The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 7: Inner Peace – Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 7: Inner Peace - Chapter 2

An hour later*

Daisuke felt puzzled after his conversation with Rias. Why did she think he was a new student? Was it because he looked young? Or was it something else? He couldn't quite figure it out. The confusion bothered him, like an annoying itch he couldn't scratch. He didn't want to ask Rias directly, but the question kept nagging at him, teasing him with its elusive answer.

"So, what do you think?" Rias asked, wrapping up their tour of the school grounds. They headed back to the main entrance, and she looked at Daisuke with curiosity, eager to hear his thoughts.

"It's a nice place." Daisuke said, showing a bit of liking for the surroundings. Then, he decided to ask the question that had bothered him. "Why did you think I was a new student here?"

"Oh, Daisuke." Rias said softly and with an understanding voice. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable thinking you were new. I didn't mean to make you feel out of place." She paused, looking into Daisuke's eyes. "I thought you seemed curious and eager to explore the school like new students often are. But I see now that appearances can be misleading, and I apologize for any confusion."

"It's okay, Rias." Daisuke said with a small smile. "I wasn't uncomfortable, just a bit puzzled. Why did you think I was new here? Do I really seem like a new student, or do I just look younger than I am?" He raised an eyebrow at Rias, showing his curiosity.

Rias chuckled softly at Daisuke's question, a warm glint of amusement sparkling in her eyes.

"Well, Daisuke." she started, her voice gentle and comforting. "It's more about the vibe you give off than your age. Your curiosity and excitement about the school made me think you were new here. And as for looking young." She gives him a playful smile, "it just makes you even more charming." Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she finished speaking.

"I understand. Well, thanks for showing me around." Daisuke said with gratitude, his mind buzzing with thoughts as he grinned. "And it's nice to meet a devil who's so friendly." With a nod and a satisfied smile, he walked out the front entrance, enjoying the surprise on Rias' face.

As Rias watched Daisuke walk away, still curious, she noticed something strange happening. Suddenly, everything around him seemed to freeze, like time itself had stopped.

The World floated quietly behind Daisuke, exuding a sense of immense strength. With a simple order from Daisuke, the Stand's power to control time kicked in, stopping time in the real world.

As everything around him stopped moving, Daisuke continued walking without any hindrance. He took his time, fully aware of his power to control time, and calmly walked away.

Daisuke surveyed the stillness around him with calm confidence, the silence feeling almost heavy. He understood that nobody could come in at this moment unless they had a Stand like his, able to manipulate time.

Daisuke surveyed the stillness around him with calm confidence, the silence feeling almost heavy. He understood that nobody could come in at this moment unless they had a Stand like his, able to manipulate time.

Suddenly, Daisuke finds himself in a vast space of nothingness. Every way he looks, he sees dazzling colors swirling around like a kaleidoscope, making it feel surreal.

"Ah, are you using someone new, Ophis?" A deep voice echoes ominously as if announcing the end of the world.

Daisuke materializes The World once more, stopping time. Even the Dimensional Gaps freeze as Daisuke moves through the strange world, seemingly ignoring the usual rules of reality.

Daisuke looks around the strange emptiness until he spots a massive red dragon, unmistakably Great Red, the most powerful being in the Highschool DxD world. Nearby, Ophis looks like a snake-like creature, with a mysterious purple glow suggesting immense power.

A sudden pain shoots through Daisuke's body, signaling something is wrong. Even though The World can control time, Daisuke realizes time is starting to move again, slipping from his control.

"I see you've got someone new, Ophis!" Great Red's loud voice echoes, filled with excitement. "They can stop time, even here in the Dimensional Gaps. Impressive! This should be fun, Ophis!"

Daisuke wipes the blood from his mouth, readying himself for action. He summons all of his Stands, each with a fierce determination. The Gate of Babylon appears, revealing a collection of powerful Noble Phantasms aimed at Great Red.

"This fight might be short, but it's gonna be exciting!" Great Red's voice roars with excitement as he charges toward Daisuke with unstoppable force.

Daisuke didn't expect to face a tough battle in the Highschool DxD world. But he's not backing down. Even though it's a surprise, he's determined to face the legendary Great Red head-on.

Once again, The World stops time, freezing everything in place. Daisuke uses his Stands in a coordinated attack: D4C creates chaos with flying debris, Killer Queen turns them into explosives, and Heaven's Door writes commands on them at super speed. Each Stand works together perfectly, creating a destructive masterpiece.

Daisuke promises that when he gets the chance, he'll use Great Red as a material to create something powerful under his control. This will make him even more powerful, showing his control over creation and adding Great Red's strength to his own.

An hour later*

Daisuke steps out from the broken reality, surrounded by the strange light from the Dimensional Gaps. His clothes are marked with red stains, showing the tough journey he's been on. Despite his injuries, his eyes shine with excitement and happiness. He's thrilled by the endless possibilities of exploring new places beyond the torn reality. With each breath, he feels the excitement.

