The Guardian

Chapter 267: The Work Never Ended

Chapter 267: The Work Never Ended

Aurora reviewed the reports about the goblins.

The sanctuary was being built in Zerzura at a high speed and soon they would be coming from Romania to officially settle in.

Cardinal Brousseau was asking her to allow a space of time for them to meet and review everything personally, at the same time to get to know each other.

The Cardinal’s goal was to start bonding with the ‘important’ individuals in Zerzura and although Aurora didn’t like the idea, they needed a guide.

“Will you move?”

A voice sounded near her and Aurora looked up, observing Akira and Cithrel, precisely the first one she had asked.

Both had arrived and sat in her office until Akira finally decided to ask her a question.

All the students had returned to their homework and the only ones left to talk to were Edward, because she had spoken to Cesar for a moment through her holographic clock.

That thunderous gorilla had only invited her to fight, and that was his most basic way of saying he was glad they were okay.

However, the only ones who had stayed or returned with recurrence were Akira and Cithrel.

Aurora knew their reasons, but leaving her papers, she gave a smile.

“Where to?” Aurora asked with an ‘innocent’ curiosity.

A couple of days ago, the portals had appeared and the armed forces of the European Union and Russia had fortified the area in case of a disaster.

Now what they needed to do was prepare... Check the information from those who had gone to the other side, check their recommendations and then choose whether to prepare a team or wait until it all blew up, if that ever happened.

A smile appeared on Cithrel’s lips when she saw Akira pout, slightly acting like a child.

“You know, a captain of a powerful guild, she should look more serious and not childish,” Aurora joked, laughing in amusement, and seeing Akira’s expression quiver, she announced. “And no. I’m not going anywhere.”

Akira’s expression immediately improved, but she gave him a serious look, as if she didn’t believe her.

“So, does that mean you won’t try to participate in those two abyssal portals?” Cithrel asked pointedly.

The princess’s expression was worried and Akira also looked at her quite seriously and slightly worried.

They did not wish that after leaving a place like that portal, she would return to risk her life.

While last time it was an accident that took her to the other side, the first Romanian expedition that had not come out was still on everyone’s mind.

It was for that reason that it was not easy for those giants to send an expedition so easily.

“No, I will not participate. I am a recent A rank and in their eyes, I have a mediocre record compared to other experts. Even if I upgrade my rank, I will be a newly promoted rookie,” Aurora replied and, giving her a look, she declared. “They won’t let me participate.”

Unlike in Romania, in which she took part through the Falion Empire, now she had no contacts to get her close to participating in the expeditionary forces and if she did, they wouldn’t choose her easily.

It was true that she had experience to be on the other side, but if one looked at her record superficially, then one would not see too much.

For the first time, Aurora realized the problem of not updating her rank.

She could see that both Akira and Cithrel sighed in relief.

That was one of the reasons why she would not participate in these abysmal portals, but there was another reason.

“I think that these portals won’t be the last and if so, then it’s possible that I might end up entering others.,” Aurora said seriously, getting her friends to give solemn expressions.

Aurora didn’t have enough influence to ask either of those two giants to accept her as a member of the expeditionary force and, more so when they were both two huge countries with quite a few powerful guilds and individuals.

Some elites of the European Union had fought demons in the European-Demon War and even though Russia had remained silent, it had also participated to a lesser extent.

“How sure are you of your assumption?” Cithrel asked with a serious tone.

Her way of revealing that this was not the last abyssal portals made Cithrel look at her too seriously.

Where was her confidence coming from? That was the doubt that the princess had.

“It’s too high confidence,” Aurora replied, and with a mysterious smile, she added. “I have reliable sources.”

Her tone was slightly teasing because of her trying to change the atmosphere.

When she had given her master’s report to Edward, he had looked at it as if she had sold her soul to some terrifying existence for the information.

She didn’t need anyone to think she heard whispers or voices, as there were only texts.


Her system gave her three points as if it didn’t like her joke, but Aurora gave a smile to the duo in front of her.

“Anyway, if they’re worried about me participating in the portals, they don’t have to,” Aurora added, and seeing their relaxed expressions, she pointed out. “However, I can’t say that I won’t participate in other things and even if you guys don’t want me to in the future, I’ll risk my life again... I’ve always done the same thing.”

