The Guardian

Chapter 268: Movements

Chapter 268: Movements

Edward, in a small private room, activated a barrier to keep out the noise from outside and then sat in an armchair and checked his holographic watch.

“I heard you took part in the battle to take the abyssal portal, I’m quite grateful for your help.” -TheSimplicityOfLife

Reading that message from Aurora, Edward gave a half smile.

It was possible that Cithrel told her that he was one of the ones who had been worried about her when the abyssal portal hadn’t closed and even though only he knew his reason; she was grateful anyway.

Participating could have been for multiple reasons, but Aurora’s thanks were sincere, even if he hadn’t done it for her.

Edward was silent for a moment thinking how to respond, but before he had time, another message came through.

“I also hear you’re working on something. Just remember, if you need any help, you can count on me. Maybe I can offer you a hand,” -TheSimplicityOfLife

Despite their past together, which could be termed as troubled, she was actually quite pleasant and very friendly to those she approached.

Edward hesitated for a moment, but in the end responded.

“No need. You can focus on your tasks. And no need to thank either. I know you would do the same,” -Edward-Palmer

He didn’t want her to have more work supporting him, and that was why he didn’t need her help.

As for thanks... Edward knew that if he was at risk, she would save him, even if it meant risking her life.

She was that kind of person.

“Also, if you need help, you can count on me,” -Edward-Palmer

He knew she wouldn’t count on him... If there was one thing Edward could be sure of, it was that Aurora wasn’t one to count on other people, unless the situation required it in an extreme way.

“I understand. I’ll keep that in mind. By the way, my sources say that these may not be the last portals,” -TheSimplicityOfLife

Aurora dropped a bombshell that made Edward’s smiling expression turn serious.

“I’ll let you get to work, I’m retiring...” -TheSimplicityOfLife

After dropping the bomb, she immediately fled, most likely wanting to avoid the relevant questions.

Edward’s expression quivered, but he remained solemn.

She had been right when she had brought him that report that said magical races were going to arrive from the abyssal portal, and now it was possible that it would be repeated with the other portals.

Her report had given him quite a bit of prestige and to this day he was still being quoted by quite a few archmages recognized in the subject and appointed by some governments.

Moreover, because of his report, the European and Russian giants were preparing with the possibilities of meeting another race in mind.

While it was a possibility before, the report had been right on the mark with that possibility.

Now that same person was telling her that these two portals might not be the last... Aurora’s certainty would no doubt put her in the crosshairs of many people and worse, she had no way of affirming such words.


Edward couldn’t help but click his tongue.

Where did she get that confidence and that information?

A part of him wished to think that it was the Church of Time and Space informing him of such things, but another part couldn’t help but think of something worse.

Existences that whispered in people’s ears, secret organizations that moved through the shadows and demonic sects or cults... The truth was that the possibilities were multiple and many of them were worse than others.

Aurora, in his eyes, was reckless and was someone who would not stop for her goals and that made her someone brilliant, but at the same time problematic.

She would carry everything on her own if she had the chance.

The only thing of note was that she had warned that she would not participate in these portals and Edward could only sigh.

A strange, long sigh that, in a way, hinted at some relief that she wasn’t taking any chances.

How useless he was, if that was all he could do when she wouldn’t risk it... Edward only gave a helpless half-smile.

To reduce some of the weight she was carrying, this was the only thing he could do?

No... That was the answer Edward reached for.

At the abyssal portal, though she took it as help, the truth was that she came from the other side on her own with her group.

On her part, they only cleaned up outside and nothing else.

That could not be considered help.

However, it could be different, and he needed to do something to move.

Edward didn’t know what Aurora’s final goal was, but at least he had a way to move and try to do something to reduce her job of ‘helping’.

At least trying to reduce those responsibilities a bit.

Edward stood up, locking all his emotions deep inside him and then deactivated the barrier before heading out into the hallway.

Hearing noise in one of the rooms, he made his way to that side and entered.

“Abyssal portals are causing quite a panic on the internet and there are too many theories... Some say a terrifying god is trying to invade the world,” Frank commented in a mysterious tone.

“Invasion? Nah. Have you read the story about the goblins? They were just running away from something,” Oliver replied simply.

“I’m surprised Aurora left the academy to participate in the portal... I’ve tried to do it, but it was impossible for me,” Niels specified seriously and with a low tone, he added. “I’m glad she’s okay. I had heard that Leslie had been worried.”

“Stalking her? Women don’t like that kind of crazy,” Gregory pointed out with an amused smile.

“Well, if it’s the person you like, then stalking doesn’t seem so bad. And if he’s not, then he’ll treat you worse than a crazy person,” Rachael corrected, sipping her tea.