With a quick move, Daisuke uses Omnifabrication to heal his wounds. As he taps into the Fifth Magic, a surge of energy flows through him, turning pain into strength. With each motion, his wounds close up, leaving smooth skin behind.

Choosing to keep The World in its basic form instead of evolving it further into Over Heaven while focusing on perfecting his time stopping skills turns out to be a great move. This decision not only makes his abilities more flexible but also works well with other powers.

This includes all the other Stands, each with strong abilities. But when they work together, they become even stronger, going beyond normal limits.

After the chaos settles, Ophis appears, looking like a young girl as usual. But something is unsettling about her as she walks toward Daisuke. Her gaze holds a mix of emotions—disbelief, horror—that feels intense and unforgettable.

"What should I do with you?" Daisuke stares coldly at Ophis, who defies her canonical demeanor and swiftly plucks him from this world's version of Earth, thrusting him into a fight with Great Red. The whole battle lasts within a single hour, a feat made possible only by the many abilities he created through Omnifabrication.

As Ophis starts to speak, Daisuke stops her by putting his hand on her head. Using Omnifabrication, he breaks Ophis down into pieces and reshapes her into a tattoo, just like he did with Great Red. This makes Ophis' powers part of his own, ready for him to use whenever he needs them.

As Daisuke rolls down his sleeves, he looks at the detailed tattoos on his arms. On his left arm is a powerful and vibrant bright red western dragon. On his right arm, there's a darker, purple-tinged Eastern Dragon, mysterious and intense. Even though they look real, they're just tattoos, waiting for Daisuke to use their power.

Though he didn't plan for it, Daisuke knows he's in a tough situation now. The red and purple dragons on his skin remind him of the conflict he's in. Even though they didn't agree to it, Daisuke is set on using their power. Whether the dragons like it or not, they're now under his control, ready to use them for future problems; not like he didn't have other methods to deal with them.

From now on, Daisuke is extra careful, knowing how risky his situation is. He tries to avoid fights whenever possible and keeps an eye out for any dangers nearby.

Nonetheless, he is delighted to obtain the powers of Great Red and Ophis. Initially, he was going to aim for Ddraig and Albion, but that's fine. These two are much better than those dragons.

"You know, master. You could have just left that place instead of fighting." Justeaze appears next to Daisuke. "Furthermore, you really should've just summon all the Servants, especially the powerful ones, to deal with the two dragons."

"I could. But, I decided to do something else." Daisuke replied, finding himself at least comfortable with Justeaze compared to the others. Maybe Altera too, but he don't need her here right now.

"If that's your wish." Justeaze nods at Daisuke. "By the way, are you still going to meet up with that red-headed devil?"

"Hm. Maybe?" Daisuke pushes his sleeves back down, covering his new tattoos. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to know if I should prepare myself to have a threesome with her and you, master." Justeaze said dully, yet one could tell she is interested in how this play out if Rias decides to go through it.

"This is all the time I called you and anyone else for just sex, isn't it?" Daisuke looks at Justeaze with a wry smile.

"Of course not, master. Why would you say such a thing?" Justeaze tilts her head and continues to stare at Daisuke with that blank look of hers.

"Would it make you feel better if I were to take you on a date...?" Daisuke asks, unsure if he needs to do this. He kind of needs Justeaze in his life for more than one reason compared to having Scathach and Artoria.

"Yes, I believe that's a great idea, master. I'll make sure to inform the others of this joyful news." Justeaze smiles slightly, showing she is pleased by the response she was given.

"Others...?" Daisuke is now downright confused by this. "What do you mean others?"

"Why others like Artoria's counterparts, mainly the alter ones and those that have yet to be summoned by master so far." Justeazed replied, simply as if she was talking about the weather and not the fact there is a talk going on with the Throne of Heroes, where their master loves sex, mainly with the females, and soon to have the chance to have fun outside of the Throne of Heroes. It is mainly mundane dating stuff.

"I think I might have mistakenly used the Holy Grail for just booty calls." Daisuke rubs his forehead, feeling a headache coming up and saying that this is a headache for him compared to fighting Great Red.

"Well, to be fair. Yes. Back when I was alive and not as how I am now. I never expected the Holy Grail I aimed to create would be used in such a thing like this. But I won't blame you, master. After all, you have made it possible for me to exist and gain a second chance at life itself. That alone, I thank you." Justeaze moves in, hugging Daisuke.

"I'm going to have to go on many dates, am I?" Daisuke asks in a tired voice, with a headache that seems to be getting worse by the second.

"Think on the bright side." Justeaze's smile widened a bit. "You still get to have sex with them at the end of those dates."

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