They both looked at her seriously and she stood up to approach them both.

“I understand your concern and I too am sometimes worried about my friends doing dangerous things, but sometimes it’s impossible to stop them,” Aurora said and, giving a soft smile, she commented. “This time was not the first time I risked my life and I don’t think it will be the last time.”

She didn’t like people close to her to take risks... It was something she didn’t like because of the fear of losing them, but in the end, she was the same.

She would take risks for her goals and while her friends could advise them, if her goal was important enough, no one could stop her.

They both sighed, Akira being the one who laughed first, looking amused.

“You’re the same as always... No, you seem more determined and relentless now,” Akira commented, amused yet pleased.

“Yes, you look cuter this way. I always think so,” Cithrel added, giving her a flirtatious wink.

“Oh, I think so too,” Akira confirmed and seeing the look on Aurora’s face, she ran away before she did anything to her.

Aurora resisted her laughter at the sight of Akira running away, and had to admit that her friend had a great sense of danger, as she was about to threaten to invite her to train with Alice.

Then, she watched that princess giving her an elegant smile.

“It’s inevitable to be worried,” Cithrel said with a smile and then, after thinking about it, she reported. “The Falion Empire will not participate in these two portals. We have nothing to gain, though it was ordered to share all that is known.”

Aurora nodded. She already knew that.

Both the Falion Empire and the Church of Order suffered some criticism for what had happened during the first portal with the goblins.

While much of it was the fault of the Romanian government, as ‘leaders’ of the allied forces, they had to bear the consequence.

Of course, on a personal level, Cardinal Auguste had been quite criticized by the public due to his idea of using the goblins as cannon fodder... Liam had already told her what he did, so Aurora just hoped they wouldn’t find out.

With what had happened with the first portal, it was hard to say that any ‘reward’ had been gained or profit made... The abyssal portal had closed and the city of Constance had been destroyed, while quite a few S-ranks had died.

There was no doubt that now those seeking profit would take a step back.

“Will you return to your quest?” Aurora asked Cithrel and, giving a half smile, she added. “I heard Liam gave you a contact, but you haven’t moved yet.”

She had also shared information with the Russian and European forces, she had even given her recommendations, assuming the scenario was the same as they went.

There wasn’t much to do, which was why she now observed Cithrel.

“Remember that if you need help, you can count on me... Liam is a good worker and keeps quiet with his work if necessary, even so, he told me that your search can become dangerous,” Aurora added, and giving the princess a serious look, she commented. “If so, you can come to me and I will help you in a direct way.”

It was no lie that Liam was quite serious about his freelance work and liked to maintain discretion, but he was also someone who was easy to get some things out of.

He had informed her that the search for Cithrel could stir up a hornet’s nest and one dangerous enough for her to keep her guard up.

“If there is danger, then I’m on the right track.” Cithrel replied and with a laugh, declared. “But yes, I will ask for your help when the time comes.”

Aurora gave her a look and simply shook her head.

It was impossible for her to say anything to the princess, when she could practically get into dangerous places for her goals.

The two chatted a bit about other topics.

Taqiyya and her blacksmith training that was given to her because of the random reward about the other students and, at the end, about Clémentine, who had not answered any messages.

Erica, Leslie, Nicole, and Andrés all had their training, and it was difficult to get back together again because each of them had enough work to do.

They couldn’t always take vacations whenever they wanted to because the places they were in were very strict, so now it meant they would have to dedicate themselves to training.

They finally finished talking when Liam arrived and Cithrel took her leave so as not to interrupt their work.

“What’s going on?” Aurora asked curiously.

“I came to bring a report,” Liam replied and giving a half smile, stated. “My information network has started to yield some results.”

He had contacted different information networks around Africa and they had been given a large budget to keep an eye everywhere.

The main areas were not only around Zerzura, but the West African Republic and different areas where there were civilized cities.

Aurora ignored the reports from South Africa because it had nothing remarkable, then took a look at the ones from Kenya and Somalia.

The Warlord of Mombasa had not stood still watching the abysmal portal and had already managed to set up some administrative base in his territory.

