The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 47

Hi guys! Emperor 93 here!
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***(Lilith's POV)***

I collapsed on the soft bed, tired and sweaty, but ecstatic.

“Lilith…” Graeval began, looking at me both affectionately and worriedly “You're already pregnant. I don't think squeezing me dry can trigger another pregnancy."

"Who knows~♥?" I asked him and then gave him another kiss

With loving, submissive eyes, he extended his arm and I leaned on it.

When he left two weeks ago, I had to take charge of the restaurant and things went well, but I felt lonely... I'm no longer used to waking up alone in the morning. I know I asked him to leave, but at that time I never expected it to be this hard... and apparently, it was the same for my husband too.

On the evening of the thirteenth day of his departure, Graeval opened a portal inside our house while I was preparing myself the dinner. There was no need for any words. At the same moment our eyes met, we jumped on each other. The hunger and exhaustion I felt had been replaced by an insatiable desire to be with my husband.

Even today, despite only a few days, have passed since that night full of passion, I felt that desire re-emerge that I barely held back and that I released after dinner, when he told me about his journey, the problems he had with that perverted dragonkin, the reunion with the little Arryn, Bassilla's upbringing and how he found some suitable places for our future date in Iselyon.

"I can't wait to visit that city with you" I said smiling "Being here alone, waking up without you is hard."

"I'm suffering too, my love." Graeval said kissing me on the forehead and making me smile

"How long will we have to endure this situation..."

"Bassilla's course of study will last for 3 years." he said in a sorry tone "I'll try to come back as often as possible."

When he said it, I felt my heart tighten, and despite his desire to return as often as possible was crystal clear, it was only momentary relief.

"Speaking of other things..." I began trying to change the subject "in the end it went as you expected, wasn't it?"

"Are you talking about the Queen of Iselyon’s plan to have someone support me?"


"*Sigh*... it was obvious." he said with a sigh "However, she seems to have given it up since she realized that she doesn’t want to involve me in her political games."

"Fufufu. I can already imagine her frightened expression. It must have been a good show."

"Show or not, it's just a nuisance."

Well, it was obvious that he considered it a nuisance. It is for me too. We have both often been victims of political intrigue... well, Graeval more than I have when counting his past life.

“By the way…” I began by resting my chin on his chest and looking him in the eye. “You told me you saw the little Arryn again. How is she? Has she grown up a little since the last time? "

“More than grown-up, I would say that she is back to having her original aspect. If she weren't an elf, she would appear to be the same age as Bassilla in human terms."


“Ahaha! You're having the same reaction as me." he asserted with a chuckle. “What she looked like when I rescued her was caused by a curse imposed on her when she was kidnapped by the bandits. According to the information I have obtained, it was broken shortly after she returned home."

"Hou... curses are all the rage lately huh..." I said thoughtfully

"Anyway, even if she doesn't show it publicly, she's seen better days."

"Has something happened to her?"

"Arryn is unfortunate with people..." he began apologetically "she has a boyfriend who doesn't even pretend to be..."

Graeval began to tell me about what he saw in the square and how the unfounded rumors are only isolating Arryn from the rest of society. But just the fact that this Ehrendil doesn't even try to defend or support her... Arryn won't be my daughter, but there are things I can't forgive as a woman!

"I think I'll go have a chat with that bastard." I stated bringing myself into a sitting position

"No need." Graeval affirmed, taking my arm delicately. “I have already told everything to Shael. I don’t think she’s gonna shut up."

"How can you be sure?"

"Well... I think she may think I can do something to her son if she doesn't get him right."

"...... Did you threaten her?"

"Of course not." he chuckled "But the tone of voice I used may have given that impression."

"*Sigh*... you are incorrigible." I said resting my head on his arm again "Is she pretty?"

"Uh? Who are you referring to?"

"To Arryn." I said looking at him "How pretty has she become?"

"...... *Sigh* she sure has become a lot, however..." he began and then gently took my head and gave me a long and intense kiss "pales in front of you."

"Fufufu. Flatterer~..." I said bringing my hand to his friend "it looks like you're ready for another round."

When I made that statement, he moved on top of me and I felt him enter me

"If it's you..." he began whispering in my ears and taking my hand "I'll never be tired."

***(Aphy's POV)***

"Damn. Another hole in the water!" I exclaimed banging my forehead on the desk

"Please my lady, don't do that." one of my subordinates pleaded

"How can I not get exasperated?" I asked disconsolately "The guy who caused all those anomalies in my world has yet to be identified and what's more, he or she is hiding his or her traces all too well."

"My lady, we're-"

"Not to mention that I have a Graeval abstinence!" I exclaimed scratching my head "I WANT SO MUCH HUG HIM!"

"My lady... please." my subordinate said looking at me as if he was facing a hopeless case

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"... For no particular reason."

Why do I feel insulted for some reason?

“Ahem. Anyway, is there anything else I should know besides the fact that this "ghost" doesn't want to be found?"

