The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 7: Inner Peace – Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 7: Inner Peace - Chapter 1

A week later*

In the quiet solitude of a dojo, Daisuke stands alone. His eyes are closed, his breathing steady.

He begins to move, his movements slow and deliberate. Each movement is a part of Super Bajiquan, but there's no opponent for him to face. It is not about power or victory, but about finding peace within oneself.

His right elbow extends forward, then retracts. His shoulder follows, pushing into an unseen opponent. But his movements are not aggressive—they are controlled and measured. It is as if he is dancing with his own shadow.

With every movement, he exhales, releasing the tension in his body. With each step, he feels his worries melt away. The explosive power of Super Bajiquan is still there, but it's like a quiet storm, a display of strength and control without the need for destruction.

He continues to dance, lost in the rhythm of his movements. His mind is clear, focused only on the here and now. The world outside the dojo doesn't exist. There's only him, his breath, and the art of Super Bajiquan.

After what seems like an eternity, he stops. His body is relaxed, his mind calm. He opens his eyes, and a sense of peace washes over him. He has not won a battle, but he has achieved something just as important—a moment of calm in the midst of life's chaos.

The dojo is a place of calm and discipline. The wooden floor is polished to a shine, reflecting the soft light streaming in from the windows. The walls are decorated with scrolls of ancient calligraphy, a testament to the history and tradition of the martial arts practiced here.

On one side of the dojo, there's a rack holding various training equipment—wooden swords, staffs, and other tools used in practice. On the other side, there's a large mirror, allowing practitioners to observe and correct their form as they train.

At the far end of the dojo, there's a small shrine. It's a place of respect and reverence, a reminder of the spiritual aspect of martial arts. Incense burns slowly here, filling the dojo with a subtle, calming scent.

The dojo is quiet. It's a place of concentration and devotion, a sanctuary for those who seek to master their art.

But Daisuke wasn't done yet. With his fists clenched and ready, he began his follow-up practice by mixing the Second Magic.

A ripple spreads through the air around him. Everything in the room seems to shimmer and shift, the world outside as if seen through a kaleidoscope.

Suddenly, several Daisuke, each a version of him from a parallel world, are practicing Super Bajiquan. The room is filled with the sound of their synchronized movements, the force of their strikes echoing in the silent room.

Despite the surreal scene, Daisuke's mind is calm. Instead of causing chaos, the Second Magic brings a strange sense of peace. Every version of him is a reflection of his devotion.

As the exercises come to an end, the multiple realities merge back into one, leaving only one Daisuke in the room. His mind is clear, his body calm.

But that's not the end of it. Daisuke's demeanor exudes a palpable sense of menace as he begins to practice Super Bajiquan with the intention of killing.

Gone is the fluidity and grace of his movements; instead, each strike is executed with deadly precision, each move calculated to inflict maximum damage on an imaginary opponent. His fists move with lightning speed, the air crackling with the force of his blows as he visualizes his target with chilling clarity.

Daisuke's training requires determination and precision. He channels his will and physical strength with each strike. A relentless focus drives him, and his movements are calculated and efficient. His once-serene demeanor has been replaced with a more intense one as he delves deeper into the depths of his own darkness.

Daisuke embraces his inner darkness and uses it to fuel his actions. Each strike is a testament to his inner turmoil, a manifestation of the darkness that lurks beneath his composed exterior.

The sound of his fists pounding against imaginary foes reverberates through the room, a grim reminder of the violence that lies at the heart of his being.

Daisuke practices with deadly intent. His resolve grows stronger. He is committed to his own darkness. At this moment, he is not just a practitioner of Super Bajiquan. He is a predator honing his skills for the inevitable hunt ahead.

Daisuke's movements become a blur as he nears the climax of his training. He seamlessly blends each strike into the next, creating a deadly symphony of destruction. With a primal roar, he unleashes a devastating combo.

His fists become a blur as he launches a flurry of strikes, each one finding its mark with unerring accuracy. The force of his blows sends shockwaves through the air, shattering anything in their path as he unleashes the full extent of his physical strength.

Daisuke stands amidst the ruins of the dojo. His chest heaves with exertion, and he wears a faint smile. He feels a sense of catharsis unlike any he has ever known. It is a moment of triumph, a feeling of redemption amidst the darkness that consumes him.

He fixed everything with a wave of his right hand, using the Omnifabrication and Fifth Magic. The ruins were no more.

Daisuke snapped his fingers and changed into his signature black suit. He then headed out into the hall. As he opened the door, D4C appeared behind him, ready to guide him into a new world.

Upon stepping through the door, Daisuke's view transforms from the dojo's hallway to a beautiful landscape of well-manicured lawns, vibrant flower beds, and towering trees that cast dappled shadows on the winding pathways. The air is perfumed with the sweet scent of blossoms, creating a tranquil atmosphere that envelops the entire park.

