The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 6: What…? – Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 6: What...? - Chapter 3

Two weeks later*

"No!" Aang screams at the top of his lungs as Raava, the spirit of Light, Peace, and the Avatar, is ripped from him. Turning into a swirling blue orb held by Daisuke.

This ends the Avatar cycle, as Daisuke uses the Omnifabrication on Raava, who has no time to fight back as her existence collapses, never to be the same again, nor to be revived.

In its place is a black orb that emits a pure negative aura. Then, in front of everyone's shocked eyes, Daisuke swallows the black orb in one gulp, swallowing the whole thing with ease.

Suddenly, a suffocating and oppressive presence that excuses malevolence. Everyone feels a sense of dread creeping over them. The environment is distorted, warping the surrounding space and creating an eerie atmosphere.

"Master, why do I suddenly feel the heavy presence of a fallen spirit coming from you?" Scathach frowned, her grip on her spears tightening as her body tensed. "Was it the black orb you swallowed?"

"Yup." Daisuke didn't bother to explain further because it wasn't necessary.

"Well... Alright." Scathach relaxes a bit, then looks at Aang and the others, who are staring at Daisuke with absolute fear. "So, what now, Master?"

"Good question." Daisukes snapped his fingers, conjuring up a black fireball. Created by Fifth Magic and the new addition of the Imaginary Element: Nothingness.

Something that struck him to the core, for that is what he is outside the Nasuverse, and having it made him feel more complete than ever, including feeling closer to his Omnifabrication.

Dismissing the black fireball, Daisuke continues to use both Third Magic and Fifth Magic to delay the will of the world from pushing him out of the world.

"Let's keep being villains." Daisuke did not kill Aang and his companions when he could have left that to Ty Lee and her friends since they are technically the real villains of this world. He and Scathach are merely visitors.

Daisuke and Scathach leave the prison cells, leaving a defeated and lost Aang in his cell, unable to do anything. He failed to bring peace to the world, and there's no doubt that's what's going through Aang's mind right now.

"By the way, how long do you plan to stay in this world? It's too weak for people like us. Even a simple thrust from my spears could easily kill anyone in this world, including those spirits." Scathach ignores the frightened looks directed at them, but mostly at her rather than Daisuke, even with his newly acquired Imaginary Element: Nothingness, which affects his presence; however, due to the fact that she continues to carry her two red spears giving up so much bloodlust that everyone couldn't move a single muscle, let alone look away.

"When I get bored of this world." Daisuke replied. "If you're bored. I can switch you out for someone else while you wait for the next summoning."

"Hm. Yeah, this world is too boring for me. But, you want to have sex. Don't hesitate to call me." Scathach smiles at Daisuke as her body disappears and returns to the Throne of Heroes.

In Scathach's place is Artiora, who blinks and looks at her empty hands before looking back at Daisuke. "I was eating."

Daisuke sweatdrops, then just use Fifth Magic together with Omnifabrication to create a bunch of snacks for Artoria, who quickly snatches them from Daisuke and starts eating.

"Did you call me for sex, Master? If so, can you wait a bit so I can finish eating?" Artoria didn't care that people were listening or that they were staring at her because of her clothes.

"No. Maybe later. But no. I just need a company I can trust." Daisuke replied, ignoring the fact that Artoria was so used to these unexpected summons that she always thought they were for booty calls. And most of the time, she wasn't wrong, but this time, it wasn't a booty call.

"Oh, okay, Master." Artoria's cheeks puff out as she continues to eat her snacks, walking along with Daisuke.

A few hours later*

"No, no, no! Not there! I want it perfectly centered!" Azula shouted at one of the Dai Li, who was trying to position a statue of Ty Lee at the front of the palace.

"I never expected someone like you to focus on decorating, Azula." Mai said dully, sitting on the stairs in boredom as she hung out with Azula and Ty Le.

"I think she's happier that way." Ty Lee balanced herself upside down next to Azula, a team of Dai Li on the side watching cautiously as they did their best, ready to catch Ty Lee if she fell.

Suddenly, when they see Daisuke approaching them with Artoria beside him, all three of them quickly stand beside each other.

Even the Dai Li quickly stood behind the three and made sure to look at the ground, which was nowhere in Daisuke's direction. They didn't even dare to breathe out loud or wipe the cold sweat from their foreheads.

"So, how does it feel to be the Queen of the Earth Kingdom, Ty Lee?" Daisuke ignores the Dai Li as well as Azula and Mai. "No problems, is there?" He sees that Ty Lee has gotten used to wearing the royal robes of the Earth Kingdom, but mainly in reddish-pink instead of the green theme.

"No-No, p-problems!" Ty Lee stutters, unable to speak normally with how she feels about Daisuke's new aura, making her wonder why she didn't just kill herself with how sick she feels right now.

