity's sudden outburst

“Please! Free my childhood friend Graeval from the control of this demon!! I beg you!!!"

Despite the initial surprise, Aphy turned to me and then to Lilith. She sighed heavily and took her face as if she was tired of this. She looked up and then looked at Sarity.



“I mean, Lilith hasn't cast any kind of spell on Graeval~. Even you would have noticed~. But Lilith, what did you do to make you hate so much~?"

"You should know, you idiot." Lilith answered calmly

When she gave that answer with such naturalness, those present had already turned to look at her with eyes mixed with surprise and disdain... no more the second than the first. When Sarity seemed close to yelling something again, Aphy preceded her.

"Ara ara, since when did your horns grow~?" she asked with a playful tone and then clung to me "Maybe last night while Graeval and I-"*

*remember the joke I explain in chapter 9

"PISS OFF!!" I yelled at her charging an uppercut that knocked her back.

Ok... now I kill her I didn't let her finish the sentence. Not only was she making fun of my wife, but she couldn't even read the delicate situation in front of her. I was too kind with the last night's punishment.


Aphy was rolling on the ground as she held her chin with tears in her eyes. My guests, on the other hand, were staring at us frozen and wide-eyed. Well, that was to be expected, after all... I just hit the 'revered' Goddess Aphy.

"Uuuuh... why are you always so mean with me?" she asked, standing up and looking at me with wet eyes

"Because you are acting childish."

"Buh~ you're not my dad," she said making an adorable childish expression

“But you force me to be apparently. You think someone might like you if you keep it up."

"With the other gods, it worked~"

"... Then all the Gods are hopeless cases." I said exasperated

“Hey! That's not true!!...... at least not all of them."

"...... Don't you even try to deny it?"

What kind of Guardian Goddess has happened to this world? now I'm really worried to the point of being one step away from despair. If most of the gods are like her, what will happen to us. I mean, I do not deny that she is capable when it comes to doing her duty, even when she works for me as a waitress it is clear that she gives her all in what she does despite some cases of awkwardness, however... look I'm not going around: deep down she is too childish and in some cases, she gets too caught up in emotions.

"Ahem!" coughed my wife

My guests were looking at us with bewildered and incredulous expressions. Noticing this, Aphy also composed herself and turned mainly to Sarity and tried to recreate her solemn aura... even if now it won't have the same impact as before.

“Coming back to us, Lilith hasn't done anything against other races for three years~. Especially since she... married Graeval~" why did you hesitate to say the word 'married'? "Consequently, it is impossible to fix something that has never been done~."

"But if you were aware of the truth... why didn't you ever mention it?" Jack asked. "If you had said so, the fight last night would never have taken place."

"W-well~..." she began scratching her cheek lightly "In normal situations, I would have identified her immediately~. But Graeval is a master of hiding things with his powers and I was only able to ascertain her identity as a Demon Queen three months ago when Sarity was kidnapped~"

"Huh? Wait a minute... I think I heard wrong my lady." Ridel interjected after a long pause "Did you just say 'Demon Queen'?"

"Huh? Yes, I said that~. She is the same Demon Queen you faced three years ago. Didn't Graeval tell you about it~?"


"From your reactions, it seems that Graeval didn't tell you anything~"

"I don't believe it..." Emilyn said exasperatedly

"The Demon Lord is a woman..."

"And what's more she is Graeval's wife..." Sarity said in a diminishing tone of voice

"I-I can't process all this information anymore..."

"Surprising... Mr. Graeval is one surprise after another." Ishgat proudly stated crossing her arms. Shouldn't you be surprised too?

“True~? Graeval is incredible~" she stated clinging to me again "As expected from the man I intend to marry~"

"Except I'm already married."

"Details details~"

"Even my elbow in your stomach will only be a detail if you don't immediately detach yourself from me."

Given the cold, serious tone, Aphy knew I meant to throw it at her if she didn't immediately pull away from me. *Bonk* the sound of something hitting the table was immediately heard. Sarity had jumped to her feet and slammed her hands on the table as her body was leaning forward


“Exactly~. After all, I've loved him since before he was born into this world~. It has always been my intention ever since I reincarnated him here~." she said, taking her cheeks and making an expression of love

"So she's the one who reincarnated him here..." Jack said

"That's right~." Aphy began. “But Lilith came before me~. I accepted his marriage to the ex-Demon Queen, but I'm not giving up~. I am more than ever willing to let him reciprocate my feelings and marry me~."

"Hey, Aphy." Lilith called her while holding her face "Satisfy my curiosity."


"When you made Graeval's friend your Saint, did you by any chance lend her some of your powers?"

