The Journey That Changed A World.

69. Seraphina.

As he drew closer, the fairy dragon stirred, slowly opening its eyes to reveal a pair of curious, bright red orbs that shone with otherworldly intelligence.

Tentatively, he reached out to touch its scales, which were warm to the touch and felt a sense of wonder at the creature's beauty.

Archer continued to marvel at the little dragon until he noticed the sun beginning to set, casting a warm orange glow over the jungle landscape.

The fairy dragon sprang to life, grinning mischievously as it leaped onto his head, holding onto his horn as it leaned over and started to nibble on his pointy ear.

The sensation sent a shiver down Archer's body.

He didn't dislike it, but he didn't want the creature to keep biting his ear.

With a swift movement, he grabbed the little dragon and brought it in front of him.

Observing the playful creature, he noticed its scales gleamed in a vibrant cherry red hue, while its eyes shone with a deep, rich crimson color.

The creature possessed a pair of delicate wings, reminiscent of a butterfly's, yet surprisingly sturdy-looking.

In an attempt to get the little dragon's attention, Archer reached out his hand, only to feel a sudden, sharp pain as the creature bit his finger.

He winced, surprised by the strength of the tiny teeth.

Archer quickly released the fairy dragon, which flitted away before perching on his shoulder.

Despite the sting of the bite, he couldn't help but admire the creature's spunky spirit and tenacity.

To his surprise, the little dragon nuzzled its head against his cheek, emitting a contented purr.

But then, the fairy dragon's gaze shifted to his back, where it spotted his white dragon wings.

The creature's eyes widened in amazement, and it let out a delighted chirp as it hopped onto his back, inspecting the wings with great interest.

Archer couldn't help but smile as he watched the little dragon's excitement.

Feeling pleased with the little dragon's response, Archer got its attention and asked.

"Do you want to come with me?" Archer asked the creature.

It looked at him before nodding its head and smiling.

With the little dragon now perched on his shoulder, Archer walked over to a tree trunk and sat down, leaning back.

He gently placed the creature in front of him, and the two of them looked at each other.

Archer reached over and started to stroke the dragon as he spoke.

"What should I call you?" he asked.

The little dragon tilted its head as if telling him to come up with an answer.

"Um, what about Zephyr?" he suggested.

Without hesitation, the little dragon bit his hand.

"You're a fiery one, ha-ha," Archer chuckled as he pulled his hand back.

It was then that he realized the truth.

"You're a girl," he said, his eyes widening.

The little dragon smiled and nodded her head as Archer thought of the perfect name for her.

"I have the perfect name for you," he said with a smile.

"Seraphina. It means 'fiery' in Greek. But for short, I'll call you Sera."

The dragon got happy and jumped at him, clinging onto his black shirt while nuzzling her head against him.

Archer pulled out some meat wraps and started eating.

Sera smelled the food and locked onto it like a homing missile, lunging for it.

She snatched it out of his hand as he was about to take a bite, he just stared at his empty hand and the thief.

He narrowed his eyes and threw another one at the greedy girl as he took out another to eat himself.

The two dragons sat in a tree, eating some meat wraps as the sun finally set and the beautiful night sky appeared.

Archer had planned to return to his domain, but he decided to sleep in the tree tonight.

He lay on the thick tree branch, gazing up at the night sky.

The stars twinkled above him, casting a soft glow over the forest.

Suddenly, he saw a streak of violet light shoot across the sky, followed by another and another.

He watched in awe as the shooting stars flew across the sky, leaving trails of light in their wake.

As he continued to watch, he felt a small weight on his chest.

Looking down, he saw Sera crawling onto him, her tiny claws gripping his shirt.

She curled up into a ball, resting her head on his chest as they both gazed up at the beauty of the night sky together.

The only sound heard was the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

Archer heard a little snore and looked towards little Sera, smiling before he fell asleep shortly after.

However, his peaceful slumber was short-lived as he tossed and turned, caught in the grip of another nightmare.

In the dream, he was older and battling a group of cannibals in a dense, snowy forest with a blonde girl with lion ears.

The air was thick with the sound of clashing swords, spells going off all over the place, and the cries of dying men.

Despite their best efforts, the wild men overpowered them, and the man and the woman were captured and dragged off to the cannibal's camp.

The camp was a chaotic place, filled with smoke and the smell of blood and cooked meat.

They were thrown into a crude wooden cage, where they were left to await their fate.

As the night wore on, Archer's fear grew as he watched the cannibals force the other captives over to a butcher's table and chop them into pieces.

He knew that they were ruthless and that they would show him no mercy.

In the darkness, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

The cannibals had come for them.

Archer watched as they approached the cage and opened it.

They grabbed the girl as she started to fight back, but it was useless.

He got ready to help, but as soon as he stood up to lunge at the cannibal, he woke up.

Looking around, he got a bad feeling. As Archer stood up, he looked towards the mountains and was shocked at the scene he was witnessing.

The sun began to rise behind the jagged peaks of the mountains, a thick, eerie mist began to creep down the slopes and into the jungle below.

At first, it was just a faint haze, barely visible against the verdant foliage.

But as it descended further, it grew thicker and more opaque, until it enveloped everything in a ghostly shroud.

Feeling a chill run down his spine as the mist closed in around him and the tree he and Sera were on, obscuring his vision and muffling the sounds of the jungle.

He could barely see his hand in front of his face, and all the sounds of the jungle suddenly stopped, as if a predator was close by.

Archer activated his Aura Detector and scanned his surroundings, noticing smaller beasts fleeing the area.

As he received a few pings, they quickly vanished. Sera leaped onto his shoulder, purring for comfort.

A creepy sensation washed over him as the fog enveloped the tree he was in.

Sera got scared and clung to Archer for comfort.

Feeling as if he were being watched, Archer looked around and quickly activated his Draconic Form.

"Draconis," he said.

All his features appeared as he stretched his wings out and flexed his claws.

That's when he started receiving even more pings.

This time, the alert was going crazy, as if he were surrounded by something, but couldn't see anything when looking around.

He jumped into the air as his wings flapped hard to get him away from the branch he was just on.

Archer hovered in the air, his wings flapping furiously as he tried to clear the thick fog that obscured his vision.

The fog began to dissipate, he felt a chill run down his spine as he saw creepy-looking humanoids climbing up the tree he was just perched on.

Moving with unnatural grace, their fingers and toes gripping the bark of the tree like they were Spiderman.

Archer's heart raced as he realized that these creatures were not human, but something far more sinister.

Their appearance was grotesque and unsettling, with pale, hairless bodies covered in scars and wounds.

Their eyes were sunken and hollow, giving them a gaunt and skeletal appearance.

The creature's mouths were filled with razor-sharp teeth that gleamed in the darkness, and their long, thin fingers ended in razor-sharp claws that could tear through flesh and bone with ease."

As they moved, their bodies contorted and twisted in unnatural ways, giving them an almost spider-like appearance.

Their movements were silent and stealthy, allowing them to sneak up on their prey without being detected.

The beasts reminded him of the wendigos he had fought before, but they were a lot creepier. Suddenly he sensed something coming from his left.

As Archer turned his head, his eyes widened in shock.

Without hesitation, he grabbed hold of Sera.

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