The Journey That Changed A World.

4. Goodbye For Now. Finale Edit.

Archer slammed the door closed as they entered, still holding her hand.

Looking up at her face and noticed it was red as a apple.

He smiled as he spoke.

''Sorry about that, I didn't like him looking at you like that.''

As she heard him speak, she smiled.

''That's okay, I like this new side of you.''

''But what will you do?''

He thought for a second.

''I read about the adventurer's guild allowing children to sign up at 13, so I think I'll become one and earn some coin that way.''

Archer then rubs his chin before speaking.

''I can't stay here and put up with my father's shit any longer, yes I lost the fight, but that was just an excuse for him to throw me out for whatever reason.''

He suddenly got a brilliant idea and asked.

''Hey Ella, can you fight?''

She tilted her head before nodding.

''Yes, my mother and father taught me archery and earth magic before we came to the Avalon Empire.''

He smiled as he heard her response.

''Then why don't you come with me? We can become adventurers, explore this world and discover the unknowns.''

After hearing Archer's offer, she looked sad.

''Arch I cant, my mother signed a work contract, and it runs out when I turn 15, so we have to continue working for two more years''

He got a sad look on his face at the thought of separating from her.

The original Archer liked her a lot and when their souls became one, the same feelings were passed onto the current him.

She smiled.

''But if you still want me to, when I turn 15, I can come with you''

Ella had a hopeful look as she really wanted to be with him.

If she left with him now her mother could get into trouble.

Archer was annoyed at first but cheered up when he heard her speak.

''Yes that's perfect, when you're 15 I'll get you signed up as an adventurer and we can explore together, however, while you're here, you should study hard before I return for you.''

She nodded before leaving.

''I will, I promise you, I'll come see you in the morning.''

''Goodnight Arch.''

Ella left the room and Archer stood there staring at the door.

He turned to sit down at the table and reviewed the spells and skills he had learned earlier.

[Spell Creation]

[Void Blast]

[Cosmic Shield]

[Cosmic Sword]

[Body Enhancement]

[Mana Regeneration]

'Void blast and cosmic sword are my attack spells, Cosmic Shield is a defense skill, while body enhancement is a support skill.

It uses his Mana pool to power any part of his body.

Archer then selected Spell Creation.

[Spell creation: Can create one new spell per rank]

Archer stared at the screen in front of him and decided he wanted to create something that he remembers appearing in a lot of web novels.

[Spell creation activated]

Nothing happened while he sat at the table, until he heard a click.

[Item box skill created]

[Spell Creation cool-down activates until user ranks up]

He started relaxing after creating a skill that will be useful for years to come.

'Item Box.'

[Item Box: A skill that allows the user to store items in a pocket dimension that only the user has access to, and grows larger as the user levels up]

''Very useful''

He gets up and decides to do a workout before getting into bed.

100 sit ups, 100 push ups and 100 squats.

After finishing the workout, he didn't feel satisfied, so he repeated it 3 more times.

Leaving him out of breath, Archer's new body was not even the slightest bit ready to work out so it was aching badly.

His memories reminded him of how the previous Archer was a bookworm who barely came outside the library when he was younger.

After all the exercise, Archer crawled into bed, sore and tired.

Falling into a deep sleep.


He opened his eyes as he heard someone shouting his name.


That's when he realized he was dreaming.

He was standing about 10 meters from the scene he never wanted to see again.

His eyes were fixed on that crazy stalker Noah stabbing him.

Noah was saying something but Archer couldn't hear anything, so he could only read his lips.

'Only mine, Only mine.'

When the attack happened he didn't pay attention to what Noah was saying.

He only paid attention to the excruciating pain he felt, but witnessing it in the third person was a completely different experience.

Archers own blood splattered everything and everyone around him.

Alexa's screams and Noah's manic smile, seeing and hearing all this broke his mind.

When he woke up earlier today he was too distracted to think about the attack.

It was only after he fell asleep that memories returned.

Archer experienced the legendary snap that people suffer with trauma hear when their mind breaks down.

He woke up panicking and looked around, remembering where he was.

He tried to relax, but couldn't.

He got out of bed and stumbled over to the window and opened it.

The sun hadn't yet risen, and the breeze blowing against his skin was relaxing.

Archer's mind reeled, the nightmare messed with him, he doesn't know what, but something has changed.

But ignoring it he jumps up on the window ledge to sit down as he watched the birds fly past the castle.

A few birds flew past his window as he stretched his arms above his head as he watched the city.

It was lively at this time in the morning.

There was lots of carriages and wagons in the plaza near Vassia's castle, he saw loads of people walking here and there.

A market was getting set up, people were walking to and from work or adventurers taking quests while heading out the city.

Archer got off the ledge when he calmed down.

He got up and put on a new shirt and pants and threw the rest into his storage along with the knife he had.

He only had five pairs of black shirts and pants.

That's all the Ashguards gave him.

The clothes felt like they was made from linen when he felt them.

As he finished he heard a knock on the door.

''Come in!''

The door opens and Archer sees Ella walking in, but she looks lost in thought.

''Morning Arch, I brought you some food before you leave.''

She then put a tray on the table with bacon and eggs heaped on it.

Archer walked over to the table and sat down to eat.

He looked at her as he stuffed his face with the delicious breakfast and wondered what was wrong with the girl.

''What's wrong, Ella? You seem lost in thought.''

She shook her head before speaking.

''Arch, we won't see each other for years, but could you please try to write to me?, I asked butler Calluric if I can send letters to you through the guild, So they pass it on to you, and he said they can.''

She looked embarrassed until Archer reassured her.

''It's okay Ella, I was going to write to you anyway, so don't worry, plus I'll come visit you sometimes''

He finished the food and stood up, and moved in front of her.

That's when the scent of lavender hit his nose, which he loved the smell off.

'Smells beautiful.'

Archer pondered inwardly as he looked into her sky blue eyes.

''Wanna walk to the gate with me?''

Ella nodded her head and they both left the room, heading for the exit.

When they were getting close to the exit, a sarcastic voice came from behind them.

''The weak don't belong here, I cant believe I gave birth to someone like you, you bring shame to all the dragon-kin race.''

A tall woman with black hair, pointy ears like Archer's and blue eyes, with a pair of black horns coming from above her ears.

It was his mother Larka Ashguard, she was staring at him with a dirty look.

'I promise to prove you wrong.'

He then turned away ignoring his mother and made his way out if the castle.

10 minutes later they arrived at the castle entrance.

As they faced each other, Archer shocked Ella by hugging her and whispering something in her ear that sent her heart racing.

''Goodbye for now, my beautiful Ella.''

He pulled away and turned around to leave.

When she hesitated before running up to him and pecked him on the cheek.

Before bolting off like a scared rabbit.

He laughed as he watched her run away and leave.

Archer entered the city and saw roads paved with smooth white stones.

However, he continued walking down the street while looking around for the adventurers guild.

Having no idea where it was, he looked around and saw a stall selling food.

He walked up to it and asked the man who was cooking.

'Excuse me, where is the guild?''

The man didn't spot Archer until he looked down and laughed.

''Hahaha didn't see you there little man, how can I help you?''

''Where's the adventurers guild?''

He rubbed his chin then pointed to the left.

''Head down that road and turn the when you reach an inn called The Lost Guild Master, then it's two minutes from there.''

After that, he thanked the man and walked off in the direction the man pointed.


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Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.

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