“It's a blessing after all~. I grant some upgrades by donating some fragments of my powers-" Suddenly, she broke off and as if she had guessed something continued "Now I understand~. Sarity dear, I have to apologize~"

"Huh? Why is that?"

"It seems that when I elected you my Saint, I also copied my feelings for Graeval and imprinted them in you~."


"But then what I feel about Graeval..."

“They could be an extension of my feelings~. I can confidently tell you that your love for Jack is genuine after all~."

It was a lie. It seems my wife and Aphy briefly joined forces to ensure that Sarity doesn't start seducing me too. In addition to creating enormous problems for me, it could create friction between me and the Hero and therefore lead us to a confrontation that could affect both our personal lives and those of the inhabitants of the world. After all, it is because of love that many people undergo personality changes. Not knowing how Jack might react if he found out that Sarity's feelings towards me are genuine, at worst I should have stepped in in case he became a bloodthirsty bastard. Now and then, she knows how to use that brain.

Huh? How am I supposed to say what Aphy said isn't true? It's very simple: even though she is a Goddess, she is not a psyker. After all, only one who masters the telepathic discipline can influence a person's feelings or make a copy of their own to install them in the victim within seconds. I can too, but I consider it a despicable act.

"Now that we've cleared everything up..." I began drawing everyone's attention to myself "let's talk about why you wanted to meet me."

"Yes... I think it's better..." Jack said with an expression of renunciation "Put simply, we wanted to understand your intentions."

I see. When you are faced with an entity you do not know, it is better to gather information to understand what or who you are dealing with. His goals can lead you to understand if you can make him an ally, make him an enemy... or keep a passive approach. Well for me it's pretty simple instead.

“I'll tell you without mincing words: you don't bother me, I don't bother you. After all, I've had enough of fighting."

"So you want to keep your current lifestyle."

“Simple isn't it? Of course, I will move in case Fago is threatened and defend it with my teeth and nails, but I will not do more. There may be particular exceptions, but this is my intention."

“Exceptions? Like what?"

"Who knows. But among these, there could also be national defense." Even an idiot would understand it.

“... I understand. Then we will report your intentions to his Majesty."

"Very good and one last thing."


“You will have to keep my and my wife's identities secret. If I discover that we are being targeted, first I will kill the masterminds, and then... I will come looking for you." I stated releasing a slight murderous thirst directed towards them.

"U-understood." Jack stammered

"Since your intentions have been revealed, now I have something to tell you." Ishgat began by bringing her body forward

"And would that be?"

“No one has ever managed to beat me before. You are the first and therefore I must pay you my compliments."

"......... So what?"

“You will have to take responsibility. Become my husband."

......... One was already too much, now is this battle freak added to it too? While my wife and Aphy were surprised, the Hero and his wife instead had an expression that said "I expected it". I looked at that Dragonkin with a tired... no, exhausted expression.

"Finish your breakfast and get the fuck out from here." I began dryly "As I already told Aphy I'm already married and I'm not going to marry anyone else so, give up."

"I'm also fine with being a concubine."

I sighed heavily and then stared into Ishgat's eyes. Before long her face fell asleep on the plate. Yes... I have used my powers to induce her to sleep so that the conversation does not continue, also because one thing I know for sure: the types of women like Aphy and Ishgat never take a no for an answer and become so insistent to the point of being annoying and above all irritating.

"Jack... do me a favor."

"I was already planning to take her back to the capital," he began with a compassionate expression "You should be able to have no problems for a while."

"......Thank you."

After finishing breakfast and giving him more little information about my identity as Guardian, Jack, his wives and the sleeping Ishgat left. They had intended to leave for the capital on the same day. I, on the other hand, stayed at home and threw myself to bed. I'm exhausted! Even though my body has rested, meditating is not the same as sleeping and therefore it is as if I have not rested at all. If we add the psychological fatigue from before, I doubt anyone would be able to stand up.

"Are you sure about it?" Lilith asked as she sat on the bed next to me and took my hand

"Sure." I began "It was the most painless way to allow you to continue living peacefully with me."

Entrusting our identities to someone else is something I never wanted or intended to do. But given how events evolved, that was the only thing possible.

Smiling at me, Lilith lay down beside me using my arm as a pillow.

"I understand..." she began and then kissed me on the cheek "Now rest."

Haaa... it's too adorable. I hugged her and hold her close gently as if she were one of those stuffed animals that babies usually hug when they sleep. I wanted to sleep holding her tight. In response, Lilith hugged me back.

“Hey! Look, I'm here too~!"

Snap! I snapped my fingers and Aphy fell to the ground unconscious. That idiot continually manages to destroy my little moments of intimacy with my wife.

Since she made me realize that last night's reprimand was rather light, I decided to teach her an even more severe lesson than last night.

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