He noticed a wrought iron gate behind him. He refocused on the front and saw a small pond near the entrance. The pond glimmered in the sunlight, and colorful fish darted beneath its surface, causing gentle ripples. Wooden benches were placed around the pond, inviting visitors to sit and enjoy the serene view or feed the ducks that paddled lazily along the pond's edge.

As he walks into the park, he sees a playground. Children play on swings, jungle gyms, and slides, laughing joyfully. A group of teenagers chat and have a picnic nearby under the shade of a sprawling oak tree.

Soon, he found a peaceful grove in the park. The canopy filters the sunlight, casting a warm glow on the mossy ground. This location is perfect for those seeking solitude or a quiet meeting away from prying eyes.

As he meandered through the serene pathways of the park, lost in the beauty of his surroundings, he suddenly jolted out of his reverie by the sound of hurried footsteps approaching from behind. A figure emerges from around a bend, nearly colliding with him in their haste.

Daisuke quickly steps aside, narrowly avoiding the collision, as the person skids to a halt mere inches away. With a sheepish expression, they look up at him, their eyes widening in surprise at the close call.

To his surprise, he sees Issei Hyoudou, one of the central figures in the tumultuous world of High School DxD, leading him to understand that he is in Kuoh Town.

"Whoa, sorry about that!" Issei exclaims, his voice tinged with embarrassment as he runs a hand through his disheveled hair. "I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay?"

Despite the suddenness of the encounter, Issei's demeanor is friendly and apologetic, and his concern is genuine as he checks to ensure the near-miss collision doesn't harm Daisuke.

"It's alright." Daisuke said calmly. "No harm done. Just be more careful next time, okay?" He stared at Issei, curious about the Boosted Gear.

Issei nods earnestly, his expression softening with gratitude at Daisuke's understanding. "Thank you. I'll be careful from now on. Anyway, enjoy your time in the park!" With a last nod of acknowledgment, Issei gives Daisuke a friendly wave before he continues on his way, disappearing into the verdant landscape of Kuoh Park once more.

Daisuke watches Issei leave and thinks about taking the Boosted Gear for himself. Before he realizes it, there is no point, as he has better methods to increase his abilities without waiting 10 seconds in between or having to transform into another form to remove such a limitation.

30 minutes later*

Daisuke finds himself drawn to the heart of Kuoh Town, where the town's vibrant pulse beats the strongest. Amidst the bustling streets lined with shops, cafes, and towering skyscrapers, he encounters the iconic Kuoh Academy, a prestigious institution known for its exceptional academic standards and diverse student body.

As Daisuke approaches the school gates, he can't help but marvel at the grandeur of the campus, its sprawling grounds adorned with manicured laws and elegant architecture. Students bustle about, chatting animatedly as they make their way to and from classes, adding a lively energy to the atmosphere.

Just as Daisuke is about to enter the campus grounds, a familiar figure catches his eye. It's Rias Gremory, the crimson-haired beauty who holds the esteemed title of President of the Occult Research Club and is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Kuoh Town's supernatural world.

Rias exudes the aura of elegance and grace as she moves through the throng of students, her regal bearing commanding attention without effort. With a warm smile, she catches sight of Daisuke and approaches, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Hello, there." Rias greets Daisuke, her voice melodious and welcoming. "I don't believe we've met before. Are you a new student?"

Daisuke shook his head and explained that he was just visiting and couldn't resist exploring the famous campus of the Kuoh Academy.

"Well, I am pleased to make your acquaintance." Rias replied, her smile widening. "If you have any questions about the school, feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help newcomers."

As Rias leads Daisuke on a tour of the Kuoh Academy campus, her attention is focused solely on him, her curiosity piqued by the fascinating conversation that flows effortlessly between them. Eventually, the subject shifts to one that reflects her keen intellect and passion for knowledge: the supernatural creatures that inhabit the world.

"So tell me." Rias begins, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. "What do you think about the existence of supernatural beings? Do you believe in myths and legends, or are you more skeptical?"

Daisuke pondered her question momentarily before answering, his interest in the supernatural world piqued by Rias' genuine curiosity.

"Well, I've always been fascinated by the idea of supernatural beings." Daisuke admits, choosing his words carefully. "Even though I haven't met any personally, I think it's possible that there are forces beyond our understanding lurking in the shadows."

Rias nods thoughtfully, her crimson locks swaying gently with the movement. "I couldn't agree more. The world is full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered, and I believe it's our duty to explore them with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge."

As the conversation continues, Daisuke is amazed at how easy it is to talk to Rias and that she is the one who makes the first approaches and even tries to get most of the information out of him, while she does not realize how easy it is for him to get all the information out of Rias without having to get physical.

Overall, Rias is one of the easiest characters to work with in the canon series.

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