The Journey That Changed A World.

9. Level Hunting. Final Edit.

Archer lay on the floor watching his arm patch itself back together.

It still hurt like hell and nearly made him faint but he held on.

He remembered to collect the wild dogs hearts, then go see the old man at the farm to get his 80 silver.

Finally deciding to get up and loot everything, he took his knife out and got to work.

An hour later he was finished and stored everything in the item box.

He then remembered the little cub the dogs were circling.

Looking around, Archer saw nothing.

''It must have fled when it had the chance.''

Right now, he chooses not to think about it.

In the fight, Archer felt that feeling of leveling up during the fight.

He took out a heart from the item box, and ate it then started eating all 22 of them, one after another.


He felt completely bloated and decided to chill in the clearing while taking a look at his status.

Looking around he found a log, so he went and sat on it while checking his status.


[Experience: 100/1000]

[Level Up: 8>13]

[SP: 32]

[Mana: 920/1180]

Archer was surprised at how quickly he leveled up, but he felt that the higher he reached, the slower he would level up.

He got 4750 experience in total from killing the goblins earlier, the wild dog quest and eating all the hearts.

1050 experience from goblins, 1500 experience from wild dogs, and 2200 experience from eating hearts.

That's when he upgraded his stats.

9 points on HP and mana, 4 on strength and constitution, and 2 points on every other stat.


[Mana: 1180>1450]

[Strength: 105>145]

[Constitution: 80>120]

[Stamina: 110>130]

[Charisma: 200>220]

[Intelligence: 110>130]

As soon as his arm was fully healed, he got up from the log.

He walked off towards the old man's farm, it took him a couple hours to get back, as he stepped out of the forest he looked up at the sun.

Realizing that it was already afternoon, he began walking towards the farm in the distance.

Approaching the door he knocks.

Knock!~ Knock!~ Knock!~

Footsteps were heard on the other side of the door, when a young woman opened the door.

Green hair and bright blue eyes, she speaks with a baffled look on her face.

''Emm excuse me? How can we help you?''

Archer looked at the girl before replying.

''I'm here to see your father for the reward. The wild dogs have been dealt with.''

The girl's eyes opened wide before she darted back into the house.

Not even two minutes later the old man stepped out with narrowed eyes.

''Oh so you're not dead boy? and where's the proof of death''

''Oh yes, I'm here to haunt you from beyond the grave! Hahahaha.''

Archer then took out a wild dog body showing the old man before putting it back.

The old man seemed happy and nodded his head.

He then looked back up to the old man before sarcastically replying.

Archer laughs before speaking.

''Of course I'm still alive old man, I showed you the proof, where's my 80 silver?''

The old man looks shocked before shaking his head, then throwing a pouch at him.

''Here boy, well done.''


He caught the pouch before throwing it into his item box and saying goodbye to the old man.

''Goodbye old man.''

Archer started walking to the forest entrance which was only a simple road that led from Vassia city.

Looking around for a tree tall enough to overlook the road.

Seeing the magnificent tree, he climbed up like a monkey.

After finding a branch he settled in and waited for Talila and her group to arrive.

While he was there he zoned out and had a flashback of the previous Archer's earlier life.


It's no secret that when Archer was younger he was loved and cared for.

His mother Larka showed him love.

He loved those times when his mother taught him how to use a sword in her spare time.

Archer's father taught him about magic and how to use it.

When he was a kid, his brothers and sisters always played with him.

As for his half brothers and sisters, they invited him to play and eat together.

He enjoyed his life until the day he turned 13 and had to take the family test.

The family test consisted of children fighting a low-ranked monster.

For Archer he had to fight a jungle lynx, which wasn't strong but quick.

Once the fight started, Archer blocked a few hits but the cat was too quick and the beast slashed him across the face.

Sending him flying backwards and hitting his head hard.

Forcing his father to get involved, slaying the beast in Archer's stead.

