The Guardian Chef

Vol. 2 – Chapter 23

This chapter contains strong and possibly disturbing content so... be prepared.

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***(Cordelia's POV)***

I was in the courtyard of the palace with my son. Today was a rare occasion: my beloved little sister Bassilla was feeling slightly better and therefore could afford to go out to spend some time with me and her nephew. Also present were the brothers of my son Gelon since at the moment the mothers and the father had not yet returned from their mission, but being late afternoon they were still sleeping and only my son had woken up a little earlier than the others.

"You are such a cheerful child." Bassilla said as she waved the rattle

On my lap, Gelon continued to laugh as he waved his hands trying to get the toy. I also instinctively smiled as I saw her doing this.

Bassilla is known at the court as the "Crystal Wisteria". Of the three of us sisters, she is believed to be the prettiest, and her smooth blue sea hair, weak build, and tender, affectionate and mature nature earned her that nickname. She is coveted by many sons of nobles who have seen her on those rare occasions when she can appear in public, but my father has always rejected all suitors as he does not want his daughter to be used as a decoy by some Noble family.

She is a very delicate flower but she is also a fighter. After all, she has been struggling with her mysterious illness for several years and continues to persist today.

“It's been two weeks now. And still no news, right?" she asked worriedly

"... There's no reason to worry Bassilla." I told her smiling “After all, we're talking about my husband. I don't think there is anything in this world that can beat it."

"Aside from lady Rember, ufufufu." she sneered

"Fufu, right, you're right." I said, giggling

Ever since we went out for tea, my sister and I have talked about this and that. She telling me rumors about love stories or books, while I told her about my married life and the pranks of Jack's children. A simple chat between girls.

"By the way, I had the opportunity to meet Sarity's childhood friend."

“Oh~! That famous Graeval?"

Graeval's fame in our family is quite well known. After all, he rejected his childhood friend and caused quite a stir. I mean, Sarity had come back to him and she was going to tell him her intention to marry Jack, but no one would have expected that cook could maintain such lucidity in the face of the Sanit that broke the hearts of hundreds of young people.

"That's right."

"What kind of person is he?"

“Young, fatherly, ingenious, and artistic. I've seen him cook many times and every time he looks like a representation of a work of art and his dishes are delicious."

"More than those in the palace."

"Much more."

After all, the lifestyle of the nobles was always in pursuit of luxury and many spent fortunes on clothes, canvases, abodes, and exceptional cooks. The royal family was no exception but could be described as moderate compared to the others as my father had wisely decided to spend a large part of the money in the reconstruction and development of the kingdom. However, when it comes to glitz and cuisine, all the nobility have always said that our chefs are second to none.

“His dishes are innovative, fresh, and always in constant evolution. Once I ate one of his dishes and I liked it to the point of re-order it every day. Every time he made slight changes that were imperceptible to the eye but not to the palate."


"Slurp!" I swallowed "Talking about it was enough to make me want to go back to Fago just to taste it again."

“What envy. How I wish I could travel like you."

Bassilla had never come out of that glass bell that is the castle. And her only contact with the outside world is my stories and those of our family. It has always been known that she wants to see the outside world with her own eyes.

"It will happen... I'm sure." I reassured her

"Thanks, Cordelia." she replied smiling

Suddenly, we heard someone walking nearby and turned our attention to the source of the noise. A member of the Royal Guard bowed and then began to speak

"Your Highnesses, forgive my presumption in interrupting you but I have been asked to report that the Hero and the investigative team are back."

"......thanks for your hard work. Wait for me at the entrance to the garden."

The guard bowed again and left.

The news filled my heart with joy and turning my gaze to Bassilla, I saw her give me a sweet smile. I picked up my son and got up.

"Forgive me for leaving in such a hurry."

“Don't worry big sister. Indeed, since it is one of those rare occasions, could you allow me to accompany you?"

"I'd be very happy."

Pointing to her maid, she began to move the wheelchair in which Bassilla was sitting and together we headed to the place where my father and husband had gathered to give the result of the investigation.

***(Bassilla's POV)***

".........You're joking, right?" my father asked, shaken

Everyone inside the room was petrified at the statement my stepbrother had made. Even my sister... I'm sure she felt her heart squeeze when he said it.

When we entered our father's office, Jack and his other wives were sitting on the sofa in the office drinking a cup of tea or holding their respective children, as well half-brother and half-sister of Gelon, Vel, and Tadia.

Given my illness, I rarely see my family and on those sporadic occasions, I am often in my room when I have those few moments of lucidity. They were genuinely happy to see me.

Cordelia had already told me what the mission of my stepbrother, his wives, and Lady Ishgat was, so I admit I was a little excited about it. If they had already returned it meant that they had managed to find out something. But Jack's introduction saying "We ran into the wrath of Guardian and if it weren't for his companion, we'd all be dead now", wasn't quite the best way to open the conversation.

Such a reaction was to be expected. After all, we're talking about the same group that defeated the most powerful and evil entity in this world, the Demon Lord. Starting a speech by saying they almost lost their lives is a little... terrifying.

"I would like your majesty." Jack answered with a worried tone "But if we were to attract his wrath, I don't know how long this kingdom would last."

