The Guardian

Chapter 266: Get Used to It

Chapter 266: Get Used to It

The TV screen split in two, revealing two different abyssal portals that were dark.

The second Abyssal Portal was in the city of Bordeaux, France, which was part of the European Union.

It had appeared in the middle of a soccer stadium and was only seen because maintenance workers were present, but that portal was not the only one.

The Third Abyssal Portal appeared in Riga City, Capital of Latvia, which had long ago joined with Russia to survive.

Now both giants had abyssal portals in their land... Abyssal Portals!

Leslie, like everyone else who had received the notification, she was quite surprised and in a bad way.

"Apparently Earth will not only face a single Abyssal Portal... They are now facing two at the same time. Such an event leaves us with too many questions and generates too much fear." Said the channel host.

Images and videos were revealed as forces from both countries arrived in the area taking control of the situation.

While the first abysmal portal had closed a week ago, the protocols were still active or in the process of being disused.

That was why the response, while surprising, was certainly swift.

If it had happened a few weeks later, it was quite possible that it would catch those giants off guard.

Still, having protocols didn't mean it wasn't worrisome.

"The European Union has begun securing the area around the stadium, preparing a special defense, trying to prevent what happened in Constantia City." Reported the host and passing her image to the portal in Russia, she explained. "Russia, for its part, has carried out the same process, but its portal has appeared in the fields outside Riga. Allowing it to erect a greater defense than in a city."

The first abysmal portal exposed many things and several of them were the mistakes, greed and disaster of lack of organization.

Since such portals appeared, the Romanian guilds treated it with an opportunity in search of profit or prestige without wanting to share it with anyone and that was the first mistake.

The next thing was that there was no great defense around the abyssal portal and that was why when the goblins appeared, everyone was taken by surprise.

Leading to the allied forces that took control at the time deciding to evacuate the entire city to avoid civilian casualties.

Now it was a matter of avoiding being taken by surprise and for such reason was that the army moved immediately and adventurers affiliated with the government to take control of the situation and erected a fort for defense.

Both countries moved in the same way. Russia was the one who had more freedom to prepare the defense because the portal had appeared in a field of crops and not in the middle of a city.

These two giants were made up of several countries, but their organization was stable.

That was why, although the portal appeared in France and Latvia, both giants moved as a whole.

The European Union had truly formed a giant, even though there was no 'supreme' president, the different presidents formed a council and they chose who was the head of the council.

While each country had some autonomy as independent 'states' they were limited to the interests of the whole.

That was the only way to avoid and resist lunatics, gamblers, evil god sects and all those who acted in the shadows.

Maybe it was not a perfect system, but through magical contracts in the name of gods they tried to avoid cracks and major internal conflicts, while keeping the interests of the 'whole', over the personal ones.

In their case, Russia followed the same process, but unlike the European Union, they focused on a more conservative policy, prioritizing their lands and large territory.

However, regardless of their form of government, both were well organized to cope with an abysmal portal.

Their goal was to avoid the mistakes that were made in Constantia City and Romania, which led to a rift that resulted in the death of quite a few S-ranks and having to sweep the entire city.

A more professional organizational system, more centralized leadership and tighter control over their forces.

The hostess made public the announcements of both representatives of the giants, who announced that they were very open to cooperation, but made it clear that their goal was to focus on the portal while avoiding internal conflicts.

Basically saying that they could accept help as long as they followed their orders.

Both countries reported that the allied forces that clashed in Romania were cooperating as the first to face such an event.

They needed single leadership and they, unlike Romania, had the strength to resist on their own.

Leaving aside the SS ranks that inhabited that area, also located in Switzerland was the Cernunnos Academy, whose Director was considered an SSS rank because of the 'Holy Beast'.

And while Russia had no SSS rank, their lands were vast and their people were also quite numerous, which made them have strong guilds and individuals.

Leslie let out a long sigh.

Even though both countries gave more security to the people, the truth was that such an event made too frightening a point.

