The Hentai Protagonist System

Prologue (Part II) {Edited}



Where am I?


What is this place?


It looks like I’m in space. All the directions that I look at are dark with tiny shining dots resembling stars.


Wait, why can’t I see my hands?! Where are they?! Where are my feet?! Where’s my body?!


What’s going on?!


“You need to calm yourself first so that we can explain”


Who said that?!


I looked around, trying to find the source of that voice.


Suddenly, the figures of two people are in front of me, and the last word that can be used to describe them is ‘normal’.


On the left was a tall man with well-defined muscles and big golden angel-like wings on his back. He had golden long hair and golden eyes. He was showing a smirk like he was thinking about some kind of personal joke.


But, unfortunately, none of that was what caught most of my attention.


I mean... why the hell was he naked?!


Not only that, but his dick was BIG. One might even think that ‘thing’ actually belonged to a horse. And on top of that, he was shamelessly masturbating in front of me, like he didn’t care that he was being seen.


I wished that there was bleach here so that I could cleanse my eyes.


Since that wasn’t a vision that a straight guy like me could handle, I focused my attention on the other person, a much better view.


The person on the right was a girl with brown hair and brown eyes, with beautiful butterfly-like wings coming from her back displaying all the possible colors that I knew and even colors that I certainly didn’t know.


Unlike the pervert the girl was properly dressed, wearing a flowery dress without sleeves that reached her knees and a pair of simple-looking sandals.


If I were to ignore the wings, then there wouldn’t be anything really remarkable about her, with the exception of being slightly cute, but the moment my eyes landed on her I suddenly felt much more comfortable, like I would be happy for simply being close to her.


Neither of them was normal, that’s certain, but they were likely the only source of information here, so I will focus my attention on the girl and ignore the pervert.


“We just met and you are already calling me a pervert? Don’t you think that’s a little rude?”


...Hum? How does he know what I think about him?


“It isn’t that difficult, and you don’t need to feel apologetic about your opinion. Most people who meet this degenerate for the first time have similar thoughts”


Now the girl knows too?! And I don’t feel sorry for my opinion of him! If anything, I’m becoming even more certain about my opinion!


The girl was showing a troubled expression, like this wasn’t the first time that this was happening, while that man’s smirk just increased in intensity, clearly finding the situation more amusing with each second.


Don’t look! Don’t look! Don’t look! Don’t look!


“So this form isn’t to your taste? How about this one?”


Before I could say anything the man disappeared and in his place was a woman, possibly with the most erotic figure that I have ever seen. She had the same golden hair and golden eyes, with big breasts and a round big butt, a perfect hourglass figure. Her appearance was something out of a fairy tale, simply impossible to be real and yet it was right in front of me.


Just a few seconds ago looking at that man was enough to make me sick, but right now I couldn’t avert my vision from that woman, even if I knew in my head that she and that man were the same person. The only thing that didn’t change was the smirk on her lips, clearly finding amusing my reaction to her change of form. 


The most outrageous thing was that she didn’t stop masturbating for one second, fingering her pussy with one hand and fondling her breasts with the other, making loud slippering sounds and letting out moans occasionally.


“So, is this... hum... form more... ahn... to your liking?”


I might be unable to avert my vision from her, but that doesn’t mean that I find her(him?) less annoying to deal with.


“Can you stop with this for one second? We have a purpose here”


“Oh, what’s the... hummmm... harm? Not like... ohn... he’s going to... ghun... die because of it?”


“Maybe, but at this rate, we won’t be able to explain anything to the poor boy”


“*Sigh* Fine, fine”


She snapped her fingers and, in the blink of an eye, she was wearing a beautiful red long dress with generous cleavage and a cut on both sides, showing her smooth beautiful legs.


That vision was almost perfect if it wasn’t for the frown that woman had on her face. Apparently, the fact she was no longer masturbating was putting her in a bad mood.


The girl with butterfly wings nodded approvingly at the woman with golden wings at looked back at me.


“I think that now you feel more comfortable with the situation, don’t you little one?”


Yes, I’m, but can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?!


“Of course, but first I believe that introductions are in order” saying that the girl adopted a more dignified pose and introduced herself “My name is Anteros, the god of requited love, protector of relationships, and benefactor of all of those who are in love with each other”


“What’s if that overly formal introduction?” the other woman(or was it a man?) said in an annoyed tone “There’s no need for that. My name is Eros, the god of sex”


“That’s not enough Eros, you’re much more than just that. This is my sibling Eros, the god of passion, ruler of carnal desires, and instigator of mutual pleasurably sexual acts”


“You just repeated what I said in an overly complicated way”


“You should port yourself better Eros. You’re a god, try to act like one”


“That’s just a pain. I like to enjoy myself, and everything else is just a bother”


They started to bicker with each other like they had forgotten that I was there.


Clearly, that wasn’t the first time that they discussed it with each other.


Hey, can the two of you stop with this nonsense and tell me what the hell is going on?!


Noticing my outrage both of them stopped arguing and looked back at me, Anteros with an apologetic look and Eros with the same annoyed look as before.


“Of course. I’m sorry for this unsightly display on our part”


“Fine, but only because the sooner we end this the sooner I can go back to masturbating”


Their response was very different from each other, a clear reflection of their personalities, but each of them was what I might expect of whom they claim to be.


Ok, so I’m in front of two... beings... that claim to be gods, I don’t have a body that I can see and we are communicating in some way that isn’t exactly speaking, but maybe my thoughts?


I suppose that means I’m dreaming or dead, correct?


“Indeed, you have lost your life. Would you like to know how?”


...Might as well. Not like it’s going to change anything, but I’m a little curious about what happened.


So, what happened? Was I suffocated? Killed by a robber? A serial killer?


“No, a fire started on your building that weakened its structure, causing a piece of it to fall on your head. You died immediately and in peace”


...Seriously?! Was I so exhausted that not even the smell of smoke didn’t wake me?! And my building wasn’t so bad that... Aahhhh, whatever.


So, what happens now? Am I going to be summoned to be a hero, a demon king, a new god, or a ruler like in some of those thousands of novels and mangas?


“Oh no, nothing like that. If anything you can just enjoy your life” said Eros, with that annoying smirk returning to her face.


...just enjoy my life? So why wasn’t I sent there immediately?


“Listen carefully. Both I and my sibling have duties to attend to, so our remaining time is limited. I can’t tell you everything that you wish to know, but I will use the little time we have left to give the essence of what you need to know” said Anteros.


...and whose fault is that?!


“...fair enough. Now first, you’re going to be reborn in a world whose jurisdiction lies primarily with Eros and me, so both of us will be watching how your life is going from time to time.


Second, the world you’re going to will have many situations similar to stories you have read during your life, but don’t expect everything to go as you remember.


Third, you won’t remember everything the moment you arrive there, since an infant's mortal brain can’t handle all that information. Instead, once you reach a more adequate age, your memories will slowly be available to you.


And lastly, once your memories start to return to you and you remember our encounter, a little gift from both of us will be available to you. It’s just something that we crafted to help you enjoy your new life to the fullest” explained Anteros.


I was already expecting to be sent to another world, but the other things that Anteros said caught me by surprise.


However, what most caught my attention was the part about the gift they were going to give to me.


But before I could say anything, Eros interrupted me.


“You have questions, but as my sibling said we don’t have time. If everything goes well, we will meet again. Good luck in your new life and try to have more fun this time, okay?”


After saying their piece, the distance between us started to increase. I’m not sure if they are distancing themselves or if it’s me that is being pulled away.


Once I couldn’t see them anymore I felt something similar to sleep, and then everything went dark.

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