"Besides that no-"

"Oh, Aphyyy~"

When I heard that voice, a shiver ran down my spine. It's a male voice that I know quite well.

Pushing my subordinate with arrogance, a man appeared in front of me dressed in armor stained with dust and blood... still fresh. He has a very masculine handsome face, short light brown hair, and two deep dark green eyes, while his body is toned and muscular.

"Shidohr... what do you want?"

“How cold you are Aphy. Is this how you welcome your betrothed? "

Shidohr is the God of War... or at least one of many. Compared to other gods, those destined to rule war or what concerns it, those like him are special because they do not have a fixed world to safeguard and have two tasks: to go at the request of other gods to the worlds in which war rages from too long, to forge militarily exceptional people capable of ending it, or to hunt down the Fallen.

Uh? Well, I was able to request the help of one of them when the demon-human war was still raging on my world but the problem is that they would send me Shidohr... which I just can't handle.

"Two things." I began with an annoyed tone "First, I never agreed to marry you, and second, how can you present yourself in front of me in those conditions?"

"I see that you still don't see me as your legitimate boyfriend... and to say that we have so many good times together~"

"In your head!" I snapped getting up “Now get out! Unlike you, I have no time to waste! And above all, I will never marry you even if you were the last being in this universe."

Even if what he said annoys me, unfortunately, he is right. Officially, he would be my fiancé... as a result of my old habit of playing with the hearts of the Gods.

Our ruler was fed up with my behavior and to give it a stop... or rather to punish me... he arranged my engagement with Shidohr, and it is well known that he has always had a great crush on me.

"Come on. Do not do that." he began by coming closer and grabbing my chin. “I just got back from a business trip. I wouldn't mind a little comfort from my beloved."

“*Pthu!*” I spat on him after slapping the filthy hand he had touched me with. “I won't let you touch me again. Only one person can do it and that is not you!"

“*Sigh*... come on Aphy. I'm your boyfriend, if it's not me it can't be anyone else."


When I yelled those words, Shidohr looked at me coldly and seemed to mumble something before turning and walking away.

I sat down heavily and seeing myself in that state, my underlings left. They probably thought it was better to leave me alone... and they were right. Shidohr's arrival took away all my strength.

* Sigh * Graeval... I want to see you again...

***(Arryn's POV)***

It has been three months since Bassilla began attending the academy, demonstrating excellent skills in management, political and diplomatic subjects... like it was natural for her. However, she has also built a reputation as a heartbreaker par excellence since many have confessed their feelings to her, but no one has ever managed to get a positive response. After all, her eyes and her heart are only for one person... at least for now, then it is unknown if this feeling of her will last or change.

"Delicious, Graeval." she thanked after taking a sip of tea

"I'm glad you like it." affirmed and then suddenly turned to another direction "Watch out, you moron!"



"I say, you are crazy!" yelled Ishgat pointing at what looks like a golem standing to her right "You could have killed me!"

"You’re the one who asked me to help with your training. You don’t think I would make the combat simulations as real as possible?"

"You’re going to kill me then!"

"Kill you no, but put you through the pains of hell yes!" he said in a tone of voice tinged with anger

Although I am aware of this fact, all the other girls do not know that Bassilla only has eyes for Graeval and of course, she cannot even make it known since he is a commoner. For these reasons, many harbor a minimum of animosity towards her despite maintaining a certain closeness given her status as a member of the royal family of Thirus, but even so even she has been struck by certain gossips that undermine her moral integrity, but all were immediately denied thanks to her timely intervention. She has become extremely adept at finding the source of voices and eradicating them at the root... obviously with class.

Lady Ishgat on the other hand is a source of admiration for all the elements of the class in which she has been assigned, to the point that sometimes it is the instructors themselves who ask her to give the lesson. To the public eye, she is seen in this way but in private...

*Clang!* *Thud!* *Clash!*

"A little longer and I would have lost the tail!"

“You have lizard blood running through your veins. I'm sure it grows back."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a lizard!!!"

"Sorry, you are right. You are not a lizard, but a perverted reptile in heat."

“That was even worse!! Woah!"

From what I understand, Ishgat has always tried to find a way to get into Graeval's bed so that she can... well, get pregnant with his baby. But she failed miserably each time and it went so far as to make her promise on her honor that she would never again attempt such actions during 'the night'. Right. The promise is only valid during the night and there have been occasions, in the morning or late afternoon, that she has tried again and failed. This intense training is a consequence of her... unorthodox actions.

"Anyway, it seems to me that you're still going light on her." Lilith stated, looking at the scene with amusement

"If I increase the difficulty a little more, that lizard will be dead for sure, honey."

“I see~” Lilith said after taking a sip of tea. “I see you recovered well Arryn. I never thought that when we met you, you were under the effects of a curse."

"Yeah, as I never imagined you weren't just any demon, but the ex-Demon Queen."

"Fufufu. It's a constant surprise, isn't it? "

"Yeah. Thank you for your concern and I wanted to congratulate you." I stated looking at her baby bump

"Thank you." she stated with a beautiful maternal smile as she gently massaged her belly “Oh! Graeval!"