Edward looked around at his fellow academy members, who had accepted his invitation to today’s meeting.

Gregory Bellucci, Frank Hughes, Niels Hedman, Oliver Marsh, Jordan Wood and Rachael Lawson.

They were all third-year students who had already graduated and were now official heroes.

They stopped talking when they saw Edward give a serious expression as they entered.

“I have gathered them here to invite you to join my cause and my goal,” Edward reported immediately.

“A group of heroes?” Oliver hesitated curiously, instinctively.

That was one of the few things they could think of when he gathered them here so formally.

Creating a hero group among the graduates was quite normal, but present were students who had already been recruited by their masters, were working in guilds or in some international organization and even protecting some city.

With their reputation after the international tournament, there was no doubt that many people gave them invitations to join them.

However, Edward wasn’t aiming for that.

“I’m wanting to do something bigger and it doesn’t require you guys to step out of your group,” Edward said and seeing those present curious, he explained. “I want to see if it’s possible to change the hero guild to something more decent.”

In his eyes, the guild’s current detached and simplistic form of organization needed to be changed to a more organized and participatory form.

The first step was to get allies for his cause and for that, there was nothing better than freshly graduated students.


“I have been learning how to create swords of different types. Also armor, accessories and magical artifacts. Mankind, despite not dabbling in magic for much of its history, has many styles of blacksmithing that varies from country to country,” Taqiyya counted with eyes full of intense glow.

Cithrel, who was watching, gave a soft smile that made that young girl blush and slowly turn red.

Even though they were by a projection of a communication crystal, their figures could be seen perfectly.

“You’re as lovely as ever,” Cithrel said and tapping her lips with her finger, holding back her smile, she murmured. “Seeing you makes me miss you and very hungry.”

That young girl turned extremely red with embarrassment, but didn’t pull the projection glass away, knowing that she loved seeing her.

“It makes me jealous now that you are away. You train in the care of many smiths and it bothers me to think that one of them would try to bully you and take you from me,” Cithrel stated and giving a big flirtatious smile, added. “You are so lovely that anyone would be fascinated.”

Taqiyya trembled with intense embarrassment and Cithrel watched her closely, showing that her words were no joke.

Taqiyya’s random reward was actually receiving training from different blacksmiths all over the world.

Because of Taqiyya’s talent in blacksmithing and her reputation during the international tournament, made her highly recognized among the public and many master blacksmiths wished to take her under their wings.

That meant that there was a large group of people hovering around Taqiyya and it was possible that it would get to the point where someone was looking for something else... She wasn’t lying when she said she was charming.

An exotic beauty, shy, small and cute.

She had all the qualities to catch the eye of any man or woman.

“I won’t do that...” Taqiyya muttered in response and trying to regain some confidence, she declared. “I won’t be easily fooled by others.”

Cithrel didn’t hide her big smile, fascinated by the young girl’s response, and couldn’t deny that she liked the answer.

She was about to continue speaking when her holographic watch vibrated.

“Sorry, I have work to do. When you have time, we can get together for some fun,” Cithrel warned, getting Taqiyya to blush.

There was no ambiguity in her tone, but it still managed to bring out the shy side of that young girl.

With a quick goodbye, Taqiyya ended the communication and Cithrel looked at Venali, who was present as always by her side.

Taqiyya had seen her, but it didn’t bother her.

“She’s as cute as ever, don’t you think so?” Cithrel asked without holding back her smile looking at her companion.

“She has beauty and her personality is to your preference. I understand why you like her, though I won’t deny that she’s nice,” Venali replied as she prepared the room to avoid eavesdropping.

Unlike the woman posing as a man who remained silent, now Venali, being in private, was more talkative.

Cithrel, hearing those words, gave a smile and smacked her lips trying to contain her instincts.

“Bad time to be hungry,” Cithrel muttered, tapping her foot on the ground.

A magical ripple spread around the hotel room, covering the place completely, then she turned her gaze to the holographic clock.

“That won’t work on my kind.”

A mechanical, robotic voice came from the holographic clock and Cithrel activated projection mode and gazed at the ‘person’ who had spoken.

In the projection appeared a robot with a background of a futuristic robotic city... Cithrel knew it was all fake and that way of introducing himself was to maintain security.

“I’m not trying to make it work with you,” Cithrel replied and looking at that ‘robot’, she asked. “Can you give me what I want?”

Her question was direct, with no need to generate small talk.

That individual who was talking like a robot was the contact Liam passed on to her when she asked if it was possible to investigate a person.