It was possible that Abyssal Portals would continue to appear and if it was like the first one... There was no doubt that it would be frightening.

If it appeared once and the answer was not found it could be called an accident, but if it appeared a second and then a third... Then, it was clear that there was something else at the bottom of this.


"Attention!" A captain entered the mess hall where the soldiers were watching television.

All the soldiers, including Leslie, stood up in unison, saluting with discipline.

"Prepare your teams, we will begin weapons training. Depending on your results, you may receive special training at the hands of experts and even participate in real situation." Informed the captain and seeing them stiff, he ordered. "Move!"

Leslie obeyed immediately and sighed inwardly.

Unfortunately, as before, her participation was nil.


In the middle of a boundless white place, Aurora watched the two elders, who had serious expressions.

"So, are you ready for further training?" the old master asked seriously.

Her appointment had failed due to the appearance of the abyssal portals and she had returned to Zerzura, but while thinking about the situation, she came to visit her masters.

Her intention was clear... Since she saw the Great Worm and since she realized that she could not defeat it, her desire to improve awoke.

The battle against the worm showed her how weak she was and while facing such individuals was not a common occurrence in her life, now that two abyssal portals had appeared, she realized that anything was possible.

She did not know the reason for the appearance of such portals, but it was clear that they posed a danger.

Aurora had realized that she was the weapon and this time it needed to be sharpened... Stronger, more fierce and relentless.

A weapon that could defend those she desired, protect herself and above all help her advance along her path.

That was why now...

"Not only do I wish to train, but to prepare myself to move up the ranks." Aurora determined earnestly.

The old woman's smile grew, but the old man gave her a serious look.

"Do you think you are capable?" the old man asked.

Did she think she was capable of rising in rank?

Aurora wasn't simply talking about the S rank, she was aiming for that SS rank.

Those individuals who had enormous power and was below the few individuals who could be calamities on their own.

Such individuals were frighteningly strong.

What was the way to reach such a high rank?

Aurora did not know too much about it because usually those who reached that rank hid it from the public and only informed their apprentices.

She had parents at that rank, but she hadn't asked them because she had stopped using her sword for quite some time.

Right now... Did she think she was capable?

"Yes. I don't know how long I can take and what I have to do, but I believe myself capable of making it." Aurora answered with a unique seriousness and giving half a smile, she added. "Although now I feel I'm far from that moment."

She was ready to move on and had the confidence to move forward.

It was true that at the moment she felt she was quite far away from breaking that barrier which was more complicated than the S-rank barrier.

Even so, she would prepare herself and move forward no longer wanting to go blindly, but having a goal.

The old man gave her a serious look as if checking her enthusiasm and desire.

"You are an 'artist', even if you don't like your concept, the truth is that. Your art, your sword and all your experience is represented through your own concept that allows you to translate your emotions into reality through your sword." Informed the old man and with a half smile, he added. "That means that in order to improve you need to push yourself through that medium."

Aurora was silent.

Her first time when she ascended to S rank and awakened her concept was for a simple goal and in a certain situation.

Guided by her desire to help, she could allow herself to turn her emotions into her green aura that led her to accomplish her goal.

She felt a certain incongruity that he called her an 'artist', but she could not deny that her master's words were the truth.

Her sword was only a means by which she embodied her goals and her auras only represented her emotions and desires.

Green to achieve success with each attack, light blue to protect and red to kill... Her colorless aura was another form of her concept, in which she sought to make her emotions disappear and that was why it was so destructive.

Still, even though she accepted such a fact, she could not grasp what her master was referring to and so she gave an apologetic look, asking him to explain in a simpler way.

The old woman laughed in amusement, but Aurora kept her pleading expression... Now this subject was worth losing a bit of pride.

"You are an artist... Express yourself by that means." Declared the old man.

"You want me to paint?" Aurora hesitated getting an amused chuckle from the old woman and an annoyed look from the old man.

