The Hentai Protagonist System

Prologue (Part I) {Edited}

It was around 11:30 p.m. when I finally arrived home.


I thought that my day would be just like any other. But as it turns out, things can go to lightly bad to a real fucking disaster really fast.


I’m 30 years old and work as a waiter in a restaurant designed for people that can afford to spend their money on ridiculously expensive food, served in absurdly small quantities.


Well... I used to work anyway.


My life was nothing but a series of unfortunate events. I was an orphan for as long as I could remember, being transferred from one house to another or being put in some kind of institution when there was no one willing to accept me. In the best places, the owners would do just the bare minimum to keep me alive, such as feed me and let me use a proper bedroom. In the worst places I was beaten, poorly fed or not at all, slept on the ground, and other things that I don’t like to remember.


I suppose that if I had worked hard at school, I might have found a way to turn things around, having a better-paying job, but unfortunately, that’s not how things went by.


As soon as I finished high school, I looked for a job so that I could live by myself and don’t having to rely on anyone as fast as possible. It wasn’t difficult to find it, but it didn’t pay enough for me to survive, so I had to find a second job and eventually a third. With so much of my time being spent working I had no time to study at a public college, and after paying the bills there was almost nothing left to spend on something for my own amusement.


It was only after I completed 26 years old that things started to improve a little. I was on a walk on one of the rare days that I manage to have a break from my three jobs when I noticed two men discussing out loud. After a few seconds of shouting one of them left clearly furious and stomping his feet, and the other stayed behind with a helpless expression on his face.


From the shouting, I could understand that the man left behind was the manager of a high-class restaurant. Apparently, on that day the place was packed full and they were with lack of manpower, so I offered myself to help for the day, hoping to earn a little extra money, in case I needed it.


The atmosphere of that restaurant was completely different from all of the places that I worked in before. The place was clearly built to attend to people to which money meant almost nothing since they had much more than they could spend.


Despite being a little clumsy in the beginning, since it was so different from all the jobs that I had before, I was eventually able to serve the customers properly. After six hours of hard work, the manager paid me and complimented me saying that he didn’t expect that I would do such a good job. He offered me a permanent job in the restaurant, and when I heard how much it would pay I accepted immediately.


For some time things went smoothly. The new job paid almost as much as the three jobs that I had before and counting the tips that I received from the customers the amount of money I end up gaining could finally be considered decent. Thanks to that I was finally able to study online, trying to gain a degree focused on investment.


Sadly my situation took a turn for the worst recently. As a result of unforeseen circumstances the number of shifts that I could work started to diminish, forcing me to make difficult choices to survive.


Finally today, after the end of my last shift, I was informed that due to recent circumstances the restaurant was firing me. That had to happen at the worst possible time since practically everywhere people were being fired, making this the worst possible moment to be unemployed.


Saying that my situation right now was difficult would be an understatement.


Just a couple of days ago I had completed my degree and was planning to save enough money to finally start to invest, and possibly turn my life around. Now I’m unemployed and it will probably take weeks, if not months until I manage to get a new one.


Ahhh... I’m too tired to think about this right now.


Probably best to think about this tomorrow. Anything that might come to mind right now will just leave me depressed.


After taking a very long shower I went straight to bed, too tired to bother taking my clothes out off the floor.


I closed my eyes and let the slumber take over me.

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