The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 46

Hi guys! Emperor 93 here!

I take a minute to apologize for the delay (lately, my work is taking a lot of energy) and to warn you that there is a surprise for you and I also take this opportunity to thank Element 1990 and Paolo V. for the support they offered to create it. Click here to see it!

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***(Graeval's POV)***

A few days ago I went to the city intending to explore it and look for places where I could take Lilith as soon as I had the chance. Originally, I had intended to do this over the weekend, but the Lianelis' invitation to their tea party, which they had held on the same day I was planning to take my wife to the date, was too annoying a coincidence, so I had to postpone.

However, nothing stopped me from exploring anyway.

Iselyon is a... peculiar city. Mostly built in the undergrowth, its buildings fully reflect a Gothic style but are slightly more graceful. However, what stands out about these buildings built inside the vegetation is how they managed to integrate them perfectly with the trees without having to damage or cut them. Most likely, inside the building, they were worked on, but I have no way of knowing since that area is the rich district of the city. Yes... Not noble, but rich. Anyone can buy one of those mansions if they are wealthy enough to afford it. Consequently, those who live in that district are mainly nobles, military, and administrative officers, or famous merchants.

The city district, on the other hand, was built outside the forest and includes many condominiums with simple but always slender architecture and wide streets where two wagons can safely travel side by side, as well as various buildings dedicated to education and entertainment. However, even here the green is not lacking and it is not strange to find small but numerous islands of vegetation.

In the end, if you think about the elves you can't help but think about nature and this city quietly reflects that communion that exists between mother nature and this race, as even the smaller buildings are decorated with flowers or vines. Just for your information, the academy was built in the city district but is still close to the rich district.

After wandering around for some time, I decided to go to the square where the commercial heart of the city is located. Blacksmiths, carpenters, stalls of primary and tourist goods, bijouterie... a bit of everything in short. Now and then I would cast my eye on the goods displayed in the various shops to find some souvenirs for my wife. The choice was vast, but I was too undecided.

Suddenly, as I was heading towards another stall, two presences passed me by which for some reason seemed familiar. I turned around and looked carefully, I noticed this couple that by itself did not look so much in the eye... except that one of them was a certain elf that I met the first day I started to work officially as a personal cook of Bassilla. What the hell is his Highness Ehrendil doing here? And above all... what is he doing here with---!!!

I didn't even have time to finish the thought, that I saw the two passionately kissing on a street corner. A secluded place but still in sight, at least for me. I felt a vein swell profusely on my forehead. Big ugly son of a bitch!!!

Now, I'll be clear. I don't give a damn about other people's business, after all, everyone does what they want with their life and if someone wants a hand from me, I can consider whether or not to give it to them. But seeing how this bastard betrays Arryn so blatantly with that... whore, bothers me a lot.


Noting the royal family, all present bowed to pay homage to their rulers. Of course, I could not be outdone considering my status as a commoner. Only Bassilla and Ishgat were making a slight bow to show their respect. After all, she too is a member of a royal family.

After waving his hand, the king spoke

"Thank you for your welcome, but please resume enjoying the party as well."

With those words, the orchestra resumed playing and other couples came forward on the dance floor. Maybe that's my impression, but they seemed too motivated to dance. They probably wanted to prove that they were not inferior to a beginner and a commoner, but I don't care that much.

"Lady Belmont..." the King began, turning to Bassilla "I welcome you to our nation and I am happy to see you healthy."

"Thank you for your kind words, your Majesty." Bassilla began thanking "It is a pleasure to see you again your majesty." she continued turning to Shael

"The same goes for me Lady Belmont." she replied to her greeting and then turned to Ishgat "This is a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here Lady Rember."

“Yes, well… I don't deny that I hate these parties. But since I was appointed as Lady Belmont's bodyguard, I couldn't be there."

“It is still a pleasure and an honor to have a member of the Rember family attend this humble Tea party. Don't you agree brother?" said Enania and then turned to the King


I don't know what I've been missing, but it seems Ishgat isn't just famous for being a powerful dragonkin warrior. Does it have anything to do with her lineage? Maybe I should care a little more about her past... but also no. After all, it has nothing to do with me... I hope.

Later, I felt Shael's gaze on me

"And your da--!!"

Shael suddenly froze and began to stare at me with eyes wide open by surprise, seasoned with a pinch of fear.

"Your Majesty?" Bassilla called her dubiously

“!! Aehm... Forgive me." she apologized clearing her throat "Who is your date?"

