The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 48

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***(Ehrendil's POV)***

The stack of documents in front of me regarding the budget allocated for the school trip that would be held in a few days was close to an end. At that moment, there was a knock on the door

"Come in" I said without taking my eyes off the documents

I heard the door open and then close but no one spoke. I finished checking and filling out the form I had on hand and then I looked up; in front of me, there was Filverel with some papers in his hand. Leaning the nib, I leaned on the back

"Any results?"

"Based on my investigations, the rumors targeting Lady Lianelis originated within the school complex, but in different places and some of them even at the same time." he began by reading the documents "If there's someone behind these rumors, she or he is damn good at hiding."

"*Sigh* I understand." I said with a sigh

"May I afford to ask you a question that has been haunting me for a long time, your Highness?"

"Go ahead."

“You never cared about gossip, not even if it was about Lady Lianelis. Why is it only now that you care?"

Why now... huh? I thought as I turned to look out of the window


It had been a few days since I had attended the tea party held by the family of my fiancé and cousin Arryn, held to welcome Bassilla Calsay Belmont and Ishgat Diaraiz Rember.

The first impression I got when I met them at the academy was very... colorful so to speak.

Lady Belmont perfectly reflects the image of her nickname of "Crystal Wisteria" as she is very beautiful and instinctively it would be natural to rush to her aid as she seems delicate. Despite the physical appearance, in her gentle eyes, I could see the character of a strong and determined woman, who does not bend so easily.

Lady Rember, on the other hand, is very open and friendly despite the fame she has built up over the past centuries. She is also a person devoted to her duty and gives me a strong impression of trustworthiness, even though her outspoken nature is not suited for aristocratic society.

But besides them, I also met the person who hosted Arryn after being rescued by the bandits who had kidnapped her... and he was on a whole other level: his bearing was upright and confident, while his character was what I could easily find in a nobleman, his icy eyes concealed wisdom and were serious and distrustful... to me. I don’t know why, but it gave me a strange feeling as if instinctively it was natural for me to respect him and for some reason at the same time fear him. In fact, at the tea party, he didn’t have much trouble revealing, albeit in a veiled way, my appointment with Dessielle in the city district in front of my parents. I admit he frightened me for a moment, but the words he used before being stopped by his master, Lady Belmont...... I get the shivers just thinking about it.

Now, I was summoned by my mother to the palace. This call was very sudden also because usually, these are scheduled for the next day, but the messenger used the term "immediately" when he delivered the message.

When I arrived at the room where my mother used to have afternoon tea when she has a tea party or she receives important guests, I saw her sitting next to the window while she read what appeared to be a document.

"I am happy to see that you are fine, mother." I greeted her with a slight bow

Instead of the usual cheerful answer, my mother didn't take her eyes off the paper and waved her hand. All the servants went out and when she heard the door closing, it was then that my mother looked up... her eyes were cold and tinged with disappointment. In other words, she is angry.

"Sit down."

Her tone of voice was cold to the point that I felt a shiver run down my spine. When I sat down, my mother put the document on the table, poured herself a cup of tea, and after having sweetened it, she started stirring. The silence that had been created in the meantime was very heavy and the tinkling of the spoon only increased the tension.

"Um. Mother... how come- "

"How are things with Arryn lately?"

When I tried to break that unbearable silence, she asked that question... flavored with an intimidating air that I had usually perceived on exceptional occasions. Trying it on my skin... it wasn't pleasant at all.

"They are doing well."

"How well?"

"Well... we have lunch together, sometimes we walk around the academy park and study together-"

"This when?"

"Uh? What do yo- "

"When was the last time you did one of these things together."

"Just a few-"

"I mean alone." she added interrupting me "The lunch you shared with her Highness Belmont or any other activity in which you were with someone else does not count."


"Well?" she asked and then took a sip of tea

"......A month ago... maybe..."

"Maybe?" she asked staring at me with a blank look "Where does this uncertainty come from?"

I didn't answer. At that moment, it seemed to me not only the wisest choice but also the most painless one, since I didn’t remember when it was the last time I had done something alone with my fiancé. The tension had become overwhelming and my mother was now one step away from getting really angry.

"Let me refresh your memory." she began after taking another sip and placing the cup on the table "The last time you did something together was two and a half months ago."


“Also, immediately afterward you started boycotting the appointments you had, to the point where it could be called a miracle if you had lunch together. What was holding you back up to this point?"

"The commitments as student president-"

“At your age, your father willingly gave up his duties as president of the student council to spend time with me and he still does. And now he's the King..." she interrupted me again "Of course, I didn't expect you to do the same, but after all the desperation I saw you drown when Arryn was kidnapped, I thought it would be the same for you too. What did I miss? Enlighten me."

"I thought... it would be better for her to spend more time with her friends or her family."

"What the hell of excuse is this?!" I noticed her eyebrow twitch when she asked “I remind you that even though she is your fiancé she is also your cousin. If the story of making her spend more time with her family was true, where were you?"