From that day onwards he was treated like shit by everyone.

He was treated like he did not exist among all the maids except Ella.

As the days passed after the fight he became more ill, he blacked out, had nosebleeds and dizziness.

Until one day he fell into a deep sleep and no one knew what had happened to him so he was left to his own devices.

Weeks passed as Ella cared for him by feeding and cleaning him.

When he passed away, Archer (Earth) transmigrated and inherited his scattered memories, emotions, and pain.

Each day, new memories emerged and were organized.

[Flashback over]


A loud roar woke Archer up, as he looked around but didn't see anything.

He stood up and stretched his arms.

That's when he heard it again.


He jumps off the branch and lands hard.

That's when his senses went crazy and he turned around quickly to see a heavy tail swinging at him.

He raised his hands to defend himself against the tail.


Archer was sent flying in the opposite direction, his small body smashing into a tree trunk.

Laying on the ground, his brain scrambled and his body hurt. However, he managed to look up and see a dinosaur-looking creature but with a noticeable difference.

''A fucking dinosaur!!''

It was more agile than its counterpart on earth, had longer legs and lighter armor.

As it charged towards him, I used thunder-step to dodge it.


Archer vanished from the spot he was at and appeared behind the beast.

When he did he fired two void blasts at it.

'Void blast.'

Woosh!~ Woosh!~


The blast hit the beast and it stopped dead in its tracks.

Before it could charge again, he cast cosmic sword then charged towards it.

'Cosmic sword.'

Archer dodged to the side of it as it charged towards him.

Slicing the beast down the side of its fleshy body, blood squirting out of it.

It dropped to the floor dead.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead as he looked at the dinosaur-looking thing that attacked out of nowhere.

He approached the beast, dismissed his cosmic sword and pulled out his knife from the item box.

Taking out the things heart, he looked at it.

It was the biggest he'd seen so far, so he started eating it.

5 minutes later the heart was no more, so he checked his status.

[Experience: 800/1000]

[SP: 0>1]

He got 600 experience from the dinosaur thing and 100 from the heart.

Nearly leveling up again, he heard the voice he had been wanting to hear coming from behind him.

''What are you doing boy?''

Archer turned around to see Talila smiling at him.

He smiled as he answered.

''Some weird beast attacked me. I wasn't expecting it because it came out of nowhere.''

She nodded before introducing her friends who came up from behind her.

''The lion Demi-human over there is Darius, the 2 knights are Radyn and Feyra, the cleric is named Cecelia and the mage's name is Novius.''

Archer looked at them and noticed the twins looked tired, the cleric was sweating and the big guy was standing there like nothing had happened.

And the beast-kin looked like he would fall asleep at any moment.

Talila looked normal. She didn't look like she had fought a camp full of goblins.

''Hello, I'm Archer. Nice to meet you all.''

They all looked at the strange boy covered in more blood than before, so the mage spoke up.

''Why are you covered in more blood than before?''

Archer looked down at his body and realized that his body was completely covered in blood again.

He then explained with a laugh and smile.

''Well it got a bit messy Hehe.''

They all looked at the boy with his creepy laugh wondering what's going in his head.

It was the mage who approached him.

''Little guy, would you like to learn the cleanse?''

Archer stared at the man with a blank look on his face, freaking everyone out before answering.

''Yes please.''

Before Novius could teach Archer the spell, Talila spoke up.

''Do it on the road, we'll return back to the city before it gets dark''

An hour passed as the group walked back to the city, not encountering anything on the way.

Novius taught archer cleanse in no time shocking the bald mage, so he cast it as they walked.


A breeze passed over Archer, cleaning all the blood and grime from his body and clothes.

Feeling refreshed he smiled while thanking the man.

''Thank you for teaching me Novius.''

The mage nodded.

''That's okay little guy, you learned quicker than I expected.''

After Archer was taught the spell he ran after Talila and started speaking to her.


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