"Oh. He is Graeval." she stated, “A childhood friend of Lady Lingxin and an excellent cook. He was recommended to me by Lady Lingxin herself and also, he is the person who took care of Lady Lianelis when she was rescued from the bandits."

"Then it's you." she said with a beautiful smile "I have to thank you for taking care of my niece." “This guy's mana… it's weird. It almost seems like he's dressed with it."

"I only did what I thought was right." I stated.

Dressed in mana... huh? She is not all wrong. Not having a single drop of mana, I still had to find a way not to attract unnecessary suspicion due to my peculiarity. Cheating on the senses and perception of other people's mana is a joke with my powers, but since elves excel in this area, I wanted to take an extra precaution. That precaution was to enhance my wedding ring by Lilith... or rather by a spirit.

As you already know, a demon's mana is special because it is partly obtained from the radiation they absorb from the meteorite. As a result, their spells are slightly more powerful than those used by humans or elves. However, perceptually, their mana has a 'sinister' presence so to speak.

You will understand that if she imbued my wedding ring with her mana, everyone would have mistaken me for a demon and therefore, the solution was to form a contract between my wife and an elemental spirit and put its mana in the ring to make it appear that I have a minimal amount of mana.

So far, with the help of my illusory powers, no one has ever made this observation. Could Shael's perception be more refined as she is a powerful spirit mage? Well... I'll take care of that later. Now...

"It's a pleasure to see you again at this party Lady Belmont, Lady Rember." greeted Prince Ehrendil

"The feeling is mutual your highness."

"Happy to see you again."

"Mr. Graeval." he called me with a nod

"Your Highness." I greeted, bowing my head slightly

Our greetings ended there. There was no hostility between us, or at least I didn't show it. After all, this asshole is cheating on Arryn with someone else and although he's her cousin and officially her fiancé, he doesn't even try to help her out with the rumors that are tarnishing her reputation. I don’t know if he believes it or not, but it certainly doesn’t honor him.

"Anyway..." Shael began turning to me "this is the first time you come to Iselyon I guess."

“To be specific, Your Majesty, this is the first time I have visited a foreign nation. Only..."


"I only wish my wife could be here by my side to admire the beauty of Iselyon with me."

"Oh, right Graeval!" Arryn exclaimed attracting my attention “I've never had the opportunity to ask you, but how is Lilith? And why didn't she come with you?"

"She's fine Arryn" I began "And she’s pregnant with our baby."

"Oh! Congratulations!" Arryn exclaimed happily… but… How come I feel a touch of jealousy in her words?

"Thank you." I said scratching my cheek as I smiled

“I didn't know you were married. Congratulations." Enania affirmed slightly surprised. “But it's a real shame that given her situation she couldn't come. I also owe her some thanks."

"I'll make sure she receives them don't worry." I said giggling "Anyway, can I ask you a question, your highness?" I asked, addressing Prince Ehrendil

"Tell me."

"Could you tell me which are the most suitable places for a date in the city district?"

“?! I don't know how to answer you..." he began slightly surprised by my question "maybe I could tell you more if it were the rich district, but the city district... I can't tell you since I've never been there for a date with Arryn."

"Oh! How strange..." I said pretending to be perplexed and rubbing my chin "I could have sworn I saw you with a beautiful girl in Marvel Square two days ago."

When I made that statement, I saw that the whole group was slightly paralyzed. After all, my statement could have generated rumors that would have tarnished the prince’s reputation. But the biggest problem is the fact that such presumptions have been made by someone of low rank like me... well, to tell the truth, not even the nobles would publicly make statements like that unless they were using subterfuge and gossip.

Looking again at the prince, I noticed that, although imperceptible, a certain shiver ran down his body. Your body ain't good at lying, son of a bitch...

"I must have imagined." I said shrugging. “I mean, you don't seem like the type to run after other girls even though you already have a beautiful and devoted fiancé like Arryn. I ask your forgiveness."

"I find it disrespectful. How dare you make such false statements?"

"As I told you, I ask your forgiveness." I began by crossing my arms “Unfortunately, I tend to be very protective of the people I care about. Besides, the poor Arryn has been through too much already and I suppose you wouldn't do anything that could hurt her further."

"Graeval!" Bassilla called me back “Now you are crossing the line. I do not admit other useless thoughts that could undermine the good name of His Highness."

"As Your Highness Belmont wishes."

