The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 8: Motivation – Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 8: Motivation - Chapter 7

Hours later*

Daisuke may have underestimated Nobunaga in just a matter of hours. She had successfully recruited nearly 99% of all Asians in Brockton Bay into the newly formed gang, which didn't even have a name. When Daisuke asked her about the name, Nobunaga simply told him it was called The Revolution. This mysterious group grew rapidly, its members drawn to Nobunaga's charisma and authority. Daisuke watched in amazement as Nobunaga's influence spread like wildfire, turning a diverse community into a unified force under her command.

On another note, from what Daisuke could see on the internet, people were panicking because of this. Many believed Nobunaga was a Master who could control others' minds because of how easily she gathered the Asians. Social media was buzzing with fear and speculation, with posts and comments flooding in about the sudden rise of this new gang. News sites picked up the story, adding to the chaos. Daisuke read through the frantic messages, sensing the growing unease and tension in the Brockton Bay.

Most even claim that Nobunaga is becoming the second Heartbreaker.

"Master, I must confess some uneasiness about pairing Altera with Nobunaga." Medusa said to Daisuke, her gaze lifting from the pages of a book borrowed from the local library. "While Nobunaga commands the conversation, I wonder if it's wise for Altera to handle the physical conflicts."

"Why do you ask? Or would you rather flex your own muscles as Nobunaga's enforcer against The Revolution Gang's lackeys?" Daisuke asked, one eyebrow raised. He leaned back comfortably in his chair, absorbed in a volume of One Piece, one that shouldn't exist in Worm. But, thanks to Omnifabrication. He can restart reading his favorite manga series, one of them being Bleach, which he has already finished reading the series, including the ones that he obtained back in Akama Ga Kill's world.

"More specifically, didn't you warn Nobunaga about how Altera can't really control her own raw destructive power? You know, the way she ends up breaking a lot of things around her without meaning to. Nobunaga might have to deal with this problem as Altera might accidentally cause a lot of damage, which could lead to many deaths, even if she doesn't intend to." Medusa explained.

"Uh..." Daisuke slowly turned his head to the side, then as if it was prepared ahead of time for this moment.

"MY LEGS! SHE TORE MY LEGS OFF!" Someone let out a painful wail from outside, the cry echoing through the air with raw agony.

"Point taken. But you declined before when I asked you to help Nobunaga, so I had Altera do it." Daisuke said, his expression unchanging as he ignored the painful cry for mercy outside. The wail continued, but Daisuke remained focused, undisturbed by the chaos outside the house.

"Couldn't you have summoned someone else? You know, someone who knows how to control their own strength?" Medusa paused as another person cried for mercy outside, their voice filled with desperation. "And maybe someone who seems gentle at first but can be ruthless when needed." She glanced toward the window.

"You'll have to be more specific about that." Daisuke sweatdrops, realizing numerous female heroes in the Throne of Heroes fit that description of being gentle yet ruthless.

One of them is Scathach, but she seeks her own death more than anything else.

"Just think of someone to summon; I'll go outside to help." Medusa said, placing her book on the table beside her. She left the house to assist Nobunaga and Altera.

She left without giving Daisuke a chance to say anything.

"Hm. Look like Medusa isn't liking what I'm doing so far, or the lack of doing something good in her eyes." Daisuke thought out loud as he brought out the Holy Grail, and then Justeaze appeared before him without having him call her out. "Something the matter, Justeaze?"

"Yes. Why did you summon Nobunaga when there are better candidates?" Justeaze asks Daisuke with a blank look. "I'm not saying your choice is bad. I'm more curious about why you chose her when there are other female Servants better suited for leadership roles." She walked over and sat on Daisuke's lap. "After all, you should be aware of Nobunaga's past and the consequences of her actions."

"Hm. Fair point." Daisuke realizes he might have done a big whoops by summoning Nobunaga into Worm. "Either way, Worm isn't the best world to begin with. At least, I think Nobunaga could do something in this world."

"You're just hoping Nobunaga would bring chaos to this world and provide some entertainment for you." Justeaze pokes Daisuke on the cheek. "You might as well summon someone else to stir up more trouble while bringing Medusa back to the Throne of Heroes."

"To be fair, I am easily bored these days." Daisuke admitted without denying Justeaze's observation. "But why does Medusa need to return to the Throne of Heroes?" He raised an eyebrow, displaying his confusion.

"Because today is her second day with you, and I got complaints from the others that they are waiting on their turn for their date with you, Master." Justeaze explained. "Also, most already know you've claimed Altera as your maid. So there aren't many complaints about her being summoned, knowing the type of person she is. And as for Nobunaga... Well, technically, today is her first day, but pretty much everyone knows she isn't here for a date with you, Master. In fact, she is supposed to be near the bottom of the list of those to be summoned for this whole dating thing going on."