“Crown Princess Cithrel Elamaris Falion, future Empress of the Falion Empire. Niece of Rodwen Falion, who himself is apprenticed to the ‘Enemy of Mankind’. Your quest will warn others and some will come after you... You are not the first who seeks him and you will not be the last.” Warned the mechanical voice.

Liam had been introduced to her as ‘Unknown’, but hearing that mechanical warning, Cithrel agreed when he told her that his services were not only going to be expensive, but that it was going to be ‘customized’.

However, there was a difference.

“I’m not looking for him, I’m looking for her... It’s as simple as that,” Cithrel replied and giving a smile, she commented. “Besides, do you think I can’t get rid of some lunatics?”

The robot simply watched her and nodded in a nonchalant manner.

“The person you’re looking for is former U.S. Secretary of Defense Frederick Crawford. Rumor has it that he had connections with the ‘Enemy of Mankind’ and it is said that head of the pentagon, erased all information on that former player. Such an individual died in the American civil war and all his information disappeared after his death,” reported the mechanical voice, and with a serious tone, he added. “When we release this information, and you begin your search, some will come after you.”

The robot’s eyes glowed with a dangerous red light.

“Those who have stalled in their quest because they have no means. Those who are about to get a little closer to the truth and those who wish that information to remain only hidden. The secrets of such an individual are like precious treasures in the eyes of lunatics and in a way they are right,” The robot added and seeing her unperturbed, commented. “After all the last one to be known to have some of his knowledge, tried to conquer the world and opened demonic portals.”

He was talking about the lunatic who started the European-demon war and the previous war against the middle east... A secret unknown among the public.

However, Cithrel just shrugged her shoulders, not caring about that information that robot seemed to give her to surprise her.

And what if Malik Zamora opened demonic portals with that player’s knowledge?

As an archmage and princess of the empire where that man was known as ‘Sage’, she had all kinds of knowledge in her possession and some of it would surely make earthlings drool.

Now, hearing those secrets didn’t matter in her eyes, and the only thing that mattered to her was finding her aunt.

The woman who put the Falion Empire into a golden age and who managed to leave an empire so strong that even if she started war against her entire world or a new era of invasions between planes and lost every one of those battles, she could still survive.

Rodwen Falion was her target.

“Tell me everything about that man. His family, his contacts, places of residence. Give me all the information you have and I will pay you as well as it is due,” Cithrel stated earnestly and looking at the robot, announced. “As for those who want to cause me trouble...”

She didn’t finish her words, but made it clear what she meant.

The former Secretary of Defense of the United States, Frederick Crawford, was one of the few clues to discover about the ‘Enemy of Humanity’ and that individual so hated in this world was the only clue to meet her aunt.

For someone who would control a majestic, magical empire and who had grown up surrounded by the history of that woman who managed to raise such an empire to its highest point, there was no doubt that Cithrel would be attracted.

That was the reason she had come to this world, even though she had nothing else to gain.

Her thirst for knowledge was not going to be stopped by some lunatics.


Clémentine packed all her luggage she had brought with her and arranged her room, which was in a pagoda, with some nervousness.

She was nervous enough not to use her telekinesis and slow down her work, something she realized only when she was walking down the stairs.

She had gotten the pass to leave the training site for several days and then return.

So there was no doubt that she was excited, but nervous at the same time.

Moving forward with great speed, she left the place and began to descend the mountain using her telekinesis to move her body.

Her descent was hurried as she watched her holographic clock for a signal.

Then she descended far enough for the signal to appear and hundreds of messages came in from all the groups, including the group she cared about.

When she landed, Clementine tried to control her nervousness, but it slowly overwhelmed her and she started reading from the beginning, trying to catch up.

The first few messages after she had gone into training were simple, but then she caught up with those from the day the goblin raid took place to take the abyssal portal.

Her expression paled as she read what happened and her mind, for a moment, went blank as she learned who was among the missing.

Only her pure desire for everything to change or be a joke kept her going.

The tearing, the dead and the crack, then reading with a tremor trying to contain all her emotions, she came to read that they were safe and that it was difficult to send help.

These were messages that had been sent to her personally, trying to keep her up to date and reading that they were safe, she breathed a moment’s relief.

It was only a moment as she realized that it had been weeks since that event and that was why she kept moving forward until she read that they were back from the other side of the portal.

Her body lost all tension, and she felt extreme relief as her mind relaxed.

Her emotions began to surface from her concern for her friends, her fear of losing them, and her uselessness for being in training when such things happened.

“They’re fine... They’re alive...”

Those words came out of her mouth without her realizing it herself and while it helped her relax a little, it was only a little.

The next moment she moved... Wanting to check on her own.

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