Even if she had called me back to give the impression that she was still holding her servants, I certainly would not have continued since Ehrendil had given me the answers I was looking for anyway. I feel the irrepressible need to punch him. Uh? What are you mumbling Arryn?! And why do you have a red face?!!

***(Shael's POV)***

We were the first to receive an invitation to the Tea Party organized by my sister-in-law to welcome Lady Bassilla and of course, we couldn't miss it.

When she arrived in Iselyon, the guards sent me a report stating that there were no 'suspicious' people among the passengers. By suspicious, I was referring to the peculiarity of Guardian who does not have even a drop of mana. I was disappointed. Probably he had found some lead on the unknown entity and could not follow the princess of Thirus or more simply, Guardian did not think his presence was necessary for the safety of Lady Bassilla since she was accompanied by Lady Ishgat. What a pity...

Even if the plan to have him supported inherently by a relative of ours could not be implemented, the fact that we host Lady Bassilla is still a positive thing from a political point of view. After all, it can be seen as an act of trust on the part of Thirus towards his ancient ally and at the same time, a veiled proof of our desire to hold our alliance with them since it was I who proposed the princess to study here.

Anyway, when we got to the tea party, I got a surprise. Due to our commitments, we had arrived a little later and when we entered, only the sound of musical instruments could be heard while everyone present, noble or servant, had their gaze fixed on one point. Probably noticing us by chance, my brother-in-law welcomed us and accompanied us to the table where my niece and her mother were sitting and there I could see the reason why everyone was silent and stared at only one point: Lady Bassilla was in the middle of the dance floor dancing, together with a man with eyes as gray as ice and hair as blue as night... Wonderful. That was my only thought when I saw them. They danced by performing elegant, perfect, and magnetic movements and in time of music... or rather, it was the music that seemed to follow them.

At the end of the dance, the man bowed and kissed Lady Bassilla's hand, and with a wonderful smile, she replied by making a slight bow. Nobody moved... not even me. I felt like I was in front of something sacred and even my very breath seemed a deafening and disrespectful sound, however, my niece began to clap and from there, everyone followed her.

When they approached the table, the surprises were not over. The boy, Graeval, I sensed something strange from him: This guy's mana… it's weird. It almost seems like he's dressed with it. It was almost like his mana was generated from another source. But when he asked those questions and insinuations about my son... the way he had put them... the way he talked about it... It made me wonder. Doubt, which I wish to clarify.


A couple of days passed from the tea party and I finally managed to find some time to go to the academy...

"What a pleasure for me to be able to receive your visit."

... and remove the doubt that tormented me

"Since I invited you to study in Iselyon, it seems to be the least to come and see you sometimes."

I was in the room assigned to lady Bassilla and lady Ishgat by the academy and at this moment we were facing each other talking about this and that: how she is in the academy, her school life, if she has made friends... indeed I must say that it is a conversation that is not so different from the one I had with my sons and daughters after the first days they had started attending the institute too. Now we don't do that anymore, but I find this conversation nostalgic. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Lady Belmont." spoke a male voice behind the door "I brought the tea."

"Come on in."

Once permission was given, with a large silver tray in hand, Graeval entered the room and elegantly placed it on the table. After pouring the tea, he placed the cups in front of us and later also placed a saucer with many types of mini cakes.

“Not knowing the tastes of Her Majesty, I have prepared an assortment of sweets. There are fruit tarts, glazed cakes of various flavors, cheesecakes mignon, and some cream puffs. I hope you like them."

When that statement was over, he bowed slightly, walked away from the table, and headed for the exit.

"Wait up." I called him back "Can you leave us alone?" I asked the maids assigned to our guests.

Though hesitant at first, the two bowed and left the room. Once alone, I signaled to Graeval to come closer. Even if he did not show it, in his eyes I read certain prudence and it seems even annoyed.

"Give me your hand please?"

“?! For what purpose your majesty?"

"Fufu. Don't be afraid." I said taking a piece of paper from my clutch bag “At the tea party you asked my son which places were suitable for a date. I thought I'd do you this favor as thanks for your hospitality toward my niece."

"...... *Sigh* You make it sound personal."

“Oh, but it is. After all, she is my beloved niece and future daughter-in-law."

When he laid his hand on me, I took it and handed him the piece of paper, and closed it.

Although I don't like using these subterfuges, I intended to come in contact with his body for a better understanding.

