The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 8: Motivation – Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 8: Motivation - Chapter 6

Daisuke and Medusa stroll aimlessly through the quiet streets in the middle of the night, holding hands after eating dinner together at a random restaurant.

"So, where are we going?" Medusa asks Daisuke as she looks around in wonder.

"Anywhere, honestly. Unless you want some exciting fights?" Daisuke looks at Medusa with an eyebrow raised. "Otherwise, we're just going to keep walking around until we head home to sleep."

"You're going to ask to bed me on our first date, are you?" Medusa narrows her eyes at Daisuke, yet she continues to hold his hand.

"As much as I want to say yes, but not today." Daisuke replied, causing Medusa to blink in surprise upon hearing this. "Plus, tonight isn't going to be a good time for sex either way."

"Wait, why is that?" Medusa looks very confused now. "Is there something going on tonight other than our date?"

"Well, more like there is something important going on tonight." Daisuke replied as he began leading them beyond the outskirts of Brockton Bay. "That said. I think I need to cut this date short. If you want, you can tag along, or I could send you back to the Throne of Heroes?"

"Are you going to kill someone?" Medusa asked. "If so, I could help you deal with the cannon fodders while you deal with the ones you're hunting down." She pushed her sunglasses up as she nearly caused a couple of people to look directly into her eyes and would have turned them to stone.

"Technically, yes and no." Daisuke replied, channeling the Omnifabrication and using the Fifth Magic through Great Red to create sunglasses that are exactly the same as Medusa's in appearance. "Here. These will make it so it doesn't matter if someone sees your eyes directly as long you're wearing them. Your Mystic Eyes will be suppressed until then. In addition, it will make people forget what you look like once they don't look at you for a minute."

Medusa calmly took it and replaced it with her own.

Daisuke already has the Holy Grail to hide his existence from the will of the planet, adjusting it to affect anything and anyone else is easily enough to with Omnifabrication, which he did exactly in a second.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, who are you trying to hunt down? Thanks to the Holy Grail, which you had modified. I have also contained the knowledge of this world and the important people here." Medusa moves a bit closer to Daisuke to make them look more like a couple before the crowd around them. But mainly to make it easier for them to whisper to each other.

"A certain someone that would greatly improve one of my abilities." Daisuke answered as he followed the route on the sheet of paper for possible future routes to take advantage of. And this time, he had made sure to include the extra details on the why and hows.

"I'll take care of the cannon fodders if there are any. If not, then I'll help you capture the person." Medusa promised Daisuke, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Just that you're pretty straightforward compared to your other counterparts." Daisuke replied. "Anyway, let's go. Time to finish our date with a bang."

An hour later*

It took some time before Daisuke and Medusa found their targets. They stood on a shadowy cloud that was just thick enough to support them in the sky as they looked down below at the targets they had been searching for.

Daisuke sees Bakuda bowing slightly to Lung, who just successfully recruited the Tinker specializing in explosive devices.

"Who are you aiming for, Master? Lung or Bakuda? Maybe it's Oni Lee over there by Lung?" Medusa asks Daisuke as she crouches down, ready to leap down.

"Bakuda. You can deal with Lung and Oni Lee. I need Bakuda alone, so if you can. Deal with those two and the others." Daisuke answered.

"Got it." Medusa summons a scimitar-like curved blade that transitions in color from silver at the hilt to dark purple at the tip with a golden hilt. Then, she leaps down and slashes multiple times, firing off magical slash projectiles.

"Ambush!" Someone shouted in Japanese.

Medusa showed no mercy, as almost all of her deadly magical slashing projectiles were accurately aimed and easily dealt with many of the Azn Bad Boys' gangsters, causing them to lose many limbs or even have their heads severed from their bodies.

She stomps the ground, cracking it with the sheer force of physical strength, then spins to gain momentum and delivers a roundhouse kick to Lung's chest, knocking him off his feet and into a nearby building. It collapses on top of Lung.

Medusa wasn't done just yet as she followed up with a slash of her sword at Oni Lee, who barely escaped with his life by teleporting away, leaving behind a duplicate crumbling to dust after decapitating.

While Medusa fights the rest of the Azn Bad Boys, Daisuke appears behind Bakuda and grabs her by the neck when Heaven's Door appears, which quickly transforms part of Bakuda's head into pages and writes down some words. This takes effect within seconds, causing Bakuda to fall asleep without fighting or triggering any bombs. Either on their bodies or somewhere they stand.

Once that's done, Killer Queen appears as Heaven's Door disappears. Daisuke uses Omnifabrication to use Bakuda as a material and merge her with Killer Queen. Thus, Killer Queen obtained Bakuda's powers to create all sorts of explosives. However, the most important thing is the fact he recreated Killer Queen: Bites the Dust.

And unlike Yoshikage Kira. Thanks to Second Magic, he knows what's going on in the time loop and who is being killed multiple times through Bites the Dust.