"Huh. Is that why she requested me to give her a heavily modified musket that doesn't need to be reloaded and generates its own bullets?" Daisuke rubs his chin thoughtfully.

"Don't insult my intelligence, Master. We both know what was happening when Nobunaga asked you for that musket. Although she could have gone for a better firearm, I guess she just likes the musket more for whatever reasons she has." Justeaze said plainly. "Anyway, you should bring Medusa back and summon the others, who are waiting for their turn, even though today should be Nobuanga's."

"Right." Daisuke picked Justeaze up and placed her in his seat before exiting the house to inform Medusa of her sudden return to the Throne of Heroes.

15 minutes later*

"Did she go back quietly?" Justeaze asks Daisuke upon his return, with Nobunaga and Altera following right behind him. "Oh, and you got those two to return here with you."

"Well, more like she didn't want to go back until she found out, I was about to summon someone else, and she was only willing to go back after I gave her a complete collection of volumes for a specific series." Daisuke replied in a confused voice. "I honestly don't understand her. One moment, she agrees to kill others with me, then the next, she complains about letting Altera help Nobunaga out."

"Medusa is a complicated person." Justeaze replied.

"I think she's just bored. I know I would be stuck inside just reading all day long." Nobunaga chimed in with her own opinion, her tone hinting at understanding.

"Maybe she just wanted to hang out with everyone, but with how Master had ordered Nobunaga to form a gang and lead it on his behalf, it caused her to be isolated in some way." Altera spoke up, her voice gentle as she offered her perspective.

"In any case, Nobunaga, any problems?" Daisuke asks, putting the summoning of the next female Servant on hold for a bit as he directs his attention to Nobunaga.

"I need more muskets and other firearms." Nobunaga replied instantly. "None of the modern type firearms just yet. I need to get used to using some of them before I arm my soldiers with them."

"Alright." Daisuke agreed, then turned his attention to Altera. "How about you, Altera? Any problems?"

"I have managed not to cause any damage to the surroundings as I've tortured some men for Nobunaga." Altera nods, a hint of pride clear in her voice. "I should be able to get to that point where I don't end up hurting other people nearby by accident. I just need more practice and time."

"Ah." Justeaze's eyes lit up slightly. "Master, I have someone who's requesting to be summoned by you right now." She got up from her seat and stretched her arms.

"Oh? I'm curious to see who is going to be our next comrade in taking over this world." Nobunaga grinned, her eyes glinting with excitement as she settled into a nearby chair, ready to welcome the new addition to their group.

Daisuke nods at Justeaze as he activates the Holy Grail. The air around them crackles with magical energy as he summons the female Servant who is requesting to be summoned right now. The room fills with a bright golden light and causes nearly everyone to close their eyes as they await the arrival of their new ally.

Once the light dies down, Daisuke is suddenly enveloped in a tight hug before he can even see who he has summoned. The warmth and strength of the embrace catch him off guard, leaving him momentarily stunned as he tries to catch a glimpse of his new ally. The room gradually returns to normal, the golden light fading away, revealing the identity of the affectionate Servant now holding him.

"Master, I'm glad you have agreed to summon me again. I have been worried that you don't want me in your life anymore." Scathach said in a happy tone, her voice filled with genuine relief and joy. She hugged Daisuke tighter, her warmth and strength enveloping him completely.

Daisuke could feel her heartbeat against his chest, a steady reminder of her loyalty and affection. As the golden light fully faded, the sight of Scathach's familiar form made him recall those times when she had been doing her best to help him in his time of distress.

"Well, this is unexpected." Daisuke said, slowly blinking as he looked down at Scathach, who was smiling up at him. "So, I'm just going to be blunt with you, Scathach. Do you still have the desire for your death?"

"Of course not." Scathach replied, furrowing her eyebrows. "At least, not anymore since I've met you, Master." Her expression softened as she looked into Daisuke's eyes, her voice filled with sincerity. "You've given me a new purpose, and I no longer seek death. Instead, I want to stand by your side and help you achieve your goals."

Note to self: Later, figure out what he did to make Scathach like this.

"Don't forget the rest of us here." Nobunaga called out from the side, her voice laced with a playful reminder. She leaned back in her chair, arms crossed. "Also, is she going to be the one to help me out as well, or is Altera going to be my enforcer the entire time?" Nobunaga's eyes flicked between Scathach and Altera. "Because if I can have both. That would be great."

"I don't mind helping out a bit. After all, Master and I have some time to catch up for the rest of today before I return to the Throne of Heroes. I had to owe favors from others to cut in line for this moment." Scathach said to Nobunaga, smiling slightly. "So, if you don't mind waiting until then."

"Sure, I've already given those guys outside a break time from the training I'm putting them through to be ready for the incoming fights later today." Nobunaga shrugs her shoulders.

He wondered if Nobunaga was being this extra harsh due to this world being Worm than any other one.

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