The Journey That Changed A World.

70. The Haunted Dunes.

He grabbed hold of Sera and threw her to the side, he was tackled by one of the creatures that had jumped at him from the tree.

With a crash, he was taken down to the ground.

Despite the creature's attempt to bite him, he pierced its chest and threw it off him, clutching its still-beating heart in his hand.

Archer stored the heart in his Item Box and got to his feet, but as soon as he did, another beast pounced at him.

Using his wings to stop the pounce as he did that the cannibal was dazed so Archer impaled it using his slender tail.

More and more of the creepy creatures started to approach him.

Archer used Void Blaze, burning all the closest creatures, but he was too busy paying attention to the beasts in front of him.

Suddenly, another one crept up behind him and attempted to slash him with its filthy claws.

But he quickly cast Cosmic Shield, blocking the attack.

Its claws scraped across the shield sounding like a teacher scratching a chalkboard, but Archer didn't budge.

He used Thunder Step and reappeared behind the creature, shooting a bolt made from lightning at it.

It seared right through its body, ending up hitting another creature just behind it.

But even more of them appeared and started to surround him, blocking off his escape by foot.

Which he was never going to try.

Using his wing, he stopped the cannibal's pounce, causing it to become disoriented.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Archer impaled the creature with his slender tail.

Smiling as he fired loads of lightning bolts, hitting numerous creatures but more replaced them making Archer frustrated.

'What the hell, why are there so many of them.'

Archer looked around to see dozens of these horrifying creatures, with blood oozing from wounds on their bodies.

Some of them were walking on all fours, while others stood upright, their movements jerky and unsettling.

The creature was emitting creepy noises, a mix of growls and hisses, that made the hairs on the back of Archer's neck stand up.

They circled him, their eyes fixed on him, he felt a creeping sense of unease.

Archer tried to stay calm, but the sight of these creatures and their creepy movements was starting to get to him.

He could feel his heart racing and his palms sweating as they closed in on him, knowing he had to act fast if he wanted to get out of this alive.

The creatures started to close in on him, Archer instantly cast a spell he rarely used.

'Thunder Wave.'

A monstrous, violet wave swept out from him, striking all the creatures and sending them running back into the fog.

Just as he thought he was alone, one of the creatures jumped out of a bush not far from him and started running toward him.

Archer was about to attack it, but Sera quickly jumped off and started hovering in the air.

She let out an adorable growl and released a stream of beautiful fire, hitting the creature directly in the face.

When he looked at the corpse Its head was gone, and the body dropped to the floor.

He went around collecting the intact bodies.

Sera approached Archer while looking at him with a grin as she perched on his shoulder, he laughed to himself and continued to make his way south.

He traveled for days and days but still didn't reach the other side, it took him close to a week to cross the Blackwoods.

Emerging from the dense jungle, Archer blinked in the bright sunlight that shone down on him, he took in his surroundings as he sighed to himself.

''This must be the Haunted Dunes.''

Before him stretched a vast, scorching desert, its sand dunes shimmering in the heat, which was cut off the jungle and the desert by the Soundless Run River.

The air was dry and oppressive, and he could feel the sweat beading on his forehead.

But he noticed a small road snaking its way through the desert, leading off into the distance.

Looking like a thin ribbon, barely visible in the distance, but it was the only path he could see.

With a deep breath, he set off towards the road, his feet sinking into the hot sand with each step and Sera chirping as she took off.

She was flying around hunting insects as Archer followed the road, he decided to check his status after killing those creepy creatures and the other random beasts.


[Experience: 9500/12000]

[Level Up: 90>91]

[SP: 16>76]

[Cosmic Shield: 3>4]

[Element Bolts: 2>3]

After calculating his gains, he realized he had earned a total of 14,800 experience points.

Of these, 4,000 came from defeating the creepy-looking creatures, while another 5,000 came from killing various beasts he encountered in the jungle.

The remaining 5,800 experience points came from the hearts he had looted during his journey.

When traveled through the jungle, he consumed all the hearts he had collected up until then, gaining 60 points in the process.

However, he had not yet allocated the points he earned until now.

Archer decided to distribute his points, putting 26 into mana and 10 into the other attributes, except for charisma and intelligence, which received 5 points each.

[HP: 2300>2400]

[Mana: 8300>9080]

[Strength: 1500>1600]

[Constitution: 1700>1800]

[Stamina: 1500>1600]

[Charisma: 1750>1800]

[Intelligence: 1350>1400]

Feeling pleased with his progress, Archer couldn't help but feel excited as he saw his mana level approach 10,000.

Walking along, he pulled out a bottle of Honey Brew and started drinking it.

When he finished, Sera plopped down on his shoulder and curled up falling asleep after eating all those insects.

Archer journeyed for hours, but all he saw was an endless expanse of desert. As he looked up, he noticed the sun beginning to set, prompting him to retreat to his Domain and take a refreshing bath.

Entering his Domain, Archer noticed the same sun setting in the distance.

Looking around, Archer spotted a group of kids running around in the distance.

In the empty field behind Tent City, he could see Mohemet training about 100 men.

With a smile on his face, Archer made his way to the cottage.

As he entered, he was greeted by the delightful aroma of wildflowers and freshly baked bread.

Archer saw a few brownies cooking in the kitchen and they turned around to spot him.

They started rushing around, loading up a plate full of food.

As they walked over to him with smiles on their little faces, they spoke.

"Master Archer here is some food for you."

Smiling at the little brownies as he took the plate of food and made his way over to the balcony.

"Thank you," he said.

After the two brownies bowed and went off to continue cooking, Archer made his way over to the balcony.

He sat down and started to eat the delicious food they had prepared for him, as he was enjoying the bread they baked.

They gave him some bacon-looking meat, some bread, and some other meat.

Looking out over his Domain and gazed out at the sprawling Tent City and the other wooden buildings stretching into the distance.

Beyond them, he could see a beautiful lake shimmering in the sunlight, and a majestic mountain range rising up in the distance.

Closing his eyes he imagined the Domain growing in size, the land around everything he created become a sea of grassland as far as the eyes can see.

Archer then created a large lake and a massive redwood forest in the west, adding every peaceful beast he could think of.

He opened his eyes as he shook his head and checked his mana.

[Mana: 3000/9080]

Seeing he had 3000 mana left he decided to continue, closing his eyes again. He started picturing loads of lake beasts roaming in the massive lake in the west.

Standing up he made his way to the bedroom while undressing, he entered a room and jumped into bed.

Sera saw him and followed him to bed by curling up next to him.

As the morning light began to filter through the window, Archer stirred from his slumber and slowly opened his eyes.

He sat up in bed as he stretched his arms, feeling the stiffness of sleep leaving his body.

Grabbing his clothes from his Item box, and began to put them back on, one by one.

First his shirt, then his pants, and finally his long boots.

Casting cleanse on himself and pulled out a meat wrap, as he did Sera opened her little red eyes and pounced at him.

She grabbed the meat wrap and flew off as she let out a giggle sound.

''Stop taking my food Sera!''

Pulling out another as he exited the Domain.

As the Archer stepped out of his domain, he continued walking through the Haunted Dunes.

The sand shifted beneath his boots, and the wind howled in his ears.

Summoning his Draconic Form.


All of his features, except for his teeth and claws, were visible as his wings extended and he smiled.

Sera crawled into his shirt and clung to him tightly, much like a baby monkey.

He took off and started flying south.

Archer flew for a couple of hours before he noticed a caravan slowly moving in the distance.

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