Daisuke looks around and whistles when he sees Medusa beating up Lung with his own separate arm while he is still unconscious or dead. It's hard to tell how since Medusa doesn't stop.

He looked around for Oni Lee, only to see Killer Queen grab a grenade, almost hitting him in the face, and then throw it in the direction where Oni Lee had just reappeared, making physical contact. The deadly explosive Stand pressed down the trigger, causing Oni Lee to explode.

However, another Oni Lee appears far away and begins teleporting away again. But Daisuke didn't let Oni Lee escape as he switched Killer Queen for The World.

"Muda!" The World roared in excitement as it stopped time, then rushed at Oni Lee, quickly punching him multiple times while shouting: Muda as each blow landed.

Daisuke sweatdropped as he watched The World continue to beat Oni Lee to death, and yet, the powerful time-stopping Stand didn't seem to get tired after a few seconds had passed. Even the drop of blood that was spilled was struck.

The World went on and on until Oni Lee was no more. The World then let out a loud Stand Cry before striking a pose and fading away as time resumed.

There is a loud booming sound when Oni Lee disappears before everyone. However, those familiar with Oni Lee will notice that no familiar ashes are left behind when Oni Lee disappears.

"Are you finished, Master?" Medusa asks Daisuke as she throws the severed arm to the side, covered in some blood that is not her own.

Daisuke took a pistol from the Punisher inside the Gate of Babylon. He started shooting all the cannon fodder until there was none left.

"Now, I'm done." Daisuke put the pistol back into the Gate of Babylon.

He knows that if he doesn't kill all the members of the Azn Bad Boys here, there will be many problems in the future. Going by the many future routes that split even further after he used Bakuda to obtain Bites the Dust.

"Is Lung dead?" Daisuke looks at Lung, not too far away from them.

Only for him to see that Lung doesn't have both arms nor does he have his head. It's just the torso with the legs still attached. The only way to recognize Lung's dead body is through the tattoo of dragons from Eastern mythology, and he's only wearing a pair of ripped jeans with patches of blood staining the fabric.

"As far as I could tell. He should be unless he could live without a head?" Medusa stomps on the head, which happens to be near her feet. She crushes it like a watermelon.

Daisuke hums as he creates the sheet of paper that will give him the answer he needs. After reading it, he nods to himself and lets the paper disappear.

"Yeah, Lung is dead."

Medusa looks around for a few seconds before she looks back at Daisuke with a raised eyebrow.

"What's the plan now, Master? Should we track down the rest of the Azn Bad Boys who aren't here and take care of them?"

"These are the real gang members." Daisuke replied. "The others only joined because they were under pressure or afraid of other gangs." He paused, thinking about his next move. "Eliminating them would only complicate things. Instead, we'll take the credit for putting an end to Lung and his gang."

"Are you thinking of starting your own gang, Master?" Medusa blinks, then her eyes widen slightly in surprise.

"In a way, yes." Daisuke grins. "But I won't be the one to lead the gang. I have someone in mind who could do it better than me."

"Is it someone from the Throne of Heroes? Or are you planning on using someone from this world?" Medusa asks curiously. "Also, should we stay here with all these corpses?" She glances around the scene once more.

"In that order. Yes. No. And yes." Daisuke responds shortly. He begins to walk away, with Medusa following closely beside him, slightly trailing behind in a subtle manner.

The next day*

"It is somehow fitting that you have chosen her to be the leader of the newly formed gang you are creating, Master." Medusa looks at the new Servant summoned from the Throne of Heroes.

"And one wouldn't think of summoning me, Demon King Nobunaga—The enemy of Gods and Buddha and all living beings." Nobunaga grins.

Daisuke noted that he summoned Oda Nobunaga, the Archer-Servant version. She even wears the exact military uniform she prepared herself out of hobby upon being summoned as a Servant, a unique touch that reflects her personality and preferences.

"And there's the infamous Attila the Hun, known as Altera, serving as a maid." Medusa points out, nodding towards the figure pouring tea for Daisuke. As Altera hands him the cup, the teapot unexpectedly shatters in her grip.

"Ow." Daisuke uttered in a monotone as hot tea spilled over his pants, causing a brief discomfort. Altera quickly sprang into action, retrieving a clean rag from her prepared stash to wipe away the spill. "It's okay, Altera." He comforted her. He used his Omnifabrication to fix the teapot containing the freshly brewed tea and have the one spilled over him disappear.

"So, are you planning to summon more? Or are you planning to keep it just us three, four if you include yourself, Master?" Nobunaga asks Daisuke, twirling around a pistol she was given as a gift.

"For now. It's just the four of us. You're free to recruit anyone, whoever you find, if you desire. In fact, I want you to recruit those in this town to do the grunt work for you while everyone here will be the main fighters in case a Cape gets involved with us." Daisuke answered.

Nobunaga's grin widened, "Ah, I'm glad to hear that."

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