The Journey That Changed A World.

3. Banished. Finale Edit.

Shortly after deciding to start training soon, Ella returned with a plate of meat and greens.

Placing it on the table, she explained what it was.

''Here young master, horned rabbit meat with some fairy leaf salad.''

Archer looked at the girl with a confused face as he approached the table and sat down in front of the meal.

''Is there something wrong young master?''

''What is this fairy leaf salad?''

She looked baffled for a second, but a smile spread across her face.

''It's a salad grown by the elves that has special healing properties.....''

Her head tilted to the side as her eyes widened like saucers.

''What's happened to you?! Your ears are sharper than mine!''

She then looks at me up and down.

''You have little bumps on the side of your head and your eyes have changed color!''

Archer looked at this curious girl.

After taking a few bites he answered.

''You've only just noticed it.''

He laughed at her confused look.


''To be honest, I don't know. I looked in the mirror just before you walked in and was like this already.''

She then nodded with a suspicious look in her eyes before moving on as he finished the meal.

''It could be something to do with your bloodline but we won't know until you reach level 20''

He nodded in agreement while pushing the plate away.

Ella then informed him of something he needed to do.

''Well young master, the master wishes to see you now that you are awake''

''Why does he want to see me? Is it about that stupid beast fight?''

She replied but he cut her off.

''Young master...''

''Just call me Archer or Arch!''

Looking baffled not expecting his request.

She couldn't understand why he wanted her to do that.

But she accepted it nonetheless.

''Okay Arch!, all I can say is he looks angry.''

He sighed and had an idea of what the old man wanted to do.

They would kick him out like all disappointed parents do.

He wondered if they would throw him away but he didn't bother to think about that right now.

It was necessary for him to go to the library.

He needed to learn some spells before anything happens.

''Ella, we will go to the library first, then see father. Will you show me the way?''

''Yes Arch, let's go.''

As they walked through the hallways, Archer noticed fancy decorations were everywhere, gold trimmings lining the paintings frames.

Upon noticing him looking around the place with a strange look, Ella quickly explained.

''The first wife of Duke Ashguard loved decorating the manor, she spends a lot of gold on pointless stuff.''

After the explanation, he shrugged and followed her, they come upon two imposing doors standing firm.

She turned to him and explained.

''It's behind those doors, it's the biggest library in the city.''

They both entered the room and saw a massive library with rows and rows of books.

Archer looked around and found the spell books stored in one corner.

He walked over and looked.

Ella followed him.

A spell book caught his attention while searching the shelves.

'Void Blast'

Taking the books, he looked for more.

He came across three more books that interested him.

Cosmic shield, Cosmic Sword and Body Enhancement.

Taking all four spell books, he went over to a table by the window.

As soon as he placed them on the table, he searched for a history book.

This was so he could gain an understanding of this strange world he found himself in.

Ella followed behind him as he walked towards the table.

Archer looked at the girl.

''If you want to do something else or read yourself, you can do it.''

She smiled at his question before getting a spell book.

He noticed that she was holding the Earth Blast spell when she sat down next to him.

He was interested, so he asks.

''So you can use Earth magic?''

Ella nodded her head smiling.

''Yes, I can also use Light magic.''

Hearing her speak, Archer was shocked.

The fractured memories he received from the previous Archer informed him that most people have affinity with one of the elements.

However, those who possess an affinity for two elements are considered rare and highly sought after by many kingdoms and academies.

After thinking for a few minutes he shook his head and sat down to study the spell books he chose.

Hours passed as they read.

Archer looked up from the book he was reading and saw the sun setting.

He decided he was done reading and dropped the book onto the table with a bang and making Ella jump with a yelp.

Archer started laughing as she glared daggers at him before laughing along with him.

That's when he remembered the notifications that popped up when he read.

[Void Blast Learned]

[Cosmic Shield Learned]

[Cosmic Sword Learned]

[Body Enhancement Learned]

Even Learning four basic spells made him very happy.

Archer then realized he could use two elements, Space and Lightning magic.

He decided to test the theory in the future.

The memories he managed to receive that weren't fragmented showed him how to use magic which was lucky.

It all has to do with imagining what the spell looks like and knowing how it works.

In fact being able to use Mana is already rare as it is, not many humans can use it.

Maybe 40% of the human population can use Mana, but every living being has it inside them, which benefits them even when they can't use it.

It makes them healthier and longer-lived.

Demi-humans can also use magic, elves are the best adapted, most races can also use it.

As humans are on the weaker side, they use numbers to gain the advantage in wars.

He took the books and put them back on the shelves and waited for Ella to join him.

As she walked up to him, he found himself appreciating her beauty.

Archer thought she was really pretty dressed in her maid's outfit and stared as she arrived in front of him.

Ella stood there looking at him as he was in a daze.

''Hello Arch, are you okay?''

While in a daze he mumbled.

''Very beautiful.''

Hearing him, her face turned red as she thought.

'Oh my god he called me beautiful, he had never said that before.'

After Archer said what he did the both of them started acting awkward with each other as they left the library.

With her escorting him to the Count's office without looking at him.

As they walked down the hallway in silence.

Archer looked out the window and saw the forest bordering Vassia city.

The trees were massive, much bigger than earth's trees.

10 minutes later they arrived outside the Counts office.

Ella knocked on the door.

Knock!~ Knock!~ Knock!~

A loud dominating voice answered the knock.


Ella entered first followed by Archer, when they entered the man sitting at the desk told them to sit.


They both sat down as Archer stared at the middle aged man with brown hair.

He looked 6ft tall big built with a strong jaw line, stubble on his face and green eyes staring back at him.

The man's name is Leonard Ashguard, the Count of Vessia city.

He has 12 children with his three wives.

Archer is one of many children.

The man looked at him with vicious green eyes before speaking.

''Archer you failed a simple test and brought shame upon the Ashguard house, a house that has always produced powerful warriors for the Avalon Empire!''

Leonard slammed his palm on the table scaring Ella but continuing.

He stared at Archer then asked.

''What's happened to your face?''

''Actually don't worry, I don't care.''

He then dismissed it because he didn't care for the child.

''All your brothers and some of your sisters have talent and are useful to this house, but you?, your useless and not wanted, your mother even agrees with me.''

''You have no skill for the sword, no skill for magic and no skill for administration, you are useless to the family, you are hereby banished!''

''You no longer have the right to call yourself an Ashguard anymore. You shall leave in the morning at first light and I don't want to see you on our land after this, understand boy?''

Ella gasped when the count banished Archer from the family.

Archer just stared back at the man.

''Okay, I'll leave.''

Archer and Ella left the count's office and walked to his room to pack some stuff.

However, they bumped into two of his brothers.

Aldwulf and Pallius, two of the count's favorite children who can get away with anything.

They were 14 and 13.

When Archer noticed Pallius looking at Ella lewdly, he warned him.

''Take your filthy eyes off her!''

He looked at Archer before scoffing.

Aldwulf then spoke up.

''I heard what had happened from my mother. It's a shame someone as useless as you was born into this family.''

Archer stares back before bursting into laughter.


''Fuck off you idiot!''

Grabbing Ella's hand, he walked off leaving the two boys standing there with shocked looks on their faces.

He entered his room dragging her along with him.


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