That the old man was tapping the handle of his sword made it clear that he was hesitating whether to beat her up.

In the end the old man sighed as he saw her expression and shook his head.

Most likely he was wondering why he had such a naive apprentice, but Aurora kept her dumb expression.

She needed a straight answer, a visible path and not words tinged with mist... Basically, not an answer she didn't understand.

"I'm just saying you're an artist and you're not limited. You can shape whatever you wish using your sword and it's all up to your own free will." The old man informed and seeing her expression fill with realization, he added. "But make no mistake. Just like a painter, a painting will have meaning only when your desires and emotions come from deep within you naturally."

Aurora understood those words.

Every time she had awakened a new aura was when her emotions naturally exploded and pushed her to shape it through her sword into reality.

Her desire to protect prompted her celestial aura to appear and it was the same in the other cases.

However, all of them were natural and she had not forced herself to get to that point.

In this small talk the elder was informing her a glimpse of what she needed to move forward and just as she had hoped, she was far off.

She had not explored her concept as she should have and always used it instinctively, but on the other hand, her goal to improve was simple.

She was not strong enough to push it over its limits and while that helped, it was only the first step.

For a person whose concepts were related to her emotions, they had to be clear and strong enough to push her over the edge.

"So, I lack a clear goal to push me to move and I also need to explore my concept of 'artist', looking for ways to apply it and move forward... Am I right?" Aurora asked with a solemn tone.

The old woman gave a smile at the sight of her.

She was not as naive as she had let herself appear and her answers were because she desired a clear path... Now her master had given it to her.

Exploring her concept was not going to be easy, it was not just about trying to see how it worked, it was about proving what her limits were and that she was capable.

The old man did not respond, but the casual nod made it clear that she was on the right path.

"It's nice that you're trying to improve yourself, but you should focus on something closer to you." The old woman pointed out and seeing Aurora watching her, she added. "You need to reach S rank as a fighter."

If she's talking about what goal was closer, then becoming an S rank fighter was closer.

Aurora already had half a foot in that rank and the proof was her concept she had awakened and her ability to increase her strength to get past the limit.

"It's very different being at S rank and using your concept, than just being at A rank and going over the limit." The old woman said and with a serious tone, she added. "Once you achieve that that strength will help you as a swordsman."

Now, with her concept she could enter the S rank and gain a great amount of strength, but if she were at that rank, then her strength would increase even more.

Aurora knew that her body was changing every moment, becoming stronger and more resilient, and there was no doubt in her mind that the elixir she had drunk some time ago was now taking effect.

Once she entered S rank as a fighter, it meant that she would gain greater strength, endurance and toughness than a swordsman at the same rank could gain.

"When you move up in rank we'll talk about how to improve further." Determined the old woman simply.

Aurora nodded quite agreeably to her guidance.

Then, after taking her leave, she stood silently for a moment without retreating and feeling her teachers gaze, she hesitated.

"Any advice on the abyssal portals?" Aurora asked after making up her mind.

Her masters gave each other a look.

They both got it right when they said that magical races would appear through the abyssal portals and no matter how much she tried to ignore it... It was too shocking!

She was talking about her masters who had clearly stayed in this place for far too long and it was clear they didn't even know where Africa was, where they supposedly said they were.

Although she preferred to ignore such mysteries, she now needed some advice for guidance.

"Find the meaning behind it. That's the important point." Informed the old man as he sat down to meditate.

Aurora was surprised, as she had expected that it would be the old woman who would inform her directly and not him.

Her gaze drifted in the direction of the old woman and her expression quivered at the sight of his solemnity.

"And get used to it." Her elderly teacher added.

Aurora wished to ask, but her master ignored her and went to tease the old man who was trying to meditate.

Before she could react, she was swallowed by the light and the next moment she was left in the living room of her apartment in Zerzura City.


She could only remain silent.

If the old man was giving advice that pointed to the deep, the old woman managed to shock her with just a few words

Would there be more portals?

The answer had been given by the old woman.


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