"*Gulp* Well I-"

"I've changed my mind, don't tell me." my mother said wearily "You would end up telling me another excuse that would be full of holes."

This interrogation is killing me. My relationship with Dessielle is a secret and it seems my mother hasn't discovered it yet... I hope. Anyway, it's also true that I've ignored Arryn for a long time.

The engagement may have been decided by our parents, but I love Arryn. When they told me we were engaged because it was decided that way, I was happy and disappointed at the same time. Happy because Arryn was my first love and disappointed because I thought that she would now be by my side out of a mere sense of duty. But I was wrong and realized that Arryn had the same feelings as me too.

But after her kidnapping... Dessielle was close to me and slowly, my feelings towards Arryn began to waver. I still feel something, but not as strong as before. I still feel the need to be by her side, but less intensely.

"If you can't... or you don't want to be with her for your reasons, I won't inquire any further." she said coldly "But, as a woman, I can't overlook your indifference."

"Indifference? What do you mean?"

"......Do you do it on purpose or do you really know nothing about it?" when she asked that question and saw my expression which was surely questioning, my mother sighed in exasperation "*Sigh* How did you get so incompetent and above all insensitive?"

That hurt...

"Haven't you heard certain rumors circulating within the academy?"

“I don't pay much attention to the rumors, mother. After all, they are just useless."

"Even so, you know it’s the nobles' favorite slander weapons." said by taking the document she was reading when I just arrived, "Take a look."

Once in hand, I began to read the content. What the hell...! On that document, there were written the rumors that most likely circulated in the academy... and all targeted Arryn. They accused her of misdeeds that she was unable to commit, and most of all they portrayed her as the person behind the bullying of Dessielle. Arryn wouldn't be able to do any of this. Sure, she's a bit stiff but she always treated everyone with honesty and equality, especially when she got home. These slanders against her made my blood boil with annoyance, but... only the voices declaring her the mind behind the bullying directed at Dessielle made me question the actual veracity of it.

"Because of your indifference, Arryn's good name is in this state and you know as much as I do that none of this is true."

"It’s just like you say, Mother, but... how come you’re only interested now? And above all, how did you come to know?"

Mine was a legitimate question after all. Now, it is true that I do not give credit to the rumors, but they have been running for at least 4 months and only within the academy... a place where the Queen of Yedal can't have ears. However, when I asked that question, I saw my mother shiver. She was suddenly petrified, almost her previously displeased attitude was a lie

"...... Let's say that her guardian angel is... terrifying."

"Huh? Guardian angel?"

"Never mind!" she exclaimed recovering from that moment. “Anyway, I expect the situation to improve. Arryn has suffered enough already, don't you think?"


“My mother, who was worried about Arryn, did some research into the atmosphere that was blowing at the academy when she discovered these mischievous rumors. In addition to informing me, she also lectured me on the fact that I don't spend much time with her anymore."

"So it's an order from her Majesty."

"So to speak." I said with a sigh. “However, this also happened because of my indifference. Probably, Arryn is suffering from it."

"I understand." Filverel stated. “However, I don't think Lady Lianelis is suffering from the negative effects caused by these rumors. At least not recently."

"Explain yourself."

"Before a couple of months ago Lady Lianelis was isolated from the others and only in exceptional cases received the company of some noblewoman. But since Lady Belmont arrived she has become... happier so to speak."


"I too was surprised by that description, but many have noticed that compared to the usually serious and unapproachable atmosphere she had since she returned... she is now much more cheerful and carefree."

“Oh… evidently Lady Belmont has managed to cheer Arryn somehow. What can I say, as you expect from the 'Crystal Wisteria'."

"Your Highness... the story is a bit different."

"What do you mean?"

When I asked him that question, I saw him take a watch out of his pocket and after nodding, Filverel put down the documents he was holding and simply said "Follow me please."

Though confused, I followed him. At this time it is late afternoon and the lessons of the academy are finished so usually, apart from some student who remains for study, sports or as in my case for administrative reasons, there is no one.

Filverel took me to the canteen and then, after putting his index finger in front of his mouth, opened the kitchen door slightly

"Good. While the sponge cake cools, we wash the raspberries and cook them with brown sugar and wine."

"I got it."

I saw that Graeval was inside with someone I never expected to see.

Arryn was in the kitchen and on top of her school uniform, she was wearing a white apron and her hair was tied in a ponytail. She was cooking something and for some reason, this version of Arryn to the stove... I didn’t mind at all, even though it was considered a job unfit for a noblewoman. She was focused and those natural movements of hers gave her a certain charm.

When at some point she took some fine-cut chocolate and put it in a bowl dipped in a pot of water, she started stirring quite vigorously and some of the melted chocolate smudged her cheek.

"Ah!" she exclaimed

Her astonishing reaction was quite funny and most of all... adorable.

“Ahahah! This is what happens when you put too much strength into it." laughed Graeval taking a rag that he kept tied to his side "Come here."

Taking her face, he began to wipe her cheek. I don’t know what expression she was making from the moment she turned, but that action on the part of that servant bothered me enormously. How dare you touch her!