The militia forces were being transformed into a professional army and the guilds that had formerly settled in that area had accepted quite a few deals, becoming official guilds.

It was possible that, in the future, it would be declared as a country and what was being sought was a type of constitutional monarchy.

Maintaining part of the power, but at the same time also leaving freedom... Of course, before achieving that, they first needed to improve the life of the inhabitants and generate the conditions for that freedom to be exercised freely.

It was possible that the Lord of Mombasa had preparations in place when the elections began and it would not be unusual for them to be rigged, but as long as he maintained the welfare of the people, he would be fine.

The Apicius Company had been the mediator with several guilds and, on the other hand, the King of Madagascar had been quite supportive of the rise of a new nation that would bring stability to the area.

Both were pushing for their interests and the Lord of Mombasa had to keep both stable.

The Somali Pirate Warlord, who was an SS rank and was in Somalia navigating the sea in that area and somewhat controlling it, had done nothing to stand in the way.

If an individual like that tried to oppose it was going to be quite problematic and no one wanted to test the strength of such an individual.

However, Aurora’s expression turned serious when she read the reports from the West African Republic and a city that had survived in Cameroon.

“The American mob that fled to the republic was well received, but they came into conflict with each other, when it became known that the Queen of the North was alive and was serving Emperor Victor...” Aurora read calmly and raising her eyebrow, she muttered. “Others encourage their conflicts by trying to assimilate.”

The mafia remnants of an entire continent... That was what they were talking about and even though ‘remnants’ diminished the importance and significance, they were talking about a continent-wide criminal organization.

So important and powerful that it had bribed presidents in the northern giant of the American continent and even senators.

Although their forces were depleted and they fled wounded to another continent, their remnants could still be a threat.

Now such individuals were in conflict with each other and that conflict had begun with the news that the Queen of the North was alive and working for Emperor Victor, desiring ‘recompense for her mistakes’.

Because, if they were united, their strength would be considerable, in the West African Republic, where it was full of corruption and guilds of all kinds, the powerful supported one side or the other trying to divide them further.

All with the aim of dividing them and trying to assimilate.

That republic was founded by warlords of all kinds and gamblers’ guilds, so it was normal for them to use all kinds of means to achieve their goals.

Elsewhere, in the ancient capital of Cameroon, Douala, there was different news.

The first was the missing among that ancient city that had survived due to different reasons and while that place had no rigorous regime or law, there was always one or the other warlord who controlled the area and maintained control.

Sometimes they shared their power with guilds and even government organizations or heroes who settled in the area with some international organizations and such places were very changeable.

The missing people were noticeable because of the different rumors about the area, and some of those rumors even said that it was the magical beasts who were devouring innocent people.

Which led to another point, the magical beast hunters had begun to appear and that meant that the conflict against the magical beasts was beginning to escalate.

Some magical beast groups didn’t mind if some wild beasts died or were considered ‘enemies’ at first glance, but it was another matter when they attacked allied magical beasts.

While Zerzura City had a treaty with the magical forest and had a good relationship with some of those species, as were the thundering gorillas, they did not have a good relationship with all humans.

The magical beasts had lived for a long time being hunted, and now they did not let their guard down easily.

Perhaps such conflicts were not in her area of influence, which would come to be the northern part of the magical forest, but that did not mean she would remain silent.

“Have your sources check the information and look into the cause about the missing people. I want to know the truth about it and not just rumors. I also need you to find out the identities of these hunters. Where they come from, who they are and where they are hiding,” Aurora ordered and giving Liam a look, she stated. “As for the mafia, keep an eye on them. The republic is not in my influence, but if they move the wrong way...”

She didn’t finish her words, but Liam gave a smile and nodded calmly.

Aurora had taken out quite a few warlords and while some were far from their area of influence, which was Zerzura, there were always raiding missions.

In case this time she came across a situation that required an ‘assault’ mission, then she would do it on her own.

The ‘missing’ sounded like a matter that required investigation, and if what was discovered was worse than she imagined, then she would have to intervene.

As for the magical beasts, they were officially her allies and if necessary, she could cooperate to eliminate their common enemies.

While it was true that she could not participate in the abyssal portals, the truth was that, for her, the job never ended.

And she was happy that it did.

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