Spirit magicians are very adept at perceiving mana, but my perception is deemed to be above the norm. All I need to do is touch someone's body to immediately understand what kinds of feelings they have at that moment thanks to how mana flows through the body of the person concerned.

When I touched Graeval's hand... Not a drop of mana?! Then-

"You are a devious ugly bitch."

At that statement full of hostility I looked up and saw that Graeval's gray eyes had turned golden. I felt a shiver run down my spine and although I instinctively wanted to escape, my legs seemed to be stuck to the floor. I was shaking... I was shaking with fear.

"G-Graeval?!" Lady Bassilla called him, jumping worried, and I also saw Lady Ishgat in a cold sweat

Graeval raised his hand and seeing that gesture, the two sat down despite continuing to be visibly worried.

"Maybe I already know what could have fooled me, but I'll ask you anyway..." his bloodlust was tangible "what unmasked me?"

“Wh-when I met you at the tea party, I-I noticed your mana was very w-weird. Also, the way you addressed my son was-"

"All right. I understand." he started with a slight smile and crossing his arms "Now stay calm and let's make a deal."

"A-a deal?"

"I will not do any mnemonic alterations on your brain...." he began "in return, you will not tell anyone about me."

"A-are you able to read minds?!"

“I can do many things: play with every single thought, perception, or feeling that it is. I can even extract information from the innermost maze of your mind and put it in another. However..."


"These things that I can do, do not always have any consequences for... 'the victim'"

That sadistic grin and his cold words... made my blood run cold and that fear I felt turned into terror because of the sincerity I felt.

"Who else knows the truth besides us?"

"The person who gave me the name of Guardian also knows."

"Uh? Didn't you give it to yourself?

“Ahaha! Of course not." he began giggling “If it was up to me, I'd still be alias-less. I'm just not going to tell you who called me that."

After that statement I felt less pressure from his bloodlust and I felt my legs give way and I collapsed to the ground... or at least that's what I thought. Instead of on the ground, I felt like I had nothing under my feet. Only then did I notice that I was levitating in midair and then I was gently laid down on the sofa.

The cup of tea began to levitate in front of me

“Even if I hadn't foreseen this gamble of yours...” Graeval began looking at me “I had prepared you a herbal tea based on mallow and passionflower. Excellent for relaxing the nerves."

My body was shaking and still, my hand could not stay still and when I took the cup my agitation was still evident. Shortly after taking a sip of the infusion, I felt my body begin to relax. When I finished the cup, I was instinctive to breathe a sigh of relief. The teapot levitated in front of me and another cup was poured.

"...Thank you." I thanked even though I still felt a little fear

When I looked at Lady Bassilla and Lady Ishgat, I noticed that they too looked more relaxed. Noticing my gaze, the dragonkin settled back in the seat

“Ahaha! Scary isn't it?" she asked, laughing, “I can never get used to his bloodlust, hahaha. But you have nothing to worry about. As long as you don't say anything about his identity nothing will happen."

"Besides, aren't you glad lord Guardian has come this far?" Bassilla asked smiling

"And why should I be happy?" I asked her, showing surprise at the question “I didn't expect him to come at all. After all, my intention to invite you here was-"

"That of finding some members of your family so that she would join me and maybe be able to push me over time to marry her so that you could exploit me as a political expedient."

I turned to Graeval who had spoken, he looked at me with eyes that said 'did you think I didn't find it out?'

"I'm sorry, but as you already know I'm happily married and have no intention of marrying anyone else."

"......Was it that obvious?"

"For me, yes." he said taking a cup that was levitating beside him "When Bassilla told me of your invitation, it came naturally to me to think so."

"*Sigh* Just as I thought, you are a person who should not be underestimated."

"Glad you understood that."

“Staying on the subject, you told me that you are happily married. I guess your wife is-"

"Lilith Stilno." he replied without allowing me to finish the sentence "Ex-Demon Queen and mother of the child she carries in her womb."

“......... Fu-fufufu. Congratulations. How long?"

"How many months is she pregnant, or how long have we been married?"

"The second."

"It's been a year and five months now." he affectionately affirmed "Speaking of feelings, I’d like you to straighten out that turncoat of your son."

"Uh? Turncoat?" the statement took me completely off guard "Even at the tea party you showed some hostility towards my son Ehrendil."

"That bastard is not only cheating on Arryn with another girl, but he's not even trying to pretend to support Arryn."

"C-Could you explain better, please?"

Ehrendil! What did you do to make him so mad?

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