"That's good to hear. This is Artoria; she is my personal maid." Daisuke introduces Artoria, who is chewing on a meat bun and quietly staring at the three.

"Greetings, Lady Artoria!" The three, along with the Dai Li shouted altogether.

"Why do they call me Lady when you said I was your personal maid?" Artoria looks at Daisuke with curious eyes.

"Because Scathach was here before I summoned you." Daisuke didn't care that he said such a thing out loud and that everyone here was listening. "Scathach made sure that everyone understood their current positions."

"Good. That means I don't have to discipline them to understand that they don't have the same status as me." Artoria scoffs, then looks back at her empty hands. "Now what, Master?"

"Now, we do something..." Daisuke sighs in frustration. "Okay, never mind. Things are boring. I thought I could just force things to be interesting, but this is a disappointment."

Uneasy and unsure, the Dai Li looked at each other. Suddenly, several black spears of flame pierced through all the Dai Li before they could do anything. They were killed instantly, but their bodies weren't burned, and they didn't bleed.

Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula quickly fell to the ground, their foreheads touching the ground. They begged for mercy as they watched the Dai Li die.

Unfortunately, for these three. Another set of black spears of flame pierced their bodies, just like the Dai Li, as they died without knowing why.

"Master, why did you kill them? Did they have no use for you?" The deaths before her eyes didn't bother Artoria; she was too used to all the deaths she had seen in her past. "Or have you grown bored with this world already?"

"Exactly that. I'm getting bored with all this." Daisuke's eyes grew duller and colder. "Killing them was a test to see if I would get any reaction from them. Nothing. Their usefulness was long gone since the day I was forced to be my maid. This world has become less interesting with each passing day."

"Do you want to destroy this world?" Artoria asks Daisuke, staring intently as she tries her best to understand what's going on in Daisuke's head.

"What's the point? I've killed the villains of this world, or at least the early villains of the plot, before the actual final villains show up." Daisuke starts walking up the stairs, ignoring the black spears of flame that hold the corpses up forever. Even their corpses will never riot, trapping their souls in their dead bodies.

"Wasn't your so-called true calling to travel the multiverse and experience everything you can see and feel?" Artoria follows along, moving with grace and elegance.

"That would be the case, but lately, after receiving the Imaginary Element: Nothingness, I feel like I see everything differently. It's as if I've received all the answers I need, but at the same time, those answers are useless. But the moment they're gone, I want them back. I find myself in a conflict." Daisuke looks at everything with a feeling of lifelessness.

"Perhaps you should either remove the Imaginary Element: Nothingness or find a way to balance it?" Artoria raises an eyebrow. "Besides, I don't think I'm the right person to discuss this with. Let alone help you, Master."

"You bring up a good point. Do you recommend anyone I should summon?" Daisuke stops at the massive doors leading to the throne room.

"I am sorry, Master. But I don't think anyone I know could help you. I would like to offer Merlin, but I think you would kill him after a few minutes with him. I could think of many people from the past, but they all have a few things in common. They have no means of harming you, Master. Because you would kill them in the moment of anger or after seeing how useless they are in your eyes. Even I find myself thinking that I would die at your hands in the state you're in." Artoria did not seem afraid, even toward the end of her speech.

"I see." Daisuke didn't disagree with Artoria's words, as he had already seen no bother in killing Artoria with his own two hands. That alone should bother him or at least make him feel that it's wrong. "Do you think I would kill Scathach as well? After all, she did her best to help me."

"Master, you forget that Scathach's desire is death. That's one of the reasons why she's doing her best to help you, even putting herself in danger, knowing that she would truly die under your hands." Artoria replied. "Even I dream for a moment that you will kill me, Master. Including my other self. I hope to extinguish my existence for causing the fall of my beloved kingdom."

Suddenly, Daisuke's dull eyes became extremely confused and disbelieving at what he heard from Artoria and a disturbing understanding of why someone like Scathach would be willing to do so much for him when she didn't need to. Even his opening his heart to her may not be the main factor in Scathach helping him so much. Besides, for someone like Artoria, wanting to die at his hands is another matter.

Gradually, he realized something.

His hidden desire, the so-called true calling, was now coming together. Why did he behave like this initially when he received the Omnifabrication, and why did his personality change so much? Did he even think about what kind of life he wanted to lead now that he was free from his family? But he was still at a loss.

Even more so after obtaining the Imaginary Element: Nothingness. Why did he become more self-aware? And why did he want to obtain the other True Magic from the Nasuverse? Why did he create these Stands? Why create all of them? Other than the desire to obtain them and to have the means to protect himself. He had so many different ways of doing that without the need for Omnifabrication to create them all.

So many new questions... They are so easy to answer with the Omnifabrication, yet he is frightening to find the answers this way.

What can he do...?

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