The Journey That Changed A World.

10. Shocked. Final Edit.

Archer and Talila were discussing life as they walked back.

''So Archer, what affinities do you have?''

He answers with a little bit of hesitation in his voice, which didn't escape Talila's blood red eyes.

''Emm, I can use space and lighting magic so far. I can also learn support spells such as body enhancement and cleanse.''

She gets a shocked look on her face before it vanishes as quickly as it appeared.

''So you have dual affinities, that's really rare. Not many people are blessed by the Goddess Nemani. The warrior goddess only blesses truly exceptional people with extra gifts.''

Talila glances at him while smiling.

''She must value you greatly Archer. Whatever she has planned for you is sure to be something special.''

She then asked him a question as they walked along the stone road.

''Did you complete your wild dog quest?''

He nodded his head then stopped speaking.

Archer thought about the goddess and what she wanted from him. She must have been the one who brought him here from earth.

''So Talila, where do you come from?''

She looked at the boy who wouldn't stop talking to her.

''I come from the Kyellona kingdom from the east side of the forsaken forest bordering the Troubled Sea.''

''Oh what is it like?''

''Dark, damp and a battleground if you live there.''

Talila stops speaking, Archer just watches her speed up.

Her long silver ponytail was swinging side to side and he noticed her ears twitching, which meant she was annoyed.

A couple of hours later they arrived in the city.

The group started heading towards the adventurers guild.

While walking, the twin knights asked Archer about the black sword he used when they saw him.

''So what was that sword you held, Archer?'' Feyra asked him.

Radyn spoke up before Archer could answer.

''I think it was an element sword, must be a spell sister.''

They then started thinking about it as they heard Archer answer them.

''Yes, it's an element sword. It's one of the spells I learned before becoming an adventurer.''

They both nodded then went back to thinking again.

That's when the group came upon the guild.

Entering the building they all approached the counter.

The receptionist at the counter looked up at them.

She was a high elf with blonde hair tied into a neat bun and blue eyes.

Her ears were longer than Ella's and Talila's.

Thinking about Ella.

'Her ears are shorter than Talila's and the high elf's, maybe she's a half elf?'

Archer said to himself that he would send her a letter in a few days and ask her about it in the future.

Shaking his head as he heard the elf speak to Talila.

''Welcome back sparrows. How was the goblin hunt?''

Talila was about to speak until Darius spoke up.

''It was easy. A few more goblins than we thought there would be, but it was all fine.''

Archer thought to himself.

'Sparrows, is that their adventuring group name?'

Talila then spoke over Darius before he could continue to ramble.

''It turned out well, with the help of the little guy over there.''

She pointed at Archer who was standing there watching everything unfold.

The elf cocked her eyebrows as she recognized Archer.

''Are you not the boy Sarah dealt with yesterday?''

''Yes, why?''

''How did you come to help the Sparrows?. Would you mind telling me?''

Nodding at the woman, he wondered whether to tell her about what had happened.

He then saw Talila nodding her head at him, so he told her.

''Well, when I was completing my quest, I heard a scream and ran towards it, I found these guys fighting loads of goblins.

They were about to be overwhelmed when I helped them out. After helping them out of their sticky situation, I spoke to the wonderful Talila and we met up after completing our quests.''

As a result of what he said, the Sparrows and the elf stared at him strangely.

''What! It's the truth is it not?''

The elf grinned as she turned to Talila giggling.

''Girl it seems like you have yourself an admirer.''

The dark elf scowled at the receptionist before speaking.

''Shut up Vaella, stop joking around!''

She then turned on Archer who she caught looking at her ears.

'Why is he staring at my ears?'

''Stop looking at me you little shit, we've talked about this before.''

Archer looked offended at her words before puffing out his chest with a smile.

''What?!, you're telling me I can't admire a beautiful woman?''

Talila's cheeks became red and Vaella started laughing.

The rest ignored it, as they noticed Talila wasn't really getting angry at the boy.

She turned on Archer and introduced herself while smiling.

''Hello Talila's future husband, my name is Vaella, her oldest friend, but you can just call me big sister though.''

He smiled at her words and was about to reply when 2 fists shot out hitting both of them on their heads.

Bop!~ Bop!~


Talila bopped both idiots on the head for their jokes.

''Stop joking you idiots, we both need to register the completion of our quests.''

Rubbing her head Vaella went to look for the records of the quests the Sparrows and Archer took.

After 5 minutes she looked at Archer.

''Did the farmer pay you the 80 silver?''

He nodded before taking out a corpse to show her.

When the wild dog corpse appeared in front of her, she was shocked to the core as he put it back.

''W-w-what did you just do?!''

Archer then looked at the woman before answering.

''It's a storage skill I learned. It's useful for hunting.''

Vaella nods slowly before asking for his card and stamping it with something.

''Congratulations, you've completed your first quest Archer, oh by the way I don't know if Sarah told you, but anything under 1 gold is paid out by the issuer of the quest, while the guild takes a little bit when they post it.''

He nodded before asking.

''How can I sell the bodies I've collected so far?''

Smiling as she replied.

''I will call the butchers and they will collect the bodies from here. Show me what you've got?''

''Are you sure? There's a lot of bodies.''

She gets a doubtful look.

''How many?''


After hearing the number, the group was shocked, that's when Vaella walked to a set of stairs and told the group to follow her.

After walking for a few minutes, they arrived at a single wooden door.

They all entered the door.

The room was really spacious and a bunch of seats were set up in one corner of the room.

Everyone except Archer and Vaella sat down.

''Take out whatever you have got so far.''

That's when he removed 19 wild dog bodies, 18 goblin bodies and 2 forest wolf bodies from his item box.

Everyone in the room was shocked silly at this kid's ability.

Talila then spoke up.

''How did you do all this Archer?''

He looked at her as he replied.

''I was hunting and collecting the kills.''

They all looked at him with suspicion.

Vaella then asked him with a shocked look on her face.

''Why are their chests all opened up?''

Archer looked away and whistled as they all stared at the bodies.

No one spoke for a couple minutes before Feyra spoke.

''Everyone is entitled to their own secrets. Leave the boy alone.''

They all nodded before Vaella examined the bodies.

She then left the room, after 5 minutes she returned with 3 men who stopped walking when they saw the pile of beasts.

''This will take the rest of today to deal with.''

Upon approaching the pile, they started storing them in rings they was wearing.

They then left the room and Vaella turned to Archer and gave him an estimate.

''Archer that is about 8 gold coins worth of materials. Can you collect it tomorrow morning?''

He nodded his head and sat with the others.

She approached them and sat opposite them before handing them a bag of coins.

''Sparrows this is for the goblin hunt, and the rest is for the other 2 quests you completed before.''

Talila took the pouch, opened it and shared it with the group before storing hers away in a ring that was on her right hand's middle finger.

Talila then stood up and spoke.

''Well that concludes this business. We're leaving to go find an inn.''

They were about to leave when Vaella stopped them.

''Wait Talila, the guild master has a special job for you guys.''

She stopped walking and turned to the high elf.

''There's an urgent shipment leaving for Larnaca in the morning. He wants the Sparrows to be its escorts.''

That's when they all looked excited. Novius then spoke up.

''Who commissioned the quest?''

''The Iron-shadow trading company.''

They all got greedy looks on their faces.

They accepted the job.

After 5 minutes of talking they all left the guild to find an inn to rest for the night.


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