"What is it, Lilith?" Graeval asked as he approached

When he was close enough, Lilith took her husband's hand and placed it on her baby bump. A little later Graeval smiled softly

"The child kicked."

"Fufufu. It has not yet been born and our baby is already very energetic."

Graeval bowed down and kissed her belly.

It is a very affectionate and familiar scene. Bassilla looks at them with an expression that was a mixture of envy and nostalgia. Probably, her parents did this when her mother was waiting for Atia or the now deceased little brother Fulvio. And I wonder if my parents also behaved the same way when my mother was pregnant with me.

Uh? Right now we are on a prairie in the kingdom of Thirus whose nearest town is 4 or 5 kilometers away. In this place, I saw Lilith again after a long time and of course, it was a surprise to see her with the big belly, but above all, I was even more surprised to discover her identity. I mean, I already knew she was a demon given the peculiarity of her mana, but that she was the ex-Demon Queen was unexpected.

Aside from that fact, this simple tea party, putting aside Lady Ishgat's extreme training/punishment, is a pleasant distraction since I can be myself with them and I don't need to hide my feelings.

I don't have to take into account the other person's social status... I don’t have to be careful about what I say... I don't have to follow any particular etiquette... I can just be myself.

The others are also relaxing and we have created a pleasant, friendly and quiet atmosphere, very different from that of the usual tea parties I take part in... also because, what binds us is none other than Graeval. We’re all in love with him... but these feelings, between the three of them, I’m the only one who tries to hide them as much as possible.

Time passed pleasantly and far too quickly.

"By the way! Graeval told me that you are going to be on a school trip soon, aren't you? Where are you going?"

"We will go to the northern town of Ila Serine to visit a ruin that dates back long before the founding of Yedal."

"Oh! Are you referring to the famous Lifeless Vault? "

“Lifeless Vault? Strange name for a ruin."

“Not that much darling. Indeed, it seems that those ruins are the tomb of an ancient noble family, full of unprecedented frescoes and cultural treasures."

"It's just like Lilith says." I intruded "In the end, much of the information we have about what life was like nine centuries ago comes from the frescoes in those ruins. The only problem is that they’re very ruined."

"I think the right term is vandalized Arryn." Lilith resumed "After all, until a few centuries ago it was the lair of some magical beasts... goblins if I'm not mistaken?"

"That's right. After my grandfather cleared the ruins of those beasts, many historians cried as they saw how the goblins had painted their symbols on those frescoes. they are still trying to find a way to clean them without ruining the murals below."

The study and rediscovery of the ancient is a subject, as well as practice in recent times, born mainly from the boredom of some nobles who were fascinated by what came before us. After all, these nobles commissioned or led many exploration groups within various ruins, adorning their abodes with the objects they found there and subsequently starting a series of studies.

“However, during our free time, we can also explore the town of Ila Serine. I've heard it's full of tourist spots and cute shops!" Bassilla said excitedly

"I remind you that I will not be present at this excursion, Bassilla." Graeval broke in. “So it's useless to make the fantasy fly- Ouch! OUCH!"

"You should learn to be a little gentler with a lady, honey." Lilith stated as she tugged at his ear "Forgive him Bassilla."

"No need..." she stated shaking her head "after all, he just told the truth." she ended by looking at her cup of tea, dejected.

I too regret that Graeval cannot come, but on school trips, it is forbidden to bring any servants with you since you will stay in luxury hotels with highly qualified staff. It is disrespectful to those who have been working there for a long time. It would be as if our servants stole his job.

"Will only your class be going on the trip?" Lilith asked trying to divert the conversation slightly

"No... it's a trip aimed at all first-year students."

"Oh, so his Highness Ehrendil will also be present!" exclaimed Ishgat as she dragged herself literally to the table

"...Yeah." I replied weakly.

"Are you all right Arryn?" Lilith asked with a worried expression

"No. It's nothing."

"Don't tell me that moron still treats you with indifference." Graeval began "I thought his mother would put him back in line."

“… Uh? Now, what does my aunt have to do? " I asked surprise. This is new to me

"...... A few months ago, her Majesty Shael came to see me and she discovered Graeval's true identity." Bassilla stated

"I told Shael the things that the son of hers has and hasn't done with you." Graeval stated with a hint of annoyance in his words. “To say she was annoyed is an understatement. She assured me that she would put him back in line as soon as possible."

"*Sigh* Now I understand..." I said with a sigh "I find it strange that suddenly Ehrendil began to be more present for me and to face the gossips that undermined my integrity."

"......... Arryn... I'm sorry." Lilith said blankly

It was not only Lilith who had that expression but also everyone present was looking at me with empty expressions and full of pity at the same time......... I think that I too would have the same expression as theirs if I had been in them. I mean, it took her mother's rebuke to make him realize that he was hurting me... even though I don't feel anything for him anymore.

"I too, start to feel pity for myself."

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