"...... First, tell me everything." said my father worried

Nodding, Jack began to tell: the discovery of a demon inside Fago, how they prepared to face it, the start of the battle and the immediate intervention of Guardian, their terrible defeat and their capture.

“...... We truly feared for our lives when we awoke in his abode. But despite being enemies, he treated us with hospitality even though he kept his guard up. We have spoken and he has expressed his intentions as bluntly as sincerely: as long as no one causes him trouble, he will be quiet and will even be willing to help the nation in times of need."

"Always if we don't draw his wrath... huh?" my father began, leaning back

“That's right. It is possible to reason with him and ask him for help. I can assure you that he is a respectable man."

"You talk about him as if you know him."

"I can't afford such a statement, but he knows how to stay in his place because he wants tranquillity."

"*Sigh* I understand." my father sighed

"But Jack... and all of you..." my sister began with a worried tone "Are you okay?"

"We're all fine thanks to him, Cordelia." Jack began smiling at her

"That fool of my pupil can say it aloud." Lady Ishgat interjected. “I mean, he even amputated and reattached my arm. Not to mention how the others were reduced. Ahahah!"

Lady Ishgat is truly a battle junkie... even though she was laughing heartily, the others weren't doing it at all. Indeed, for a moment it seemed to me that everyone was shaking. It must have been painf-!! “Cough! Cough!"


I felt like they suddenly tightened my chest, making it difficult for me to breathe. I was at my limit. Worried, Cordelia ordered my maid to take me to bed immediately to rest while she would call the doctor.

Although I was leaving, it was clear that the discussion did not end there…

***(?????'s POV)***

I can't believe I have to go back here.

Since humans kicked us out of the mainland and forced us to take refuge on the south island Bexita, refugees had to do their best to be able to live on that island and we in the government are no different.

The island already has a bad reputation of its own as it is still a place that has not been fully explored and therefore is still very dangerous... according to humans.

Our superior skill in the use of magic and the fact that some demonic races have better physical characteristics than humans have made it not an entirely inhospitable place for us. Indeed, it has become a natural training ground where each demon trains every day for the time when the Demon Queen Lilith Stilno will return and our race will regain what was stolen from them.

The problem of the island lies precisely in the political and cultural heart, that is, in the capital Guagon... or rather in its governor.

“Prime Minister Vogludun Or'goth, Lord Arzined Voxnar will receive you immediately. Please follow me."

The servant who has just asked me to follow him has his face covered with a dark veil, which is impossible to see through. He led me in front of a room and even from behind the door I could hear a strong pungent smell and the moans of women.

Once through the door, I saw with horror that the room was littered with beautiful women, all naked with empty eyes. All slaves... human... elves... beastman... even demons. While he was being ridden by a cat woman, I saw the person I had come here for. A very handsome demon with long flowing black hair, a face, and a body that appeared to have been sculpted by an artist.

He is the problem. Arzined Voxnar is the governor of the island of Bexita, an incompetent who does and demands things only according to his absurd parameters. I have heard that when he passes through the streets of Guagon in his gorgeous carriage, all the women and young daughters hide in the house, to avoid being chosen to enter his collection. Yeah... the very one that is now scattered on the ground in front of me.

He is a sadist and a bastard, a narcissist who only cares about his needs without thinking about the consequences that come with it. Many of these non-demon women have been kidnapped from their homes and enslaved by applying the 'collar of slavery'. He treats them like dolls and there are not a few that he broke for his whims. However, even if it hurts to admit it, he is an excellent fighter and an unrivaled tamer, there are many dangerous beasts among those he managed to tame... knowing this, I think you will understand where the broken pieces of his collection have gone.

For this reason, he is unfortunately also the last pretender to the hand of our beloved Demon Queen... all the others, more capable and dozens of times better than him have died because of the Hero and the humans... he is the last descendant of the chief of one of the seven great tribes who gave their consent and support for the founding of Deshatia. But despite the noble blood that flows in his veins, his behavior and his 'collecting' have led Lady Lilith to exasperation and the limit of patience... and now I have to report our discovery to him.

“Oh~ lord Or'goth. What can I do for you?" He's not even going to stop during an official interview. What disgrace. “Come on, don't make that scary look. Even if you're jealous of my collection, I'm the only one who can touch it."

"*Ahem* I see that your behavior is as disagreeable as ever from what I see."

"Come on. Don't dwell on the details. Ah! Here it comes~!"

"Aaaah~!" groaned the cat woman

When he felt empty, Arzined lifted his torso and threw away the woman he had just fertilized, going into collision with a human who was sitting leaning against the wall. Subsequently, he turned to me, with a satisfied expression.

Tsk. He's ungraceful. "I came to inform you that we have found our lady."

“Oh~ is little Lilith still alive~? This is great news~~"

"... To her it's her majesty... insolent."

"Yes yes... her majesty~." he said in a joking tone "But when he comes back, it will be you Lord Or'goth who will have to address me like that."

“When the time comes. But now it isn't."

"True~." he said getting up "And out of curiosity, where is she?"

“In the Thirus Kingdom, in an area north-east of here. I already sent the Akiya siblings to escort her home."

“Ah~. That human kingdom?" he asked and then made an expression as if he had just remembered something "Now that I think about it... that beautiful piece should be there too~"

He made a disgusting expression when he said that.

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