"Here it is." he said as he walked away "And this time mix more slowly."

"All right."

What I saw made my heart skip a beat. When Graeval turned his back to her, I saw Arryn slowly turn and rub her cheek gently as her cheeks were slightly red and she sported a beautiful smile.

I don't remember when was the last time I saw her smile like that... to be honest, I don't remember if she ever smiled like that in front of me. That beautiful magnetic smile would have captured any man.

But at the thought... that that smile was only revealed after that action from Graeval... bothered me enormously. I wanted to enter, but as if he had read my mind, Filverel closed the door as softly as possible so as not to make a noise and after leaving the canteen all he said was

"This is what has been happening two days a week since Lady Belmont... no, Mr. Graeval came here."

That statement made me instinctively clench my fist. What is this feeling of annoyance that I feel? At the very thought of them in the kitchen alone... could this be jealousy? That was my thought. At that moment, I wanted to go back inside and drag Arryn out of there, but I didn't... why?... After what I secretly did with Dessille, what right do I have to do it?

Today, for the first time, I learned what it feels like to be jealous... what it feels like to feel betrayed by the person you love.

***Shidor's POV***

I just can't understand... why doesn't she accept my sincere feelings? With these thoughts on my mind, I walked away from Aphy's mansion. I am doing everything possible to keep her safe and make her understand how much I love her... maybe in some things I exaggerated, but it was necessary to protect her from all those who dared to claim that they loved her......... no. It was the right thing to do. I will not allow anyone to touch her. Aphy is MINE.

"You look disconsolate young God of War."

When I turned to that voice, I saw what can be called the quintessential gentleman come forward. Neat gray hair, with a neat little mustache and a monocle. His expression is kind and he wears an elegant tailcoat while leaning on a stick. I've never seen him... who is he?

“I've never seen you around here. Who are you?"

“Oh, I apologize. I am just an old servant of our lord Fiemis. My name is not worth remembering." he stated with an elegant bow


Even though he said so, this servant makes me shiver for some reason, like what I'm talking to is nothing more than a mask... just like he's hiding.

"What brings you here?" I asked after taking a deep breath

"Oh, you brought me here." the old man affirmed adjusting his monocle "While I was heading towards my true destination I saw you and I noticed your discouragement, Messer Shidohr."

"I don't think I introduced myself."

"Hohoho! You’re right, forgive my presumption, but it’s a mere force of habit. After all, I have memorized the names of the most important gods or the most famous ones."

“So what am I? Important or famous?"

“Hmm… you are more famous than important. After all, you have carried out several acts of... 'dissuasion' towards Gods who claimed their right to have the hand of your fiancé."


“Come now, you don't need to stare at me like that. I am no one to judge the actions of other gods and our lord, lord Fiemis, too, let these 'dissuasions' of yours run away." he stated with an upright bearing. "To be honest, I'm surprised Lady Aphy didn't notice your devotion."

"... You think so too don't you?"

“How can I not think that. How can I ignore your sincere feelings behind your actions? Only a fool would not understand it."

"Are you calling my girlfriend stupid by any chance?" I asked coldly, putting my hand on my sword

"I would never dare!" he exclaimed "Lady Aphy is no fool... but it seems that his attentions are all directed elsewhere."

This man... he knows how to do it with words... that was my thought. After all, he's just saying what I've always thought. Aphy is never in the best of moods when we are together and she is always looking for a way to blow off our dates by using the fact that she has work to finish as an excuse.

“You speak the truth. Since she took charge of that world, she has been all too zealous with her work."

“His work is not questioned by anyone. She has always worked diligently bringing excellent results." he nodded "However, there is something that worries me."

"What would be?"

"I don't think it's something that needs your attention." he stated taking his chin

“If it's about my beloved Aphy, then it's always worth my attention. What is worrying you?"

Convinced by my words, he looked around as if to make sure no one was there. He came up and lowered his voice.

"Keep this between us, but there’s a rumor going around about lady Aphy."

"What rumor?"

"It appears she is dating a mortal from the world she is administering."

"......What?" I asked annoyed “There is no way that is possible. After all, it's just a rumor."

"I thought so too but I still checked by order of our lord Fiemis." he resumed speaking and then took a not very large square piece of paper from an inside pocket "And I discovered, that this is not a rumor but the truth."

That piece of paper was a photograph and what I saw made me angry and indignant: Aphy, with a smile I’ve never seen her do in front of me, was hugging another man with blue hair like night and eyes as gray as ice, whose expression was annoyed, but that didn't interest me.

"This photo must be a fake."

"What would I gain by showing you a fake?" he asked confidently “I did some investigation and apparently, this man is married and his wife is pregnant. It seems that lady Aphy was green with envy when she discovered that this man's wife was expecting a child."

I snapped out of anger. I grabbed the old man in front of me by the collar, but the man did not flinch. I just felt one need

"Tell me who he is and where he is." I have to kill this man so I can get all Aphy's affection. She is MINE. Only MINE and NO ONE ELSE'S!


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